
Chapter 1: A New Home

This is a work of fiction coming from another work of fiction...

Similarities between characters and events to persons living or dead in your world are purely coincidental...

Only those who have agreed to the above have the privilege in partaking in this story...

The contract is sealed...

The world is not as it should be. It's filled with distortion, and "ruin" can no longer be avoided...

Those who oppose fate and desire change... From time to time, they are referred to as Tricksters...

You are the Trickster... Now is the time to rise against the abyss of distortion...

---Somewhere, in a casino--3rd person point of view--

A casino, covered in dazzling lights and signs that can blind anyone's eyes with it's glare. Inside, a commotion is happening. People have worried expressions on their faces, fearing something...

Suddenly, two faint shadows appear to swing above the crowd. People turn left and right, but the unidentifiable beings were too fast. Men in black suits stormed in, checking left and right, scanning for anything unusual.

The beings suddenly stopped and looked down on everyone. These beings were two people, one boy and one girl. Both of them wore attire that resembled that of a thief. The boy had a suitcase in his hand and the girl had two swords in both hands. The men noticed the two after a random person pointed towards them. The two thieves jumped on a nearby platform and heard something from their earpieces. A boyish voice.

"Good. Now get running!"

The two thieves nodded and began to jump from platform to platform. Other voices blared from the earpiece.

"This is our only chance!"

"Stay calm! You can get away now!"

"We'll retrieve the briefcase from our end."

"... Suspects... Not... Confirmed... Hold... Your... Positions..."

"Hm...? What was that...?"

"Don't worry about us. Just concentrate on getting away!"

"But I have to say, that showing yourselves above that crowd earlier was an excellent move."

"Nice work as always, Joker and Assassin."

"I bet Skull wouldn't pull it off that smoothly."

"This happens because you have no sense of aesthetics."

"Nobody asked you, Inari!"

The two thieves stopped as they saw a few men in black suits on the other side of the railings. They watched them for a second before moving on.

"OK, the enemy's focus is on them. Looks like the rest of us can slip away.", the boyish voice spoke again. The female thief spoke.

"Don't get yourselves caught. It would be a waste of time to deal with more enemies to save you.", the female spoke with a cold tone, but had a hint of care. Not many noticed it, but it was there.

"Everyone remember where we're meeting up?"

The two thieves jumped onto the second floor, as two men in black burst through the doors. Their suddenly changes into muscled beings with masks. Both thieves charged at one and forcefully removed each of their masks. Once the masks were removed, the men turned into monsters. The two thieves removed their own masks to reveal obscured beings behind them. The boy thief spoke.

"Enemy's status."

another voice came from the earpiece.

"Comparing power levels... No threat. Get 'em, guys! Everyone else, head to positions! Use route B!"

The boy thief summoned the strange being and used a strange red power to attack the enemy. The girl thief ran towards the enemy and slashed the enemy to deal the final blow.

"Ok, pull out before their backup comes here."

"Good. You defeated them with ease!"

As the voice said that, more enemies came.

"More of them!? Be careful!"

"Joker, Assassin, behind you! Go through that door!"

The two thieves went through the back door to find some sort of fire escape littered with casino posters. More voices blared.

"You should be able to get out that way! Hurry!"

"Dude, can they even hear us!?"

The female thief answered.

"Yes, we can. What a waste of time, asking such an insignificant question."

"That is cold!!"

"Don't worry, I'm picking up everyone's voices. Just go, you two!"

The two thieves kept running through the back area, avoiding other enemies.

"Tch! We got away from a bunch of those guys in black, but there're loads of 'em..."

The two thieves stopped near a window and listened to an agent pass by.

"Where'd they go!? Damn it! I can't confirm the intruder's location."

The two quietly passed by and were about to go up the stairs when they saw another agent in their way.

"This is bad! Hide, you two! You'll never get away if you just keep fighting. Hide in the shadows, and sneak past when you see an opening!"

The thieves hid behind two boxes and waited. The agent was talking on an earpiece.

"... Hey, are you sure they came this way? Understood, I will continue the search!"

"Now's your chance! Run for the stairs!"

The thieves ran to the stairs. At the top, hallways covered in casino posters to the point that you couldn't see the walls. The two passed a room. The female thief stopped to listen for a second.

"They're not alone! Find them and kill them all!"

The thieves ran up a few more stairs, agents running after them. They reached the end of the stairs to see that they made it back to the top floor of the casino.

"The exit should be up ahead."

The thieves looked ahead to look at the exit; A giant stained glass window.

"Nnh...! That's just how it is."

"It will do.", the female thief spoke.

"After the commotion, the bottom floor's completely closed off. Hey, can you make it!?"

Just as the voice ended, three agents pointed their guns at the thieves. The two looked at each other before nodding. They both jumped onto the railing and began to gracefully make their way to the window without falling. As they both stopped in front of the window, both of them said something at the same time.

"See ya!"

"Your secrets are mine!"

The two thieves jumped through the window, making colored glass rain around them as they fly through the air, the moon creating a beautiful scene.

"What show-offs. You two are so reckless, you know that?"

The two thieves landed on the ground but got up to see that police had surrounded them.

"Enemies, here!? These readings... It can't be!"

"What happened!?"

"An ambush!?"

"Hey, can you two handle this!?"


The two thieves ran towards a nearby ladder and began to climb. At the end of the ladder, more enemies. One of the pushed the two with a gun magazine. They fell in the sea of police. The thieves were held down on the ground. A man came up to them. He grabbed the male thief's hair and spoke.

"You have your teammate to thank for this. You were sold out."

The thieves were cuffed and taken away...

--???, interrogation room--???'s point of view--

I woke up with an extreme headache. I looked around. A pair of syringes on the floor, the smell of metal consuming me. I looked at a nearby chair. Akira... He was cuffed to a nearby chair. I was cuffed on the ground to a nearby pipe. I noticed three men in the small room. One of them talked.

" I guess the drug was too strong..."

Drug... The syringes... They drugged us both... We were caught. Damn...

"Hey, the girl is awake. Should we wake the boy?"

"Wake him up."

One of them grabbed a bucket of water and splashed it's contents on Akira, waking him up.


"No dozing off."

Akira began to struggle, seeing me cuffed up and that we were caught. The man scoffed.

"You still don't get it, do you? Give it up!", the man kicked Akira in the stomach, making him topple over with his chair. I tried getting closer, but the cuffs were not helping. I glared at the man with power, but I knew I couldn't do anything, and they knew too. The man kicked my stomach. I fell to the floor, coughing violently. The man went back Akira and put his heel on his face.

"Come on, cooperate, or what, you want another shot?", the man noticed Akira looking at a nearby camera.

"Huh? What about the camera? Are you thinking it can be used as video evidence?", the man grabbed a handful of Akira's hair and looked him dead in the eye, waiting for an answer.

"Of course not...", Akira's voice was hushed and rough. The man dropped Akira's head on the floor and took a clipboard from one of the other men. He began to read what was on it.

"Obstruction of justice, blackmail, defamation, possession of weapons... Manslaughter too, yeah? Talk about the works. To think that all these crimes were all lead by punks like these... And you seemed to be enjoying every second of it... Huh?", I began to think.

I was... Enjoying it...? Everything's hazy... I can't remember...

I heard the man keep talking.

"... You two should know your place.", the man signaled one of them to release Akira. They took off his cuffs and give him the clipboard and a pen.

A confession...

"Sign here. It's a confession under your name.", the man went close to Akira's face and spoke. "Don't expect to get out of here in one piece. We're going to make you understand... One must take full responsibility for their actions", after the man spoke, he gave Akira the pen. Akira slowly signed it and gave it to the man. He walked up to me and looked at me with an irritated look as one of the men freed me from the cuffs.

"How the hell could we not catch you before...?! Do you know how much trouble you gave us!? You know what? I don't care anymore, just sign the confession!", the man threw the clipboard and pen towards me. I caught them and wrote my name under Akira's name.

Akira Kurusu

Rika Koga

The men left us both with three chairs and a table. Akira and I sat down next to each other. Akira looked at me and spoke.

"Are you okay, Rika?"

"Don't waste your time on me. I'm fine, you should worry about yourself."

"You are with me in this situation, of course I would worry about you too."

"As long as you are okay, I'm fine. Now quiet down. I hear talking outside.", I shush Akira and listen in on the people outside.

"Excuse me, but this area's off--", a woman cut the officer's voice.

"I'm Nijiima from the Public Prosecutors Office."


"The Prosecutors Office? What business do you have here?"

"Just let me through; it's urgent. There's something I need to confirm with the suspects."

The metaverse...

"Nijiima-San, I believe this case is no longer in your jurisdiction."

another man began to speak.

"Are you Prosecutor Sae Niijima? There's a call from your director. Hurry and get it over with. To be frank, your being an inconvenience."

Rude bastards.

It went quiet for a second.

Niijima-San must be on the phone...

Niijima-San began to talk.

"I'm responsible for this case, yet I'm not even allowed an interrogation!?"

More silence.

"I will not be convinced unless I can confirm it for myself. This is MY case."

More silence, then a small click.

The phone call ended.

The man began to talk again.

"Ah, Prosecutor. I forgot to mention something important. Your time will be cut short. We can't permit you to talk with them for long."


"It's for your own sake. Their methods are unknown. After all, we don't even know if it's safe to simply meet and speak with them. The boy is a phantom thief, be careful. And be careful when saying ANYTHING about yourself or anyone, the girl is the rumored phantom spy..."

Talking behind others is just wrong, you know...

"... I understand."

A few seconds later, Nijiima-San came in. She was honestly quite beautiful and confident. I respected her as a prosecutor, even though she was considered an enemy. She sat down in the chair across from us. I spoke.


"Before you begin, Niijima-San, let me ask of you something. Can you tell those apes people call officers to talk quietly? I heard the entire conversation."

"... Noted.", Nijiima-San sighed and collected her thoughts.

"...I didn't expect it'd be you two. You'll be answering my questions this time."

Nijiima-San looked at the syringes on the floor, used and forgotten.

"Those bastards... Can you hear me? It seems you've been through a lot. Almost anything can happen here... And I can't stop them.", Nijiima-San fixed her posture from leaning to a more relaxed professional demeanor.

"That's why I need you two to answer me honestly. I don't have much time either. What was your objectives? Why did you cause such a major incident? I didn't think it was a prank from the get-go, but I couldn't assemble a case for prosecution. It's because I couldn't figure out the method behind it."

Akira began to speak. He didn't talk much, and neither did I. When we talk, it's for three reasons.

1- Asking something.

2- Statement.

3- To be snarky.

I did the last two more. I don't like wasting my time with stupid questions.

"Of course you couldn't...", Akira was being somewhat snarky, but he was a softy. He was somewhat of a jester; joking around, but they are deep sometimes. I never had a great sense of humor, so I didn't joke a lot.

"This isn't an issue of whether or not it can be used in court. I need to know. This is my case, after all. It seems you two are coherent. When and where did you find out about that world? How is it even possible to steal another's heart? Now, tell me your account of everything, both of you... Start from the very beginning."

I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. I started to hear a voice. A voice so calming in this stressful situation.

"... You are held captive. A prisoner of fate to a future that has been sealed in advance. This is truly an unjust game... Your chances of winning are almost none. But if my voice is reaching you, there may yet be a possibility open to you... I beg you. Please of overcome this game... And save the world... The key to victory lies within the memories of your bonds- the truth that you and your friends grasped. It all began that day... When the game was started half a year ago... For the sake of your world's future... As well as your own... You must remember..."

I watched as the blue butterfly in my vision fly away, helping me remember the beginning.

--Japan, Shibuya--Rika's point of view--20XX--past--

I woke up from my sleep, still on the train with my older brother, Akira. He looked blank, yet sad, expression on his face. He must be remembering the incident with the man who sued him and the woman who lied to protect the real guilty man. I remember the day where the police brought my brother home and discussed the transfer.

"Your son will be transferred to Shibuya."

"*sigh*... Alright.", our parents signed it. I came downstairs with a straight face.

"I'm going with him, don't try to change my mind.", I said with a serious tone that showed that I was not messing around.

I looked at two students as they gossiped.

"What? Are you for real? A mental shutdown?"

"It's the truth!"

"To a person though? That's gotta be a joke. You really love all that occult stuff, don't you?", the girls began to giggle.

Mental shut down...? I'll keep it in mind, might be more info on the Internet.

The train stopped and Akira and I left. We reached Central Square, people swarming the area. I heard passing conversations as we walked for a bit, trying to locate the area we need to reach. As I looked down at my phone for directions, I strange icon appeared; A yellow eye icon. I looked at Akira's phone, and he had a red eye icon. We both tried to delete it, but it only got bigger.

A virus...? What a waste of time.

I looked up at the people and noticed that they were walking slower... Their speech slowed down... And eventually, everyone was frozen. Akira and I were fine, but the whole area looked like a picture; unmoving. I looked ahead and saw a yellow flame. I couldn't look away, no matter how hard I tried. The fire started to take shape of some sort of being that was bizarre, to say the least. The more I focused, I saw someone... I saw myself, covered in flames, yellow eyes and a chilling smirk.

I felt someone shake me slightly. I looked towards Akira, who looked just as confused as I was.

"Did you see...?", Akira saw it. I thought for a second before I concluded that one of the train station snacks that we had must of had something old or maybe even drugs. That must have been why we hallucinated.

"Don't worry about it. Maybe you are just tired.", and I ended the conversation there. I looked back at my phone to see the yellow eye app. I quickly deleted it before walking on with Akira.

--An hour later--

We made it to Yongen-Jaya. The place was really small, but comfortable. I looked at the address that we had to go to. It was the house of a man named Sojiro Sakura. Akira and I made it the house, but found no one there.

"Look Akira, let's ask around to see if they saw this Sojiro guy. Come back here in five minutes to meet up.", Akira nodded and left to search. I walked to a police officer.

"Yes? What's seems to be the problem?"

"I just wanted to know where Sojiro Sakura works, is the place nearby?"

"Sakura-San? He works at Leblanc, a coffee shop just behind the corner. I think he is there now."

"Thank you, sir."

I went back to Sojiro's house and waited. Soon after, Akira came up to me.

"Sojiro Sakura works in a coffee shop nearby."

"It seems you do have social skills. I thought you couldn't keep your cool when anything required talking."

"Says the girl who says that talking is a waste of time!"

"Just like this conversation. Let's go."

We walked to Leblanc and walked inside. The smell of coffee and curry invaded my senses.

What an odd combination...

The TV reporter cut my train of thought off.

"A public transit bus was driven down an opposing lane with its customers still in it! The citizens can't live in peace if this keeps up."

An elderly couple began to talk.

"How frightening."

"What could be going on? Didn't something similar happen just the other day?"

A man was sitting on one of the bar stools. He seemed interested in the newspaper in his hand. He wore an apron, which made it look like he worked there.


Sojiro Sakura...

He began to mumble.

"Vertical is... The name of a shellfish used for farming pearls...", he was working on a crossword.

"Oysters, I think that is the answer.", I answer quietly. The man looked at me then Akira.

"...Oh, right. They did say that was today."

the elderly couple got up and smiled towards the man.

"We'll be going now. They payment's on the table."

"Thanks for coming."

"This place is in the back alley, so there's no worries of a car crashing in here."

"A what now?"

Was he really that interested in the newspaper to the point he couldn't hear the news on the TV? Talk about shutting out distractions...

"There's been a a string of those rampage accidents, you know. I just hope that none happen around here."

"It's none of my concern."

"Haha, we'll see you next time.", the couple soon left.

The man sighed.

"... Four hours for just a single cup of joe.", I felt annoyed.

"Four hours? People waste so much time. Can't they see that their days are numbered? I swear...", I mumble as Akira put a hand on my shoulder. I swatted his hand away while saying a low "Don't touch me.".

"So, you're Akira and you're Rika?"

"Is Sakura-San here?", my brother asked. I tsked his lack for observation skills.

"Brother, what have I told you? Observation. He is wearing an apron with coffee stains, the application for residence said that our guardian works alone, and the policeman said that Sojiro Sakura works here. All that leads me to the conclusion; This IS Sojiro Sakura. Ugh, why do I waste my time explaining things to you?", Akira smiled at my explanation and Sojiro just stared at me with a raised eyebrow and smirked in the end.

"It's like she said. I'm Sojiro Sakura. You'll be in my custody over the next year. I was wondering what kind of unruly kids would show up, but you two are the ones, huh? Have you been told? A customer of mine and your parents know each other and-- Well, not that that matters... Follow me."

At least he won't waste my time... I hope.

Akira and I followed Sojiro to the stairs and what was waiting for us was... Unexpected. A storage space crammed to the brim with boxes, books, sacks, and dust. A lot of dust. I quickly pulled out my mask and covered my mouth and nose. Akira looked like he was holding in his disgusted look. I didn't hide anything.

"This is your room. I'll at least give you sheets for your bed.", Sojiro looked at me. "You look like you wanna say something."

"Is there a storage space on the roof?"

"Uh, yes. It's dusty but empty."

"Dibs. Akira, you get the cluttered room. Better get cleaning."


"Don't complain. It's a waste of time.", Akira pouted but gave up in the end. Sojiro spoke.

"It's on you to clean up the rest. I'll be leaving after I lock up each day. You'll be alone at night, but don't do anything stupid. I'll throw you out if you cause any trouble. Now then... I got the gist of your situation. You protected some woman from a man forcing himself on her, he got injured, then sued you. Right?", Akira heard that and nodded without hesitation.

"That's what you get for sticking your nose in a matter between two adults. You did injure him, yeah?... And now that you got a criminal record, you were expelled from your high school. The courts ordered you to transfer and move out here, which your parents also approved. In other words, they got rid of you for being a pain in the ass."

Rude, Sojiro. Rude...

"But I don't get it. Why did you follow him?", Sojiro asked me with a perplexed expression.

"I have my reasons. I did nothing, but I came. Is that wrong?", I asked with a raised eyebrow. Sojiro sighed and went back to shit-talking.

"It's best you not talk about anything unnecessary. I am in the restaurant business, you know."

You don't say...

"Behave for the rest of the year. If nothing happens, your probation will be lifted."

"A whole year...", Akira mumbled to himself.

"Cause any problems, and you'll be sent straight to juvie. We'll be going to Shujin tomorrow."

"Shujin?", Akira questioned.

"Did you even read the paperwork? It's our new school. Honestly...", I groaned. Sojiro went on.

"We'll be introducing ourselves properly to the staff there. There's rarely a place that'll accept someone like you, you know. What a waste of my Sunday... Your "luggage" arrived earlier; I left them over there.", Sojiro pointed at two separate boxes, each one of them with a name. Sojiro left us alone to clean. I sat down on a nearby couch and began to fold all of our clothes as Akira cleaned up the room. It became late and Akira and I switched into more comfortable clothes. I wore a pair of jean shorts with a cropped yellow hoodie. Sojiro came upstairs just as we both finished cleaning.

"What the heck? I heard you making all sorts of noise up here but I didn't think you were cleaning. Actually, the place doesn't look too bad. Though it's only natural you'd want to keep your room tidy."

"His room. I'm taking the roof storage."

"Are you sure you want that place? It is dusty..."

" I will clean it."

"Alright then... Why don't you two go to bed for tonight? You don't have anything better to be doing, right? I'm going to close up shop and get out of here myself. I won't be the one looking after you if you get sick for staying up too late, you got that?", with that, Sojiro left us alone again.

"Goodnight, Akira.", I said quietly as I opened the window and began to climb up to my room. I reached the roof and I entered the storage room. It was dusty, but nothing like a small cleaning session can't fix. I quickly got to work and finished in no time flat. I decided to keep my mask on, just in case. I opened my phone to see the same yellow eye app back on my screen.

"Must be a virus...", I mumbled as I deleted the app and slowly descended into unconsciousness.

My sleep was peaceful until I woke up in a different room. I gasped and stayed still for a moment, taking in the area.

Chains... A toilet... I'm wearing prison clothes... I'm cuffed and held down by a metal ball and chain... I'm in some sort of blue prison...

I heard someone chuckling next to me. I turned to see two little girls, dressed in blue prison warden outfits. They looked like twins, but one of them had a her white hair braided and her eyepatch on her left eye. The other twin had two buns on each side of her head with her eyepatch on her right eye. Both of them had warden officer hats with different letters.


Braids has O.Y.O.O, buns has X.M.R.N... Put together, they spell OXYMORON...a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction... Do they contradict in words? Style? Personality?

I stood up and reached the cell bars, as far as I can go with the metal weight. I looked ahead to see a strange sight. A small table in the middle of a circular room surrounded by empty cells. At the table sat a bizarre man. Pointed ears, bloodshot eyes, a huge smile, a long nose with a pointed tip, thick brown eyebrows, a balding head with white hair near the back of the neck, wearing an expensive suit. That was the bizarre man. The man had a deep, unnervingly calm voice.


"Trickster spy... Welcome to my velvet room."

The wardens spoke.

"So you came to, inmate. The you in reality is currently fast asleep. You are only experiencing this as a dream. You're in the presence of out master, stand up straight!"

The bizarre man, now known as the warden's master, spoke.

"Welcome. I am delighted to make your acquaintance. This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter. It is a room that only those who are bound by a "contract" may enter. I am Igor, the master of this place. Remember it well. I summoned you to speak of important matters. It involves your life as well."

"Are you threatening me, Igor?"

One of the wardens hit the metal bars with all her might.

"Know your place, Inmate!"

Nonetheless, Igor kept going.

"Still, this is a surprise... The state of this room reflects the state of your own heart. To think that a prison would appear as such. You truly are a "prisoner" of fate. In the near future, there is no mistake that ruin awaits you. I speak of the end of everything."


"However, there is a means to oppose such a fate. You must be "Rehabilitated". Rehabilitated towards freedom... This is your only means of avoiding ruin... Do you have the resolve to challenge the distortion of this world?"

"If it means getting out of this blue disco prison, then I will do anything."

"Allow me to observe the path of your rehabilitation."

The two wardens stepped in front of my cell, waiting.

"Ah, pardon me for not introducing the others. To your right is Caroline; To your left, Justine. They serve as wardens here."

So braid is Justine and buns is Caroline.


"Hmph, try and struggle as hard as you like. The duty of wardens is to protect inmates. We are also your collaborators... That is, if you remain obedient."

Igor continued speaking.

"I shall explain the roles of these two at another occasion. Now then, it seems the night is waning... It is almost time. Take your time to slowly come to understand this place. We will surely meet again, eventually...", Just as Igor finished, a loud bell sounded.

"Time's up. Now hurry up and get back to sleep."

I felt myself lose consciousness and fall backwards. I woke up with a jolt in my storage/ bedroom. I checked myself to see if I still had the weird prison clothes.

Nothing... What a realistic dream...

--Sunday, 10th, 20XX, morning--Yongen-Jaya--Leblanc--past--

I quickly got dressed and climbed into Akira's room. He was sitting on the bed, deep in thought. I said a quick "Good morning.". Sojiro came upstairs, dressed in a white suit and fedora.

Honestly, it looks ridiculous...

"Looks like you two are up. Well then , let's go introduce ourselves properly to the staff about the transfer. The school you two are attending is in the Aoyama district. It'll cost you to ride the train there, and the route transfers are a pain. I'll drive you there, but just for today. Let's go. Sheesh... Kids aren't usually allowed in the passenger seat.", with that Sojiro left. Akira and I grabbed our phones and left after Sojiro.

-Some time later-

We made to the gates of the school.

Shujin Academy...

Sojiro looked at us and sighed.

What now...? Please don't waste my time...

"Do me a favor and behave yourself, all right? Don't get me wrong- I don't care what happens to you. Just don't cause any trouble."

Alright then. Sojiro has now proven himself to be the type to show his disciplinary side to acquaintances. Wonder what he is like with others... Well, it would be a waste of time to dwell on it...

I fixed my uniform's skirt, fixed my tie (I wear ties, deal with it.) and went inside.

-Sometime later-

We were in the principal's office. Sojiro was signing the last of the paperwork, Akira was blankly staring at the mountain of sheets on the desk, I was making silent notes on everyone. The principle was a middle-aged man who seemed to neglect his health since he looked overweight. He was bald and wore an orange suit.


Looks like a bald potato to me...

Another teacher was there. A female with short and frizzy hair, wearing a striped yellow and orange suit with a long black skirt. She was silent for most of the time.


She doesn't seem to be that enthusiastic about being here...

The principal looked at us and spoke.

"To reiterate, just so we're clear, you will immediately be expelled if you cause any trouble. Honestly, I hesitated on accepting people like you, but there were some circumstances on our side... You might have done a variety of things in hiding in your hometown, but you will behave yourself here. If you are thrown out of our school, there will be no place for you to go. keep that in mind."

By circumstances, you mean the reputation of the school will skyrocket because "They could keep a bunch of delinquents in check"...

"Wait a minute, I get that Akira's situation, but what about Rika? As far as I know, she just followed the damn brat. I feel like you are including her as a troublemaker.", Sojiro asked with slight confusion.

"Did you not explain your circumstances with your guardian?", the principal looked at me with slight anger.

"I don't see why I should, but alright. I was an orphan. My parents thought I was a waste of time to deal with. Akira's parents took me in. Happy now?", I explained with a sigh. Akira frowned slightly, while the rest of them stayed as quiet as a stone. The principal cleared his throat, pointed at the quiet teacher and spoke again.

"This is the teacher in charge of your class.", with that, she spoke.

"I'm Sadayo Kawakami. Here's your student ID. Be sure to read the school rules. Any violations will send you straight to the guidance office. And, if by chance you cause any problems, I won't be able to protect you at all... That is your promise, yes, Principal Kobayakawa? But really though, why me...? There should've been better candidates."

"Whiny" much?

The principal, now I know as Kobayakawa, sighed.

"It was a sudden transfer, and your class was the only one that had any openings."

"If you're done explaining things, mind if we get going? I got a store to get back to.", Sojiro sighed.

Save me...

"Sakura-San, please keep an eye on them. Don't let them cause any trouble outside..."

"Well, I'll make sure to have a serious talk about the situation they're in."

Ugh, more lectures... What a waste of time...

"Come to the faculty office when you arrive at school tomorrow. I'll show you to your classroom.", Kawakami said with a sigh. I grabbed my ID card, bowed slightly and made my way out.

We left the office and made our way to the exit.

"They're treating you like some kind of nuisances... That's what it means to have a criminal record and a... Interesting life. Turns out your pasts follow you wherever you go. By the way... If you get expelled now, I won't hesitate to kick you out. Got it?"

"Do you mind waiting for me? Actually, don't answer that. It would waste my time. I'm off to the bathroom, try not to be stupid, Akira.", I left Sojiro and Akira there, staring at me with weird looks.

I entered the bathroom to clear my thoughts. I leaned on one of the stalls and sighed. I checked my phone and saw the yellow eye app again. This time, it had a red notification mark with the number one on it.

"A notification...?", I looked around the bathroom, making sure no one was around. I tapped on the yellow button and waited. I suddenly saw a white light burst from my phone, engulfing me. When the light stopped, I opened my eyes.

Wait... This isn't the bathroom...!

I looked around to see myself in the middle of greenery. I heard someone coming, so I hid behind a pillar and slowed my breathing. I looked to see Kawakami and another man, presumably a teacher. It was a male teacher wearing a jersey and had a dumb excuse for an Afro on his head. I began to listen in on their conversation.


(Kawakami-gym teacher)

"What a troublesome situation."

"I can't believe they pushed someone with a record on me. A male teacher would be better suited for this..."

"Why in the world was someone like that admitted here?"

"Who knows? It was the principal's decision. I was told that it's for the school's reputation."

Called it...

"I would've thought that my volleyball team has contributed more than enough to cover that."

So the man is a gym teacher and has a reputation for being a good coach for the school's volleyball team...

"That's certainly true."

"Be careful, OK? Then again, if anything were to happen, I'd kick out a student like that right away."

"I keep wishing that he'd just end up not coming to school. Still, that isn't something I should be saying as a teacher... Oh, I forgot to mention that he isn't the only transfer student. He has a sister... Well, foster sister."

"Oh, a female student? What's she like?", the gym teacher looked kind of... Excited.


"Well, she seems very... Apathetic. Don't get me wrong, she seems to have manners. She bows and seems quiet enough, but she always looks like she is judging you silently... And whenever you talk, she has this stare that makes you feel like you are wasting her time. But... I don't blame her."

"How come?"

"Well, I don't know all the details, but she gave us a VERY brief explanation. She was left for adoption by her previous parents because "They thought she was a waste of time.". The boy's parents adopted her. I guess she never forgave her parents or she doesn't trust adults...? I honestly have no clue."

I guess "word spreads fast" isn't an exaggeration...

"Well, I'm sure she will feel safe here and begin to trust us!"

"I hope so..."

"Well, I should be returning to practice."

"Oh, right. The tournament's coming up, isn't it?"

"Hehe, having such high expectations placed on you by others is quite a problem in itself. We'll have to work hard to cover for the track team too."

Cocky much? And shouldn't he also care about the track team instead of throwing them under the bus like that...?

"Yes...That's true."

Soon, the gym teacher left. I made sure to not make a noise so that he wouldn't notice me.

My years of spy work has paid off...

Kawakami sighed and mumbled.

"Why'd it have to be my class...?"

As I said, whiny...

Kawakami left, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

What the hell was that? I get teleported to a different area from an app...?

I felt a buzz in my pocket. I pulled out my phone. A notification popped up.

"Returning to the previous location."

"Previous lo--!", I was cut off by the phone lighting up again. I opened my eyes to see I was back in the girls' bathroom. I looked around and checked my watch.

No time has passed...? How the hell...!? Akira and Sojiro are waiting!

I booked it towards the school doors and stopped when I saw the two.

"Oh, I thought you would take longer...", Sojiro said with a surprised tone.

"How long was I gone?"


"Don't make me repeat myself."

"Uhh... Not long. In fact, I think you were gone a few seconds!"

Seconds...? How? That conversation took a solid ten minutes!

I shook my thoughts away, deciding that I would check on it later. We all went to the car.

-Sometime later-

We were in the car. Sojiro was driving and Akira was looking out the window from the passenger's seat. I sat at the back, trying to make sense of what happened earlier. Sojiro was grumpy, as always.

"Traffic's not moving at all... You two are taking the train starting tomorrow... So how was it? The school, I mean. Think you two can manage?"

"It seems fun.", Akira said with a smile.

"Nothing special.", I mumbled.

"Still, you were expelled once already. To think you'd re-enroll at a different one. It's not like anyone will be sympathetic with you... If that's what it was like at school, people might say stuff about me in the future too... What troublesome children I've taken in..."

"Why did you take us in?", Akira asked. They both talked among themselves. I felt a buzz in my skirt pocket. It was my phone. I pulled it out and saw that the yellow app had another notification. I looked back at Sojiro, then Akira, then my phone.

Maybe if I slide down and act like I'm looking for something, they won't notice if I was gone. And the time didn't even change for that long, so I should be fine.

I slid down very carefully, making sure that Sojiro and Akira didn't see me. I pulled out my mask and slid it on my phone so that the flash wouldn't show. I slid my finger under the mask and pressed the yellow app. Seconds later, I was transported.

Just as I thought... A notification means that I get transported somewhere... But why...?

I looked around to see that I was outside a room of sorts, with the door slightly open. I checked if anyone was watching me, I didn't want anyone knowing I was spying on whoever was inside. I looked inside and was shocked. Inside, the SIU Director sat in his office with another woman, watching the news on the TV.



So I'm in the Public Prosecutors Office... Why here?

The woman on TV was explaining a railway accident that happened earlier today. The manager spoke.

"It's less of an accident and more of a crime of the company and the government. Site inspectors apparently reported all of this six months ago- the deterioration of the tracks and the ATC. Seems the railway company and the Ministry of Transport both turned a blind eye to the truth. There's no way they can hide. This will go all the way to the top. Everything's linked- That's what you're thinking, correct?"

Linked...? What is? Does he mean the accident with something else...?

The manager turned to the woman with a faint smile.

"Are you free? You and I haven't gone for a drink in a while."

The woman looked back at the manager and replied.

"Thank you, sir, but I have another meeting to attend. I must be going."

Shit, she's coming to the door...!

I quickly hid behind a large crate filled with old office supplies. The woman opened the door and walked past me. I slowly began to follow her, hiding behind everything I could see whenever I suspected she would turn around. We reached a large staircase where I hid behind one of the pillars. The woman walked up to a young boy, probably in high school. He wore a different uniform and had long, messy brown hair and reddish brown eyes. He also had a suitcase with the letter "A" stamped on it in black.


A young prosecutor, perhaps...?

The boy looked at the woman and smiled.

"Did you ask for me? Is it a case?"

So he does work in law, that is apparent...

The woman walked passed the boy, straight face unmoving.

"Not quite. I want your opinion on something."

"Sure. Your judgment is quite often correct, though. Can we discuss this over sushi, perhaps? You are making a student work late, after all."

So he is a student...

"Conveyer belt only."

The boy looked disgusted for a second but went after the woman anyway.

Who are these people...?

I quickly pulled out my phone and took two photos for each of the boy and the woman, I wanted to search them up later. I got a notification like before.

"Returning to the previous location."

I was quickly transported back in the car with ease. I slid back into the chair quietly and decided to look those people up. I remembered the gym teacher and decided to search him up too.


We reached Leblanc and the evening has just settled in. Sojiro sighed and spoke up.

"Damn, to think there'd be that much traffic... What a waste of time."

That's my line...

"I wasn't able to open the cafe today... Whatever. Just head upstairs. There's something I need to give to you two."

Akira and I went upstairs, Sojiro close behind. Sojiro was looking at his phone, eyebrows knitted together.

"Talk about a gruesome accident... Eighty people were involved."

The accident on the news... They must have a podcast for the news.

Sojiro pulled out two small notebooks from his pockets.

"It's a diary. Make sure you write in it. You may be under probation, but there are no special limitations on what you do in particular. Besides following the law, that is. However, I am obligated to report on you two, which is why I'm having you record your daily activities.", suddenly, Sojiro's phone rings. He pulls it out and answers.

"Hey, what's up?... I'm about to leave right now. Don't worry. I'll be there in no time... Uh-hu. I'll see you soon."

He was talking to someone who is close to him. Maybe a significant other or a family member...

"Well, I'm off. I'll lock the place up, so do whatever you want for the rest of the night. Oh, but don't mess up my store. If something goes missing, I'll hand you right over to the cops. You got school tomorrow... You better head off to bed, all right?", with a sigh, Sojiro left us alone again.

"Well, I'm going to bed for the night. Don't stay up too late, we need energy.", I quickly picked up most of my things and shoved them in my bag. I said a quick "Goodnight." To Akira and began climbing up to my room. Once inside, I turned on the light and pulled out my laptop and notepad. I quickly wrote in my diary and put it away. I began to search for the gym teacher online. I typed in Shujin Academy Teachers and began searching. I found a picture of the gym teacher and read him up.

"Suguru Kamoshida... Former Olympian and gym teacher at Shujin Academy... Coaches the volleyball team and previously worked with the track team... Hmm", I scrolled down to the student reviews and found something... Disturbing.

"...He hurt me... Heard he has an affair, smh... My friend comes bruised from practice...?... Very handsy...!?"

Most of the comments are praising him, but these are... Worrying... These hint at inappropriate relations, physical and mental abuse, maybe even sexual assault...!?

I decided to look more into it later. I began to search for the woman. I did a reverse search on her and began digging. I found a webpage for the best prosecutors in Shibuya with her face on the front.

"Sae Niijima... Works with the Public Prosecutors Office... Currently working on the mental shutdown incidents...?"

Mental shutdown... Those girls on the train yesterday were talking about it... What could be causing them...? Never mind that, onto the next target.

I quickly reverse searched the boy and found a webpage dedicated to him.

"Looks popular with the ladies... Not that it really matters... Let's see, Goro Akechi... A handsome high school detective with a charming smile...? *sigh* probably written by a fangirl... Uhh... Appears on TV interviews and News alike... How come I never knew about him...? Maybe because I never cared up until now."

I quickly scribbled down all of my notes and rested on my bed. I watched as the night crept in and slowly fell into unconsciousness.