
A Otaku Assassin Reincarnated To an Eroge game?

Someone is running... He's body is so injured and bloodied... While he's getting chased by an group of black in suit who wanted to kill him... While running into the buildings, he suddenly lost all of his strength and fall down while he jumping into the buildings... He fell on the road and saw a Truck, no one is driving to it... He isn't sad nor mad because of a shameful way to die. He's excited because he's going to die from truck-kun today! He is an Otaku professional Assassin who isn't good nor bad but like to play Eroge games or watch anime when he have free time! He's a really different assassin... Because he found his happiness in his life! Being an Otaku! So when he see truck-kun is going to kill him. he's otaku sense is tingling! He's excited! He then got ran over by the truck and... ... The cover is not mine...

CarolineInPajama · ファンタジー
26 Chs

The Trial of Worthy Personality (2)

After reading the Gods' impact for 100+ chapters, I suddenly have an urge to post this chapter.

And here's my improvement~

Only in writing quality of course.

Oh, I'm going to edit all of my previous chapters as I decide to do some big changes in the book

So I'm going to stack some chapters while editing my previous chapters as I won't post a chapter until I edited all my previous chapters.

I didn't drop the novel yet! I was focusing on my studies and I became lazy...

Oh, re-read all the previous chapters after I'm done editing it all!


''Keke...'' The Goblin laughed disgustingly as it found its food, Asher.

*Step...* *Step...*

Knowing this is its first time tasting human flesh, the Goblin laughed excitingly as it warned its comrades that this is its food alone.

They shouldn't touch him. Only the Goblin.


The Goblin slowly approached Asher while licking its lips, feeling very refreshed at Asher's despaired face as its sharpening its chipped dagger with another chipped dagger to intimidate Asher.


The Goblins had a very sadistic tendency to entertain themselves by playing with their prey to death after they secured that their prey had no chances of winning.

They mostly do it with humanoid monsters.

The Goblin completely let its guard's down after it didn't sense any danger in Asher so it's fully relaxed.


And Asher, as any professional assassin would do in this situation, takes advantage of the opportunity in front of him as he gathered his strength on his legs as veins started to appear on them.

Added with his mana that got enhanced by his Bloodline,


Almost like teleportation to the Goblin's view, Asher instantly appeared in front of it and launched his right fist towards the goblin's face.


Coating it with his mana, it became very potent to the Goblin as its survival instinct is screaming for it to dodge it.

''Keuk...!'' It forced everything in its body to dodge the fist, using mana and life force energy temporary, but...



It got punched perfectly and was sent flying, crashing onto a huge tree 10 meters away from Asher in the process.

*Step* *Step*

Asher walked cautiously towards the Red skinned Goblin


After walking at the right distance, he then observed the Goblin whether it survived his full-powered mana punch or not as maybe that Goblin has a hidden card like regeneration or something?

Well, he just needs the pieces of information about Goblins so he won't get caught off guard if something unexpected happens.

*Drip* *Drip*

A big amount of blood keeps coming out from the Goblin's mouth and nose.

But Asher still observed, as if he was unbothered by it.

This is a normal occurrence for him so he didn't flinch when he saw a lot of blood coming out from the goblin's mouth and nose.

He already saw a more gruesome one than that...

The Goblin is currently dead as Asher's punch shakes its brain too much.

Or did Asher just break the Goblin's skull?

''....'' After a while of waiting for something to occur in the Goblin,

''Sigh... There's nothing unusual happening to the Goblin nor are there any changes to its body and aura...'' Asher murmured as he stopped observing the dead goblin and walked towards the two hiding Goblins, who are currently shaking from fear after witnessing their comrade's death in just a 1 punch.

They knew they can't defeat that kid, they wanted to run away but their body kept shaking after witnessing him brutally kill their comrade.

Asher witnessed this unusual thing that is happening at the two Goblins.

''...?'' Asher felt confused when these two Goblins kept shaking from fear instead of fighting him back when he was approaching them to kill them.

''Weird... Goblins shouldn't react like this even if someone is stronger than them and instead, they should be more fired up...'' Asher murmured as he observed those two.

Maybe these Red-skinned Goblins are different than the current Green-skinned ones in his homeland?

''Guess they are just easier to kill than the original one I guess,'' Asher murmured as he launched his fist at the two red-skinned Goblins.


His fists keep dripping blood after killing the three red-skinned Goblins.

Detoxifying the intense smell of the blood by using his water spell, Asher decided to continue to travel the huge forest he was in.

Jumping on the branches one to another, Asher travels at a very fast rate every second.

''What's with these unnecessary monsters in here... Shouldn't this be a personality test instead of a survivability test...? I can't see the test in here where I have to prove myself to be worthy of her potion by my personality...'' Asher murmured as he jump from another branch to another.

What was he supposed to do to prove he have a worthy personality in this dangerous forest?

There's nothing humanoid civilization here except monsters.


Day 3

After exploring some parts of the forest, Asher didn't find anything significant that related to the personality test.

Resting at the top of the tree and enjoying the scenery in here, Asher kept thinking about the possibilities of when will the test starts.

'Maybe should I wait for it? But it's already been 3 days and never did that Witch says anything... Should I explore more? Should I go back to where I started?'

Thinking for a while, Asher decides to relax his mind first before thinking about some complicated things again.

''Sigh... I'm getting bored.'' Asher murmured with a tired expression.

He doesn't like a moment like this where he doesn't know what to do.

It's natural to feel frustrated... But Asher is just bored.


After hitting a mutant ant with a small rock coated with his mana, Asher stands up from his relaxed sitting position as he decides to do some hunting to clear some of his boredom.

'Sigh... I felt so stupid risking this trial for some short entertainment, but whatever, this might trigger something related to my 'Personality test'.'

Jumping branches from one to another, Asher decides to do something stupid that he won't do in his life.

Because of boredom...

Yes, Asher already trained his will related to boredom, It's called patience but what he's doing right now isn't nonsense.

This might work because Asher knows that the Witch clearly wanted a righteous personality.

But as an assassin, who does the dirty works of someone and won't even hesitate to massacre innocents for his gains, does he even have one?



Although he almost became a sociopath by becoming an assassin, thankfully his family is there on his side to give him some wholesome and happy memories.

And what's that righteous personality?

The satisfaction of saving innocent ones and killing evil ones.

And his plan is?

'I'm going to eradicate all the red-skinned Goblins here... and maybe save some animals in here?'

This will be Asher's entertainment, and maybe a key to his test?


But where will he find the red-skinned Goblin's village?

''Dunno.'' Asher suddenly replied as he felt someone is questioning him...


Anyway, Asher ignored his weird feeling and focused on finding the Goblin's village.

2 hours later,

Going back to where he fought the Goblins before, Asher hid in the tree leaves as he waited for some red-skinned Goblins to appear.


Hiding in the tree leaves, Asher heightened his senses so he can sense some nearby Goblins.


''There's nothing here.'' Unsurprised by this, Asher decides to wait for an hour.


He rarely found Goblins when he was exploring the forest.

He encountered only five times Goblins in a group in those 3 days of exploration.

Waiting for an hour,

No Goblins appeared.


He then decides to move to another location where he coincidently found a group of Goblins hunting some animals.

He ignored those Goblins and continued exploring.


After a while, he finally arrived where he has previously seen some Goblins.

He again hides in the tree leaves and waited for another hour.

And there, he found a lone Goblin.

''Kek...'' It seems sad, but Asher just ignored it.

He will follow that Goblin and protect it from any dangerous monsters until it decides to go to its home village.

'Hopefully, it decides to go home early...'

Asher hoped as he followed the Goblin.


It did not.



It's been 5 hours since he's following the Goblin and hiddenly protecting it from monsters that wanted to eat the Goblin.

And that goddamn Goblin is still walking circles without any care for its surroundings.

''Huff... Hah... I'm going seriously reconsider my thoughts before killing that Goblin.''

Asher is increasingly becoming tired every time he has to fight monsters.

There was even some monster that is his equal in speed!

And how did that Goblin didn't even notice his fights? Asher doesn't know.

''Kah...'' The Goblin seemed tired and sighed tiredly as it decides to go home.

And Asher smiled that didn't reach his cheeks.

'I'm going to kill you first before massacring your village. Thank you for wasting my time, Mr. Goblin.'

It seems childish that a highly trained assassin like Asher lost his patience with a mere Goblin, right?

But Asher doesn't care about it.

He didn't lose his calm, but that Goblin indeed pissed him off as it keeps doing stupid things like screaming to lure monsters in or walking into the monster's trap.

It's such a hassle that Asher starts to be annoyed by it.

He endured that for 5 hours and he have enough of it.

Thankfully, that lone Goblin decides to go home before Asher decides to give up and go find another Goblin before killing the previous one.

''This fucking emo Goblin...'' Asher murmured with murderous intent in his eyes as he looked at the sleepy Goblin.

What annoyed him the most is the Goblin's expression.

If it got tripped, it starts overreacting as crying, becoming angry at the broken branches.

Hell, he doesn't even know that Goblins can make an expression like that.

'This should be better worth it... And hopefully, this is the entire red-skinned home.'

Asher doesn't want to repeat the process.

After a while,

The Goblin finally arrived at its village's gate as it sleepily fell to the ground and snored

It knew that its fellow members will pick the Goblin up and put the Goblin in its home.


Asher dropped down from the tree and pull the Goblin on its legs.

'Before eradicating this Goblin's race, I need to let out my frustrations on this guy...'

Asher thought as he cut the Goblin's wrist and let cast a small spell on the Goblin's wrist.


Words: 1698

Feel free to tell me my grammar mistakes in the paragraphs.