Set in an AU of the Prequels, where the Jedi are a lot more lenient about attachments than anyone realized. A young padawan learner with a penchant for reading minds finds out just how slutty all of the female Jedi around him are... and decides to make use of his knowledge to start a number of veritably kinky relationships. No mind tricks to be found here, they want it, they know they want it... all that's left is to let them know he knows too. [Disclaimer]-This story is fanfiction. The copyright of source materials belongs to their respective owners. Please support the official release! [Warning]-This story is rated M (MA) due to contents such as gores, profanities, violence, smut, and so on. If your age is less than 18-years-old, please consider skipping this story. Be responsible for your choice. You have been warned. Thank you for reading this warning! P.S- posting this for fun and also this affronted fanfic is not mine I'm just posting this here in Webnovel. P.S.S: This is fanfiction, so it will not go premium! [Original Fanfic Author]- [Original Site]-
Oh wow. Is he hiding a lightsaber in his pocket, or is he just happy to see me?
Tylo very carefully does not react to that errant thought as it brushes against his mind. Even if it is coming from their instructor for the day… even if it's quite inappropriate. It's certainly not the lewdest thing that he's heard from a Jedi. Not out loud, of course… but mentally. Tylo Vondin was not your average human being. But then, to be fair, everyone had always known as much.
While Tylo wasn't entirely sure about the circumstances surrounding his existence, on account of his arriving at the Jedi Temple at a very early age, he knew a couple of things, mostly because of some stray thoughts he'd picked up from the people that had done a battery of tests on him as a youngling. He wasn't your bog standard human, even if outwardly he looked it. He was a mutant from Coruscant's lower levels.
Tylo didn't precisely know what this meant. He'd never even been outside of the Jedi Temple, so all he could really go off of was what he gleaned from other people. In that way, he supposed he did know what it meant, somewhat. Effectively, his mutation seemed to give him a unique connection to the Force itself… one that caused his mind to fill a physical space beyond just his skull, turning it into a receiver for the thoughts of all other sentients around him.
It had started out rather weak, when he was still a youngling in a creche. But as time went on, as the Jedi Order trained him and his creche mates in the way of the Force, as he'd learned and learned… his mind had expanded alongside his education. Now, he filled every room he entered with his mental presence, though this didn't seem to register to the Jedi, so he assumed it was separate from his actual Force Presence.
Either way, he heard a lot of things he shouldn't hear. He knew a lot of things he wasn't supposed to know. Like for instance…
Mm, that's the mutant youngling, isn't it? He certainly looks normal enough… perhaps his mutation is in his cock.
Their instructor is still observing him and still thinking the crassest of thoughts. Blue-skinned with lekku trailing down off of the back of her head, the Twi'lek Jedi is clearly distracted by the fact that he's sporting a half-chub at the moment in his tight-fitting pants. Of course, her lewd thoughts aren't really helping Tylo to keep his erection from manifesting. He can feel her arousal spiking from here.
Knowing from experience that things will only get worse if he doesn't do something himself, Tylo raises his head and pins their instructor with a stern look. Immediately, the Twi'lek stiffens under his eyes, the only for a second. Which makes sense. The look is one he picked up from a distinctly disciplinarian Jedi Master, but on the face of a Jedi Initiate, it just didn't quite have the same kick to it.
Did he… did he just pull a Dooku on me? Oh my, I think I just came a little… ah, but I need to focus on the task at hand, don't I?
Tylo does not breathe a sigh of relief, but he certainly feels it inwardly, even as the blue-skinned Twi'lek steps forward and claps her hands together with a smile on her face, quieting down the gathered Initiates who'd been talking amongst themselves, like she wasn't the reason they hadn't started earlier then now.
"Greetings, young ones. I am Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight. Today we will be practicing Form IV of lightsaber combat. Can anyone tell me what that is?"
From off to the side, another Initiate pipes up.
"Ataru, Master Secura?"
Even as she answers the question, Tylo can hear the thoughts of Darra Thel-Tanis, as well as feel her eyes burning a bit into the back of his head.
Did he hear that? I hope he did. I wish… I dunno…
Such was the difference between a Jedi Initiate and a Jedi Knight, Tylo supposed. Ayla knew exactly what she wanted, while Darra, his own age, was still trying to figure it out. They were both of the age when they would soon be taken as Jedi Padawans. As far as Tylo could figure, that was around the time that the awakening seemed to occur.
The Awakening was what he'd taken to calling it, even as he'd grown up in the Jedi Temple only to realize that the Order, he owed everything to, was a bit hypocritical. The Code called for no attachments. There was no emotion, there was peace. Right? Except, every female Jedi that Tylo had ever interacted with had a lot more passion then they were supposed to, and from what he could tell, the Order allowed them to release that passion in a very intimate fashion whenever they liked, so long as their partners were willing. And most male Jedi were very willing indeed.
It had led to Tylo maturing far more rapidly than most of his creche mates, truth be told. Even now, he felt like he was on a different level than his fellow Initiates. As Aayla Secura praises Darra for her correct answer and proceeds with a lecture on Ataru, followed by a demonstration, Tylo is doing his level best to focus on the lightsaber lesson and NOT on the blue-skinned Twi'lek's thoughts. But it's difficult, to say the least.
I'll have them pair off. There's an odd number, so I can have the mutant human spar with me. A small accident, and then I'll know for sure what's going on there.
Hearing his instructor plan out just how she's going to go about copping a feel does NOT help Tylo's growing erection. Honestly, did female Jedi have to be such sluts? He supposed they did. As far as Tylo could tell, it was the will of the Force, or something. Though, was it just the Jedi? He truly had no way of knowing. Having never been outside of the Temple and having had very rare chances to interact with non-Jedi visitors, Tylo had actually never heard the thoughts of a non-Jedi female touch his mind before.
For all he knew, the entire galaxy was like this, just chalk full of women who were so very eager to fuck and be fucked, to be taken in a variety of different ways. Who could say, really? At the end of the day, Tylo could only confirm that the Jedi Order, while preaching no emotion, was full of sluts who spent their days contemplating how best to get their next dose of dick from the men around them.
"Now then, let's pair off and practice with one another, alright? There's an odd number so… you! You come here and practice on me."
She makes it sound so innocuous and unplanned, even though Tylo knows better. As she calls him out, his cock is throbbing in his pants, but he does his best to focus, moving past everyone else, ignoring Darra's confused longing as she's forced to instead pair off with another Initiate. As the rest of the class begins to spar, trying to put the principles of Ataru and the other lightsaber forms they've learned so far into practice, Tylo comes to a stop in front of their instructor.
To her credit, Aayla doesn't so much as glance down at his crotch, not even once. She gives him a reassuring smile and ignites her own training lightsaber, prompting him to do the same. Tylo engages with the Jedi Knight a moment later, honestly doing his best to try and put her lessons into practice. It's hard, when her thoughts are still filled with lust and her admittedly very fuckable body is now in close proximity to him. His cock, at full mast now, is tucked down one of his pant legs, so at the very least he's not tenting or anything like that. But he's still got a visible outline, and when Aayla sees him finally make a misstep, despite his best efforts, the Jedi Knight seizes the opportunity.
It's a testament to how good she is that neither of them suffers a single burn from the two training lightsabers, even as they take a tumble right then and there, going down in a seemingly accidental and entirely incidental mess of limbs. If not for Tylo hearing her every thought broadcast into his mind, even he would have been hard pressed to notice that it was anything but a simple accident, and he likely would have blamed himself to. As it is, he knows better.
Deactivate both lightsabers, oops, looks like we've fallen over, scrambling to get off the Initiate now, oh nowhere has my hand gone. O-Oh… oh my… that is one hundred percent MEAT, isn't it?
Her mental play by play follows the series of events perfectly, even as her hand comes down on the inside of the leg where his hard cock is currently trapped, purely by 'accident' as she attempts to leverage herself off of him, seemingly. Of course, the whole thing is a little ruined when Aayla finally has her palm on his hot, throbbing member, even if it's through cloth, and realizes just how BIG he actually is. She lingers for just a bit too long then, with Tylo counting the seconds in his head before she finally realizes her mistake.
Five whole seconds, not long enough for the class to do much more than react to the 'accident' but certainly long enough for her to cop an actual feel before realizing what she's doing and where she is. Aayla Secura pulls her hand back like she's burned herself on a training lightsaber after all, rather than simply caressing his cock. She rises to her feet with ease, bouncing on the balls as she reaches down and doesn't even wait for him to take her hand before dragging him to his feet as well with the Force.
"Whoops! Careful there, initiate! Looks like you need to work on your footwork a bit more, heh!"
Yeah, he does, but that doesn't change the fact that she's a slutty minx who planned that whole scenario from the offset. He's usually pretty good at keeping himself expressionless, letting his emotions go into the Force. Today is not a good day for Tylo though, it seems, because he finds himself glaring at the Jedi Knight for a moment, pinning the blue-skinned Twi'lek slut with a knowing stare before coming back to himself and wiping it from his face, bowing low and apologizing for the misstep.
Too late though, she's picked up on it.
Whoa, what was that? For a second there, I thought he was going to pin me down and take me then and there in front of the other Initiates. Honestly, I'm not sure if I would have stopped him… Force though, he has a big cock for one so young…
Tylo carefully hides his grimace, even as he gets back with the other initiates. The lesson soon comes to a close after that, Aayla too distracted by her slutty thoughts to teach them much more before she ends it and lets them all go.
Did he notice something, does he know it wasn't an accident? I spent far too long groping him, didn't I? I need to keep that one back for a moment. I need to explain myself. And hopefully refrain from jumping him at the same time.
"Initiate Vondin, please stay for a moment longer! There's something I need to discuss with you."
He hears the thought a moment before she calls out to him and is already starting to turn around. Tylo grimaces and considers things for a moment, considers whether he wants to disobey or not. If he stays, he's worried he's going to do something he'll regret.
Or maybe that's exactly what he needs to do. Shit, just how many female Jedi have had sex within his range at this point? The Jedi Temple is a den of debauchery and depravity that he's been constantly aware of, but never gotten to take part in! Perhaps this is his chance. Perhaps this is his moment.
He could stay behind and let Aayla talk and just play the good little initiate. Judging from her thoughts, she probably won't actually do anything herself, not unless he makes a move. He could make that move, could go ahead and act on what he knows Aayla wants from him, even now. Or… he could be disobedient and not stay behind at all.
Based on her thoughts, he's pretty sure he could get away with that, truth be told. He's pretty sure he could walk out on her right now, and Aayla would be too worried about whether or not he'd realized she orchestrated the entire tumble just to grope him, to actually punish him.
Those are his decisions, as far as Tylo can tell. Stay and let Aayla try to explain, likely while continually being bombarded by her slutty thoughts. Stay and take the initiative for once, forcing Aayla to respond to HIS overture. Or, leave and let the Jedi Knight stew. Would only serve her right, for all of her teasing, even if much of it was mental and thus inadvertent on her part.
In the end, what was he going to do?