
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · ファンタジー
445 Chs

Pursuit - Kaede

I didn't spend much time back home with Fleur and Faye, as after I explained to them that I was going to Inasdale to see Yui, I planned to head back out. It was silly that I just came from that direction, but I don't care. If I get to see Yui then I'll travel the entire world to get to her. Fleur noticed how much luggage I have been carrying, so she wanted to give me a gift before I left. It was an enchanted bag that acted as a little pocket dimension; able to store all of my things inside such a small space. Apparently it's extremely rare, and valuable. Fleur told me it belonged to their mother who had died, so since she wasn't making great use of it, she wanted me to have it for my journey ahead.

Kaede: "Thank you."

Fleur: "We're family. I know you'll take care of it."

Faye: "It was short lived, but it's good to know you're okay. Be sure to bring back Yui, I'd love to meet her!"

Kaede: "I'll see what I can do"

We laugh together before going in for a group hug.

Kaede: "I'll miss you guys... again"

Fleur: "Mmm~ I'll be sure to keep that room reserved hehe"

Faye: "Stay safe out there"

Silver had come running up to us out the back of the guild, since I was going to leave the same way I came.

Kaede: "You can't come with me. You'll be killed if people saw you."

I kneel down to give Silver head scratches before standing back up facing the sisters.

Kaede: "Thank you for everything. I'll be sure to bring her back"

Fleur/Faye: "Take care~"

I jump back over the wall after giving them one last smile goodbye. My heart starts to pound at the thought of seeing Yui, so I end up running straight into the forest, heading in a straight direction towards Inasdale instead of following a path. I didn't care if I ran into monsters, as I felt like nothing could stop me. My speed was incredibly fast thanks to the human blood in my system, but combine that with my desire for Yui, it felt like I could run like this for the whole day.

The weight of my luggage before wasn't an issue, as it was more awkward than anything. However this new bag Fleur had given me, I could now run with ease. While running, I did pass by a few goblins; they weren't in the way but I quickly dealt with them while continuing to run, firing off beams of light into their skulls as I pass. They were close to Azalea so I didn't want issues to come to the sisters.

"Is it just me, or have more demons been showing up lately?" It did feel that way, especially with that dragon from before and...

Oboris: "I'm flattered, thinking of me-"

That familiar voice entered my mind again. The same voice just before I encountered that dragon. I stop in my tracks as I remain alert.

Kaede: "Shouldn't I be the flattered one? Stalker"

Oboris: "Haha, My apologies. I've just been quite entertained watching you run around. Luring that man only to kill him was especially fun to watch."

Suddenly, one of the shadows from a tree grew larger until a human figure emerged out from it.

Oboris: "Hello, princess"

He was no longer speaking to me in my mind and now speaking normally. He wore clothing that looked to be worn by royalty as he approached me. His eyes now coming into view past his black hair, they looked like the eyes from the dragon I fought before. "Is this person a dragon?"

Oboris: "Yes. Dragon royalty like myself can change into a humanoid form like this. It would be difficult to spy on you if I had to always be in my dragon form."

Kaede: "Stay out of my head"

Oboris: "Your father lever liked me inside his head either, but if that's what you want, then so be it."

Kaede: "Why are you following me?"

Oboris: "Can't I be curious? Your the last of the royal family of vampires, and to my surprise at that. I thought I wiped them all out."

Did he want to catch me out to kill me? The last vampire?

Oboris: "Bingo"

He suddenly disappeared into the shadow. I remained on guard, waiting for any movements.

Kaede: "I thought you said you'd stay out of my head"

Oboris: "Like I'd listen to a vampire"

He suddenly emerged from behind me as he sent me flying, hitting against a tree. It wasn't painful like I thought it would, but it still put me in a daze as I could barely make out that he was casting something at me. Ducking out of the way, a black fireball smashed into the tree that I was at, turning it to ash in seconds.

Oboris: "You move fast. I'm impressed"

He had disappeared once more. I try and not to think, as he was in my mind, for all I know he could know my every move. I grow out my fingers to their razor sharp form before cutting my hand. There was no blood around me, so I'll have to make use of my own. Right on time, as expected, he appeared from behind me once more as I quickly move out of the way, turning my blood into a blade before slashing at his face while dodging his attack. He looked bewildered at the fact I managed to hurt him, but I wasn't letting up, moving forward to continue my attack; however like before, he quickly vanished, making me miss my strike.

Oboris: "Abomination... What has he done?"

Kaede: "What do you mean abomination?"

Oboris: "You don't know? Vampires don't bleed; but I know you are the daughter of Lord Valdemar, I can see it, I can smell it. I can't believe he managed to create such a monster..."

Being called a monster 'from' a monster feels strange. Also hearing that vampires don't bleed? "Then what am I?"

Oboris: "Half vampire... I'm sorry but I'll have to get serious. Letting your kind live is far too dangerous."

He quickly emerged from a shadow some distance away before casting multiple barrages of black flame. Seeing what it did to that tree, I know getting hit by it would mean trouble, so I do my best to avoid the attacks, slipping past each of the flames, before making an attack of my own, extending my blood blade to a long point, stabbing into the shoulder of Oboris.

Oboris: "Damn you"

I let my blood sink inside his shoulder, going inside him, however he quickly creates black flame in his hands to seal off his wound, stopping my magic from getting through. However I continue my attack, bringing out more of my blood to create 2 spears before firing them at him. He managed to evade them as he ducked back into the shadows. "To hell with this"

I use my light magic to light up the area, getting rid of the shadows around us as I managed to force Oboris out of hiding. The look of his panicked face made me more confident as I send my blood spears back at him from his side while simultaneously firing off light blades with my arms. He mustn't of seen the blood spears coming at him as he was focused on defending the light blades when finally, the blood spears stuck inside his side. Not letting him do the same trick as before, I quickly sink my blood inside him.

Oboris: "N-"

Not letting him speak, I explode the blood inside him, creating numerous small holes all over his body as he collapses to the ground. I make my way towards him as he remained on his knees, looking up at me.

Oboris: "M-monster"

I flick out some more blood from my hand, sending the blood spike straight at his head. His eyes become dilated as he slowly falls forward, slamming into the ground.

Being called a monster from a monster was disgusting. It felt like I was even worse than what the humans were fighting against. However my body grew heavy as I eventually collapsed to my knees next to Oboris, keeping me steady with my hands on the ground. I did have to use my own blood to deal with this guy, but to think he called himself a demon lord? That title sounded scary. I would of thought someone like a demon lord would be more difficult. "Monster" That words repeated in my head over and over. My worries come back at the thought of Yui hating what I've become, however I still wanted to see her.

With the last strength I had, I brought myself back on my feet, giving one last look to Oboris. Suddenly the thought of tasting his blood came to mind as I knelt back down. I felt fatigued so maybe its a good idea to get something in me before continuing my journey. I sink my teeth into his neck. The blood pouring down my throat as I drink every bit I can. I felt my body become stronger as the fatigue disappeared entirely. Again, the taste of humans was better, but I felt like this was different; the blood of a royal demon felt strange inside me.

?: "Master!"

I felt a force push me away from Oboris before I could finish my meal. Looking back at Oboris, I could see a horned demon, kneeling at Oboris. "Where did he come from?" Before I could find an answer, he put his hand down on Oboris before disappearing, taking Oboris with him. I doubt that he could be saved but then again, he did say he was a demon lord, so maybe he could find a way. Also that horned demon that appeared out of nowhere looked strong, I'll have to stay alert while I travel, but at least Oboris wont be in my way.

After gathering myself, I stand back up, looking back at where they had disappeared before continuing my journey. To Yui.