
A Place Where Gods Live

This is a side story from 3 Kingdoms, it tells the story of where the gods who live in the weapons are from, who they truly are and how they ended up getting sealed into the weapons.

Javan_Williams · SF
3 Chs

"The Plot"

The planet Teno was next on the agenda.

They have been suffering under the kingship of an evil king and for many years they have prayed to the gods for deliverance, now their prayers will be answered.

Adonis got wind of the situation that was at hand and how it would be Yam and his team's next mission as their final mission that would lead them into the realm of the Elite, so he went to Teno and made a deal with the tyrant king.

"Words of your rule as reached the ears of the gods, I do admire your work, I'll make you an offer and if you complete this task I will make you like myself, a god," said Adonis to the king.

The king was intrigued by what he was hearing so he asked, " what would you have me do."

"Slaughter all these people and destroy this planet, I'll lend you some of my power to do so and when it is complete I will bestow even more power on you," said Adonis.

After Adonis left the planet two days later Yam and the others arrived and what they saw was unbelievable, the planet was cracked down to its core, magma seeping out, and the bodies of men women, and children cover the earth and seas.

" What the hell happened here?" asked Gaia as she was looking around at the carnage, "this is insane," said Raijin, "all these people, I sense a very strong presence coming this way," said Theia as she turned her attention into that direction, Yam was furious, "all these people, killed for what, this king will pay for what he as done here," said Yam as he clenched his fist.

He flew out to meet the person responsible for the act and they fought, the battle was taking a toll on the already destroyed planet It was falling apart, even more, By this time the Overseer had arrived, he couldn't believe what he saw.

"What did you guys do?" asked the Overseer, "we didn't do anything, we came here and say all of this," said Gaia, "you guys killed all these people for what? The Head Council will hear of this, said the Overseer, he then disappeared.

"Was that guy deaf or something?" asked Stribog.

Yam defeated the evil king but he still felt like it wasn't enough.

" Yam, Let's go we have to report this to the Head Council," said Stibog.

They then disappeared.

Back in the Seventh Heaven, the Overseer told the Head Council what he saw, how Yam and his team slaughtered all the people and destroyed the planet, When Yam and his team arrived they were apprehended and brought before the Head Council.

" Yam how could you have done this?" asked Amma, "we didn't do anything when we got there the place was already like that," said Yam, "how can a Tenite do so much damage to a planet like that? it was the work of a god," asked Amma.

"We are not responsible for what happened on Teno," said Raijin.

It was against the rules to destroy a planet unless it was an order from the Head Council, so this was a serious crime but deep in Amma's heart he knew Yam wouldn't do something like this but there was no evidence to prove that he and his team weren't responsible.

The trial went on for three more days, Amma didn't want to seem like he was on Yam's side too much because of their friendship so he had to play fair so the other gods wouldn't see him as biased, after three days Amma and the other gods of the Head Council came to a verdict.

"The look on Amma's face," thought Yam as they were brought before the head council to learn their faith.

Then judgment was handed down.

"Yam, you and your friends Stribig, Theia, Raijin, Gaia, and Angi were found guilty of destroying the planet Teno in the fifth heaven, you will be sent there to spend the rest of eternity as punishment," said Amma.

But Amma had a plan for Yam and his friend because he knew they were innocent.

"What, that's nonsense, we didn't do it!" shouted Raijin," Raijin nothing you say can change the verdict of the head council," said Gaia," Yam?" asked Raijin as he looked at him," Gaia is right Raijin, I'm sorry," said Yam as he looked at them.

There was an uproar among them for some of the gods that were in favor of Yam and his team, they knew he and his team wouldn't do something like that and they believed the sentence was too harsh but when the Head Council spoke that was the final word.