
1. That Rainy night

The rain that night thundered and rumbled, lashing the woods endlessly. Flashes of lightning illuminated the narrow sliver of road winding into the distance.

He drove nervously in the rain, terrified that he may crash, but the fear of being caught and killed was even greater. He looked at the child strapped onto the seat next to him, and his resolve strengthened. He couldn't let Alex get killed.

He tried to accelerate his old sedan as much as he could, but the car eventually spluttered to a weak stop. Frustrated, he slammed his hands on the steering wheel, and wondered where he could go.

I was only a matter of time before they would catch up to him.

A few moments of anxiously biting his lips later, he came to a decision. He pulled off his trench coat, and and unbuckled the sleeping Alex from the passenger seat. He bundled her in it, making sure he covered her well, put her in his lap, and opened his car door.

He then turned the steering wheel till the car wheels pointed off the road and into the forest, and released the handbrake.

As the car slowly started to move off the road, he jumped out of the vehicle just in time before it tumbled into the forested depths unsteady, crashing into a tree q few meters away.

Hugging the sleeping child tightly, he wiped the water lashing his face and ran further up the road, just in time to evade a huge boom, as the car exploded and went up in flames.

This crash would only buy them some time.

He had to find a pack that would take them in soon.