
A promise to break her

Not everyone likes to be insulted and disrespected especially by a lady..but what happens when Domenico met with Sarah at her matriculation and approached her but was insulted by a mere girl... to which extent will he go for revenge especially he when he vowed to break her.....after getting a heart break from her boyfriend Kate decided to never involve herself with boys again...but after she insulted a man at her matriculation.. things go different than her original plan... Domenico vowed to break her and shatter her for insulting him. ...m..e go " she cried still holding her torn dress in her hands trying to cover her body with it." what do you want from me... just let me go" she added crying. she knew who she was referring to, this ruthless monster who wants to ruin her " i told you, i can never let you go little muffin" he said smirking " you are mine now.. and not until am done with you.. you have no right to leave" and with that he started coming closer.. WARNING: MATURE CONTENT

Manari_Grace_7231 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

chapter eight

Kate's POV}

i sat on the bed thinking of a way out .... i haven't seen him at home ever since he forced me to eat, i think he has travelled then i have to make a move..i cant just sit down and leave like a hostage.. i was still in the middle of my thought when i heard opening ...i know it must be Mrs rose , i turned my head to the left only to be met with those amber eyes.. i stiffened as he approached with each step..coming closer to where i was sitting " I think i have tried by giving you a lot of space.. didn't i ? ..little muffin" he asked bending to my level... he was really huge and tall " i...i.. do.nt.. unde..unde...stan..d.. what...you...a..re..sayi.ng.. i said in fear.. smirking he said" oh you are about to understand baby girl.. i just started talking "..and with that he held me in my wrist and handed me a pen in my hand.. i was confused on what he was doing " oh little muffin sound sad.. well you might be asking why am giving you a pen..but i need you to sign these paper right now" he said handing me a paper.. i take a look at it and when i went through it i spat in disgust" what??... i can never sign this.. if you came with the full hope that i will sign this then am sorry but it is not happening... am not your property you cant just tell me to sign a paper which clearly states i will be yours to do whatever you want with... i will never " i said flinging the paper at his face and turning around . he must be stupid to think i will sign this ...me who was thinking he was not that bad.. he's really bad and i hate him ... with all of me.

" okay little muffin you leave me with no choice but to move to plan b" he said and by that tune, i know he was smirking " i will never force you to sign these because you will sign it yourself.. i knew you will never want to sign it so i had my plans all along " he said.. i turned around to look at him bringing out his phone from his pocket " what about if she die..? will you still not sign it ?" he asked showing me a picture on his phone . oh my God that was lily she was being tied and she was bleeding on her forehead her hair was rough and clinging to her face and she looked hungry ...i opened my mouth wide in surprise " one call and your friend will cease to breath, would you sign those or i should just make the call " he answered pressing his phone to the call logs and dialing someone's number ... i was still shocked with confusion until i heard a voice " yes sir" from the phone " max.. i think we need to say good bye to that soul there... how is she feeling? he said smirking and talking to the other man on the phone " we still haven't feed her just like you commanded.. she has been begging to be set free" the other man answered on the line " lets just help the poor girl by setting her free.. right max??" he said this time looking at me in my eyes ..."

"NO NO please please i will do whatever you want just let lily free please " i said falling down on my knees and crying at his feet while holding his legs.. i cant let lily die.. i know he will do just as he had said...he wouldn't even feel remorse for killing someone, so i begged with all my heart hoping it wont be too late " alright .. alright max let it be for now i will call you when i change my mind " he said ending the call and shoving the phone in his pocket " what did you say little muffin? are you ready to sign this" he said handing me the paper again .. i quickly collected it carried the pen from the floor and i signed it i couldn't bear to loose lily if it means sacrificing my life i would do it for her ... she has done alot for me.. " Now we are talking little muffin .. you are now mine ... " he said smiling " now get up and freshen up we have alot of business to deal with later " with that he took the paper and he left shutting the door with a loud thud.

What have i done... i really agreed to be his property.. but yes.. it worth it .. Lily's life in exchange ... i could do anything for her she has done alot for me ... he said something about dealing with a business later .. what was that?? i was really scared of him... he is a monster he wanted to end someone's life without even thinking.. now i regret ever feeling pity for him for his sisters death... he deserved it.. he deserved everything' i thought in tears ... as i moved to the bathroom



{Domenico's POV}

Damn... i had to do what i had to do... i didnt wanted to force her to sign those papers but i had to i didnt want to do what i want to do against her will, but now she is mine... my property ... to do as i please.. i just know she will never agree to sign that paper and that was why i came up with a plan B... i asked max to kidnap her friend and keep her in one of our old warehouses because she will help me in accomplishing what i want... immediately i got a call from max that she was with them i decided to show up in her room... she must be devastated and broken ..... she might not even expect that from me but.. she better start getting use to this side of me .... i had to leave the room because i couldn't bear to see her in tears ..... today am finally gonna have her in my arms and under my mercy .... i was finally gonna fuck her life out of her.. i smiled at the thought of her moaning under me ...oh it will be such a sight to behold ... i cant wait... to kiss those little lips of her ... fuck.. i was hard again just by thinking... what is she doing to me... only her manages to make me hard just by thinking about her, now i need a shower .


I kept stroking my self in the bathroom with the water pouring on me , this is what i got to do everyday because of what she has done to me, i continued stroking up and down with the thought of having her here, imagining she was here and sucking my dick... that i didnt even know when i reached my release.... " fuck" i muttered ... i need her... she will surely be the end of me . I must have her today and theres no changing that .



{ Kate's POV}

i was so scared.... his last look reassured me that something was gonna happen tonight... was it my death... no right he can kill me after making me to sign that paper..... so it was only one thought left... he wants to rape me... i shook my head at the thought... he can never do that.. i will never allow that over my dead body will he touch me ... i need to escape from here as soon as possible i was about to stand up when i heard the door opening, i turned in a swift move... to look at the door ... i sighed in relief when i saw that it was just Freya ...for a moment i thought it was him... i was not ready to face him yet... " hello... sorry to disturb again... i brought dinner" she said stopping by the door " dinner?" i asked oh my God i didnt even know when time passed i barely finished planing on how to escape... " yes dinner ... what is wrong you dont want to eat?" she asked concern evident in her face.... this days she has been talking a bit more ever since we had that discussion she has reduced her shyness and now talk to me without stammering " yes... i mean no.. its not like that i was just surprised that it was already dinner time " i said smiling nervously" come on in dont just stand by the door" i said smiling... she has been the one serving me food ever since i was not even allowed to go out of my room... " thank you" i said collecting the tray of food from her and placing it on the bed... she was about to turn to leave when i spoke" oh come and sit down lets eat.." i said shifting for her to come sit on the bed " oh no dont worry i will just go and eat down " she said still turning to leave " i insist" i said and with that she sat down and started eating quietly ..until we heard the door opening ... we both raised our head the same time and my eyes met with that eyes i hate , that eyes i never want t see again.. oh my God... why is he back so soon...


* kiss*kiss*
