
Chunin Exam (Final Part)

The day after the second test, the whole village was in an uproar.Many were angered by what happened to the Uchiha, while others were annoyed by the fact that Team 0 'Cheated'.Of course the Hokage explained that it wasn't cheating, as their actions didn't go against any rules.

Talking about Team 0 they were currently waiting for Nao, the final test was in an month and they needed to be as strong as they could.Kaia however, just wanted to stay with her team.She didn't wanted to become a chunin or anything, but she loved her team so she wanted to stay with them.If she was honest with herself, she would say that she developped a little crush on Nao.

Hinata was, for a lack of better words, fucking bored.Not to be arrogant, but her taijutsu alone was enough to make her a chunin.Finally Naruto just wanted to win the bet he made with Nao, he wouldn't gain anything from it other than proving that he was determinated,but it was one step towards becoming Hokage.

"HAHA!My cute little genin, i see that the exam went well for you?"Said Nao, appearing out of nowhere with Dangos in his hand.Kaia drooled so he gave half to her, while Naruto frowned.

"Nao-Sensei, i really think that i should focus on the rasengan during this month"

"Hmmm...Okay, but you better show some results!Focusing on only one techniques can be quite bad if it takes too much time for little results!"Said Nao, while a certain black-haired boy sneezed and cursed whoever was talking about him.

Naruto nodded and walked to his appartment, Jiraya already explained the theory to him-even though he didn't wanted to listen to him-so he just needed to practice.



"You'll need to master the Kaiten!I know that it's quite difficult for you, but you truly need it.It will offer you a good defense."Said Nao, Hinata wanted to say something but she just nodded and walked to her clan compound.

"Now..."Nao turned to Kaia who was stuffing her mouth like a squirrel.



"*SIGH*Sometimes i'm wondering if you're not Anko's daughter.So....During this month i want you to train your body!"Said Nao, Kaia paled and trembled.


"NO BUT!!Your body is still too weak!You'll need to become a fucking monster like Zabuza ,if you want to become a great swordwoman!!You'll train until you can't move a single part of your body!!"Said Nao.

"And what if the only part of my body, that i can still move is my pinker finger."Said Kaia, showing her pinky finger.

"Oh...So you're a little smartass, huh?"Said Nao, Kaia suddenly felt as if the air was sucked out of her lunges.Nao grabbed her and forced her on the ground.




A month after.

It would be lying if one said that Team 0 didn't suffer.From the very first day, until the last they suffered.Hinata had to use the Kaiten a hundred of times during her trainin, resulting in her throwing up every meals she ate before training.

Naruto had to practice from dawn to dusk.He had done so many rasengan, his chakra had been totally sucked.Even his huge reserve couldn't take it, and he wasn't allowed to use Kyuubi's chakra.Of course he mastered the rasengan, but.....Creating a variant of the Rasengan was easier said than done.First he had to chose the element, it would be either futon or suiton.He had settled on Suiton as it would allow him to create much more defensive techniques.After that he had to chose what type of techniques he wanted, he had trouble to chose but Kaia did it for him.She told him that he lacked offensive jutsu, which was true since most jutsu he possessed were either defensive or just practical jutsu.

As such, after a whole month, he created it.

Suiton: Rasenbomu

-A jutsu that makes the Rasengan into a bomb, concentrating high-pressured water around the swirling sphere, and releasing it during the impact to literally blow his target up.The size of the bomb and the power behind it will differ, depending on the rotation speed or the water quantity.

When Nao saw it, he was totally shocked.He thought that Naruto would choose Futon as it was the easiest choice, but it seemed like Naruto had truly exceeded his expectations.Due to that, Jiraya wasn't allowed to teach Naruto until the little boy forgave him, a fact that saddened the sage.

As for Kaia........


She was bleeding all the time, and her muscles were so sore she couldn't feel them.But the results were there.She could lift a maximum of 200 kg and her stamina was tremendously boosted, her speed was boosted too but the real shock was her strengh.She believed that the most important thing was strengh so she trained solely to become stronger.

Her muscles became a lot more visible, as she had a solid 6-pack.She wasn't as powerful as Tsunade now but the drunken blond said that she saw Kaia as a possible disciple given her strengh.Nao seriously thought that it was a good idea, as he didn't wanted Kaia to be his disciple for life, it was funny to teach her but he needed much more freedom.

But enough talking about all that, because ennemies are approaching Konoha.Three beast will soon be released while a snake will battle against a monkey.

The Toad and the slug will battle against against a whole army, as the psychopath will find extreme pleasure in the slaughters to come.

One thing was sure.......No one would really care about the Chunin Exam, once the invasion will start.....Or will it?

Hope you enjoy it!




Schrollacreators' thoughts