
A page of Diary

Tahmeena_Chaudhary · ファンタジー
27 Chs

A page of diary

chapter # 2

Sara was surprised. Oh my God tommy just look at that that place it is resemble to that place which I saw in dream. She opend her bag and started searching her sketchbook. Here it is she found it. She opend it tommy we finally find it. Lets go hurry up she put on her shoes and after a minute she was in sitting area where are you going?? asked her Mom I just want to see outside. Look at that beautiful scenery mom i promise that I will come back soon.

You are tired have some rest we will stay more than fortnight. Why are you in hurry ?? Mom just for 10 minutes please..

Ok but carefully her grandmother permitted her

thanks Grandma..

Soon she was at that place. she focused at background which was exactly the same..

Sara again that voice revibrate in her ears.

She turned back. Oh! you are here. we are meeting again beautiful lady said ..

welcome to my home.

your home ??

yes I live here. Lady replied Sara

In forest?? Sara laughed

There is a valley behid this i live there..

Wow! In a vally but Since when ??

For Hundreds and thousands of years..

what do mean?? who are you ??

Iam genie( ghost)

A ghost?? Sara sacred

yes A kind of but good one.

How do you know me ?? asked Sara

Do you want to find answers of your all questions?? she sat beside Sara

yes Sara replied

do you want to know about these faces she picked her sketchbook and started turning pages.

do you know them?? Sara asked surprisingly

you also know some of them..

what?? No I really don't know.

I can help you but I have some conditions which are very strict you cant fulfill them

I will fulfill . I promise. I am begging you please help me Sara begged her

Are you sure??

yes I am sure. Sara was confident

Ok first of all close your eyes.

but why ?

don't you want answer? Lady Asked to her

ok ok Sara closed her eyes.

open your eyes and take this...

A diary Sara takes from her.

This is not an ordinary diary. this is a story of someone your beloved.

Sara wants to open it but she hold her hand don't open it in front of anyone this is first condition you have to read it secretly second you can only read a page of diary in a day if you will read more than a page you will lost it. only you can read this third read it only at bed time fourth only you can see me If you find me around you you will react that I am not present there last one you will burn it after finishing...

if you dont follow any of them you can't find the outcome.. understand??

yes I will try my best I want to ask a question is this story belongs to you ??

no more questions just go back your parents are looking for you..

can i read a page tonight ?? this is important question I cant skip it

yes you can she smiled and disappeared....

when sara entered home her family was eating dinner..

join us Sara said her grandmother..

after dinner she entered her room after lock the door she sat on chair and opend the diary. at very first page she saw the photo of very handsome man. He had large nose,bushy eyebrows, green eyes, wide face infact he was charming like a prince. At the bottom of the photo his name was mentioned Adam.She was hesitating open next page Ah! is this first page ?? but there is only a photo what should i do ?? Ok turn next page her brain said don't her heart. she was confused. Suddenly wind entered through the window and it turned page at the bottom of the next page no1 was present Oh my God she shouted with excitement. Although diary was old and dusty but it was written by beautifully.

Adam now i am an old lion and my life is at last stage you are the next leader of our community my son join your duty and lead us. you are young, strong and healthy you deserve this place and i am tired. Many years ago I lost your parents now I don't want to repeat that mistake again..

you are my grandson and you are beloved than everything. He hold his face in his hands and kissed at the forehead of Adam..

Grandpa as long as you are alive you are our leader. Adam said and went outside

where are you going Adam? asked Jennifer ( his friend and companion)

I want to live alone for sometime that's why i am leaving for tonight.

its mean i cannot accompany you ok do what you want to do she smiled

Jennifer stay with grandpa he needs you more

ok no problem don't worry..

why my heart is so much anxious? Adam put his hand on his chest

he was wandering on road aimlessly suddenly he saw that a truck is going to hit a lady fastly he stopped that truck with the beck of his hand...

Are you alright driver came out from his truck..

yes almost lady exhaustedly replied him..

I dont know how it stopped driver said iam surprise maybe some superpower stopped it thank God you are safe and sound . maybe you are lucky one.

She hardly stand and crossed the road.. I am the most unlucky person in the entire world she was talking with herself and her tears were falling on her cheeks like a heavy rain . She again looked the road no one was there except she thanks to God for saving her life..

Adam can see her but she cannot because adam was a ghost and she was an ordinary human..

She was verry pretty. Her blue eyes started turning reddish for crying.

her black hairs were waving on her shoulders. She was a sad beauty at that time.

Adam falling in love with her at first sight.. His sight followed her till she turned into another street. He looked at the sky and said what a beautiful night and blushed..

She was scared tonight's accident terrified her she gathered all her strength and knocked at the door with tired and trembling hands..

Sara opend the door. Mom what's bring you here?why are you waking? Her mother asked her its 11 pm your bed time is 10pm..

I am feeling sleepy Sara yawned and turned off lamp and wrapped blanket good night mom.Thank God I finished the first page Sara was happy .

Good night my princess Sana shuts the door..

next morning Sara was very happy because her Aunt Shanila ( Sana's sister ) visited them. Her cousin Jacob was his age fellow and one of her best friend. Children were excited because after lunch there parents promised to watch movie..

after movie when they were in car to way home It was very scary and horror jacob said but it was just a movie there are no ghost in reality is it Sara?

No Sara replied i believe ghosts are exist and they have communities like us.

Oh really! have you visited them??

jacob mocked her and everybody laughed

Sara feels bad but remains silent all the way. She had dinner and her aunt already leaved. she came in her room and opened the diary again...