
Days Without Dancing

If Sheng Jie and Shi Zhiwen had not pulled Leng Yuchen apart, Leng Yuchen would have tried to hold An Qi in his arms forever. He still remembered how they first met. Compared to that time, An Qi's body was exuding even more charm now.

"Boss Leng, the person who caused the accident should still be nearby. Without the thick smoke as a cover, you will be totally exposed!" Behind the huge hill of samples, Sheng Jie tried to console the gloomy Leng Yuchen.

Although he was suspicious about An Qi's purpose for working at the Leng Group, he had to admit that he was moved when he saw that Boss Leng had made all of the necessary arrangements for An Qi's smooth transition. Moreover, Boss Leng had even risked his life to save her!

In the smoke, Shi Zhiwen took Leng Yuchen's place, holding An Qi's shoulders. He could feel himself trembling.

He was not frightened by the unexpected accident, but was deeply sorry for not being able to offer his help to An Qi at the moment of the mishap. In fact, when Leng Yuchen had first given him the job, Shi Zhiwen did not take it seriously at all. He felt that no one would go to such great lengths to bother with a mere part-timer like An Qi.

Thus, Shi Zhiwen investigated An Qi's background, to see if there were any hidden secrets between the two of them. He figured that there must be something more to their story. However, before he could find anything, accidents started to occur, one after another!

"An Qi... An Qi!" Shi Zhiwen shook An Qi's shoulders and shouted her name repeatedly.

"What? I was only gone for a while, and yet you two have caused such a mess? What happened?" At this moment, the manager rushed over and saw Shi Zhiwen and An Qi standing beside the fallen crane.

As Shi Zhiwen was only concerned about An Qi's well-being at the moment, he did not pay any attention to the manager. However, the manager regarded Shi Zhiwen's silence as weakness rather than concern.

Then, when the manager also got no reply from An Qi, he frowned and felt embarrassed and disrespected. So, he went up behind An Qi and tapped her on the head as he exclaimed, "Hey! I'm talking to the two of you! Why did you break the crane?"

Shi Zhiwen was so angered by his bad attitude and harsh actions that he kicked the manager in his stomach. Besides anger, Shi Zhiwen was also filled with remorse for not being able to protect An Qi adequately.

The kick was so forceful that the manager fell backwards and had no chance to react. An Qi was stunned to witness such a powerful kick, and she immediately returned to her senses.

Shi Zhiwen was excited to see her snap out of her stupor. He immediately asked, "An Qi, how do you feel? Are you hurt?"

An Qi blinked her eyes and leaned back on the crane, which had fallen directly behind her. Seeing the close distance between her and the crane, coupled with Shi Zhiwen's worried expression, An Qi finally realized how dangerous the situation was.

After a while, An Qi moved her dry and cracked lips to answer him. "You saved me! Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Shi Zhiwen waved his hand and dared not take any credit.

After all, if it were not for Leng Yuchen, An Qi would surely have died on the spot. He could not believe that, because of his arrogance, he had almost allowed the very person that he was supposed to protect to be harmed!

Upon seeing Shi Zhiwen's troubled look, An Qi laughed. "This was an accident! Nobody could have seen it coming! I promise I won't take your vest next time, okay?"

Shi Zhiwen sighed. "You can still manage to laugh, even in such a serious situation?"

"Why shouldn't I laugh?" An Qi answered him like a life coach would, saying, "After all, Nietzsche has a saying... 'Days without dancing is a kind of disappointment in life.' Have you heard that before?"

Shi Zhiwen shook his head. But, from the thoughtful expression that was on his face, An Qi could see that he was thinking about the meaning of the quote.

"Take me, for example... Thanks to my father's efforts, I was born into a much more fortunate situation than other children. But, at the same time, I was doomed to miss out on a lot of fun..."

Shi Zhiwen listened quietly as An Qi spoke. Leng Yuchen and Sheng Jie, who were hiding on the side, could also hear her words very clearly.

When An Qi told him her mother jumping towards the kidnapper's car in a bid to save her daughter's life, Sheng Jie was moved to tears. Although An Qi was careful to hide the name of the characters in her story, Leng Yuchen finally understood the reason why An Qi had gone to the bar that night.

She was hurt by a scumbag! Leng Yuchen clenched his fists upon hearing that.

When An Qi finished her story, she patted the fallen crane that was behind her and said, "So, after listening to that story from this single mother, please cheer up. Believe that it was just an accident, and know that, as long as there is still hope, our lives will only get better."

As he looked at An Qi's beautiful face, Shi Zhiwen began to understand why Leng Yuchen cared so much about her. Suddenly, he pulled out the inspection slip and threw it in front of An Qi. "Well then, there are still three samples to find. So, let's continue!"

An Qi smiled as she took the inspection slip. "Well, if we can't finish the task, then we'll be faced with Auntie Sun's lioness roar!"

Just as Shi Zhiwen and An Qi reached a consensus and were ready to start looking for samples again, the manager, who had just been kicked, got up from the ground. Cowering in pain, the manager staggered over and pointed his finger right at Shi Zhiwen's nose.

He then yelled, "I'm going to tell Boss Leng!"

Shi Zhiwen gave An Qi a look, then asked her to wait for him at the door. He then replied coldly to the manager, "Please, open your eyes and have a good look around. This crane belongs to the Leng Group, which means that you are responsible for its safety inspection and maintenance! Count yourself lucky that we are not suing and asking for compensation! So.. Stop yelling and behaving like a child! Otherwise, Boss Leng just might fire you!"

As Shi Zhiwen spoke, he was pulling the manager away...