
Team 0

"SHUT UP!!!!!"

Iruka was seriously pissed off right now.He was announcing the results but something happened.Sasuke and Sakura, not really happy that they weren't the Rookie of the year and Kunoichi of the year , started to shout at Naruto and Hinata who 'stole' those titles from them.



Naruto sighed and walked towards them, releasing Jonin level Killer intent.It made everyone in the classroom freeze as he slapped Sakura.

"You're already lucky that you could become a Genin.Of course it's only due to your mother paying the instructors to let you pass, after all you're not nearly as powerful as Hinata, the only good point you have is your memory and again, it's not enough to become a ninja.You'll either be killed or raped on your first true mission, but i don't think you really care about it, you became exactly your mother so you must be a whore."Said Naruto while all the students laughed at Sakura.She had tears at the corners of her eyes but she kept her head low.Sasuke frowned and grabbed Naruto's hand.

"You think you can bully people just because you became the rookie of the year?!I bet it's that disgusting Devil of the Forest who forced the instructors to pass you!!"

Naruto sneered and slapped Sasuke too.

"Coming from you it's pretty funny.Your mother had to beg your father to let you enter the Academy, he hated you for being a weakling but also a useless heir, he would've throw you out if it wasn't for Itachi.But i can understand him, you were arrogant and acted as if you owned the world, while you were weak and....Infertile."Said Naruto, shocking everyone.

"YOU LIE!!"Sasuke threw a punch at Naruto that collided with his head as a trickle of blood, flowed from his nose.

"You can ask the Hokage, it was found in a secret file in the Anbu headquarters, seems like Itachi had discovered it and hid it where no one would find it, sadly Nao-Sensei found it.So yeah...You're pretty useless actually, if you had trained, if you had determination, if you were respectable then you could've become a great Uchiha, but...Now you're just a weak,infertile and clanless trash."Said Naruto with a little pity in his eyes, he exited the classroom and left a note for Iruka that said that he already knew where his team was supposed to meet.

Sasuke stayed unable to move, completely froze.

Iruka shook his head and began to annonce the teams.

Naruto arrived at the forty-fourth training ground, the Forest of Death.He saw Hinata waiting against a tree while Kaia was talking with her.

"Hey girls!Where's Nao-sensei?!"Asked Naruto, the girls turned their heads and Hinata blushed a little, her blush being less apparent than it usually was.

"Naruto!"Said Hinata, she had trained for months to erase her stutter and she was proud of the results.

"Ah!Nao-sensei said that he was occupied, i think he will arrive later!"Said Kaia, Naruto looked at her and smirked.

"Well we should introduce yourself before he comes!!"

The girls nodded and Naruto started.

"I'm Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto, son of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina!I love ramen, training, beating Sasuke's ass and slapping Sakura!I dislike fangirls but only the most annoying ones, the time it takes to cook ramen and the think i hate the most is.....JIRAYA!!"

They both sweatdropped since he forget to tell them his dream or goals , but Hinata smiled and introduced herself.

"I'm Hyuuga Hinata, daughter of Hyuuga Hiashi and Hyuuga Hitomi.I like my friends, my whole clan, training with Kurenai-sensei and....A certain someone.I dislike the Uchiha, the civilian council and arrogants people.My dream is to one day, free the branch family and unite my clan!"Said Hinata with clear determination in her pale eyes.Kaia was a little surprised since she didn't expected Hinata to love someone, but Naruto wasn't surprised.He knew that she loved him but recently it seems that her love slowly turned into simple admiration, something that made him glade as he was a little bit afraid of relationships, he didn't wanted to finish like Nao.

"My turn!I'm Agane Kaia!I like my old village Kiri, my family, training to become more powerful, figthing strong ennemies and DANGO!"

They both chuckled when they saw the stars she had in her eyes when she said that.

"I dislike Sasuke and Sakura, Genjutsu, apples and perverts!My dream is to one day become so powerful that i could protect my family from any danger, i also want to become a kage but i know it's a long and difficult path."Said Kaia.Naruto knew he was going to become friend with her since she had an easy-going personnality like him but Hinata frowned.

"K-Kaia, people say that Kiri used to hate bloodlines and slaughtered everyone who possessed one.Do y-you..."

Kaia smiled and patted Hinata shoulder.

"Nah!I'm not like that!At that time i just obeyed order and did whatever they told me to do because i believed that the Mizukage's words were absolute but now...I'm regretting my actions, even though i never participated in the slaughters."Said Kaia, Hinata nodded but the three of them suddenly heard a loud laugh.

"HAHAHA!I'm happy that my cute little genins are already becoming friends!!"

Nao appeared out of nowhere and smirked.

"Let's began with the test to decide whether you stay in the team of go back to the academy!"

They tensed as they knew that even though a normal Jonin couldn't have only one or two genins on his team, Nao could and would.



Hope you enjoy it!!




Schrollacreators' thoughts