
A Rebel Zombie

After surviving the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse three friends meet a human zombie. But she's different, she still has all of the traits of a human, she can feel and show fear, but she is a zombie and needs to eat flesh. They must overcome their fears and accept her. Dusty finds himself drawn to her and wants to keep her safe. This leads them on a quest to find out how she became that way and if there is any way to change her back to human and perhaps to bring an end to the zombie's once and for all.

DustyOlivia · ファンタジー
67 Chs

Final Preparations

Following their second meeting with the Resistance people they had made a list of a few things they wanted to try to find for winter. 

While they already had a supply of warm clothing and blankets they decided it would be good to try to find extra, just in case. 

Another idea Dusty had when listening to the information about zombies in the winter was to get snowshoes. It might allow them to move faster and escape a situation especially if there is extra snow on the ground.

Once they had a list together they decided the next day would be collection day, they would hit the clothing stores and also the sporting goods stores to collect as much as they could. They split into two teams, William and Samantha looking for clothing and Sarah and Dusty the survival gear.

As William and Samantha ventured into the clothing stores in search of winter attire, they were met with a scene of desolation. The once-bustling shops now lay in disarray, their shelves overturned and any remaining clothing strewn about haphazardly. The air was thick with the musty scent of mildew and decay, a stark contrast to the crispness of the winter air outside.

Undeterred by the grim surroundings, they pressed on, determined to find suitable clothing to protect themselves and their companions from the harsh winter weather. As they sifted through the scattered garments, their eyes scanned the racks in search of anything that might be of use.

After some searching, they stumbled upon a stash of socks tucked away in a forgotten corner of the store. Though slightly dusty from neglect, the socks appeared to be in new condition, and they wasted no time in scooping them up and adding them to their growing pile of winter gear.

Next, they turned their attention to hats and jackets, scouring the racks for items that would provide warmth and protection against the biting cold. It wasn't long before they found what they were looking for—a collection of sturdy jackets and cozy knit hats that would serve them well in the weeks to come.

As they continued their search, they stumbled upon a few pairs of snow pants tucked away on a high shelf. Though they were slightly worn from years of neglect, they appeared to be in decent shape and would certainly come in handy when the snow began to fall.

Their scavenging was not without its grim discoveries, however. Amidst the racks of clothing, they encountered the remains of a few unfortunate souls who had sought shelter in the stores during the early days of the apocalypse. The bodies lay still and silent, their final moments frozen in time amidst the chaos of the abandoned shops.

Despite the somber atmosphere, William and Samantha pressed on, their determination unwavering as they continued to search for supplies. With each discovery, they grew more confident in their ability to weather the challenges of the coming winter, knowing that they were one step closer to ensuring the safety and survival of their group.

As for Sarah and Dusty, they embarked on their mission to procure essential survival gear from the sporting goods and hardware stores, they navigated through the eerily quiet streets of the city, their senses heightened by the anticipation of what lay ahead. The buildings loomed overhead, their facades weathered and worn by the passage of time, a testament to the desolation that had befallen the once-thriving metropolis.

Their first stop was a sporting goods store, its windows adorned with faded posters advertising outdoor adventures long past. Inside, the shelves were lined with an array of equipment, from hiking boots to fishing gear, all now gathering dust in the dimly lit interior. Undeterred by the disarray, Sarah and Dusty scoured the aisles in search of snowshoes, their eyes scanning for any sign of the coveted winter gear. After a thorough search, they were rewarded with the discovery of a few pairs tucked away in a forgotten corner, their frames sturdy and their bindings still intact.

Next, they made their way to a nearby hardware store, its weathered sign creaking softly in the chilly breeze. Stepping through the doorway, they were greeted by rows of shelves stocked with an assortment of tools and supplies. Their first order of business was to locate shovels, essential for clearing snow and fortifying their safe haven against the elements. With determination in their hearts, they set about scouring the aisles, their eyes alight with determination as they hunted for the necessary tools of survival.

As they wandered through the store, they also took the opportunity to gather outdoor survival supplies, recognizing the importance of being prepared for whatever challenges the harsh winter months might bring. From waterproof matches to emergency blankets, they filled their carts with items designed to keep them safe and warm in the face of adversity.

Their search led them to four different spots, each yielding a new treasure trove of supplies to add to their growing arsenal. From snowshoes to shovels, and from waterproof matches to emergency blankets, they amassed a collection of gear that would prove invaluable in the days and weeks to come.

Despite the eerie silence that hung heavy in the air, Sarah and Dusty pressed on, their determination unwavering as they worked tirelessly to gather the supplies they needed to ensure their survival in the harsh winter landscape. 

As Dusty and Sarah made their way back home, their footsteps echoing softly against the deserted streets, they suddenly found themselves confronted by a trio of zombies emerging from the shadows. With swords drawn and hearts racing, they braced themselves for the inevitable confrontation.

The zombies lurched forward, their eyes vacant and their movements jerky as they closed in on their prey. Dusty and Sarah moved with practiced precision, their swords slicing through the air as they fended off the relentless onslaught of their undead adversaries.

In the heat of battle, Sarah's keen instincts and formidable strength proved invaluable, her swift strikes and precise movements dealing decisive blows to their foes. With the swings of her sword, she dispatched another zombie with ruthless efficiency, her actions driven by a primal instinct to survive at any cost.

As the last of the zombies fell to the ground, lifeless once more, a heavy silence descended upon the scene. Dusty watched as Sarah approached one of the fallen creatures, her expression somber as she knelt beside it.

With a heavy heart, Sarah reached out a hand and gently turned the zombie onto its back, revealing its twisted visage and vacant stare. Despite the revulsion that churned in the pit of her stomach, she knew what she had to do.

Without a word, Dusty stood back and watched as Sarah dragged the lifeless body to a nearby building, her movements slow and deliberate. It was a ritual he had witnessed many times before, each time a stark reminder of the grim reality of their existence in this unforgiving world.

As Sarah disappeared into the shadows, Dusty felt a pang of sadness wash over him, knowing the burden she bore each time she performed this grisly task. But he also knew that it was a necessary part of their survival, a small price to pay for the chance to live another day.

With a heavy sigh, Dusty turned away, allowing Sarah the privacy she needed to feed on the flesh of the fallen zombie. It was a silent pact between them, an unspoken understanding of the sacrifices they were willing to make in order to stay alive in a world overrun by the undead.

As Sarah and Dusty arrived back at their safe haven, Dusty wasted no time in putting the cans of spray foam insulation he had found at the hardware store to good use. With meticulous precision, he carefully sealed off every window and any other vulnerable openings where heat might escape from the building.

Working methodically, Dusty ensured that every crack and crevice was filled, creating a tight barrier against the biting chill of the winter air. With each hiss of the spray foam canister, he felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that they were taking proactive steps to fortify their shelter against the elements.

As he worked, William and Samantha also arrived back with their newfound supplies. The three watched with quiet admiration, grateful for Dusty's resourcefulness and determination to keep them safe and warm. Together, they transformed their humble abode into a fortress against the cold, their efforts a testament to their unwavering resolve to survive in a world where every day brought new challenges and uncertainties.