
A Realm Transcendent

"All that has a start also has an end." Celestial beings, the Architects of everything we call creation, are all aware of it: The looming doom that will destroy all. As a countermeasure, a selection of humans, given the name Evocatus, are beared with the responsibility to save all they can; If they can, that is. Will they be able to save it all? Will they be able to advance through all physical, emotional and psychological harm? –––––––––––––– It all depends on one thing: Whether they find what will destroy it. Or rather.. WHO will destroy it.

Sikawa · ファンタジー
43 Chs


Allon opened his eyes slowly as he looked around. He winced as pain suddenly struck him, reminding him of what he had passed through. He looked at his body and saw his waist downwards regenerating. He had been placed on what appeared like an altar. A dark circle surrounded it and several lines that looked like cracks spread outwards into the dark red place that he was in.

"This place... It's... The main realm?" Allon wondered as he sat upright. Immediately he did so, he let out sigh.

"So, you are all here." Allon said as he stared at the dark ends.

"Indeed... We all are." A female voice said as six figures appeared.

"After talking high and mighty, here you are, pretty beaten up. You could have just stayed silent back then in the meeting. Now look at you," The female demon general taunted.

"Aleva, it would be best if you kept quiet..." A demon general wearing glasses said.

"Shut up, Baamon," Aleva retorted.

"Anyway, back at you Allon. Do you know how pathetic you looked when Ormon saved yo-"

Suddenly, Aleva suddenly fell to the ground.

"Shut it, girl.. I am in a pretty bad mood right now, refrain from speaking to me in such a cocky tone." Allon said as he sat at the edge of the altar looking platform.

"I don't feel like keeping quiet today old man." Aleva replied. The next thing she knew, Allon was there, in front of her, ready to bash her young face into the ground.

"Stop," One voice echoed. Allon grit his teeth as he let go of Aleva.

"Why the hell are you helping her, Marbas?" Allon asked bitterly.

"It is quite simple.. She is the third ranked demon general, yet she is only nineteen years old.. She will come to surpass you soon. Plus, I have authority over you, you shouldn't be questioning my rules, Allon." Marbas said as a seven thrones appeared.

"Sit" He commanded.

They immediately followed his order, not that they would even disobey him anyway. Marbas, the strongest demon general, is a one of a kind demon. His immense power makes him second to Lucifer, their ruler. The power difference between him and Allon, the second most powerful demon general, is so vast that they can't even be compared. Although he has never showcased any of his abilities to any of them, he was still feared by all, be it demons, humans, spirits and even the gods themselves.

"Aleva, if you were the one out there, you would be dead by now, so show Allon some respect, understood?"

"Y- Yes sir."

"Now then. We all witnessed the fight that happened, and we all know that the identity of that entity is unknown, so I shall not go into it now. We shall discuss about the Summoned and how we are going to deal with them."

"It is a good thing that Allon got rid of the one who looked promising, and another promising one was killed by the unknown entity." Baamon said.


"Yes, so now we need to find the next opportunity to kill them, because I am sure that the Celestior is cautious right now."

"If I may.." A frail looking male demon said. His body looked scaly and less human like compared to the other demon generals.

"Speak, Aphegorian."

"I have heard rumors that The School of Lugunica will take in students in some few months to come."

"If that is so, then we need to prepare some demons to sneak into the school," Another female demon general said.

"We can't do that, Vallin. Do not forget Ein, the princess. She can sense whether one is a demon or not in the school perimeter. We also do not know what that Summoned one will do." Baamon said

"We can try to check where they will be doing the entrance tests, then we sneak in a demon there," Ormon said.

"Allon, why are you this silent?" Marbas asked. That is when all the other demons noticed that Allon had remained silent all along.

"Those two Summoned... Are not dead." He said.



"When I was fighting them, I killed Marcus, the general of Lugunica... That Summoned seemed to use a skill that revived him..."

"Well, that might have applied to the other male summoned, but what about the female one? Didn't you capture her soul?"

"Yes... But when we fought in my realm, he... Took the soul.."

The demons gasped as they heard this.

"But wait.. Doesn't your realm make it impossible to revive someone after ones' soul is captured?" Aleva asked.

Suddenly, Marbas seemed to enter into a trance.

"Ormon! Check where the Summoned are!"

"Y-Yes sir!"

Ormon closed his eyes as he focused . His point of view shifted into an aerial view from a tall building, directly looking down at the Summoned, but a few seconds after, he opened his eyes, looking a bit startled.

"What's wrong?" Allon asked him.

"I think someone sensed me and destroyed the spy crest.... But.. I saw her.. She was being embraced by the other summoned and the princess." Ormon replied as he covered his eyes with his hand.

"So... She is alive..." Allon said.

Marbas immediately stood up, making all of them to do the same.

"I need to report that to Master. Allon, take charge and proceed with the meeting." Marbas said as he disappeared.

"Is that something worth to report to the master himself?!" Vallin asked.

"I have never seen him with such an expression in his face. Maybe he knows something we don't." 


Aqua's Mansion

"I see, so that's what happened.." Aqua said after listening to both Mitsuki and Miyuki.

"Firstly, I do thank you for saving Dimaz. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. Secondly, I thank you for saving the Summoned too." Aqua said as he bowed.

"N- No problem."

"Now then, it seems like you have regained your energy. Let's fight."

"No prob- Wait what?!" Mitsuki exclaimed.

"I want to reevaluate you, that's why," Aqua replied as he streched himself.

[The ring's absorption effects have been nullified]

"Let's do this, no wepons, no armor of any sort." Aqua said.

"You look pretty pumped up," Mitsuki said as he took off his cloak.

"But, where will you two fight?" Miyuki wondered.

"I suppose I haven't shown you my battle realm, right?"

Mitsuki and Aqua appeared in another place. The ground looked like multicolored glass and the sky was full of orange clouds.

[You are now in Aqua's realm: Einhart.]

"Einhart? I thought your realm would be full of water or something like that," Mitsuki said as he ducked Aqua's attack from behind.

"Remember, I'm an Ascended. My realm is the one I got while I was still human," He replied as he dashed towards Mitsuki. 

Surprisingly, Mitsuki showed incredible footwork as he seamlessly avoided Aqua's physical attacks.

[Verethragna's blessing; Assured Victory is active.]

"Damn that Verethragna," Aqua said as he flash stepped behind Mitsuki, hitting him .

"I always hated that skill," He added as he continued to attack Mitsuki.

"You're going easy, huh." Mitsuki said as he spat blood.

"Of course, I am around level a million in your standards."

"Fine, then let me force you to use more of your strength. I warn you though, I don't even know if this skill isn't just a cheat, anyway, let me do it."

[ Cursed Skill: Orchestra of chaos is active.]

[You are using a skill left behind by an unknown entity.]

Suddenly, the whole realm started shaking as space seemed to bend around Mitsuki's body. A red crown appeared on top of his head as his eyes glowed red.

Aqua readied himself as he cast several spells all around Mitsuki. A blinding explosion followed, or so he thought. All that energy, all the spells simply imploded into Mitsuki's body.

"Impressive!" Aqua shouted as he used his real speed to catch Mitsuki by surprise. It was futile though as Mitsuki evaded his attack.

"He can follow this speed?!"

After that, Mitsuki simply clapped his hand. A red powerful pulse burst outwards. Cracks appeared in the air, spreading fast until to the point where one couldn't see.

"Now, I shall use a part of this ability." Mitsuki said.

"He hasn't used a skill already?!" Aqua wondered as he braced for impact. 

Mitsuki lifted his right hand, his palm facing Aqua. Red symbols appeared all around him.


His energy suddenly spiked up as he dashed towards Aqua, connecting his fist with Aqua's chin. An explosive amount of energy hoisted Aqua up in the air. Before he could even contemplate the amount of pain he felt, he saw red static all over his realm.


All he saw was as if the sky had been deleted, as Mitsuki appeared above him. He was quick to react, directing Mitsuki's fist aside.

"Pulse: Divine shot!" He chanted. A golden shockwave shot out from his palm, hitting Mitsuki directly, sending him not onto, but into the surface of the realm.

"Damn, what the hell just happened!" Aqua wondered as he landed down. Once again, he saw the red static and the ground below him vanished.

"What the-"

As he was trying to comprehend what had occured, he saw a lightning charged fist close to his face.

"Crap! I don't have any foot work right now! I can't dodge!" He thought as he felt the lightning coming into contact with his skin.

Suddenly, the attack halted as Mitsuki stumbled a bit. The crown on his head vanished as he returned back to his original form. 

[You have reached your limits]

[Your Cursed energy has been completely depleted]

[The Skill Orchestra of chaos is going to be placed in a new category due to its attributes and effects]

[The skill Orchestra of chaos has been listed in a new category: Temporal forms]

[Temporal forms: These are forms that when used, have the ability to alter space and time]

[The Orchestra of Chaos has leveled up. The form shall now last for 35 seconds]

"Damn, I guess that's my limit for now." Mitsuki thought as he sat down.

"I almost got a very good punch in that face of yours." Mitsuki mumbled.

"You wanted to hit me that bad?" Aqua asked him as he sighed.

"Break restraints," Aqua chanted as he sat next to Mitsuki.

"Well, how much more did I force you to use?" Mitsuki asked.

"I unlocked my restraints up to roughly level 700.. You almost had me." Aqua said as he opened and closed his mouth, checking if his jaw was alright and if he still had all his teeth.

"That's sick! So this ability can keep up with enemies almost twice stronger than I am?" Mitsuki said with a hint of fascination in his voice.

"But, I noticed that when you fully focus, you almost caught up to my full speed, without constraints."

"I did?! Also, did you lose some teeth back there? I can see you counting them," Mitsuki said teasingly.

"Oh?" Aqua said as his veins bulged out.

"I can see you want some good beating after this."

"S- sorry."

"Anyway, can you now please return my sky?" Aqua said.

"Um... I think The realm will repair itself??" Mitsuki said cautiously.

"Wha- (sigh) Fine.."

"I think you have several broken bones by the way, we have no armor remember? So the auto healing isn't there." Aqua said.

Due to the adrenaline, Mitsuki had not noticed at all, but now, he started feeling the pain, which was increasing every second.

"Damn you.. You could've kept quiet about that... Thanks a lot!" Mitsuki yelled as he started rolling due to the pain.

"So, what do you think of that, Kanazuma?" Aqua asked.

"Kanazuma? You mean...." Mitsuki said as he looked at Aqua. Beside Aqua, a familiar man appeared.

"P- Principal?!!!"

The said man was donned in a pitch black suit. He adjusted his glasses as he stared at Mitsuki.

"Not bad at all. I would grade it at B level, for my student, that is."


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