
A nobody rises up the ranks

One day in the peace country called Montreal, the two main groups in this country Zorgknight and the Foltens had an argument about who the country's king was going to be. And because of that argument, the country was at war. towns where thorn apart. and now 3 years later, a boy named Alex has been tasked with infiltrating The Foltens ranks. Now Alex is the only hope for this world.

Voidbrenger · ファンタジー
5 Chs

vol. 1 chapter 1 I start my mission today

It was the day was the day of sign up, and I was very nervous, but I knew that I had to do it, so I signed up. 2 hours later, they called "Alex is Alex here."

"Yes," I said. "It is time to begin your training. They took me through the corridor, my long brown hair blowing in the wind. Then the gard took me to the armery. "So before we start, what kind of weapon would you like. So, I scanned the room for the perfect weapon.

Then I found 2 katana. " I will take those 2 katana," I said. "Ok," said the gard. " The ceremony will start in 5 minutes. I suggest you get going." So I walked through the building and in the main all of the Foltens base. There was lot a people talking and laughing. Then a mask figured said " Hey Alex, come and join us."