
Chunin Exam(Part 1)

A few days after the Iwa problem, Nao started to panic a little.He just remembered that the Chunin exam was there ,and he still didn't tell his students.He told them to join him in front of his appartment to explain the exam to them, sadly it seemed that things weren't going to work as he expected.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S A WRITTEN TEST?!"Shouted an angry Naruto, Hinata merely shook her head while Kaia chuckled.

"Cooome ooon~Naruto we know you're bad at those ,but i'm sure you're going to do just fine!"Said Kaia, it calmed Naruto but Nao still facepalmed.

"You know...No it's not important.As i said the first is going to be a written test like all the previous years but the next stages are going to be a little different.In the second one each teams will receive a target which will be another team.But the only lead you'll have to know which team it is, will be a single paper on which will be written an information on said team.Once you know which team is your target you'll have to beat them and take their paper to prove that you did beat them.If you come back with the wrong paper you'll be disqualified.The third exam will be traditional one-on-one tournament battles."Said Nao, three genins looked at each other and nodded.

"Nao-sensei, i think we're ready for the exam.The written test should be easy and the second test will be even easier if our target is a team from Konoha."Said Hinata with confidence.Nao looked at them with pride and smiled.

"Well, if my cute little genins think they're ready, i think so too.The exam will start in two hours so you better not be late."Said Nao.He then left them and went to the Hokage's office to plan with Hiruzen, they were confident about their plan but they still needed to have a plan B, Orochimaru was way too tricky.Jiraya was sure that Orochimaru wasn't a member of the Akatsuki since he was too traitorous for anyone to work with him, sadly it was the one mistake that Jiraya would forever regret.

Two hours later Team 0 had already entered the exam room.There had been a little problem in front of the room since two chunin disguised as genin were preventing anyone to enter with a genjutsu.Sasuke wanted to reveal it but Naruto stopped him and Hinata knocked them out with her gentle fist.Everyone except for Naruto and Kaia, was shocked that Hinata had just knocked two Chunin but they still entered the room.

"ALRIGHT SHUT UP YOU FUCKING BRATS!!"Shouted Ibiki Morino, the commanding officer of Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force.

"I'm Ibiki Morino and i'll be the proctor for the first test.As your jonin sensei already told you, this will be a written exam!You'll first have to answer 9 questions and after 45 minutes,i'll add a tenth question, it will be a special one so don't think about it for now!If you're being caught cheating, you and your entire team will be disqualified!START!"

As he shouted, every Genin sat down and started the exam.Unfortunately they all turned pale when they saw the question.

'SIMPLE MY ASS!!!'Raged Naruto, who literally cried when he saw the questions.It was way too difficult for a Genin to answer, hell even a chunin would have trouble to answer those.

He then felt an intense gaze coming from his right.He turned and saw Hinata winking at him, she then pointed at the exam sheet and mouthed the word 'CHEAT'.Naruto eyes widened and he looked at Kaia who nodded.He smiled excitedly and looked at the genin in front of him, who had already answered all the questions and was sleeping.He used a low futon jutsu to make the sheet float a little, enough to see the first answers.He then launched a little gust of wind that made the sheet fall to the ground.The genin didn't see it but Ibiki smirked.

'That brat is fucking smart but he'll be caught if he doesn't copy the answers quickly.'Thought Ibiki, but Naruto next actions surprised him.Naruto simply picked up the sheet from the ground, grinned and gave it to the genin who thanked him.The genin and Ibiki looked at each other with confused expressions, but shrugged it off.

After the 45 minutes had passed Ibiki got up from his seat and shouted.

"STOPPP!!It's time for the tenth question!Before i give it to you, be aware that if you answer the question incorrectly, you and your whole team will be disqualified!!"Shouted the man as every single genin was shocked.

"WHAT?!BUT THAT'S TOTALLY AGAINST THE RULES!!"Shouted a blonde girl who had a Suna Hitai-ate.

Ibiki glared at her and was about to reach for his bandana, but Naruto laughed.


The girl looked offended but decided to answer.

"It's against the rules to punish a whole team for a single wrong answer, also this tenth question was never mentioned by our Jonin sensei, which mean that it is only optional."

"HAHAHA!You're really fucking stupid, ain't you?I won't tell you why this tenth question isn't optional but listen well, question everything.Because everything can be a trap, you need to think before you act."Said Naruto as the girl was silenced.

Ibiki frowned but decided to tell them something.

"All those who don't want to answer it, you can forfeit!Your team will be disqualified but you'll be able to retake the exam next year!However if you decide to answer it but your answer is wrong, then you and your teammates won't ever become Chunin!"

That seemed to be effective as half of the genin in the room forfeited.Ibiki frowned even more and shook his head.

'Disappointing, they're not ready to be Chunin if they act like that.'He thought.

The Genins who forfeited were about to leave when they heard something that infuriated them, especially Kiba since Yakumo and Shino forfeited.

"Since you all decided to stay.....YOU ALL PASS!!"



Hope you enjoy it!




I'm sorry for yesterday, i didn't write because i had a rather busy day.Don't worry i'm still going to write the extra chapters for the week-end!

Schrollacreators' thoughts