
Invasion of Konoha (Part 1)

In the morning, the genin slowly woke up.Some trained while other merely ate breakfast and went to the stadium.However they were all pretty anxious, and who could blame them?If they were unlucky they would've to fight against Konoha's team 0, the team that eliminated half of the others teams during the second test.

Unfortunately things were going to get even worse.The genin from Oto had joined those from Kusa, the Genin from Suna stayed alone, while those from Ame just waited for the 'event' to start.Jiraya and Tsunade had used their summons to act as spies and help the Anbu, who were hiding in the forest, waiting for the ennemies to show up.It seemed that Jiraya was right, Orochimaru didn't knew that Konoha was so prepared.He was going to have a funny surprise, that's for sure.

Team 0 made it's way towards the arena, taking extra time to appreciate the awed faces of the other Genin.It was good to be popular.

"Kaia, what did Nao-Sensei talked to you about?It seemed to be really serious"Said Naruto.

"Oh, nothing.Just some things about the finale, don't worry."Said Kaia, but Naruto still had doubt.Nao and Kaia were truly acting weird.Nao was a little bit too excited yesterday, as if a great...Slaughter was about to happen, something that didn't really calmed Naruto.Hinata smiled and continued to walk, she had heard her father talking about it, the attack from Orochimaru and his allies.She was confident that Konoha would be able to beat them, because Nao was confident.And if he was, then she was too.

After they entered the arena, they sat down and waited for Nao to show up.Even though Naruto started to sleep, knowing that Nao won't be here until the start of the finals.The Suna genin followed shortly after, they went to the other side while a red-haired boy looked at Naruto with confusion writtent all over his face.A fact that slightly unnerved his two teammates, who were also his siblings.

"Gaara, you're good?"Asked a blonde girl as she tried to talk to her brother, while maintaining a certain distance between each other.

"Yes.....It's weird, i feel like this boy...Is similar to me."Said Gaara, scaring his siblings.

"L-Like him?Does that mean....."At this moment Naruto looked at the three and his eyes changed in a seconds, going from the cerulean blue to red fox-like eyes.He smirked and his eyes changed back, as if it never flashed red and confusing the two siblings.However Gaara saw that and smiled.

'He's really like me.'Thought the boy, but suddenly a voice appeared in his mind.


He clenched his head in pain and trembled.His siblings saw that and rushed to his side, they helped him and he calmed down after the voice finished it's crazy shouting.

'So that boy is the Jinchuuriki of Ichibi?'Thought Naruto, Nao had already told him about all the Jinchuuriki so it was easy to recognize Gaara.

'Be careful boy, Shukaku is unstable right now.You won't be able to beat him if he shows up.'Said a deep and powerful voice.

'OH?You're there grumpy fox?I always thought that you didn't wanted to help me, because BlahBlahThe great fox won't help a little human BlahBlahYou're too mighty to intervene in human's affair.You know....Stuff like that!'Said Naruto in his mind, getting an angry snort in response.

'I'm here only because i don't want you to die from Shukaku's hands, it would be too shameful to have my host at the hand of my little brother!Plus i do whatever i want to do!!'

'Yeah, yeah.Whatever you say Mozilla Firefox!'

'Wait what?'

'Ah!That's the name Nao-Sensei chose for you.Don't really know why!'

'Why do i feel like it's insulting?'

'Pfff!Don't know and don't care.Bye Mozilla Firefox!'


Naruto cut the connection and focused on the other participants.Only team 0 and team 9 had made it from the second test, all the others were from Suna and Oto.In total there was 4 teams who were going to fight.

After an hour, everyone arrived and the final were going to start.The proctor, Genma Shiranui, was getting ready while the civilians took places in the arena.The Kages and Daimyos were already there, so the only ones who were missing were the Jonin sensei.

Talking about them they quickly arrived.Kakashi came with a brooding Sasuke who glared intensely at Naruto, while Gai came and started to shout some bullshit about youth. It seemed that the civilian council had gave Sasuke, new eyes. They were actually black like his original ones.

Kurenai didn't come since she wanted to stay with her team, and Asuma was still in the Hospital waiting for Shikamaru to wake up.The Nara had been hit by so many Kunai and Shuriken that he suffered from an internal hemorrage, it wasn't something dangerous considering that Tsunade was there to heal him, but he had yet to wake up.

After the last Jonin arrived, Genma walked to the center of the Arena and talked.

"Hello to all the participants, and all the people who came to see this year's Chunin Exam!I'm Genma Shiranui and i'll be the proctor for the last of the Chunin Exam!Without further ado.....LET'S START!!"



As everyone cheered, some other people took advantage of the loud noise to sneak in the village.Unknown to most, the fight had already started in the forest of Konoha, the Anbu had ambushed the Oto and Suna armies while the Root had ambushed the Kusa and Ame armies.

However what was supposed to be a silent start, suddenly turned into something really, really bad.



Hope you enjoy it




Guess who shouted at the end.

Schrollacreators' thoughts