
CH-5 A Sad day and eventful day

Today I literally woke up at like 12:30 am as I couldn't sleep since I have my hardest subject today ( i.e Higher Mathematics) and I started reading memorizing and all of that till 4:30am where I went to tution and got back late at around 7:45 am as I didn't see the time and missed my bus I got scolded very badly by my dad and I cried for like an hour ( not literally tho) and then after great persuading my dad finnally agreed to take me to school where I ofcourse came late and didn't finish writing my exam I think I am gonna fail this subject as I didn't even do 50 marks lol so yeah when I finished my exam the bus didn't arrive yet so I waited for like and hour after that I went home where I first slept like a log for 2 hours

After I woke up I realise it was like 3:50 so I went to wash up and studied for a bit after that at around 7 pm my family went to our great-grandma's house as a walk, after coming back I ate dinner then I played games for a bit then went to study some political science and after this I don't think I will sleep today as my social- science portion is very large and I only have some days off so yeah back to study ater writing this