


Nao smirked and seemingly teleported in front of her.He cupped her chin as she blushed madly due to how close he was.

"Why ask such a question?Are you not happy to see me, little snake?"

"B-BU-BUT...Why did you come to Konoha Nao-sama?!"

Nao froze a little when he heard that, for some reasons he was kinda surprised to be called like that again.

"Sama?"He asked to Anko who started to look at the ground, unable to meet his gaze.

"I-It's b-because y-you saved me!No one ever did something like that for me!"

"It's strange, from what i heard you have some friend in the village, surely they would've done the same?"

Anko bit her lips as she shook her head.

"I can't trust them!I know they'll betray me sooner or later, like...HIM!"

She emphasized the 'HIM' with disgust while Nao smirk widened.

"Ohhh, poor Anko, i never knew you were so lonely.Seems like Orochimaru left a bigger scar on you than i thought."

Anko lifted her head with extreme speed as fear appeared in her brown, pupil-less eyes.She was about to speak but Nao put his hand on her mouth.

"Don't worry, contrarily to others i don't care whether you were the apprentice of Orochimaru or not.You know what actually i care, because it just makes you a powerful and talented Kunoichi.Orochimaru didn't chose you for nothing after all."

Anko eyes watered as she hugged Nao.

"Y-You're t-the first p-person to t-treat me l-like that!"

Nao patted her head but pushed her away gently.

"Anko, do you know where Jiraya is?I need to see him, i'm going to offer my services to Konoha and since he already knows me it's best if he's here with me."

Anko knew what he meant since Jiraya already told her that Nao was the 'Devil of the Forest' and as such she wiped her tears and pointed at a direction.

"He should be at the third training grounds.After he came back the council forced him to stay and teach at the Academy until Naruto finally accept him.Talking about the little blond, he's still in his appartment, it has been 4 months since he decided to stay at home.Of course the council provide him with food and stuff like that but i don't think he will go out as long as Jiraya is in the village."Said Anko with a sad face.She liked the blondie since he was an outcast like her but after the truth about his identity became known he became depressive.No one knew who revealed the truth but she knew deep down in her heart that it was Danzo, a member of the three elders of the council, who revealed it.After all by doing so it would lower Hiruzen popularity and make Naruto hate the villagers.

Nao nodded and patted her head one last time before going.Anko sighed and went back to her duty.

Konoha was pretty beautiful.The streets were buzzing with people as the lights shone brightly upon the village.The Hokage tower was visible from here and it looked even more impressive than in the manga.It wasn't that high but the way it was constructed made it look like the tower of a castle.It looked pretty old since it hadn't been renovated in decades but it towered over the village.

The academy had been renovated a few months ago so it looked new and gave a peaceful feeling, it certainly didn't look like a training center for future soldiers who were gonna participate in a world war.

The main hospital was in an even worse state than the Hokage tower.When Tsunade, the Slug sage, the world strongest Kunoichi and the world best medical-nin was still in Konoha, she tried to force the council to construct a new and more modern one but they refused, saying that medical facilities weren't necessary in time of peace.Of course it was just an excuse since they just didn't wanted to waste their so precious money on something that didn't make a good monthly income.

Nao was awed by the last building he saw before he arrived to the training ground.It was the T&I building.The Konoha Torture and Interrogation force had a fancy looking building, that was freshly constructed at the east of the village, it was located at the end of a street completely packed with shops and restaurants.Konoha wanted to save space so instead of constructing at the center of the village they prefered it to be here.It made it look like some sort of Hotel however no one would ever want even walk in it.

He walked in the forest for a bit and arrived at a familiar place.It was the first training ground in which Team 7 trained, but today it was filled with academy students and Genin who were listening to the lesson of the Toad Sage.Talking about him, Jiraya still had the same outfit but this time he didn't had his scroll or his sword.

"That's why Ninjas should always hone their skills and master their jutsu before trying to become more powerful, many ninja thinks that they can be powerful just because they have many jutsus but the reality is different.A ninja with a thousand jutsu that he never mastered will never be able to beat another one who mastered a dozens of jutsu."

Jiraya was still talking when Nao walked towards him, completely calm as if he wasn't interrupting the lesson.

The students were about to shout at him but Jiraya smirked and hugged Nao.

"Finally you came in Konoha!!Kids this guy here is the Devil of the Forest, an A-rank ninja who's feared by Kumo, Iwa and even Kusa!"Jiraya introduced Nao while the students were stunned by the sudden revelation.Jiraya was a legendary ninja but he didn't gave the aura of death and power that Nao was giving to them.They wanted to know how he looked like but they couldn't just ask him so they kept quite.

"Hey mister A-rank ninja, if you're so powerful why don't you show us your face?!"Came the arrogant voice of a little black-haired kid.All the girls looked at him with hearts in their eyes while the boys ignored him.

Jiraya frowned but kept quiet when he saw that Nao was going to answer.

"Only my preys can see my face, does that mean you want to become my prey?"Said Nao while Jiraya sighed since he knew that Nao was telling the truth.Only the people he killed were able to see his face, apart from them there was also the people who escaped from him but they were so terrified they never revealed anything.

The black-haired boy was shocked by the way Nao spoke to him and was about to speak with his arrogant tone again, but a pink-haired girl did it before him.

"You can't speak to Sasuke like that!He's from the Uchiha clan, a trash like you can't talk to royalty like that!!"

She shrieked so loudly Nao had to put his hands on his ears.Jiraya smiled and went to a nearby tree as he watched Nao who looked like he was about to murder her.He wasn't angry but he had an extremely wide grin on his face.

"Girl did you parents never told you that it's not correct to talk to adults like that?Only children with talent or a real status can talk like that, however you're not talented and knowing who your parents are, you should shut the fuck up before something bad happens to you!"

Sakura was scared a little but still glared at him while a blond girl spoke to Nao.

"Hey dumbass!You can't threaten Forehead like that, i'm the only who can!Also it's a crime to attack academy students!!"

Nao looked at her ,then he looked at Sakura and burst into laughter.


Sakura fumed and rushed at Nao while her little hand formed a fist.


She was about to punch him so the blond girl and the black-haired boy smirked and waited for it.It never came since Nao stopped laughing immediately and disappeared.


The girl barely had the time to register anything that she already had a kunai stabbed in her arm.


Nao grabbed her by the throat while the blond girl tried to save her friend.

"Ino Yamanaka, heiress of the Yamanaka clan, you should stay where you're, i don't want to kill an important person yet.I've been in Konoha for only an hour so it would be pretty bad for my relations with the village."

Ino froze while she watched her friend being strangled by Nao.

"However you little girl, you won't be spared.Sakura Haruno, daughter of Haruni Mebuki and Kizashi Haruno.Your mother is a whore who thinks she has power only because she's rich while your father is an alcoholic who cannot even beat a Genin.You have no status, no talent and yet you dare to act like that?Maybe you think that the little Uchiha will save you?HAHAHA!He doesn't even care about you!"

Jiraya wanted to stop Nao but when he thought about it he stopped.Nao wouldn't kill Sakura yet since her mother was a member of the civilian council and as such , it would be bad for him to anger her before he was hired by Konoha.

Nao dropped her to the ground as she sobbed.

"Little girl remember that without power you're nothing.If you're not powerful you'll die like an ants, squashed by the monsters of this world.This pathetic little boy would maybe save you if you were attacked by a genin or a chunin but someone stronger than that would kill him and you'll die because of your blind trust in an arrogant kid who can't even back up his words."

Sakura didn't even spoke, she just stayed on the ground and sobbed while the Uchiha became incredibly annoyed.


For some reasons his arrogants words made the girls even crazier while the boys just shook their heads and watched with interest what was gonna happen next.

Jiraya approached Nao and whispered to him.

"You can't attack him now, Konoha will never hire you if you do that.Wait before the contract is made and then you can do whatever you want with him, the council is losing it's power since the Hokage finally decided to stop being all nice, therefore they won't be able to cancel it afterwards if you attack Sasuke."

Sasuke walked to Nao confidently when he saw that the cloaked man stopped.

"HAHA!So you understand what i'm saying?A nobody like you should be happy to be able to talk to an Uchiha like that.As the heir of the most powerful clan i-"

"Which was the Senju, or the Uzumaki, or even the Otsutsuki if you can consider them like a normal clan.Your clan was composed of arrogant bitches who couldn't swallow their last humiliation by the Senju while the council of Konoha was slowly treating them like they were an ennemy because of the Kyuubi attack.Your clan was dominated by the Senju but they still acted as if they were royalties, and after all these years they were slaughtered by a single guy who was only 14 years old.You may think that you're important but sadly you have no talent compared to people like Itachi, shisui and the like.You're just a pathetic little trash who need to know how useless he is."Said Nao, interrupting Sasuke.


"Oh!Seems like i forgot that you were deaf!You definitely are since you're asking me something like that.Or maybe you're just too dumb and arrogant to understand something as simple as that?Let me tell you something that you'll surely understand if you've a brain that works normally.You're weak, stupid, arrogant, your whole clan was dominated like bitches and still acted so arrogantly which led to their death at the hands of a 14 years old kid.You are N.O.T.H.I.N.G!You're absolute trash with no talent and no friends since you think that you're superior to everyone!"

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!"Sasuke shouted as he couldn't control his anger and rushed at Nao.

"Well since your brain cannot understand such simple things, i think i need to teach you how powerless you're!PREPARE YOURSELF USELESS UCHIHA TRASH!!"

Hope you enjoy it!

Comment, review and vote!

By the way i'm sorry for all the grammars error, sadly English isn't my native language so i'm not really good at it.It's also because i'm too lazy to learn it perfectly.

Schrollacreators' thoughts