
a poem for the soul

ReReReverie · 都市
9 Chs

"Is that really me"

On days when the sun is hot, scorching the street,

I hide away in my gentle abode, playing games,

Reading books, not educational of course.

At times the heat of the game,

Or the climax of the story gets to me

my body fills with adrenaline,

Filled with energy I stand. A new me has woken.

With the energy of a thousand radiant suns,

A new found confidence emerged

looking at A mirror, the magnificent appears,

A jawline so supreme accompanied by unblemished skin.

Confidence that last for hours, backlashed

With days of agony, looking once more

at the mirror,Flabby, big, fat, ugly is all I can see.

The rain begins to pour, in my dark room

I hide, in my cold bed, I weep. In my sleep,

I dream. The lust for change stands up,

I awake with the confidence to grow.

Become better, become the impossible.

No! Become better and grow! Not the impossible

Else I'll dissapoint myself. Become strong.

Become humble. Be perfectly imperfect