
Toothpaste Youth

As the elevator descended to the underground storehouse, Auntie Sun's words kept repeating in An Qi's mind... "I know what you're thinking. I don't work at Leng's, but instead, I work at a small garment company in the city, Hairui Fashion. I manage the receiving point, and the duty of my position is to check to see if there are defective products among the goods that Hairui delivers to the Leng Group."

But… Doesn't Hairui Fashion belong to her family? An Qi had been shocked upon hearing the name "Hairui Fashion."

Auntie Sun then spoke about her history of advancement in the company, almost all of which was ignored by An Qi. Now, there were only two choices before An Qi...

Either she would leave after listening to Auntie Sun's story, or she would accept her arrangement that had been given to her by fate, starting as an unknown temporary delivery worker to help Hairui Fashion get a firm footing in the Leng Group.

When Auntie Sun saw An Qi's strange expression, she thought it was because she had made things difficult for her, which, of course, now made Auntie Sun feel a little regretful. The people above her had just told her to make things hard for An Qi, but they did not ask her to chase her away!

If An Qi really left, she'd be the only one to suffer hardships in the future! As she thought of this, Auntie Sun's rough hand suddenly grabbed An Qi's soft one, thus dragging her back to reality.

"Child, to tell you the truth, the fourth floor was just used as a model at the beginning of the designing phase. It was not intended to be used as an office at all. However, because of the Leng Group's high-standard requirements on the model, Hairui's delivery often had problems, so our President An had to borrow it from Leng Group."

"Is this President An that you've just mentioned An Shi Jie?" An Qi couldn't help but ask.

Hearing her question, Auntie Sun was stunned. Immediately, it seemed as if she had just thought about something, but it was only a short moment, as she soon returned to her normal demeanor, acting as if nothing had happened.

"Yes, it's An Shi Jie, also known as President An," she then confirmed.

"Are you working for the Leng Group or Hairui now?" An Qi had grasped the key point of the problem keenly.

Somehow, she felt that there was something suspicious about the whole thing after hearing Auntie Sun's description. However, she could not put her finger on what it was exactly.

"How can I describe it to you?" Auntie Sun was immediately put into a difficult position.

She brushed away the crumbs from her snacks and circled around the front of the table. She rested her big hand on An Qi's shoulder.

"Since I work in the Leng Group, I can no longer get insurance through Hairui, but as the Leng Group will not recognize my identity as a full employee, I am classified as a part-timer, like you," Auntie Sun explained.

"Well, isn't the quality of Hairui's ready-made clothes pretty good? Why is there a need to create a job just for it?" An Qi then asked.

"My dear Missus, that's compared to the standards of other companies. What we're talking about now is the Leng Group! This group integrates finance, trade, real estate, luxury goods, business and fashion under one label! Other garment enterprises couldn't compete with that in their wildest dreams, including Hairui." As Auntie Sun spoke, she didn't notice that she'd used the exact words "My Dear Missus."

For Auntie Sun, those three words might be just a simple and meaningless catchphrase. However, it the trio had a different meaning to An Qi.

After all, she was indeed the "Missus" of Hairui Fashion. She was shouldering Hairui's entire future! As such, she knew that she could not quit just because it had a bad working environment.

An Qi immediately despised her previous attitude. She then rushed to the underground warehouse with excitement...

Through the surveillance cameras, Leng Yuchen took in An Qi's every move. He wondered… How could every movement of this woman be so cute?

Sheng Jie, who was standing behind him, could also see her actions, but in his view, An Qi's various actions weren't cute, but were those of a female lunatic! Not to mention her sudden surprise when she had first arrived on the fourth floor, she was now acting abnormally in the elevator! Moreover, there was a ghost of a smile that had been hanging at the corners of Boss Leng's mouth all this while...

Sheng Jie finally realized that, ever since Boss Leng had found out the identity of the woman named An Qi, he seemed to have changed. Although he was still ruthless and cold-blooded, he somehow seemed to be showing that he indeed was also made of flesh and blood.

Fortunately, although that woman An Qi behaved strangely, she had a pretty appearance. In terms of appearance alone, she was clearly worthy of Boss Leng.

"What have you found out regarding the thing that I asked you to look into?" Leng Yuchen asked, his face growing immediately gloomy.

"You mean the last line of the contract?" Sheng Jie confirmed cautiously.

"Yes. It's absolutely no coincidence that she came to the Leng Group. The reason why I wanted you to investigate this discretely is that I don't want to act rashly and alert our enemies." Leng Yuchen unconsciously clenched his fists. He was thinking that he would like to see who dared to hurt the woman that was his everything.

"Well..." Sheng Jie held his mobile phone in his hands, hesitating.

"You can just tell me." Leng Yuchen knew that this fellow's paranoia had arisen again. Sheng Jie was always so uncertain and hesitant!

"Boss Leng, Miss An Qi is the daughter of one of our group's partners, An Shi Jie, and the position that she applied for is also related to their company. This leads me to wonder… Could there be an element of An Shi Jie's operation in this?" Sheng Jie's voice became smaller and smaller, and it was almost non-existent towards the end as he wondered...

How could Leng Yuchen not get the hint?

For so many years, there were countless people who had wanted to pair him with a woman, but they got nothing but harsh reprimands, and many of them had even lost the chance to be able to cooperate with him forever as a punishment for their actions. An Qi was the only one whom he had grown feelings for.

"Boss Leng, there's one more thing, but I don't know if I should say it or not..." Sheng Jie's eyes remained on his mobile phone, and the facts that he wanted to share were so explosive that he dared not even look at Leng Yuchen.

Hearing this, Leng Yuchen's face became even more gloomy. He then asked irritably, "Are you a tube of toothpaste? I have to squeeze you bit by bit when I use you for gathering information. If I don't squeeze you, you won't talk!"

If Sheng Jie's forthcoming report hadn't been so serious, Sheng Jie would have been amused by Leng Yuchen's unique metaphor. It seemed that the overall change that An Qi had made in Boss Leng was not small at all!