A freshman in college isn't getting the experience that he truly wants and wishes to be like his friends and have girls all over him. Ryder King, an 18 year old college freshman who wishes to have females all over him and get that full college experience he wishes to have no matter the "cost".
I walked into Charlotte's office and she looked up from her reports and smiled at me. "Yo Char, I got a question. Think you got some time to talk?"
"I've always got time to talk with you, beloved. What do you need?" Charlotte asked.
"I want to know more about Eliza. I want to help her get revenge. You know how...I can do that exactly?" I asked.
"She told you huh. You are a very courageous person, but I have to say her targets aren't ones you can just waltz in and just kill. They are smart. Scientists. Prodigies. Skilled fighters. The only way you'll even be able to get near them is if they rent you out." Charlotte said.
I crossed my arms. "Tell me more about Eliza. I need to know a little more because I really wanna help her get justice. I mean I've been training almost everyday for the past week or three. I've even been training harder since I was kidnapped. I could at least do something."
"Eliza Herma is a French woman. She came from a very rich family who all are skilled fighters and criminals. They used her like a puppet. Made her into a vampire. Made her someone who can't operate during the day but only strikes at night. Her narcolepsy might seem bad, but it actually helps her. When she sleeps, her body heals and she can do things unconsciously. When she's awake at nighttime she is in a comatose state. She's awake, but she's not at the same time. She's never truly awake. She's restless. She's dangerous on the field. She's also unable to have normal children and she's bisexual. I'm sure she told you about the Rebecca and-"
"Yeah I heard the whole story from her and Rebecca. Tell me about her abilities. Since she's not human, what can she do?" I asked.
"Aside from behind Supernatural? She's my top assassin other than Alice. Unlike Alice, Eliza can highlight a target in real time. She has natural weaponry...uhm she has claws and fangs. She can make use of Echolocation. Despite having Narcolepsy, she has limitless stamina meaning she can work for hours on end unlike the other agents. Hm...she has Blood Magic." Charlotte answered.
"Blood Magic..?" I asked.
"You know...Blood manipulation. She can use blood as a healing factor or as an offensive force. The obvious things. Hey, I've got an idea. Eliza is going to confront this gang that's got one of my women captured this evening. You can go with her. She can show you her routine." Charlotte smiled.
I nodded. "I'll be sure to call her this evening. I want to know how she operates."
Charlotte nodded and smiled then watched me leave her office then went back to looking through her reports. "Good luck."
I went into the elevator and rode down to the training area and exited the elevator once I made it. I walked toward Eliza's area and noticed her practicing her knife throws then walked to her. I stood behind her and attempted to scare her.
"I know it's you, love. You can't hide from my Blood Sense." Eliza said and chuckled softly.
"Dammit." I said then smiled at her and watched her throw. She hit the bullseye each time and she was proud of her throws.
"Hug me, love. I want your arms around me." Eliza smiled and picked up another throwing knife.
I wrapped my arms around her from behind then she held my hands and smiled. I rested my chin on her shoulder then kissed her neck. She smiled and held my head. I chuckled and pulled away then looked at the targets.
"You want a go? I want to see how good your throw is." Eliza said then held the knife to me.
I let go of Eliza and smiled then took the knife. "Alright."
I aimed and focused. I closed one eye and got ready to throw then threw the knife, barely hitting the bullseye. My knife hit right below Eliza's.
"Well, you've got to work on your throws if you plan to kill your targets in one hit. Speaking on targets, if The Boss hasn't told you yet, I'm planning to deal with some gang shit. You wanna join?" Eliza asked.
"She told me and I want to join you. I'm ready to save more women and bring justice to light." I said, looking at her.
"Good. I'll come pick you up later today. Make sure to bring it. If you do good, I'll reward you." Eliza smiled.
"Trust me, with the training I've done...I will be great." I said.
"Remember. You're an assassin. No hesitation, but this is just a lowly gang. Bunch of delinquents so there's no reason to kill unless you absolutely have to." Eliza nodded.
I nodded and we went back to practicing our throws together until I had to go home and make dinner for Rebecca and Rhea.
After making dinner, I heard a honk outside then kissed Rebecca and Rhea then headed outside. I put on my mask and walked out the door then locked the door. I walked to Eliza's Ferrari and got in.
"Ready, Ace?" Eliza asked.
"I'm ready, Vampire." I said then she nodded and drove off.
I looked out the window as Eliza drove to the south side of Texas. I took off my mask and exhaled. "So...This gang. What are they like?"
"Have you ever seen a gang?" Eliza asked.
"Gated Community remember?" I said then looked at Eliza.
"Oh yeah, forgot. You lived the perfect privileged life. Well this gang isn't much other than your lowly thugs. They act all hard and yell fuck the system, but don't realize that Paid Relationships is trying to help them out by letting these bastards use our women. The man I'm after is named Daniel Murillo. He's been buying our women just to never return them after his days are over. I believe he works for the Dark Web because some of our women definitely come up missing. I'll be the one to kill him. You just watch and hang out." Eliza said.
"Right." I nodded.
We made it to the neighborhood and got out the car. I noticed a few of the people looking at us. I adjusted my mask and followed Eliza to a house. I heard some hip-hop music playing and a few men rapping.
"Aye bro that shit went hard as fuck." A man said and dabbed up his friend.
"You already know how the fuck I do." His friend said.
"Hello boys..~" Eliza said and tilted her hat a bit.
One of the men whistled and looked at Eliza up and down. "Sheesh girl, you fine as hell. You sure you in the right place?"
"I'm sure this is the home of Daniel Murillo. Would one of you be so kind to show me where be is?" Eliza smiled and licked her lips.
One of the men nodded and walked to the front door then Eliza followed. The other men looked at me and I looked back at them. I crossed my arms and looked down.
"You know. This is my first time seeing an actual gang. It's pretty new to me." I said.
"What you trying to say? You got something smart to say?" One of the men said.
"Nothing. I come from a gated community so I never got to experience the real world or what's left of the world. Let me ask you something. What do you all feel about the justice system? Do you all think it's fair or unfair?" I asked.
"It's definitely unfair. You see my skin color? Even in these times, us minorities are still discriminated against. Our President said he was going to help us get out of the projects and poverty and then decides to keep us under because if there's no one at the bottom there is no one for him to bully. There's so much to this damn system that you don't understand. We gotta kill to get to the top. We gotta sell drugs to make it to the top. These fucking white bastards don't know about the struggle we are still in and I'm pissed the fuck off. We are still fighting!" The man said. "The cycle never ends. Racism is still present. They preach equality, but it doesn't exist anymore."
I crossed my arms then looked down a bit then closed my eyes. I looked up and looked at the men then took out my phone. "What's all of your paypal?"
They looked at each other then looked back at me. They wondered if I was serious.
"I won't do this often, but I know how corrupt the president is, but between me and you...Paid Relationships holds more power than the Government itself and I work for them. I can help you all out, but you all gotta promise that when you rent our women out to treat them right and make sure to return them. I'm gonna give you all $9,000 each. You can get a good apartment around San Antonio and find a decent job and keep stacking your bread. I'm being serious." I said then noticed the their surprised faces.
They gave me their paypal one by one and I sent each of them $9000 one by one. They got their money and looked at me.
"Remember to keep all of your heads up. You may face hardship, but if you just keep fighting...Life will be easier. We are your allies and not your enemy." I said.
"Aye man. Thank you for this. Not many people would just...offer money like this without it being a video or something. If your company is the highest in power, can you all take down the President?" One of them asked.
"I can't tell you our plans, but I can tell you all that we can help you. Well I can try to help. We are under strict schedules and kinda got important things to care for." I answered.
"Yeah I get that. Anyway man, I appreciate this. You all are some cool dudes." One of the men said then dabbed me up.
I watched them walk away from the house and Eliza watched from the window and smiled.
"Now Daniel. All your boys are gone with the help of my partner. There's no one to hear you scream anymore. I know you're connected to the Dark Web. Tell me who you work for." Eliza said and glared at Daniel.
"A-A woman named Barbara Pace. She's in Louisiana. She's planning to sell your women to the Black Market in 7 days. I swear that's all I know." Daniel said.
Eliza looked at Daniel then held her hand out to him and Daniel began choking on his own blood. She glared and her eyes shined. She began to extract all of his blood from his body and made his blood enter her body. She watched him die nearly immediately. She walked out of his office then walked out of the house to contact Charlotte.
"Yeah. We all need to go to Louisiana. Our women who are kidnapped are there. Yeah, Ace is joining us as well. He needs more experience on the field. Yeah. I'll make sure we are packed for the occasion." Eliza said. "Gotcha. See you."
I looked at Eliza and walked to her. "Hey, what's going on?"
"You and Rebecca pack your bags. We are moving states for the mission." Eliza said and walked by me.
"Where?" I asked.
"Louisiana." She answered.
I looked at her and sighed softly then followed her to the car. Another couple days out of school, but at least my Paid Relationships friends know about my job so I don't have to really hide anything. I was more worried about dealing with the people working with the Dark Web again.