
Uchiha down and the start of the meeting

Sasuke started made handsigns as he tried to kick Nao in the head.Nao dodged and grabbed Sasuke by his right foot, he threw him at a nearby tree while Sasuke finished his handsigns.

"Katon:Gokyakuu no jutsu!"

The fireball didn't hit Nao who seemingly teleported in front of Sasuke to elbow him in the gut.Sasuke coughed blood but glared at Nao and sent a flying kick.Surprisingly it his Nao who smirked, he catched Sasuke into an arm lock as he laughed.


He broke Sasuke's right arm which resulted into an horrible scream coming from the Uchiha.Sasuke got up and took a kunai that he stabbed into Nao shoulder.Nao backhanded him and licked the kunai.

"Hmm....For some reasons it seem that the taste of my own blood is pretty familiar, i'm wondering why?"

As he said that a new memory appeared in his mind, it was the same cloaked man who was fighting against a giant, muscular man.The cloaked individual was getting beaten without even being able to defend himself and it seemed to weirdly annoy Nao.He saw as the man got up and glared at the giant.


The cloaked individual suddenly changed.His right eye became red and blood began to flow from his mouth,nose,eyes and ears.His crazed smile unnerved the giant who looked like he was about to run for his life.

Nao was brought out of his thought when a shuriken nearly slit his throat.Sasuke smirked and tried to taunt Nao.


Sasuke was stopped by a punch that literally his mouth due to how powerful it was.He was however still on his feet as some tree branches firmly grabbed his legs.He had the a weird taste in his mouth that he recognized as his blood, and it greatly angered him.


He wanted to free himself from the grasp of the deadly branches but a sudden change in Nao stopped him.The aura around the man changed and became even more opressive, making him gasp for air.Nao grabbed Sasuke's head and looked at him in the eyes.

Sasuke was stunned when he saw Nao's face.His right eyes was a bloody red while blood was flowing on his entire face.His usual little smirk was replace by a bloody,crazed smile while the snake tattoo morphed into a skull one.

"Clench your teeth Uchiha.IT'S GONNA HURT LIKE HELL!!GYAHAHAHAH!"

Nao lifted Sasuke in the air and concentrated his entire strengh in his arm.With a quick and devastating move he smashed Sasuke to the ground, creating a little crater.Sasuke stopped moving as he was in such pain that his brain froze.He had foam at the corner of his mouth while his eyes rolled to the back of his head.Nao was still in his Psychotic mode so he chuckled in a sickly sweet voice.

"Uchiha~Surely you won't be angry at me if i take it away from you?"

No one knew what he was talking about but Jiraya had a bad feeling about it.

'If he really does that, Konoha will never hire him.Now that i think about it ,Sensei doesn't give a fuck about the Uchiha, plus it will be a chance to deal a great amount of damage to the council.I hate to be so cruel but the Uchiha really deserved it, being so conceited and arrogant while he didn't have the strengh nor the determination to back it up was certainly stupid and unreasonable.'Thought Jiraya, he cursed his own brain when he saw that Nao was doing exactly what he thought.


The students saw Nao moving his hands towards Sasuke eyes and screamed, it was way too terrifying for them to see something like that.Uchiha had been nearly beaten to death and his eyes were gonna...



Half an hour later Nao-who had calmed down-and Jiraya were entering the council room.While they went to the Hokage tower the students had been too terrified to talk about what happened and as such the council still didn't knew it.

When the two entered they saw all the council member sitting at their places, looking at them with calculating gaze.

At the right there was the ninja council, composed of all the Clan heads and the Anbu commander, Irio Kagune.The man had spiky dark green hair and black eyes that reflected his experience but also how serious he was.His left eye had a gigantic scar that went from the bottom of the eye and ended at the start of his forehead.His chin was hidden by a rather large black beard that looked like it hadn't been trimmed in months.He also had a Walrus moustache but it was rather small so Nao didn't really noticed it.The man was the only one who looked at Jiraya rather than Nao since he was rather surprised to see him here.No one knew that Jiraya was coming with Nao but it wasn't important to them.

At the left there was the civilian council, composed of important merchants, rich industrials and a certain blonde-haired woman who looked at Nao with lust clearly present in her eyes.Nao looked at her and his eyes slightly widened since she was different than in the manga.She had the same hair and the same eyes but her face was a lot more beautiful and her body was way too sexy to be compared to Adult Sakura.She also seemed to be younger but Nao didn't really cared, after all during those months he had heard many rumors about the woman.According to those rumors she slept with many important men in the fire country but even a member of the Kumo council, which could be considered as treason since Kumo and Konoha were ennemy now.The hyuuga incident had grown to great proportions and thus resulted in Konoha declaring that they would wage war on Kumo if any other incidents would be reported.

At the center of the room 4 figures were sitting.The three elders of Konoha were sitting behind the Hokage while one of them-Danzo-was smiling at Nao.What no one in the room knew is that Danzo and Nao already knew each other and could be considered as friendly to each other, Nao helping Danzo at many occasions while the elderly man had provided Nao with equipments and scroll that helped him growing into the dangerous ninja he was.

They both smiled at each other which wasn't caught by anyone while the Hokage cleared his throat.

"Devil of the Forest, A-rank ninja and mercenary, am i right?"Asked Hiruzen with a sage yet tired voice.Before the two came, he had to listen to the council for 3 hours and their constant fights were starting to greatly annoy him, of course he let them do what they wanted since it allowed to think of what he was gonna do to convince Nao to work for them.He knew that Nao didn't wanted to become a ninja of Konoha but they could hire him and ask him to do any tasks they wanted since he wasn't limited to only one type of task, like Assassins or spies.He wanted to hire him since the Mokuton and Jikanton were too precious to be ignored.

"Indeed Hokage-sama, that's who i am.You surprisingly called me here before i could ask for a meeting with you, as such i get that you're interested in what i can offer to you?"Nao asked as the civilian part of the council started to whisper to each other, the ninja part doing nothing other than analyzing him.

"Indeed this is why i called you here.Due to your talents but also your achievements Konoha want to hire you, we do not have a clear task for you to accomplish because we want you to sign a contract with us, said contract will mark you as an ally of Konoha and thus making us able to call you at any time.You can ask for anything as long as the demands are not too ridiculous, of course you won't be forced to stay in Konoha nor obey every commands as long as you don't consider it as part of the contract.You'll have to obviously help us with any conflicts with other villages or countries or even if an internal strife happens."Said the Hokage as Nao nodded.

"Very well then, my demands are quited simple.....Or not."

"I want............."

Hope you enjoy it!

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