
A promise to break her

Not everyone likes to be insulted and disrespected especially by a lady..but what happens when Domenico met with Sarah at her matriculation and approached her but was insulted by a mere girl... to which extent will he go for revenge especially he when he vowed to break her.....after getting a heart break from her boyfriend Kate decided to never involve herself with boys again...but after she insulted a man at her matriculation.. things go different than her original plan... Domenico vowed to break her and shatter her for insulting him. ...m..e go " she cried still holding her torn dress in her hands trying to cover her body with it." what do you want from me... just let me go" she added crying. she knew who she was referring to, this ruthless monster who wants to ruin her " i told you, i can never let you go little muffin" he said smirking " you are mine now.. and not until am done with you.. you have no right to leave" and with that he started coming closer.. WARNING: MATURE CONTENT

Manari_Grace_7231 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

chapter four

Kate's POV}

Really... so it was the man from the other day.. what does he wants from me .. i thought, immediately he left, 'i shouldn't be here.. lily must be worried... how do i escape from here?? he said something of me living here in this house?? no no i need to think of a plan on how to escape... but how not when i was tied up here like some animal.. oh he said someone was coming to get me... right?? so i will use that opportunity to leave this place ... i had school i need to go to.. and he was saying i would live here?? is he mad or something??? who was that man and what does he wants from me probably to be his maid ... but why he said he wants to punish me?? ohh Kate you see what your mouth has gotten you into ... even though you were angry at James you shouldn't have shouted on a stranger..now look what you got yourself into ... i thought, if not because my hands where tied i would have slap my forehead .. what should i tell this man for him to let me go ... i need to just apologise right?? then i will do it for now let me wait for the arrival of the ' someone' i was still thinking when i heard footstep i raised my head and then i saw a woman probably in her late thirties she was wearing a gown that you dont have to be told that she was a maid but she was the head maid cause her gown was different " oh hello my name is rose and am the head maid here... master ordered that you should come with me to bath and eat " she said smiling and handcuffing me.. i winced at the sudden pain.. i was kept here for too long and at the same position " oh and whats your name little one?" she asked ...ohh here she goes again must they always call me little... even here?? really?? ... but she sounds nice and she hasn't stopped smiling as though they were going to pay her for smiling " ka..te" i answered with my face down. .. " oh my oh my you look pale.. i guess you haven't eaten please come with me 'little one' you need to eat" she said trying to support me while walking. i wanted to scream and tell her i was not little.. i was seventeen for Christ sake. i will be eighteen next month but i had to compose my self.. i dont want this mouth of mine to get me into trouble again. we walked through the basement up the stairs until we reached a big sitting room ..oh My God Mr annoying house was huge and beautiful i was still scanning the area when i was interrupted " Freya call Abigail i need you guys to take Kate to the bathroom and assist her in bathing and when you are done she should eat she look so pale " Mrs rose said talking to a pretty lady who i guess was a maid because of her uniform approaching us " okay ma let me just call her quickly" she said turning back and disappearing .. she came back with another pretty girl and they took me from Mrs rose and took me to a room close by "uhhhm and dont forget when she's done bathing take her to the room opposite to masters room " she said shouting for them to hear .... masters room?? opposite??.. what does that man wants from me .. i better start looking for a way of escape or else i will be stuck here for ever.

" you really look small.. how old are you?"" the girl i think was Abigail asked drying my hair, they just finished bathing me.. even though i insisted. i could bath on my own they refused .." am seventeen " i answered feeling uncomfortable with the way she was staring at me " i think this gown would be perfect for you ' little Kate' its as small as you are" Freya said from the closet where she went to get clothes for me... little again... i thought rolling my eyes . " yes that would fit her perfectly Frey..." Abigail said nodding and dropping the blow dryer she used .. "okay lets get you dressed" Freya said " but do you know master from anywhere? ... i mean.. you look small like Julia and..." well just forget"Freya said standing up after she was done wearing the gown on me " who's Julia? i asked curiously .*cough*cough* " nobody in particular dont mind Freya i dont know what she was thinking " Abigail answered slapping Freya in the back and coming closer to me ... okay something was fishy here but ..i guess i will just forget about it and mind my business beside i have to start looking for how to escape ." okay Katie' can you walk or should we still hold you..?? we were asked to take you to your room " Abigail chirped in. ..Freya has been quite ever since she said what she was not supposed to say...we started walking and we went up the stairs i was just following in the middle and observing everywhere i have to find a open window which i can fly out through.. Abigail who was in the front stopped and turned " okay Katie this is your room... we will leave from here lunch will be served to you immediately" she said looking at me and passing out of the room. before i could turn the door was shut and i was left alone in this beautiful but lonely room .. i took my time to observe everywhere and when i was done... i walked down to the window and looked from outside oh my God it was so high there was no way i will escape without getting my legs broken and if my legs break how would i run i had to look for what to do now ... so an idea came i looked at the bed sheet and i removed it from the bed it was long but i still need something to add i walked to the closet and i saw another clean bed sheet i took it tied it with the other one ... i tied it to the window and fling it down ... i was sure it reached to the ground.. i looked at the room again and said 'bye bye ' in my mind and i went down ...

i came down with a light thud and looked ahead no one was there so i started running between the bushes i was sure i will soon get to a safe side soon.. i was running without looking back when my head hit a hard rock tree ' owww' i cried rubbing my forehead and when i looked up i regretted ever trying to escape.


