
Chapter 1

(First Person)

The kid got out his Pokeball and threw it, releasing a Pokemon. And you'd never guess what it was.

Take off my pants and do me silly, it was a goddamn Squirtle.

"Hmm, you are a small pokemon, so you should be easy to catch. You will be my first Pokemon!" The kid said.

"Squirtle! Use Bubble Beam!"

The Squirtle shot out some bubbles. I didn't even dodge it. It just felt like somebody was tickling me.

I just used confusion on the Squirtle. It ran into a tree and was knocked out. How pathetic.

The kid stumbled back. Just as I was about to leave him, I heard some sirens behind me. Officer Jenny was here. When she laid eyes on me, she was shocked.

"What is a mythical pokemon doing here!" She shouted.

She looked around at the area that I was training in. It was decimated. She looked back at me in horror.

My instincts kicked in, and I thought that she was going to try and capture me. I somehow turned invisible. Jenny looked around in shock after I disappeared. I knew she was not going to hurt me, but my Pokemon self said otherwise. My instincts told me to ignore and avoid humans.

I reluctantly became visible again. My urges screamed to run away, but I didn't. I needed to see how humans were in this world. The officer saw me turn visible again.

"Did you do this?" She asked me, pointing to the surrounding area that was destroyed.

I nodded.

"Why are you here? Why did you decide to appear now, and how are you not scared of me?" She asked me.

I knew the answers, but I couldn't tell her that. That reveal that I used to be human, but I couldn't talk to her anyway. I just shrugged.

She reached out to touch me. I immediately backed away from her. I didn't trust her yet. Or maybe it was my instincts.

"Of course you don't trust me. You're a mythical pokemon. Just seeing one is rare, and I can't expect you to bond with me," Jenny said.

I just nodded in response. I felt kind of bad, but what could I do? I couldn't just trust her the moment we met.

The kid that had battled me previously was still behind the officer, just standing there.

"Hey officer, can I catch that Pokemon? I really want it." He said.

"No! It's a mythical Pokemon! You can't catch it!" She said back to him.

"Really? He's so small. I thought mythical pokemon were strong. I know he defeated my Squirtle, but that was just luck," The kid said.

"Look around you," She said pointing to the destroyed area, "This Victini did this. Now scram!"

The kid looked around and was frightened. He got up and ran away.

"You could've caused a forest fire! Not only that, but someone could have seen you training, and had captured you. We don't need someone getting all their gym badges using a goddamn mythical pokemon!" Officer Jenny scolded me.

I just nodded in response. I did not know that I could've caused all this drama. I was just a little pokemon.

I turned invisible and flew away. Officer Jenny was still calling me, but I just ignored it. I needed to rethink the situation I was in.
