
Talk with the Toad sage and affinities.

"So, you want me to teach you how to be a ninja?"

Jiraya was extremely wary of the man in front of him.He couldn't see his face and the only thing he knew about the person was that it was a man due to the tone of his voice.He also knew that the man was dangerous, an aura of death coated his entire body like a curse that wouldn't leave him.

"Yup!I know many things about Chakra and the like but i'm don't know how to become a ninja."Said Nao who eyed Jiraya with a bit of mockery.The man may be wary of him but his posture was way too relaxed.Nao smirked internally but waited for Jiraya to answer.

'This guy is seriously way too mysterious but....He seems to be pretty young yet he's already so good.His speed was definitely Jonin rank and the murderous look in his eyes told me that he was perfect for a shinobi.I could lead him to Konoha to recruit him but honestly, it could quickly turn into a horrible situation if he decided to attack anyone in the village, we can't simply trust outsider like that.'Jiraya thought as he shook his head.

"I could make you a ninja but i still don't trust you enough.Instead i'm gonna give you a little lesson!"

Nao tilted his head curiously but still nodded.

"Well then since morals, codes and rules aren't really the most important things for now, i'm gonna teach you three important things for a ninja."

Jiraya took out a paper from his pouch and gave it to Nao.

"This is a chakra paper, it will show you your affinities with the elements.If the paper is split in half than it's wind, if it turn to dirt and crumble it's earth, if the paper burn and turn to ashes than it's fire, if it wrinkle than it's lightning, finally if it become damp than it's water."Jiraya explained with a serious face that matched his status as a legendary sage.He didn't usually had that type of face but this situation was quite serious.One would thing that he was thinking too much but he had the eye for young talents, if Nao was as talented as he thought than he would take him to Konoha.Jiraya didn't had any students since Naruto refused to accept him as his teacher anymore after he discovered the truth.

'Thinking about it, i should also search for who told the truth to Naruto.If it's who i think it is than it's going to be a pain in the ass, even though it's gonna be even thougher with the villagers, now that they know the truth the tension between them and Naruto will become even higher.They will suck up to him while he's gonna hate them even more, the sudden change in the way they treat him will disgust him.'

Nao took the chakra paper and then concentrated.Since he never did that before it was quite difficult for him but he succeeded.He sensed some sort of fire inside him, a flame that burned at the center of his body, he circulated it in his whole body and more importantly in his hand.

The paper reacted as Jiraya was so shocked he nearly fainted.

The paper split in two and then a part turned to earth and crumbled, another became damp while the others wrinkled and turned to ashes.It was already enough to shock him but the next reaction made him froze.

Two parts of the paper had reactions that shouldn't happen, except if it was a legendary ninja touching the paper.

A part turned to wood and fell to the ground, showing that Nao had an affinity to Mokuton(wood style), the kekkei genkai of Hashirama Senju, the legendary first Hokage and one of the most powerful ninja in history.

The other however had the most stunning reaction that a ninja could see in his entire life.The part of the paper froze in the air as if the time itself had stopped.


Jiraya jumped in the air and fell on the hard ground, with a terrified expression.The mokuton was already enough to make the whole council of Konoha go crazy but the Jikanton.....It was something that would shock the whole world.It was mentioned in the world history that only one being had this power.Kagyua Otsutsuki the mother of the Sage of the Six Path, the woman who ate the chakra fruit from the God tree.

This power was the Time release, as it name suggested it allowed the user to control time itself.Of course it was limited but it was still enough to become extremely powerful.With it Kaguya had a supreme defense and she could pretty much kill anyone without that person even noticing her move.

Nao was puzzled when he saw that reaction from Jiraya but memories from the time he watched the Naruto anime came back.It wasn't enough to truly understand why the man was shocked but Nao could still register the fact that he was most certainly way too talented.

Having an affinity with all the elements was already near impossible if one didn't had the Rinnegan, the eye of the Sage of the Six Path, but having Mokuton and Jikanton.....Words couldn't describe how the world would react.Countries would declare war and fight to death to have such a precious talent.He was literally something at the same level as a Jinchuuriki, the human sacrifice who hosted one of the tailed beasts, creature of terrifying power who could destroy entire village with a single attack.

Of course he didn't had the same destructive potiental but he was fated to become atleast a powerful being on par with legendary ninjas of old times.

Jiraya regained his bearing and took Nao's hands.

"BOY!!You're a rare existence, a talent unseen in decades!With so much affinities you can pretty much become one of the most powerful ninja in the world!It may seem selfish and bold but...Can i bring you to Konoha?I don't really want to lie to you since your eyes could easily discern any lies.I want you to come to Konoha, because the village would certainly love to have such a talented individual in it.The villagers may seem cold at first but they will surely warm to you!"

Nao laughed as he rolled to the ground, Jiraya had a red face as he couldn't understand why Nao was mocking him so much.


He got up and glared at Jiraya.

"I'm not naive enough to believe you.I will come to Konoha, but not now.I'm going to train and become more powerful before visiting your village, after that i will judge wether it's a good idea to join it or not."

"......*SIGH*Do what you want, i don't want to force you or i'll be no better than that trash Danzo.You can come whenever you want, and at that time i'll do my best to convince you.Konoha needs you, more than you can imagine it....."

"Nao.....I'm called Nao, i never had a family so it's just Nao.We'll see each other soon toad sage, after i decided what to do with my life."

Hope you enjoy it!

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