
Nina's Opposite

I woke up hearing Chris Brown's Pills and Automobiles playing. I sat up on the bed and looked around. I looked beside me, noticing Nina wasn't beside me. I got out of her bed then made my way out of her room to head back downstairs to get my clothes. I found my clothes in the same place I took them off then put them on. I left my jacket on the couch and stretched then yawned. I walked around the house for Nina then found her in the kitchen playing music and sipping on some coffee.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Morning, babe."

"Good morning, babe." I smiled then walked over to her and leaned down then kissed her lips and she kissed back. I pulled away and sat down at the table. "I didn't know you listened to Chris Brown."

"I'm an RnB and Rap fanatic, I like that genre, but not as much as pop and electronic music. Now my younger sister loves the love songs and acoustic guitar music. She's not huge on RnB and Rap but will listen to it with me. You should pay her a visit while you're here. She's in her room which is on the third floor." Nina said. "Don't worry, she's legal. She's 18, only 3 years younger than me."

"So you're 21. Nice to know." I said.

"She's one of the women in the agency as well though she doesn't get rented often...or at all since she's a soft girl. Maybe...you could drop a few on her while you're with me? I don't mind an open relationship although I'm only with you." Nina said.

"You sure?" I asked.

"I did say we offered polygamous relationships. It's fine Ryder." Nina smiled and stroked my hair.

I looked at her and nodded then stood up. I kissed her once more and she kissed back. I went to go upstairs, to the third floor, and see Nina's sister. I walked to a room that had a slightly open door. I peeked inside and saw a young woman with dirty blonde hair styled in pigtails sitting on her bed with an acoustic guitar in hand. She wore a white nightgown and looked extremely cute. I heard her singing softly to the music she created from scratch. She was extremely good at music and singing just like Jaiden was. I was lost in her melody and accidentally caused the door to open and creak. She stopped playing and looked at her door quickly.

"Who...are you..?" She asked in fear. "A-Are you here to rob me? I don't have anything I swear!"

"N-No I'm not here to rob you! I'm not even that type of person! I was invited by your sister." I said trying to defuse the situation before it escalated.

"My sister..? If she did what's her first name, last name, age, and her most desirable trait men love and...and what's-"

"You know if I answer that I'd sound more like a pervert than a robber, but if I were to answer her name is Nina Snow, Age 21, and works at the agency named Paid Relationships. I don't know her most desirable trait, but I know that she's a very lascivious person." I said.

"M-Mmph...I also work there, but I don't get picked because I'm not as hot as the other girls. Every woman there is ridiculously hot and I'm just there with a cutesy picture and a very kawaii bio. They all are experienced at dating. You know I was rejected multiple times at Oceanview University. It sucks.." Nina's sister sighed softly and set down her guitar then picked up her stuffed teddy bear and hugged it.

I walked closer to her but stayed a safe distance away to not alarm her. "Don't worry. I am like you. Every guy at my college is extremely handsome and has women all over them. I was rejected multiple times as well."

"But you got Nina..." said Nina's sister as she sounded muffled because her face was buried in her stuffed teddy bear.

"Only because I paid for her. Like $5,350 for premium and the week long rental. That's more than what I usually pay, but..I would be willing to do that for you. I could be your first boyfriend." I said as I cautiously got closer to her.

"Really..?" She looked at me, blushing.

"Yeah.." I nodded and was able to sit on her bed, after remaining as careful as possible. She looked at me and I looked back at her, remaining eye contact. "What's your name..?"

"Penny. Ah..Penny Snow." She answered and watched me take out my phone.

I looked up her name on the Paid Relationships app and immediately found her. I looked at her then back at my phone, renting her out for a week. She looked at me and back at my phone.

I turned the screen off and looked at Penny and smiled. "I guess we are now boyfriend and girlfriend for the week."

Nina was leaned against the wall outside of Penny's room and smiled as she listened. She closed her eyes and got off the wall then walked back downstairs.

"So...what do boyfriends and girlfriends do..?" Penny asked.

"They spend time together by going on dates, taking a stroll at the park, go to the mall, all sorts of things." I answered.

"What about romantically?" She asked.

"Well they kiss and cuddle. If they are really comfortable with each other...they will have sex with one another." I answered.

Penny's face turned completely red at the thought of having sex. She buried her face into her stuffed teddy bear once again. She made a soft noise and spoke while her face was buried in her bear. "Do you watch anime..?"

I looked at her and smiled then nodded. "I do watch anime."

She looked up at me and her eyes were so full of life. She looked at me as if I were her soulmate. "What...do you watch? We can watch some together.."

"I watch things like Flying Witch, Date A Live, Show By Rock, Clannad, uhm...Chunnibyo." I answered and she looked even more happy.

"I watch those too..! Well all except Clannad, but we definitely should watch some together!" Penny said happily.

I stood up and smiled. "Alright, but after I get back. I should go take a shower and get fresh and clean."

"Oh..okay." she smiled at me. "See you when you get back."

I nodded and walked out of her room then went downstairs. I walked to the couch and grabbed my jacket. Nina walked to me and grabbed my arm then I looked at her then she kissed my lips. I kissed back and she pulled away.

"I'm glad you're doing this for Penny. Soft girls don't really get chosen by anyone but other soft people, but the people who use the app are only looking for romantic services and sex. You're one of the only ones who use this to actually build a relationship. I'm happy you're like that.." Nina smiled and let my arm go.

I smiled and put on my jacket. "I'll be back."

"You better.." Nina smiled softly.

I grabbed my keys off the table then walked out of Nina's house. She waved and closed the door. I went down to my car then got in and started it up to drive back to the college campus.

I made it back to the college and parked in the parking lot then stopped my car. I got out and walked to the dormitory. I noticed Aidan and Tony walking to me. I stopped and they stopped in front of me. Tony had his hands in his pockets and looked at me seriously. Aidan cracked his knuckles and glared at me.

"I heard the news that you and Jade fucked." Aidan said.

"Yeah and what of it..? You plan to beat me up over it?" I asked and placed my hands in my jacket pockets.

"Come on. Your friends aren't around. One on one. Gonna beat the fuck outta you." Aidan said.

I sighed and pushed him aside then walked forward. He grabbed my shoulder and tried to sucker punch me again. I ducked his punch then stepped back. I took my jacket off then put my fists up, getting into my stance. Aidan went for another punch and I weaved it once again then punched his face. He grunted and stumbled back. He huffed and made his way closer to me. Tony sat back and watched.

I kept weaving Aidan's predictable attacks. I blocked his next punch then grabbed his arm. I pulled him to me and kneed his stomach. He groaned then I pushed him back and rushed him with two punches. The second knocked him to the ground. I got down on the ground and grabbed his shirt and punched his face twice, breaking his nose. He groaned loudly and held his nose. I let him go and stood up. Tony looked at me and walked to Aidan and helped him up. I looked at Tony then spit on the ground.

"You want it too? I'm not the same fucking Ryder you've been fucking with the last couple months. See what I did to your boy? You want some too Tony?" I asked.

Tony looked at me and noticed my changes. He closed his eyes and helped Aidan to the nurse. He completely ignored me.

I picked up my jacket and smirked, feeling more confident in myself. I walked back to my dorm in a very good mood. I went to take a shower and get myself freshened up. I put on some new clothes. I had on a white t-shirt with the supreme logo at the front, blue jeans, and put on some black Nikes. I tucked in the front of my shirt in and left the rest of the shirt untucked. I put on my accessories and smiled.

I walked out of my dorm and walked back to my car. I started my car and drove off. I drove back to Nina's house. I parked my car in front of her house and stopped the car then got out. I walked to her front door then rang the doorbell. I waited a few seconds then the door opened and I was greeted with the sight of Nina wearing a white t-shirt with a black sweater and blue jeans. She also wore glasses. I smiled and she kissed my lips then I kissed back. She broke the kiss and let me in.

"My sister has been waiting patiently in her room for you. Treat her nicely." Nina smiled and walked back to her office.

I gave her ass a little slap and she made an excited sound then looked back at me and smiled. I chuckled and watched her enter the office where she was working. I went upstairs to Penny's room. I knocked on the door and she looked at me. She had her hair in a single ponytail and wore a large red hoodie with white socks. She got up and hurried to me then hugged me. I looked at her and hugged her back.

"Come on, I've got a lot that we can watch together!" Penny said excitedly then pulled me onto her bed.

We laid on her bed together and she cuddled against me and put on an anime that we both would enjoy. She put on Clannad and I wrapped my arm around her. She smiled and we began to binge watch Clannad.

After a few episodes I heard Penny sniffling and wiping her eyes. I looked at her and noticed she was crying. She pressed her face against my chest and I smiled softly, rubbing her hair. Clannad has definitely made me have the same reaction as her. She sniffled and calmed down after a minute of crying after watching a scene. I rubbed her hair more and she pulled her face away from my chest then wiped her eyes.

"It..it doesn't take very much for me to cry...but that scene was extremely sad...I need a break from this anime before I end up crying all day and night." Penny said then switched to a more happier anime.

We ended up watching Carole and Tuesday from beginning to end. It cheered her up a lot and caused her to be inspired to make more music.

A few hours passed and I sat on her bed, listening to her play her acoustic guitar and sing. She looked at me and smiled as she sang. I smiled at her and kept listening. Nina listened as she leaned against the wall next to Penny's room. This was the happiest she'd ever heard her sister be. She smiled and walked downstairs to make dinner for the three of us.

Penny got finished playing and looked at me. I looked at her and stroked her hair. She closed her eyes and enjoyed my touch. She set her guitar next to her and scooted closer, closing the gap between us. I placed my hand back on the bed. She wrapped her pinky around mine and opened her eyes to look at me. I gently held her cheek with my other hand then kissed her lips gently. She closed her eyes and kissed back gently. I pulled away and opened my eyes, noticing her face becoming extremely red. She became extremely shy and looked away.

"I uh.." Penny started, not knowing what to say.

I chuckled at her shyness and noticed her look back at me shyly. "I know what you're going to say and I enjoyed it too."

She smiled softly and heard music playing downstairs. "It seems my sister is finished with work. Wanna go downstairs to see what she's doing?"

I nodded and stood up. "Yeah. Let's see what she's up to."

She stood up and we walked downstairs together, hearing Chase Atlantic's song, Cassie, playing on the speakers. She let go of my hand then walked into the kitchen and saw her cooking. Nina looked at Penny and smiled.

I sat at the table and looked at Nina. "Whatcha making?"

"Nothing special really. Just making chicken and mashed potatoes. I don't really cook seriously until Sundays." Nina answered and focused on her cooking.

I watched her cook and noticed Penny helping her. I decided to get up and help out as well. Nina looked at me and smiled then placed her hand on my chest.

"Sit and just relax, babe. We got it." Nina smiled.

"Are you sure? I can definitely help out." I smiled at her.

She shook her head and I just decided to just do as she asked and sit back down. I looked at them and smiled. They were polar opposites. Nina was really flirtatious and lustful. She was confident and she knew she had it so she flaunts it as shown in her profile. Penny was the opposite. She was shy and not very confident in herself. She's reserved and uncertain if she has it like her older sister. She's not as busty as Nina, but I'm still into her. Penny is very opposite in personality, she's very cutesy and more sensitive.

After five minutes, Nina and Penny prepared the table for us to have dinner. Nina walked behind me and rubbed my shoulders. I looked up at her and she kissed my lips and I kissed back. She went to go fix the plates while Penny got the drinks.

After getting everything settled, Nina and Penny sat at the table and I thanked them for the dinner. They smiled and we began to dig in. The food tasted really good and the chicken was well seasoned.

"I learned how to cook from our dad. Our mom wasn't really allowed in the kitchen not because she can't cook, but because she was really clumsy." Nina giggled.

"One time she nearly burned the house down, but since our dad worked as a fire fighter he was able to prevent that from happening." Penny smiled.

"Where are your parents now?" I asked.

"Dad is now serving the military and mom got a job all the way in Washington for a job she got. It's just me and my sister." Nina answered.

"What about you? Where are your parents now?" Penny asked.

"My sister kinda had a fight with them over how they would be overprotective of me. That's why I am in this part of Texas now. I graduated from High School and moved out on my own attending Trinity Valley University." I answered.

"T-Trinity Valley?! You must be super talented! Only the extraordinary go there!" Penny said shocked.

"Ehh...I don't really have a noticable talent other than being able to speak and translate multiple languages and being the smartest at the University." I chuckled and blushed.

Nina looked at me and rose an eyebrow. "Können Sie mir sagen, was ich sage?"

"You just asked me if I know what you are saying and yes I do." I said.

"He's good." Nina giggled.

Penny looked at me and began to speak Japanese to me asking if I could understand what she was saying.

"Yes, I know what you're saying." I smiled. "You're just asking me if I understand what you're saying."

"That's a rare talent. Not many people can speak more than two languages and understand them. What all can you speak?" Nina asked.

"French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Tagalog, Mandarin, Portuguese, Korean, and Russian." I answered.

"You speak 10 languages in total..?! Unbelievable." Nina said, surprised.

"That's incredible!" Penny said.

I smiled and rubbed the back of my head. Hearing these two praise me for my ability to speak 10 languages made me think differently on how I view my talent. Being able to speak so many languages seemed to be a talent that impressed them.

We continued talking about random topics and eating dinner. We finished eating and I helped them clean up the kitchen. They let me stay at their house for another night and so I did.

Penny wanted me to sleep with her for the night and I did just that. We got under the covers and she cuddled against me and held my shirt. I held her and smiled then fell asleep to get a good night's rest.