
Tsunade Senju(Final Part)

After Tsunade got spanked-which she secretly enjoyed-the group continued towards Konoha.Tsunade kept telling them that she wasn't going to help them but they knew she would.As soon as she would see how bad their doctors had become she would immediately get to work.

As soon as they arrived everyone began to look at them.A group like them would easily get a lot of attention, but the one who received the most attention was surprisingly not Tsunade, it was Nao.People looked at him in awe but others looked at him with disgust.

'OH HELL NO!!'He raged in his mind as he rushed at the Hokage's office, leaving the stunned group behind them.Tsunade looked sad that he already left but she didn't show it, instead she went to the hospital with Jiraya and Shizune, there she saw how bad the situation was.There was too few doctors for too much patients.The village wanted quantity over quality but in the end, they got none of the two.

"Well Tsunade-Hime, you're here to boost both.More students will want to become doctors or medical-nin if you're there to motivate them.They need someone to look up to.Plus you can form those doctors who terribly need to become better or we're going to have many death in the next months."Said Jiraya, even though only him knew what he truly meant by 'In a few months.'

"TCH!Atleast i'm happy to be a model for the next generation.....Unlike a certain pervert who's been ogling at my beasts during the whole trip!"Said Tsunade as she punched Jiraya in the face.

"IT'S GOOD TO HAVE YOU BAAAAAAAACK!"Shouted Jiraya who flew to the other side of the village.

"*SIGH*It's going to be really bring here."

"Tsunade-Sensei you should be happy, now you can help people and saves people lives, instead of gambling....With other people money!"Said Shizune which made Tsunade cry anime tears.They both stayed in the hospital the whole day, helping the different patients who needed urgents treatments.

It was pretty difficult for her after so much time, but she had to do it.Her instincts instantly kicked in and forced her to help the most patients possible.You can't change a human's nature, Tsunade was a medical-nin who wanted to save other people lives, as such she couldn't bare to see all those people on these hospital beds, barely able to move and with immense scars.During her time away from the village a lot had happened, a lot of people were heavily injured while the Leaf missed it's legendary medical-nin.


Meanwhile, in the Hokage's office.


Nao kicked the door and barged in the room, interrupting a meeting between the Hokage and the Jonin who were there to chose the teams.

"N-Nao!What are you doing here?"

Nao snorted and took a seat as he waited for the end of the meeting, without talking.A jonin with gravity-defying silver hair glared at him.

"Hokage-Sama i don't think that this mercenary should be here!"Said the man.

"Kakashi i can assure you that Nao won't cause any problems.We can continue with the meeting."Said Hiruzen which brought frowns on the Jonin faces.They didn't really liked the mercenary, especially since a new rumour appeared about him.It says that Nao participated in Kiri civil war and helped the rebel to kill the Mizukage.Since Kiri was an ally of Konoha it could be considered as treason as the Hokage never gave him the order to do that.They also hated him because he could literally do whatever he wanted, hell he was going to have his onw clan compound in a few days.The construction was pretty important and the Hokage paid a large sum from his own wallet for it.

"Yeah Hatake, i won't cause any trouble.I'm a civilised man contrarily to some people who beat little boys for no reasons other than their own stupid belief."Said Nao as Kakashi looked like he was about to explode.This made many jonin look at Kakashi with disdain even though some nodded as if to agree with his actions.


"ENOUGH!!"The Hokage banged on his desk, calming everyone in the room.

"We can now continue with the meeting.As we already decided team 9 will stay in circulation, Team 1 will be...."

The Hokage and the Jonin discussed about the teams but Nao only began to listen a few minutes after.

"Team 6 will be composed of Kururugi Suzaku, Sengan Aria and Kururugi Sado, Yugao Uzuki will be their sensei."Said the Hokage as Yugao smirked.Those three were pretty much the onl civiliand children with talents.The two Kururugi were specialists in Kenjutsu which was perfect for her, while Aria was insanely talented in Genjutsu.Kurenai wanted to have Aria but this team had already been decided so she couldn't do anything about it.

"Team 7 will have Hatake Kakashi as it's sensei, Kakashi who do you want on your team?"Asked Hiruzen.

"I want Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto."Said Kakashi with a smirk barely hidden by his mask.The others also smirked since they didn't wanted Nao to have the Namikaze, Naruto could be considered as royalty with who his parents were so naturally everyone wanted him.They soon began to shout that they also wanted Naruto but Kakashi shook his head.

"As the students of the Yondaime Hokage i'm the most suited to teach his son."Said Kakashi, the Jonin looked defeated but suddenly laughter erupted in the room.


Hope you enjoy it!




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