
A nobody rises up the ranks

One day in the peace country called Montreal, the two main groups in this country Zorgknight and the Foltens had an argument about who the country's king was going to be. And because of that argument, the country was at war. towns where thorn apart. and now 3 years later, a boy named Alex has been tasked with infiltrating The Foltens ranks. Now Alex is the only hope for this world.

Voidbrenger · ファンタジー
5 Chs

a nobody rises up the ranks vol. 1 chapter 0 war begins

One day in the peace country called Montreal, the two main groups in this country Zorgknight and the Foltens had an argument about who the country's king was going to be. And because of that argument, the country was at war. towns where thorn apart.

But the bad thing was the world was on the wrong side they thought the Foltens were the good ones, but they never tried to help us. Hi, I am Alex Zenaton, and this is a story about my life. Now, let me get back to the story.

The Foltens were ruthless, and they murdered thousands. I am from a small town at the edg of the country, and the Foltens never cared about us. This is why when I grow up I am going to infiltrate the Foltens because they will not recognize me because they have never been to my home.

3 years later.....

"Help please he us," said the begers "No you are weakling, soldiers kill them," said Marten

"The Foltens will pay for this,"said Prince zorgon of the Zorgknight.

The war was far from over. Now it us time for me to infiltrate there ranks.