
A Realm Transcendent

"All that has a start also has an end." Celestial beings, the Architects of everything we call creation, are all aware of it: The looming doom that will destroy all. As a countermeasure, a selection of humans, given the name Evocatus, are beared with the responsibility to save all they can; If they can, that is. Will they be able to save it all? Will they be able to advance through all physical, emotional and psychological harm? –––––––––––––– It all depends on one thing: Whether they find what will destroy it. Or rather.. WHO will destroy it.

Sikawa · ファンタジー
54 Chs


Mitsuki watched the girls fight against monsters along the way, using basic weapons stored in their cloak's dimensional space.

[Cursed wolves]

[Level: 35]

[They usually travel in groups.]

"They told me to stay put and watch, but there is a whole group of these wolves coming towards us. Will they be okay?" Mitsuki wondered.

"Don't worry about us, we are much more powerful than you think." Valeria said, throwing the basic sword she had on one of the incoming wolves, obliterating many of them that were along the path of the sword.

"Let's do this Valeria.. The one who gets more kills will get a kiss from Mitsuki." Poki said, her eyes glowing.

"Wait, what? I didn't-" Mitsuki tried to say.

"It's a bet then, Poki." Valeria said, her purple hair glowing. With that, the two dashed at terrific speeds towards the monsters, casting their ultimate skills. All the monsters saw were large spells coming their way and in the next instant, they were vaporized. 

"They are pretty powerful just by using their basic ultimate skills."

Suddenly, the three sensed a powerful presence.

"Jump!" Mitsuki said as he casted a barrier below them. They jumped almost immediately and the ground exploded intensely, throwing dust and debris in the air. Mitsuki made a barrier below their feet in the air as he joined them.

"What the hell is that.?" Valeria asked, readying herself as a large figure towered above them in the cloud of dust.

"It seems like we have awakened a true beast." Mitsuki said. Their system displays lit up as the dust cleared.

[Dragon King Goral]

[Level: 490]

[Skills are too many to be listed.]

"Oh crap.." Poki said.

"Let's take it down together." Mitsuki said.

"But.. It is at level-"

"We are going to face off against Dimaz, this is nothing compared to Dimaz, right?" Mitsuki said, summoning out his divine sword.

"True." The two girls said as they also summoned their weapons."

"Go all out!" Mitsuki shouted as he appeared above the dragon, getting its attention. Despite its size, it moved quite fast, turning towards Mitsuki and charging a blue flame, shooting it towards him. Mitsuki evaded it, swinging his sword towards the dragon but suddenly, it vanished and appeared behind him.

"Spatial magic.. Anyway, Poki and Valeria got me covered." Mitsuki said, blasting a beam towards the dragon, countering the blue flame. Poki and Valeria activated their cursed energy, making their blades to glow crimson red as they attacked the lower parts of the dragon. The beam hit the dragon and it once again disappeared.

"Where the hell did it go?" Poki shouted.

The dragon had hid in a spatial space to try to heal itself, since they could not sense it, or so it thought. It suddenly felt eyes staring intensely at it; golden eyes that were brimming with energy.

"I can see where you are hiding," the masked boy with white hair said to it.

"Edit: Spatial magic is not to be used in a five hundred meter diameter."

[Edit applied.]

The dragon was suddenly exited out of its spatial space and in the next instant, it was bombarded by intense strikes.

"Did we get it?"

Suddenly, they felt a pressure that made them fall down.

"Impressive indeed, humans." A voice echoed.

[ Dragon King Goral has dispelled your edit skill]

"What the hell is this pressure.." Valeria said as she tried to stand up. The amount of energy the dragon had unleashed was so intense they could not move.

"I am surprised that there is someone who can use a skill that can alter the basic laws of the world, and yet you can still stand after all my energy, masked boy?" The dragon said, looking at Mitsuki who was still standing.

"Indeed, although it is quite tiring to just stand in front of you." Mitsuki said. The dragon gave out a mighty roar.

"I see, wait.. that sword.."

Mitsuki did not wait for him to finish as he closed the distance between them in an instant. Swinging Orgaol towards the dragon's neck.

"He got faster?!"

As the dragon tried to evade it, but he couldn't do so in time.

"I am now moving slower?"

[Time manipulation skill active]

[The first skill of Orgaol, Absolute severance, is active]

As the sword slashed through the dragon's neck, a large gold magic crest covered the sky and a mighty beam fell on the dragon.

"Divine pact ability: Finite's Sigil!" Every thing froze as a golden shockwave of energy pulsed from Mitsuki's body. the sound of a gong was heard and then everything turned black and white as shadowy spell circles spread throughout the entire place. A violent earthquake started.

"What the hell is this skill?" Mitsuki thought, looking around. He was the only one who could move as everything else had stopped. He was now having second thoughts with using the skill. He went down quickly and picked up the two girls, casting a barrier around them. The sky suddenly cracked and a black liquid stared oozing out of the crack, down onto the ground.

"Mitsuki!" He heard. The orb he was given in Avalon appeared.

"The Architect?"

"We have no time for that, infuse your energy into the orb and you three will appear in my realm, do it quick!"


As he did so, they appeared in a pure white realm. A female figure stood in front of him.

"Uh, what happened?" Poki asked as the two unfroze. They realized they were being held up close by Mitsuki.

"Are you.. The Architect of Realms?" Mitsuki asked.

She looked young, around twenty five, her red wolf cut hair glistened in the realm. She was dressed in a red hooded cloak that had a square like symbol on it. She approached Mitsuki and placed her hand on his cheek, making him blush.


Suddenly, she pinched him fiercely, making him shout in pain.

"What the hell was that for boy! Are you trying to kill yourself and us??"

"Ouch! Ouch! What do you mean?!"

Mitsuki shouted back as he tried to remove her hand, but she pinched even harder.

"You used Finite's Sigil! And you are just there, looking at everything that is happening!!"

"I don't even know what it is about!!" Mitsuki said. "The system does not say anything about it!"

The woman let go of him, sighing.

"I have a skill called Sigil, it has massive abilities that are said to surpass anything, the main reason why I am now here in this realm is because everyone feared. Now, your divine skill is basically a very, very superior version of mine, so it will have a lot of massive destruction. Yours covered a very large region, trapping you, Poki and Valeria in it. You would have died."

"Then.. the skill is basically too dangerous to be used casually." Poki said.

"You will see when you reappear back there, the amount of damage you have done at that level you currently are." She said as her realm started fading away. The three floated above a barrier cast by Mitsuki and they stared down, their faces full of shock. They were now staring at a massive crater that was very deep and wide, such that it stretched close to the divine forest, which was kilometers away.

"You see now?" The orb said.

"Not even that, but I'm sure you have noticed," Valeria said, "All the mana, spiritual energy and cursed energy in the area has been depleted, there's nothing at all.."

"Yeah.. This skill is dangerous.."

"You were about to use it in Aqua's realm, remember?" Poki teased, making Valeria to laugh.

"I'm going in." Mitsuki said as he went into the crater. It was so deep that it took him a while to land down. His golden irises glowed as he looked around.

"Found it." He said as he ran towards the remains of the dragon. It was some several scales and a white core. He smiled as he looked at the core, not even happy about that, but happy because he could see a white aura around the place.

"It's soul is still here." He said as he placed his arm down. Unknown to him, his eyes were a crimson red.

[Skill: Soul Judgement is active.]

[Divine pact skill: Absolute greed is active.]

[The soul of the dragon king has been damaged, therefore the skills and levels gained will be less than expected.]

[The maker of the system enabled your system to combine skills of the souls ingested to reduce the number of low level abilities.]

[You shall now gain some of the dragon King's levels and skills.]

Mitsuki knelt on one leg as he felt a painful surge of power inside him.

"Just how many levels will I gain?" Mitsuki wondered as he clenched his fists, trying to get used to the pain he was feeling. 

"Is he okay?" Poki asked the orb.

"Yes, it seems like he has a skill that enables him to gain the skills and levels of those he defeats" The orb said. The two girls looked down from the barrier they were on worriedly.

"By the way, who won the bet?" Poki asked.

"Who knows? The monsters in the area have been completely wiped out and only about three thousand escaped the zone of destruction in time.. They are just running away from this place." Valeria said, pointing towards a certain point.

Mitsuki was sweaty as he looked at the system notifications. The pain had now stopped.

[You have gained 323 levels!]

[You are now level 403!]

[You have gained new skills.]

Mitsuki checked through the skills, looking for one specific one.

"There it is." He said, smiling.

[Ultimate skill: Dispel. It enables you to undo certain skills and reverse spells.]

[The skills gained will now be combined and sorted out.]

[Your body shall also start to change in order to be able to use the unlocked abilities.]

Mitsuki started feeling a bit dizzy. Poki and Valeria came down quickly.

"Are you okay Mitsuki?"

Mitsuki was sweating and he could barely stand.

"I guess his body needs to undergo changes.." The Orb said. "Place your hand on the orb again and pour your energy into it."

Mitsuki did so as the two girls held him. They suddenly appeared in a pure dark place and the red haired woman appeared again.

"Now then, I, Archius, The Architect of Realms, shall now begin to make Mitsuki's domain, so you may sleep now." She said.

Mitsuki's body relaxed as his eyes closed. The two girls held him. All around them, the void below them started filling itself as the whole place started building itself. Poki and Valeria and the now unconscious Mitsuki found themselves in a room with a bed.

"Rest, I shall complete building the realm first. Mitsuki's realm is not a mansion like the gods' ones, It is a battle oriented one, I just made this for you three to rest." Archius said as she exited the room.

"Wait.. There is only one bed, which means..." Poki said.

"We are sharing a bed with him??!"

Archius floated above, watching the buildup of the realm.

"A battle oriented realm, a realm that gives an advantage to the user during battle. I am able to see the innate realm that someone has as codes in their energy system, then I translate that code into physical dimensions.... The only person I have seen with two battle oriented realms is Realos and that damned Councilor, but that kid..

She remembered what she saw when Mitsuki touched the orb. It was like she was in a deep red void and several multicolored codes surrounded the almost endless void, codes even she could not understand. She could only understand a single code that was aligned together and that is what she was using to build the realm.

She smiled as she watched the terrain form as she translated the codes she had seen.

"I now see why the councilor decided to leave me with him.. This boy has too many unknowns in the system and in his own mana. This realm too has over a million codes.. I wonder what kind of realm it will be, and how powerful it will be."

Hey guys, I shall try my very best to upload daily! Be sure to comment on the comments section! Also, please share the book with your friends!

Sikawacreators' thoughts