
Chapter 39

The police was called.

The mall was evacuated.

Shigaraki was arrested.

Sadly, the news reporters had arrived as well. It gave away the arrest of Shigaraki and he was soon taken away from custody by Kurogiri.

I had already expected it. So, I infused Shigaraki with a slow acting neurotoxin that would give him intense pain whenever he would move his arms. The key was to localize the poison to the brachial plexus, ie., the nerves that supplied the arms.

The poison was going to spread along the nerves and slowly corrode the myelin sheath over the individual axons, limiting his arm and hand movement.

Essentially, it would slow down the activation of his quirk.

I sat in Nezu's office and discussed Shigaraki's appearance at the mall.

"Nezu-sensei, I don't want to say it, but, I have to."

The mutant rat nodded and I said, "There's a mole at U.A.. Specifically, in group A of the first years."

Nezu's tiny fist clenched and his eyes narrowed with anger. "Are you accusing your own friends?"

"No one.. Not even the teachers knew that we were going to that specific mall to celebrate everyone passing the exams. None other than the twenty of us... And you. Even Aizawa-sensei didn't know the name of the mall."

I knew that Nezu didn't want to believe it. In fact, every cell in his body was against that possibility.

"Bakugo and Todoroki refused to come to the mall. So, we didn't correspond with them regarding the mall's location or the name. They were as aware as Aizawa-sensei. That leaves eighteen of us, plus you."

Nezu's face grew even more grim as I continued.

"I know that Ectoplasm and Power loader keep constant surveillance on me, for my safety, of course. I can be ruled out. Aoyama, Ashido, Iida, Uraraka, Ojiro, Kaminari, Kirishima, Koda, Sato, Shoji, Jiro, Sero, Tokoyami, Hagakure, Midoriya, Mineta and Yaoyorozu. U.A. database has their school records from kindergarten to middle school. Out of them, two are the ones who stand out."

Nezu leaned on the table and looked at the two files I had placed in front of him.

"Midoriya and Aoyama..." Nezu said as he breathed out.

"Both of them have one thing in common. Neither had a quirk until their last years of Middle school. We know how Midoriya got his quirk, but, Aoyama... His quirk is an anomaly. His parents have completely different quirks and he 'developed' his just an year ago."

Nezu swallowed his saliva and leaned into his chair. "You can come out now, All Might."

All Might's skinny carcass walked out of the shadows and took the seat next to me. His face was as grim as Nezu's and I knew that both of them were thinking of the same person.

"Young Asui, do you know anything about the 'Symbol of Evil'?"

"I've read about him in the hero archives. Nothing much, but, it said that he was the most formidable villain in the history."

All Might then explained the history of All for One.

All For One was a subtle, sadistic, and malevolent man, who liked to rule from the shadows and enjoyed himself at the expense of people, before discarding them.

In the past, All For One did use his powers to help people, but in exchange for their servitude. Once they were no longer able to follow his orders, All For One would callously abandon them, and those who defied his will were purged by his followers.

A megalomaniac with a god complex, he saw himself as a higher being. All For One had a firm contempt for ideals of justice and morality, dismissing them as arbitrary beliefs of other people that shackle personal freedom.

He then shared history of One for All and his decisive battle with All for One.

"He couldn't have survived. I had smashed his head."

"All Might, from the research conducted on that Nomu, we know that All for One is alive and has someone who can bioengineer them to be 'alive'. If no body was retrieved, then, this person could have saved the villain."

All Might was visibly disturbed at the thought of All for One still being alive. His nails dug into his palms as he clenched his fists hard.

"We cannot detain a student just from speculation. Without concrete evidence, we cannot take any form of action against the Aoyamas."

"I know that, but, we can still keep them under surveillance."

"Without cause, legal action can be taken against us if we are found out. But, I do see your point. I will talk to Power Loader and come up with something."

While I didn't get what I wanted, Nezu's words were enough to tell me that the Aoyamas would be under his scrutiny. I was about to leave when he said, "Phantasm."

He wasn't talking to the student Asui. He was talking to the provisional hero, Phantasm.

"You are the representative of your group and already have a provisional hero license. Until they get their respective licenses, it's up to you and the teachers to defend them. If such a situation arises when you are required to use your quirk, I expect you to handle it as professionally as possible. Deal with the threats as you see fit."

I understood what he meant and nodded in reply before leaving for my quarters.

'I have a lot of pokemon moves, but, none of them are heavily damaging or sure to kill moves. Hmm, there are only four one-hit kill moves that I know of... It's time to learn the big ones. All for One and Shimura Tenko have deadly quirks, but, there's no point in having them if they don't have their heads attached to their bodies.'

I had psychic, dark, ghost, fighting, water, ice, fire, steel and normal type moves. It was time to embrace the auras and awaken the ultimate techniques.

'Let's see if you survive them, Shigaraki.'


A/N: I forgot about this fanfic 😬