
Chapter 3.

— What kind of lessons does All Might teach? —

- Huh?! Ah... Izumi said nervously as she was bombarded by a reporter near the school.

- Tell us what you think of having the "Symbol of Peace" being in the area of education! —

- My thoughts?! Uh... He really is muscular! Yes! — Uraraka replied with a smile as he raised his arms doing an imitation of how muscular All Might was.

- What do you think about All Might becoming a teacher? —

"That increases my idea of the fact that I am where I can reap the rewards of the highest in hero training, not to mention that his authority and behavior are inspiring, but he also has qualities far beyond, as if a sense of humor. Now that students will be constantly exposed to such an incredible role model, we will be willing to study what one needs to have as a reason to fit the definition of "good hero" and also ... — was the harsh explanation of Iida that bored everyone.

- What do you think about All M... Wait! Aren't you the incident guy with the mud guy?! —

- Go away! - I angrily order Bakugou walking without paying attention to all those people.

—Show us your perception of All Might... Wait, why don't you fix yourself a little better, buddy?! —

"The man is out of his duties now, you are interfering with our lessons here, so kindly leave the premises," the class 1-A teacher asked, beckoning all those reporters to leave.

- We just want to talk to All Might directly! —

- Don't you think you're a little messy?! —

- All Might! All Might! All Might! —

They were the requests of journalists. With the news that All MIght has entered Yuuei's faculty. The whole country went into an uproar and the media pressed the doors for days in search of a scoop.

- Come on! You couldn't bring All Might to tell us a few poc...—a reporter spoke to the class 1-A teacher, but I didn't finish talking when the man entered the academy.—Ah, hell! - I exclaimed angrily to follow the man, but the front door began to beep, as a metal door came out of the ground at once. - Uwaaah! What the hell?! - The journalist shouted with fear at the sudden appearance of that metal door.

- It's the old "Yuuei barrier"! Well, that's what we call it," said another reporter.

- Really?! How ridiculous! — said the same reporter who is almost crushed.

"Unless you have a student card, or special ID, the security door will slam shut automatically. Even on campus there are sensors all over the place," said a cameraman.

- Why are they going to such extremes to close the doors to us?! A word or two will suffice! For god's sake, we've been here for two days in a row and haven't had the decency to give us a lie or a topic to report! - shouted the poor reporter who was almost crushed by the large metal door, not realizing that they were watched from afar.

—"Ah, shit, it's too late, all because of Yu-Neesan"— were the thoughts that Naruto had as he ran through the stands of the academy, when he reached the end and saw what he would need to enter, he noticed a large crowd of people, or rather, journalists blocking the entrance to the facilities.

- Damn! — was the curse that El Blondo heard, watching as one of the journalists walked furiously, ready to leave the place.

More it seemed that fate hated the Uzumaki, since he noticed how the woman rested her eyes on his person, began to look at each side, but there was no one else.

—"Ah shit, here we go again"— thought the Uzumaki who noticed how the woman began to walk towards him, but it was not only her, the other reporters also arrived as a herd.

- Tell us what it's like to learn from All Might?! —

- Do you think he is qualified for this position? —

— Do you think they are prepared to be trained by the "Symbol of Peace"? —

- Do you think this was worth it for All Might to retire as a hero to teach here? —

Naruto just looked everywhere, he was really uncomfortable being surrounded by many people, more of this class, he only listened to the thousands of questions that all of them asked him, and it did not help that they took pictures and recorded him, and more if they put those microphones near his face, to the point of hurting him with them, I needed to get out of this, and I had to do it now.

- Look, it's All Might! — Shout pointing to the side.

- Where?! — they all exclaimed to turn to the side that the boy pointed out.

Naruto just jumped using his ninja skills, the reporters noticed that they were deceived, and when trying to find the boy, they saw him standing on the protective wall. The Uzumaki only stared as they all claimed him, but ignored them all. He only fixed his gaze on the wooded area surrounding the academy, he had felt a dangerous presence, but he no longer felt it, he just ignored it to enter classes.

Aizawa walked tiredly to his class, it was really annoying to have all those vultures as eyes near the school, although the barrier kept them away, it did not prevent them from approaching the boys at the end of classes. That added to the challenge he had now, the director had ordered everyone to try to guide Uzumaki on the right path, or otherwise, perhaps they were training a future villain who would know everything about the U.A, absolutely everything.

He arrived at his destination, once again sighed, just took the doorknob to enter the class. As I do so, I notice that everyone was in their places, I just walk to their desk to drop off the papers with the results of yesterday's assessment.

"I hope you have rested from yesterday's test. I have taken the liberty of seeing their grades and evaluations—I declare seriously, making everyone nervous. "Bakugou, stop acting like a 7-year-old boy whose parents don't want to buy something, you're wasting all your talent, behave like one— I scold the blackhair, making everyone swallow dry, without a doubt his teacher did not leave with a beating word.

"I know...— was the only thing the explosive blond muttered angrily.

"And your Midoriya, do you plan to hurt yourself every time you use your power?" If you keep saying "I can't control my Quirk, so it can't be helped" you'll never get anything in this. I told you once, and I'll tell you again, hoping it's really the last. Once you overcome that obstacle, it will be much easier, so I need you to push yourself from now on, is that clear? — said the teacher of class 1-A to the peliverde, who swallowed dry.

"Yes, sir," Izumi stared into her master's eyes.

"Todoroki, you rely on your right side too much, you can't fight hand-to-hand, and you dare not even use your left side. Even if you have great power, it is useless if you cannot fight hand to hand, improve your defenses well, use your left side, or learn to fight. Otherwise, you're just like Midoriya and Bakugou—the aforementioned only kept silent at that, didn't say anything, just look away.

"Iida, a hero has character and strength, something you have, but you don't seem to have the sense of command. Of the 3, you could stop all that, and force the others to obey you, entering a building, controlled by such an enemy is nothing more than suicide. Even the best heroes have plans, if that had been real life, do you know how many people would have died? Do you understand what that could mean? Do you understand the situation? - I ask seriously, making the blue-hair just look down in embarrassment, while clenching his fists angrily at that.

"Telling everyone their mistakes and failures would take me all day, and that's something I don't have. You must understand something, and that is that you are all training to be heroes one day. But if everyone behaves like them 4, if everyone acts impulsively and gets carried away by their emotions, they will only get a lot of people hurt, or worse, a lot of people die. If the test had been true, rest assured that right now, right now we would be a second Chernobyl, not, rather, with the strength and power of a modern nuclear bomb. It would be as if we had received 100 bombs like those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II. This is not a simple game—everyone in the room looked down a little, swallowing hard at those words, no doubt starting the day badly. —Uzumaki, Yaoyorozu— the two named just looked at their master, one was frightened to hear his last name, and the other didn't care. —I don't have much to say about you, you both managed to meet your goal, there are some small things to improve, but nothing important. Good job to both — I congratulate the above, for his part the blackhair was relieved at that, and the blond did not take importance to that. "Now there is something more important than all this, it's time to elect a class president," he said with an expression of boredom, noting how almost everyone was excited about it.

- Oh, oh! I want to be the class president! Choose me! Kirishima asked with emotion.

"I want to too," Jirou raised her hand.

"My proposal for president, all girls must show 30 cm of thigh!" cried Mineta with a perverted smile.

"Oh, you mean the position that was made for me," Aoyama said with a winning smile.

- That's like a leadership position! I will! Me, me! Ashido said with excitement and a big smile.

The black-haired only looked at everyone with annoyance, most were running for the position, even Bakugou who had come out of his depressed state by the scolding he gave him, was raising his hand with emotion, also the hair, although she barely did it. The only ones who did not show that emotion, were the Uzumaki and Todoroki, the two boys were oblivious to the situation.

- Silence! — Iida suddenly shouted to bang on her desk, drawing everyone's attention, who stopped screaming. - That is a task that must be taken responsibly where you have to bear the weight of others on you! Just because you'd like to, doesn't mean you can! It is a sacred office that requires the utmost recognition from those around you...! The one true leader will come out of a democratic election reflecting the will of the people! So this must be decided by vote! — I declare firmly and seriously the blue-movie to all his companions.

"It's still too early to have developed trust in others," Tsuyu said to the boy with the glasses.

- And everyone will vote for himself! Kirishima said, pointing out something obvious.

— And that is precisely why the person who gets multiple votes will be the most appropriate person for the position! Is that okay, Sensei? - Iida asked the blackhair.

"As long as they decide for the deadline, everything is fine," he said as he climbed into his yellow sleeping bag without any worries.

"Well, time to vote," Mina said with a smile, picking up the pen to begin voting.

Disappointment was what Iida Tenya felt right now. He was kneeling on the ground, watching that he did not receive any votes at all, almost everyone had a vote in his favor.

"Step," was the statement Naruto gave upon seeing that he had won to be the class president.

- How did you get 4 votes? - asked Kirishima puzzled.

What the boy did not see, is like 3 girls in the class, being these, Izumi, Uraraka, and Mina averted their gaze a little, and Iida only observed the blondo. After all, he voted for Uzumaki for the position, admitted his mistake, and his partner showed a leaderly attitude.

- Did you vote for someone else? - asked Momo seeing the guy with glasses.

"Even though you wanted the job more than anything, vote for someone else?" — was the doubt that Sato had looking at his classmate.

"You can't refuse, the positions have already been chosen," Aizawa commented to the blond, who just looked at him, both gave each other an expression of boredom. "Your new class president is Uzumaki, and the vice president is Yaoyorozu," introduced the hero known as Eraser, as some only applauded before his new class cabinet. "Well, now everyone to their places, classes begin— and so, each of the boys went to his place, this did not end after all.

Lunchtime had arrived for everyone, and as expected, all the students were in the on-site cafeteria. Each with their respective group of friends, or members of the same class. And of course, class 1-A was no exception.

At a table in the area, there were Naruto, Izumi, Iida, Uraraka, Momo, Jirou, and a smiling Mina, and now to them, Tsuyu, Tooru, Kirishima and Denki had joined.

—"Little by little they unite more"— was the thought that the blondo had noticing the new members of the table.

"Congratulations Uzumaki-kun," I congratulate Mina without losing that smile from ear to ear that characterized her.

- Did you vote for me? - I ask only to receive a smile. - Will anyone else here vote for me? - I question looking at everyone, and did not have to look far, since I watch as Izumi and Uraraka smiled nervously too.

"I voted for you," Iida said serenely.

- Really? Did you vote for me? But if you wanted that position? — said the Uzumaki in surprise.

"That's right, but then I remembered Aizawa-sensei's words, and I'm not ready for that. Not after what happened in the test. The office of president must be filled by someone responsible, with courage and judgment, and that is something I saw in you. It does not matter the fact of wanting it, but of demonstrating that you are suitable. I just followed my own judgment when I saw the facts—I comment on the blue-movie serenely.

"And who did you vote for, Uzumaki-san?" - I ask the peliverde to the oji-azul.

"Because of her," he replied, pointing to the Yaoyorozu who was surprised by it.

- For me? Why would you? — I ask with interest, to know the reason for this vote.

"I just didn't want to participate, so I voted randomly," he replied lazily, making more than one have a drop of sweat at that, no doubt his friend was lazy.

"Well, I voted for you, so you can be friends with everyone in the class," the hairhead confessed.

"I think that's going to be a bit difficult," said the redhead, watching as Todoroki and Bakugou occasionally watched the blue-eye.

"He's still upset about what Aizawa-sensei said, it was a blow to his pride," the frog girl commented.

"Maybe, but Aizawa-sensei is absolutely right," Iida replied, looking at his plate of food, his eyes lowered.

"You torment yourself a lot for that, and you shouldn't," Naruto spoke seriously, staring at the blue-hair. "Listen, you made a mistake, and there is nothing you can do to change it, it already happened and now you must live with it. More you can change the future, if you do not want to make the same bad step, you must learn from your mistakes and move forward. Nobody is perfect so that everything goes well, just improve, strive every day more, know your limits and accept them, it is not bad to admit sometimes that you are not good at something. It is brave to accept his mistakes and failures, if you concentrate on the past, you will not see what is in front of you—everyone at the table was silent at the words spoken by the Uzumaki, everyone was amazed at such maturity, for a young man, he seemed to speak like a man of much experience.

"Even if you say that, I really can't afford that. I come from a family of heroes of many generations, I can't let them down—I confess looking at their tray of food.

"Our destiny lives in us. You just have to be brave enough to see it. You are braver than you think, stronger than you look, and smarter than you think. A true hero is not defined by the size of his muscles, by his image or by his power, but by that of his heart—for everyone, those words penetrated their hearts and minds, rather than being just words to try to cheer the boy, it seemed that he was saying them to everyone. "Great, I look like Ero-sennin now," was the former shinobi's thought.

"Thank you very much Uzumaki-san, I will take into account your wise words, thank you really, I will take that blind faith you put on me, to become a better hero and improve, I promise you," said the boy who had risen, to make a slight bow, calling the attention of some students, who ignored everything completely.

But they were not the only ones, on the top floor of the cafeteria, at a table on the edge was the heroine Midnight, carefully observing the table where the young Uzumaki was, despite his appearance and personality, he seemed to attract the attention of others.

"If you keep seeing it like this, it looks like you're an adulterous stalker," Aizawa said at the table.

"Hey, that's offensive," I comment on the blackhair with some annoyance.

"You kept seeing Uzumaki, so I thought you already had him on your radar," the man excused himself as if nothing had happened.

"Hey, just because I like minors, doesn't mean I dare to put a finger on a student. Even I have my principles and tastes, although I admit that the boy is handsome, he is not the only one in the group—the black-haired only watched as his partner pointed out some months, where some girls watched Todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima, and one or another the blue oji.

"It would be very troublesome if any of those suddenly went out with a child," the class 1-A teacher joked.

"Well, take care of your children Shota, or some girl can take them," said the blue-eye mockingly. —But to clarify and answer your question, yes, I was seeing Uzumaki, the truth, he does not look like a problem boy as he is in the papers— the woman mutilated without taking her eyes off the blonde.

"Don't judge a book by its cover," replied the hero eraser to his companion.

"I know, it's just, it's amazing to know that someone with his background is in the academy. In the first year of high school alone, he had to change schools 4 times, in the second 7, and in his last year 10. All for fights against other comrades—musito seriously.

"And his image makes him look like a quiet and reserved boy, so no one could know that he has actually had many fights," added the black-haired.

"Yes, for his age, more than he should," he confessed watching how the other boys had fun, while the blondo seemed to be serious at all times.

"Yes, but if you have read the reports well like me. I guess you noticed the pattern in them," he said, staring at his partner.

"In all of them he only fights against bullies, each of his fights is against some problematic student," replied the heroine.

"That's right, in all of them he always fights to protect the victim from those abusives. It seems that the principal is not wrong, the boy helps the weak, but his methods are unorthodox, they are aggressive—the black-haired man looked at his students from time to time, it was interesting to see how they behaved.

"Don't even tell me, I was really surprised when I read that I fight 10 guys, all with powerful Quirks, and defeat them all. 6 ended up in the hospital for a month, and 4 of them left school, obviously expelled him, and all for defending a boy he didn't even consider a friend, let alone a classmate," he said to grab a spoonful of his strawberry ice cream.

"The truth, I'm a little worried about all this, I can't say it, but I feel that this boy is not what he seems to be. I couldn't explain it even if I could, I just feel like he's lying to all of us. Or well, that's how I feel, don't listen to my words," Aizawa confessed to his partner.

"Even so, I must say that the boy really wants to help. But the method he uses is not the right one. Apparently, he does not hesitate to attack problematic girls either, I would like to know what he did so that this group of girls behaved and even became applied in their studies, he commented seriously.

Naruto Uzumaki was a really interesting guy, someone he couldn't understand very well. She was astonished to learn that he was responsible for capturing that man, and a part of her, agreed to have castrated him, and more when she learned that this unhappy raped many more women, from little girls of 10 years, to women of 25.

She really hated rapists, pedophiles, and perverts. Even many times, in which she has captured criminals of that ilk, she has left the job to others, she could not stand them, just seeing them, she wanted to tighten their necks and break them, she just calmed down.

He agreed that these people received their due, but he was a little worried that the blond did not see a difference, between men and women. Not that she was one of those women protective of others, well, at least not of the villains. More what worried him, was what the boy did with them, to instill a lot of fear, which even makes them change their lifestyle.

In one of the many reports of fights he had of the Uzumaki, he found one that had caught his attention. It was the case of a group of 5 girls, which intimidated others, this group was made up of pure cute girls, who believed they had control over the others, by dating some criminal boys of lesser degree, they were all gals, something that was really rare today. In short, the girls went out with gang members, and thanks to that, they considered themselves untouchable, or so they thought until Uzumaki arrived.

According to the report, the girls had beaten a poor young woman, took her to the toilets and beat her until they got tired, all because the poor girl did not buy them the juice they wanted. Even after they beat her, they threatened that if she said anything, next time, they would stab her. Of course, that caused fear in the girl, who tried to leave the place, but could not. And for better or worse, Naruto found her in such a deplorable state, injured, lying down, humiliated.

The girl said nothing, even if the teachers or relatives begged her to tell the truth. The girl was so afraid of what they might do to her, that she ended up keeping quiet. And the girls came out free of all that, or so it was thought. From one day to the next, the girls confessed what they did, moreover, they had confessed everything they had done for a long time, from stealing money from their parents, stealing things from neighbors or other people, moreover, they had revealed that they were selling drugs after school, and blackmailed poor unhappy infidels, from whom they asked for large sums of money, so as not to show the photos they had of the adultery they committed.

Everyone was amazed at that, and according to the papers, the girls were really scared, the fear and dread was noticeable on their faces. And without a doubt, no one would have known the reason for it. But the victim revealed that he told Uzumaki everything, not to mention that when the same thugs saw the blond, some urinated just by seeing him near them.

The theory that was formed, since there were no foundations to support it, is that Naruto Uzumaki had had something with all that. But nothing could ever be proven, in the end the girls changed schools, and thanks to the power that the director Nedzu had, I managed to find out that two of those girls, isolated themselves from everything, living in their homes with fear of everything, one of them was interned in a psychiatric hospital, another left the country, and one more ended up committing suicide.

And as it was said, despite having no proof that Naruto had anything to do with it, she didn't think so. The boy did something, something really macabre to traumatize all those girls, just by seeing the scary photos of them, it was as if the poor devils had run into a demon.

"Maybe we're thinking too much. Anyway, it never hurts to keep an eye on it, but only that Midnight, nothing more—I seriously order the black hair.

"I already told you, that I like young boys, does not mean that I do something, and less if he is a student of the academy, you should trust my Shota," Nemuri said to his companion.

From one moment to another, an alarm began to sound throughout the area, as several sirens came from some points of the cafeteria.


From one moment to another, all the boys got up from their tables to run towards the exits, marked by yellow lines that appeared on the floor and walls. Each and every one was running, of course, without obeying the orders given.

- Aizawa, come here immediately! The reporters managed to get in, I need help now! - The black-haired man just mumbled at that, the moment he looked at the students.

- Go, I'll take care of this! — was the answer that the blue eye gave, the master just nodded to go help his partner, while the woman went down to try to calm everyone down.

—"Damn! This got out of control... fear invades their bodies"—were the thoughts that the blondo had, as he was pressed against one of the windows of the place.

The damn building was tall, maybe they were about 30 meters away, thanks to the pressure and the bunch of people trapped in one place, the damn glass would not withstand much, just one blow was enough, and I had to say that that damn alarm did not help at all, it only made everyone else even more scared.

- Everyone calm! It's just journalists, stay calm! - The black-haired shouted at the top of his lungs, but his orders were not heard by the boys.

I just watch as some students were pressed against the glass, that was dangerous, a bad blow and some of them could fall. He had to calm them all down, so he had no choice, he just grabbed the sleeves of his suit, to break them and release his power. A cloud of pink smoke began to invade the place, as he watched as some boys and girls surrendered to his power. But I was slow towards the others.

- Everyone calm! Stay calm! — Iida shouted trying to get free, but it was difficult for her, among so many people.

- Hey, be careful! —

- Someone fell! Someone fell! —

- Don't push me! —

Everyone was screaming and fighting to get out. Naruto only growled when he received a blow to the face, then received another one in the chest, an elbow on his right side, and having someone step on his feet, he was already getting upset, he was losing what little patience he had.


The Uzumaki only focused his attention upon hearing the sound of beaten glass, only to see a boy with a steel Quirk slam into the glass.

"Oh... Shit," he said as soon as his fear came true.

The glass gave way to the blow, broke into thousands of pieces, the instant he felt the air hit his back, applied chakra to his feet, and forcefully pushed the nearby boys so that they did not fall, but his help did not work for everyone.

- Ibara! — was the scream I hear when I see how a girl with green hair that looked like lianas, fell into the void, but it was not only her, some more did.

His body acted instinctively, without hesitation or thought, jumped to hit a wall with the soles of his feet, applied Futon chakra to propel himself, and went out the window at high speed. I only take 3 guys by the neck to throw them back into the hallway, stretch out my right hand to release a wall of wind that ended up throwing some to the ground, but that way I would prevent others from falling. He just focused his sight again on the girl, once again applied Futon chakra on her feet, and shot out.

He took the girl in his arms, he went around thanks to the speed he had, he only hugged her tightly, at the moment he fell hard and speed to the ground, he crawled for a few meters by force, he stopped after making a plate of rocks appear.

Some boys approached the broken window to see what happened, but they were not the only ones, since the reporters had heard the screams, and when they saw the place where they came from, they saw how 4 young people fell from the building. Everyone was frightened by it, even the teachers who were calming the press. They saw that, they ran out to save the boys, even All Might who was in his private office, seeing that, almost destroyed the windows to save the boys.

But everyone was very surprised to see that the Uzumaki acted before everyone, they saw how he took the 3 boys by the collar of their shirts, to throw them again, and then launch a wind attack that made some others avoid approaching, and then see how he took the girl in his arms, and then fell to the ground with heaviness.

All the teachers rushed to the place to help, it was more than certain that the blondo must be injured before such a blow, all of them stood in the way so that the reporters did not take photos or videos, the cloud of dust was dispersing. At the moment that everyone looked at how the blondo was hugging tightly to the green-hair. The blondo looked at all the teachers, and only let go of the girl.

The journalists began to struggle to hoard the news, while some teachers in the area helped the boys, first helped the girl, and then the Uzumaki, and without saying anything, they took them both to the infirmary to be checked by Recover Girl.

- Are you sure you're okay? Doesn't it hurt at all? - Mina asked as she walked next to the blondo.

- Are you sure you can go home alone? Wouldn't it be better if someone accompanies you? — Momo questioned the blue oji.

"I told you, I'm fine, it was nothing," the Uzumaki replied as if nothing had happened.

- As if it were nothing? You fell from at least 30 meters! Kirishima exclaimed almost loudly.

"Yes, well, thanks to my Quirk I'm more resistant than I look," I explain as if nothing the blue eye.

After that incident, he was taken to the infirmary to be checked, along with that girl. Although he had refused, he could not do much when he was forced by that little old woman who forced him to sit down, after receiving a blow to the head. Thanks to his powers, blows like that were nothing, he could endure that and much more, that fall was nothing. More for the others, that fall must have left him badly injured, and even with one or two broken bones.

It was really difficult to get them to let him go free, and then came the fall of his companions. Not almost everyone, just the small group that had forcibly included him, all of them began to bombard him with questions about his health, if he was well, if he did not have serious injuries, and so on.

—But despite all that, I must say that you were too cool, it seems that you do not want to stand out, but you do it without realizing it," commented the redhead of the group to the oji-azul, who only remained silent about that, he had not really noticed that.

- Hadn't you noticed that? - Mina asked the blond, only to see a surprised expression of the blonde.

—"I really don't notice it"— was everyone's collective thought before the expression of the blue oji.

"Well, I guess with today, everyone will talk about this tomorrow," she pointed out.

"Hey, if it's not too much trouble, you might stop talking about it," the Uzumaki kindly asked his companions.

"Oh, we're sorry," the black-haired man apologized when he saw that the conversation seemed to make his companion uncomfortable.

"No, don't worry, it's just that I don't really like to attract attention very much. From my experience, in doing so I always end up calling the interest of weird people—I clarify so as not to sound rude, although what he said was in some ways a lie, there was some truth in his words.

"I understand, we'll take your request into account," Yaoyorozu said with a small smile.

"Of course, you would have only told us friend, we are classmates, and friends if you want to see it, if it bothers you or bothers you something, just tell us, or if you need help," Kirishima commented confidently, to put on his arm on the shoulders of the blonde.

"That's right, you can always count on our advice and support Uzumaki-kun," the Ashido declared, also putting her arm on the free shoulder of the blondo.

—T-T-Thank you... I'll keep that in mind—I speak with some discomfort as I feel them invade his personal space.

And so, the boys left school, each one finally headed home, some together, since they shared the same road, each tired for today, and more for what happened in the afternoon with the invasion of journalists. Everyone left quietly, forgetting an important question: How did they manage to enter the academy?

That question no one asked, or almost no one. The blond man was sitting, riding the bus that takes him near his home, watching people outside. No one had wondered how the reporters managed to enter, more in a quick movement when he fell to save that girl, he managed to see how the main entrance of the academy was destroyed, no, rather, it was turned to dust, someone had opened an entrance for reporters, but he did not do it on purpose, something told him that someone or something, He had just sent a message, and he sensed that it was not good.

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