
Contract and Naruto

"I want three things.Firstly i want to create a new clan, the Seijuro clan, of course i've a bloodline to pass on the next generations so don't worry about that.Secondly i want to train a genin team, to be more precise i want to be the sensei of Hinata Hyuuga, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and Shikamaru Nara.Thirdly i want to have a total control over everything that is marked as property of my clan, be it scrolls, weapon, armors, money etc.....Everything that my clan will own will be ours only."Said Nao as the civilian side began to shout at him.



The ninja side just nodded as they found his condition to be pretty reasonable compared to what he could've asked.Hiruzen smirked since it wasn't anything that would directly be a problem to the ninjas while the civilian would be dealt a huge blow.

He was about to silence the room but Nao beat him to it.His right eye became red once again while blood flowed on his face.His apparence alone terrified the civilians who calmed down but he still continued.

"Jikanton: Jikantōketsu"

Nao threw a hundred of shurikens in a quick motion as the civilians gasped.The shurikens approached them at high-speed but suddenly stopped in the air, seemingly froze.Irio gasped while Hiruzen nearly fell on the ground.


At the mention of this extremely rare and powerful bloodline the civilians were stunned while the ninjas were about to faint.

Nao started to walk away, followed by Jiraya but he turned around and shot a last glare at the council.

"I would wisely advise you to not consider me as someone you can mess with."

With that he exited the room while an Anbu entered the room, gasping for air and looking at the Hokage with despair in his eyes.

"Hokage-sama!!The U-Uchiha!!!"

Hiruzen was surprised so he got up from his chair as Danzo smirked, knowing what happened.It was something that Nao already told him.With his help, Nao wanted to fuse the sharingans with his own eyes, it was something that could be done but since it was new they didn't knew if it would work.Nao didn't wanted to replace his own eyes so he told Danzo this crazy idea, the War hawk accepted since Nao told him that he would give him anything in compensation.Of course Danzo something that everyone knew, he wanted to become the Hokage.

"Calm down and explain what happened to us."Said Hiruzen which calmed the Anbu as he took deep breath.He then began to tell everything to the council who couldn't speak during the whole thing.H-He.....



"HAHAHA!Those dumbass are in for a big surprise!"

Jiraya watched as Nao acted like a child who just did a funny prank, but in fact it was way more serious than he thought.However Jiraya just smiled and asked Nao something that was on his mind since Nao attacked the Uchiha.

"Why did you took the Sharingan from him?"Jiraya regretted asking this question when Nao turned around with a bloody smirk.

"To punish him?NAHHH!Just because i love to have blood on my hands!!!"

The people around him quickly avoided the pair when they heard that and Jiraya shook his head.

'This guy will be the end of me someday'.

They walked until they reached a certain place.Jiraya smiled and put his hand on Nao's shoulder.

"I think i'm gonna stop here a little, i have to do some researchs!!"

With that the sage entered the building as Nao facepalmed.

"Konoha Hot Springs, seriously?*Grin*Maybe i should visit it later, for science of course!"

A few minutes later Nao was in front of a appartment, he started by knocking on the door but no one came to open so he cracked his knuckles.He made a fist with his hand and destroyed the door with sheer strengh.He entered while a little blonde boy ran to his room.


He shouted and the little boy opened the door, he looked exactly like in the manga but seemed to be a lot more handsome.For some reasons Nao thought that he was even better looking than Sasuke but those girls at the Academy most certainly just wanted Sasuke for his status, which was the heir of a dead clan that would never be reborn if what Danzo told him was true.

"W-Who are you?!"

Naruto was a little scared when he saw the appearence of Nao but he still acted though and pointed a rusty kunai at Nao.

"*Sigh*Naruto, a rusty kunai like that won't do anything to me.By the way i'm not here to hurt you or something contrarily to those hypocritical villagers."

At the mention of the villagers Naruto growled, his eyes flashing red a second,something that made Nao smile.

"What do you want?I don't think you came here for nothing."Said Naruto in a bored and indifferent tone.

"Oh?Seems like you changed huh?Jiraya told me that you were a happy-go-lucky kid who enjoyed life more than anyone.Well, i guess it's his fault for being so irresponsible."

Naruto glared at Nao but shook his head and sat on his couch.

"You still didn't answered my question, what do you want?"

"I came here to tell you that i'm gonna become your sensei, your teammates are gonna be Shikamaru and Hinata."

Naruto was shocked by the sudden information so he just looked at Nao, stunned.

"HAHA!Surprised ain't ya?Well just do your best at the academy and you'll become a genin!The bunshin no jutsu is impossible for you to do because it require too much chakra control, your chakra reserve is so great that you would need many years to have a jonin chakra control, but don't worry i'm gonna help you."Said Nao as he threw two scrolls at Naruto.

"The first one is the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, it would be troublesome to,explain so just read it and you'll understand.The second one is a scroll that contain many excercise to enhance your chakra control but also master your jutsus faster.It will also help you train in your chakra affinities."Said Nao while Naruto had stars in his eyes.


He ran at Nao and hugged him.Nao chuckled but put a kunai on Naruto's throat.

"A little advice, never be so carefree when you're in front of a possible foe.I could've killed you a hundred times already."


"It's good if you understand.Oh, Naruto!"


"You should go to Danzo and ask for training"

Naruto brightly smiled and nodded his head.

"Of course, Danzo-jiji is the one who told me all the things about my parents and who i am.I know i can trust him."

Nao snickered as he poked Naruto's forehead.

"It was pretty funny earlier when you pointed this kunai at me, but seriously...Next time do that with a real kunai and a ninja combat outfit, not this frog pajama."


Naruto held his head down and looked at the floor.Nao laughed and bid farewell to Naruto, but when he exited the appartment an Anbu appeared in front of him.The Anbu was sweating profusely and trembled as he looked at Nao.

"H-Hokage-sama w-want to see y-you!"

With that he disappeared, leaving a stunned Nao.

"Well, that escalated quickly!"

Hope you enjoy it!

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