
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · ファンタジー
445 Chs

The Unknown

-----Fabian's POV

We've been travelling for the whole day, now finally setting up camp to rest. Many of the soldiers went out to hunt for everyone else while Leon was back to healing my legs. I'm so accustomed to the pain now that I barely flinch. My skin still breaks when I bend my legs so I've been getting carried throughout most of the journey, although I have no clue where it is we're going.

Leon: "How's it feel now?"

Fabian: "Still feels like shit."

The soldiers did try and help get the shackles around my ankles off, but with how much of it had melted onto my skin, it's not quite an easy task, and I'm not about to have skinless feet.

Soldier: "Here. Eat as much as you like."

Leon: "Thank you."

A soldier comes up to us, handing us some large pieces of dried up meat. The texture feels stiff and tough, almost as if this isn't even food at all. But Leon was the first to try it as I watch him bit down on one of the pieces. I watch him struggle to bite off the piece for a moment until finally he finally bit it off.

Fabian: "How is it?"

Leon: "..."

He doesn't say anything, wanting me to see for myself. I look at the dried up meat once more before going to bite it. It doesn't budge, so I use all my force to break it off. Once it did, my head was flown back from the amount of force as I began to chew.

Soldier: "I know it's something the prince should not eat, but just hang in there for a bit until we catch some proper food."

The taste of it was unbelievably salty, causing my face to pucker up as Leon shoots a smile my way. It's as if I can read his mind, saying "Yeah, this tastes like shit." But food is food, and we haven't had any food for a while now. I guess we'll have to put up with this for now.

Leon: "So. Where exactly did Lucien say we're going?"

Soldier: "He hasn't talked to any of us about it. He keeps mumbling to himself."

So like the time before we left Oakvale. I knew he wasn't talking to the soldiers. Is the headmaster just insane? But if we are going west, then-

Fabian: "You think we're going to Azalea?"

Soldier: "Maybe. We are heading there, but I don't know."

Leon: "But Inasdale is now under the control of those spiders."

Soldier: "We can't do much. If what you say is true, then we'll need Lucien's support to take back the capital."

And there in lies the problem. Lucien, instead of going back to the capital like you suggested, we're now marching in the complete opposite direction... Why.


The soldier's ended up bringing back a few deer. When we woke up, the soldiers had already cooked up some of the deer for us as both Leon and I filled out stomachs. The difference between eating that deer and the dried piece of whatever meat that was is light and day. But now we're back on the move as we've now entered the town of Azalea, but I did not expect to see this.

Coming up to the gate, countless corpses were scattered on the ground to perish. The smell of rotting corpses filled all of our bodies as I had to even hold my breath at times from how bad it was. We ended up stepping over the bodies as at some point we couldn't even see the ground anymore. Bodies stacked on top of bodies with blood pooling up under everything. Due to how dangerous it was for my legs, again I ended up being carried over everything.

Fabian: "This is Kaede's doing?"

Soldier: "The vampire? Yes."

The soldier who's carrying me replied to me which was a bit startling. I didn't think I said that out loud. I still can't believe Kaede's been a vampire this whole time, even chasing after my sister...

Leon: "I knew she was strong... But this."

He's right. This is completely absurd to think that a single monster is capable of doing this amount of damage, on top of forcing Lucien himself to retreat. I feel like if she wanted, she could've taken down the city all by herself... So why is she after my sister? Or could it be her trying to get to my mom through her?


After a lot of struggling, we finally managed to get to the gate. Unlike the road here, past the gate there were no dead bodies at all as the only things that we could see now was the trails left behind from caravans.

Soldier: "You think you can walk?"

Fabian: "Oh, yes. I think so."

Gently, the soldier placed me back down on my feet as the familiar stinging pain shot back up my legs. But I drown the pain as much as I can and continue forward with everyone else. Unlike Oakvale that had some people still remaining, Azalea looked desolate, as if no one is living here. It reminds me when Leon and I visited my mom's territory, seeing everyone disappear like that. My first thought was that Kaede must've killed all the people here as well, but I don't see any bodies unlike the bodies outside the gate.

Lucien however seems to be pacing around, almost as if he's in distress. I can't hear what he's saying but I can clearly tell he's saying something. Curious, I start walking up past the soldiers, moving towards Lucien. Leon also followed closely with me, helping me take some of the weight off my legs.

Lucien: "-this happening."

Seems as though we caught just the very end of the sentence, but he continues to pace back and forth seeming to be deep in thought.

Lucien: "Why though?"

Looking around at the other soldiers who are always watching with us, they all show the same expression as we all worry about Lucien. Maybe the blood loss took a tole on his sanity maybe? But it really does seem like he's having a conversation right now.

Lucien: "The city is being attacked by monsters and you're saying that this is more important?!"

Okay, with him raising his voice like that, now he's caught the attention of most of the soldiers surrounding us. But Lucien pays us no mind at all, not even sparing to shoot us a glance.

Lucien: "This wasn't part of the deal."

Leon: "Hey. Do you think he's talking to someone right now?"

He whispers to me, saying the same thing that's been on my mind.

Fabian: "That's what I was thinking."

Lucien: "Or what. So you're going to kill me? The way I see it, I'm the best chance you have. So if I'm going to do it, I'll do it my way."

Just then, Lucien starts heading back towards us. But he suddenly stops in place as he clenches his chest in pain as he stops himself from dropping to his knees.

Leon: "Headmaster?"

Soldier1: "Sir."

Lucien: "I'm going. Threaten me all you want, but I'm doing it when I say it."

In defiance, Lucien straightens back up before continuing to walk back to us, no longer seeming to be in pain. We and the other soldiers make way for Lucien as he moves through everyone, not saying a single word.

So... now we're heading back to the city? I'm so confused what's going on.

Lucien: "What are you staying around for? Let's move!"

For the first time, he locked eyes on us, finally talking to us in a commanding tone as we all begin to march back the way we just came.

Soldier: "Sorry, but climb onto my back again."

The same soldier as before knelt down as I wrap my arms around his neck before he stands back up. Looks like we're indeed going back the way we just came... I let out a heavy sigh, knowing that we're probably moving further away from where my sister is. I really just want to let go and run off, but with how badly my legs are, I know without Leon's help, I'll die within days.

Fabian: "Stay safe, sister."

I mutter in under my breath as the soldier once again carries me over the countless dead soldiers. The sight of it once again reminding me just how much danger is coming Ellen's way.