
The Arrival and the Thickening of Plot

It was the dead of night, but we did it, we're finally here. I used minimize as much as possible, and Miranda pointed us to where she last saw the base. It was no longer a warehouse, but a full blown casino. It was obvious it was the Team Rocket headquarters. Wanna know why?

Vergil - "Seriously, who names their base of operations after their criminal organization? Rocket Game Corner? Are you kidding me?"

Miranda - "Quit complainin or you'll alert the whole town. Now, I can get us in, but after that I'll just watch from the shadows."

Vergil - "I do have a request though, do you know hypnosis?"

Miranda - "Yeah, what of it?"

Vergil - "Well, can you knock them out with that, and for those who resist, I'll take care of them."

Miranda - *sigh*"I normally don't do favors, but I'll make an exception for you today."

She says with a relaxed smile.

Diana - "Right! Let's pay them back double time!"

She tweets out while being visibly angry. So cute. I chuckled at this and said.

Vergil - "Yes, yes. Let's get going."

We are teleported into the building. I am about to ask why we weren't just teleported here in the first place, when I turned around, Miranda was gone.

Vergil - *sigh*"In the shadows."

I walk through big corridors until I reach a door that said 'staff members only.' This is most obviously the entrance to the base. Wait, crap, I just remembered something important. Shadow Pokémon. Sheiiiiiiiit. Oh well, a problem for future me.

[I will not be having shadow Pokémon here. Yes, I did just completely remove a region. As to answer your question on why, it's because I don't like shadow Pokémon. I think that they're cool and all, I just don't like the fact that they will basically never feel again and they will be forever enslaved without thought of their own. I will have none of that shit here. Anyway, back to your irregularly scheduled program.]

I attempted to open the door, but found it to be locked. I kicked it off of it's hinges and watched the door descend a long flight of stairs.

There's no fucking way I'm going down all of that, especially considering my size. I remove Diana from my shoulders, tuck my shoulders in, roll myself up into as much of a ball as I can, prepare myself for pain, and throw myself down the stairs. I saw for a split second that Diana was giving me a look that asked me if I was crazy. Wait, can't I just walk down sideways like a crab? Nah, my tendrils would just get in the way.

I begin to roll down the stairs, it hurts a lot less than I thought it would. Probably because I'm a Pokémon and not a human. I feel myself suddenly stop as I hit something. I unfurl myself to see that I've hit a wall. As I stand up, I look to the left to spot I landed and spot a Team Rocket grunt. They about to grab a pokeball, but suddenly fall to the ground face first. I walk up to them and check their pulse. Not dead, just out cold. Assuming this to be Miranda's work, I move on.

Unknowingly, our protagonist knocked him out simply by pure intimidation. He is taller and scarier than most Pokémon after all.

I walk down and encounter a door with a card analyzer next to it. I'm sure that I caused a huge commotion, but I don't want the entire base on me yet. It doesn't matter how strong a lion is if a million ants gang up on it…

Vergil - 'Hmmm… did I accidentally just become a young master?'

Throwing away these thoughts, Diana catches up with me.

Diana - "What is wrong with you?! Are you okay in the head?!"

Diana whispers quite loudly.

Vergil - "Oh, I'm sorry, did you have a better idea of me getting down the stairs?"

Diana - "You do realize that Aunt Mira can teleport us, right?"

She asks, staring at me as if I am a huge dumbass. To be fair, she was right.

Vergil - "…Fair enough. Either way, let's continue."

I discreetly take the security card from my inventory by pretending to loot the unconscious body of the grunt. I use it on the card scanner and it flashes red. I look at the card to see a big number 1, while the scanner had a 2. Oh well, we can always get a better one. I replace Diana on my shoulder, and we continue forward. As we walk, we reach what appears to be an open field, perhaps for training? There was equipment everywhere that I had never seen before. There was a battlefield to our right, and in front of us? What appears to be an army of grunts, all looking focused on me. They begin to part like the Red Sea to reveal a middle aged man. Giovani.

Giovani - "So. You were the thing that broke into my facility. I must say, I am impressed. I used the best security measures money could buy. Though I suppose you're not here to hear about that, are you? So! What ARE you here for?"

He says in genuine curiosity. I hate him, but I have to respect him. Building an empire such as this in 2 regions and creating a legendary. What is there not to respect, other than the fact that he's scum? Speaking of legendaries, next to him I see It. Mewtwo, the result of human ingenuity. And the consequence of hubris. I spot it in it's usual armor, while Giovani is wearing some strange headband.

Vergil - "Hmph, why would I tell you? You can't even understand me."

Giovani - "Oh, but I can. With this new invention, I am capable of understanding Pokémon. You should feel honored that you were the first one this function was tested on. Assuming, of course, you are actually a Pokémon."

Vergil - "Very well, since you can understand me, I'll tell you. I came here for revenge!"

I say as I unleash my true, monstrous height. Giovani's eyes widens, after he recovered he began to laugh and clap his hands.

Giovani - "You fool! I have spent billions of dollars and 10 years to create the ultimate Pokémon! Do you truly believe that you can defeat me?"

He says with a grin on his face. I look over to Mewtwo. When he sees this, he hysterically laughs.

Giovani - "No, no. Him? He isn't close. Let me show you the true ultimate life form!"

As he says this, a huge door to his right opens and a human walks out. After he walks out someone, no, something else walks out. It was… me?

To be continued…


Sorry it took so long, I was trying to think of something for this story. Majority of this stuff is just on the fly writing. Pretty much none of it is planned. So I think I managed to get something pretty decent going.