A freshman in college isn't getting the experience that he truly wants and wishes to be like his friends and have girls all over him. Ryder King, an 18 year old college freshman who wishes to have females all over him and get that full college experience he wishes to have no matter the "cost".
I sat in gym class, watching Coach Caroline play basketball with the other women. I held the basketball in my hand and looked at the ceiling. Coach Mark walked to me and I looked at him.
"You seem to have something on your mind." Mark said then leaned against the wall and watched Caroline.
I looked ahead and looked at the basketball ball in my hands. "Just a few things, but nothing concerning. Hey Coach Mark, can I ask you something?" I said then stood up.
"What's up?" Mark looked at me with his arms crossed.
"You've had friends you argued with before right?" I asked.
"Oh yeah. Two bastards named Erik and Jack. Both of them were pretty fucking shitty if I say so myself. They never knew when enough was enough." Mark said and closed his eyes. "Even after Shiro kicked their asses, they would continue to try to bully him."
"Shiro?" I asked and leaned against the wall.
"An old friend of mine. Haven't seen him in ten years, no contact or anything. Don't even know if the guy is even alive, he was one interesting guy I'll tell you that." Mark chuckled. "I used to beef with him for whatever reason. Gave me a good ass beating that one day."
"How did you meet Coach Caroline and do you have kids now?" I asked.
"I actually met Caroline through her sister who isn't with us anymore." Mark said.
"Whoa wait, her sister passed away?" I asked.
"No. Not exactly. Well I don't know, but all I know is that she and her friends went missing years ago. Who knows what happened to them at this point. I hope they are okay. As far as the children thing, we have two kids. One son and one daughter. Our eldest is our son. He's turning 11 this year and our daughter is turning nine in a month." Mark said. "Caroline is a wonderful woman who accepted me even after knowing the awful shit I've done in the past."
I looked at Mark then back at Caroline. "I have argued with my friends, even moved out here because of it. Not my smartest move, but not my dumbest either. I am also associated with Paid Relationships. It's pretty fun, beautiful women all over me. It does get hectic at times honestly."
"Ahh, I heard about them. To be associated with them is to be an honor said some guys around campus. They hold great power across America from what I know. Wouldn't want to get on their bad side." Mark chuckled and crossed his arms. "Listen. Plan a day to hang out with your friends again. I'm sure things will pan out and everything will go back to normal, even while you're apart."
I looked at Mark and noticed him smiling a bit. He looked at me and grabbed the basketball out of my hands then walked out on the court. He wanted me to play some basketball with him and I smiled and went out on the court to play some ball with him.
The bell rang, signalling the end of the second period and the start of the lunch period. I freshened up in the locker room and went out to the courtyard to meet up with Abby and the others. We all sat at a table in the courtyard and talked with one another. Noel was showing off his new piece of art and everyone around the table was in awe of his drawing ability. I smiled at the artwork then my phone buzzed in my pocket. I got my phone out of my pocket then looked at the message.
Jaiden: Yeah, we can meet at the arcade this Saturday.
I smiled at the message then placed my attention back on Abby and the others. They were all talking about their plans on Friday night and invited me out. I agreed and they all smiled at me. Eli's mom owned a karaoke bar and he wanted us to come over to the karaoke bar and have fun.
The final bell rang marking the end of classes for the day and I got my bag then left the building. I noticed some people watching a few students dancing in the parking lot. I walked to the crowd and noticed Jazlynn dancing with her dance group. She was the lead dancer and she was dancing to a hip-hop song that her friend picked out. The crowd cheered on the dancers and I crossed my arms and watched, smiling. I watched Jazlynn the most. She was the most fluent dancer in the group and even got the guys cheering when she raised her shirt slowly, moved her hips then pulled it down again.
The song ended and I clapped with the crowd. Jazlynn bowed and the others bowed as well then went back into the building. The crowd soon died out and I checked the time on my phone then hurried to my car to head toward the Paid Relationships HQ.
I made it to the building then got out of my car. I walked towards the building and the two agents nodded at me, allowing me to go inside. I walked ahead and said hello to the receptionist at the desk. I went to the elevator then rode up to the 100th floor. Once I made it the door opened and I walked out of the elevator and entered Charlotte's office.
"Charlotte." I said and placed my hands in my pockets.
"Ryder. I'm glad you made it." Charlotte said then turned around in her chair. She leaned forward on her desk and smiled at me. "I want to offer you a deal. I want you to work for me. You can become one of my agents, or if you'd like you can have Rebecca's position as Top Agent..~ You'll be the first man to work here and you'll be protected by me personally."
"Eh? Why do you want me to work for you?" I asked.
"Well at first I wanted you to work for me because you'll be under my wing as well as the wings of my agents. Right now you're only dating them, but you'll be protected by them plus if you work for me you'll never have to work a normal job ever again unless you want to blend in. Another benefit is you'll have every women here falling for you. They will be yours for your sexual desires, well the women in this building. My agents, the receptionist, the security, the janitors, everyone here will be all over you. Being Top Agent means you'll be seen as a boss of Paid Relationships. I feel like this could work best for you." Charlotte said.
"This college experience is getting weirder by the day...first I'm smashing my sister and now I'm getting offered to be an agent. Fuck it, I'm in. At least I'll go down in history as the guy in college who went from zero to hero or something." I said then smiled at Charlotte.
"Here's the thing about being an agent though, no one can know your identity when you're working. If anyone finds out who you are, it wouldn't be pretty and you'll have to kill them." Charlotte said. "Like I said, on the outside we are a business who offers men and women a chance to pay for a relationship, but on the inside we do more than that."
"Like..?" I asked.
"A lot of our women have gone missing when they are being rented. As the boss, it is up to me to find who took these women and get them back. The hard part is it's not only men renting out my women. It's men and women renting them out and I need your help with getting my women back. I will pay you more than you could ever ask for. You will be trained to fight and assassinate. The one thing we need to know is your talent." Charlotte said.
"Oh, I can speak and translate multiple languages. Ten languages and I'm still learning more as I go." I said.
"Dix langues vous dites?" Charlotte asked, speaking french.
"Oui, je peux parler dix langues." I replied back in french.
"Oh my...It appears we have our first ever professional intel agent on our hands..~ And your french is very sexy..~" Charlotte giggled and growled seductively at me. "Now, when working as an agent you can't pay for relationships anymore. I mean not that you'd want to you've got 11 women plus me. Five of them you didn't even have to pay for, but what happens is you can be bought out. That's the trade off for working for me, but you are free to decline the offer if they try to buy you."
"I see. So how will I be of use in helping to get the women back who have gone missing?" I asked.
"You will become a woman!" Charlotte said excitedly.
"I quit." I said then turned around.
"Now hold on! Hear me out." Charlotte said then stood up. I turned around and looked at her. "You'll be disguised as a woman just to get bought out. We will make sure you look beautiful enough to catch the attention of the men and women."
I looked at the four Agents and they closed their eyes. I looked at Wendy and she turned away. "Sigh...Fine. Alright, I'll do it. I better get paid extra for this. The moment I speak they are going to know something is wrong."
"You won't have to speak. You'll be the mute. These men and women who kidnap my women aren't looking for a relationship, they have something bigger in mind. I will get my women back one way or another." Charlotte said.
"I'm basically the meat shield. Who knows what happens to those women." I sighed and closed my eyes.
"That is why we will teach you to different martial arts and fighting techniques. At the end of the day you'll be rewarded accordingly. You'll even be rewarded by me if you do a good enough job..~" Charlotte smiled.
"I better. I'm putting my dignity on the line for this." I said then put my hands in my pockets.
"I promise to make you look as beautiful as possible. You have my word!" Charlotte smiled.
"Yeah yeah." I said then walked to the elevator.
I left the HQ and made my way back home. I parked my car in my garage and got out then walked inside my house. I noticed Rebecca on the couch on her phone and I walked to her then hugged her waist and laid my head against her.
"Aww..what's wrong, love bug?" Rebecca rubbed my hair.
"I was offered a job at Paid Relationships and I've been offered your old spot. I agreed, but I don't know if I should fully accept it or not. What's your take on this..?" I asked.
"I say go for it if you really want to do it, or you can stay here and let big sister take care of you..~ You're already my sugar baby~" Rebecca said then began tickling me.
"H-Hey stop that!" I laughed and squirmed around.
Rebecca laughed as well and stopped tickling me. "But yeah. If you want to do it then by all means do it. I'll support you all the way."
I sat up and smiled. "Thanks..." I said.
She nodded and I kissed her cheek then got up to go take my shower and head off to bed.