
Chapter 1

"Brazil has fallen to the takeover of the criminal known as Alejandro Rojas, the head of the country's most important cartel. After a coup d'état that has so far claimed thousands of deaths. NATO and the UN have so far given no statements of this terrible act."

"Mexico has reported this weekend as the most violent of the year. At least 2,<> people were killed in a battle between two rival cartels, in which members had no consideration for using their Quirks. Being considered the worst war of criminal organizations since the struggle between the guerrillas and the army of Venezuela"

"An elementary school in the United States was destroyed when a teenager could not control his power, the young man had apparently ingested drugs to increase his power. At least 70 people have died, and the list goes up, as do the wounded."

"A shipment from China was discovered on the shores of Italy, in the van were found 20 mutilated bodies, and without organs. Authorities say it must be the work of organ traffickers with the help of criminals with Quirks."

"The rate of rape in Kenya has increased, General Kwonbai Monaniba's army has taken control of the area, and they have declared that any foreign intruders will die, and that if they do not heed their demands, they will kill a girl every hour.

"A confrontation between two men who possess the giant Quirk is book in India, causing disaster in a city of the place, at least 50 people are reported dead due to damage, and about 30 seriously injured, in addition to causing several millionaire losses in real estate "

"The protests in London remain at a point of tension between the pro-human and the Conservatives. So far, a thousand people have been reported arrested in the face of the chaos and destruction caused by their fights in the streets. The government has declared a curfew in the face of these events, and anyone seen on the streets will be arrested and imprisoned."

"Humanity has not yet fully accepted the fact that superhumans live among us. It has been a long time since they appeared, but not everyone has managed to adapt to this new lifestyle, some people still live in the past. And they find superhumans as aberrations of nature, a punishment from god as some religious call it, to make humans pay for their sins. Unfortunately, these people still have a voice today."

"Before, racism was when someone was discriminated against because of their skin color. But nowadays, everything is racism, weight, height, talking about a person, and now we must not forget to have a Quirk. Today the Quirk is treated as racism, there are public places where people who have powers are not allowed to enter, those who do not look human, and unfortunately, this is seen day by day on all sides. Even though we are one species, we are divided between mere humans and prohumans."

"The other day I was walking through the streets, and from one moment to another, I could feel the smell of freshly baked bread, you know, that rich bread that is fresh from the oven, is a unique aroma to feel. Anyway, I was about to enter that place to buy, but at the entrance I saw a sign that said PRO-HUMANS NOT ALLOWED that is, before those posters prohibited the entry of animals, weapons and even food from other places. But that place was rejecting the entry of humans with powers, so I asked to speak with the owner of the place to know the reason for such a statement, but the only thing I received, were insults and to leave the place. "

"First world countries such as, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, France, Japan, South Korea, Portugal, Poland, Benelux, Scandinavia and United Kingdom. They are countries that have managed to keep a better control in the field of pro-humans. While other countries still have conflicts when it comes to controlling them, while others such as those in Latin America have had it more difficult, we must remember that these countries had corruption problems at all levels, from education, to the health system, and the government. But with the arrival of superhumans, their situation became so complicated, that today, some countries such as Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic, among other countries, are places where other countries try to get their inhabitants to visit as a tourist place, but if they decide not to obey the orders of the government, they are forced to sign a document where they will not intervene if something happens to them. This is to avoid any war between them."

"After WW2, the world thought that everything would be normal from now on. But it was not so, a few years after the end of the worst war in the world that cost the lives of 100 million people, between combatants and civilians. It was the worst chapter humanity could have, and I know it was thought that nothing else could get worse. But it was not so, the arrival of the prohumans has had a great impact, moreover, there are records that confirm the existence of them in that period, before it was considered theory, but as the years have passed, and with the new discoveries made by excavators, it has been confirmed that Hittler knew about them and looked for them, Unfortunately and for reasons we do not know, he found most of them in the Jewish people. He looked at them as monsters, and threats to mere humans, so he acted as would be expected of us humans, he was afraid, afraid to know that there were beings capable of doing things like spitting fire, controlling water, flying without having wings, controlling the earth and perhaps taking the form of animals. This undoubtedly shows that Hittler did what he did, to protect humanity from creatures that I consider demons. Nor is it that I defend him for what he did, more you have to think about things, what did we think the first time? Don't we feel fear when we look at a prohuman? They can control the elements, they can create weapons with parts of their body, they are stronger, faster, resistant. They are capable of fighting an army if they want to."

"We just want to be treated equally! We don't accept people discriminating against us just for being different! We also feel, we are human beings despite our appearance or being able to control things. We just want to be treated equally."

"These superhumans are a **** vermin of society, they are parasites, abominations of nature, demons. My wife and daughter were killed by one of those miscreants, and the police never did anything, not even those sons of bitches called heroes, they told me they would catch him, and to pay for what he did. But nothing ever happened. I don't believe in heroes, they're just the sign of the end of the world."

"The heroes have my total respect, and my gratitude. Two years ago I almost died when I was trapped in my apartment building that caught fire. For a moment I thought I was going to die, but then a hero came and saved me, I trusted them, I know they are there to help us, they are not monsters or demons as others say.

"Humanity is not ready for this yet, we are not ready. These are gods among us."

The U.A. academy, the No. 1 academy in all of Japan to train heroes since its founding 70 years ago. Creating and training renowned heroes, not only from Japan, but even from students from other countries.

Considered the best of all, with strict classes, qualified teachers, unique teaching methods. But that was not what made her the best, but her quota of students. Of course, focusing on that didn't mean they didn't teach others. They had normal classes for teenagers who preferred to have a more normal life, to be lawyers, doctors or even police or veterinarians. There were also classes for teenagers who had a brilliant mind to create support equipment for future heroes.

And while all the academies had almost the same programs, the U.A. surpassed all that. And of course, that will be because most famous heroes graduated from it, that's why its fame was so great, and for that same reason, every year thousands of students fought to have a place, and fulfill their dreams. But as stated, being the best, it only accepted students who met its requirements.

Out of 1000 students trying to enroll a year, only 100 of them were lucky to be accepted, but their futures were assured. For that reason, it was the best.

And at this moment, within its facilities, the future heroes and professionals were in their hour of rest. The academy not only had large facilities, but even a cafeteria to accommodate more than 200 students of all levels. From those of first admission, to those of last year. And among all the crowd of the place, there was a certain group of first-class students that stood out from the place, a group known as class 1-A, the class of future heroes.

—How good it feels to eat after all those tests— was the statement made by a girl with short brown hair that reached her neck with two long locks in front that reached her shoulders, brown eyes of white complexion who wore the same uniform as the blonde, only that she wore a skirt and black pantyhose next to formal brown shoes. His name is Uraraka Ochaco.

—To think that Aizawa-sensei would tell us that to prove us— was what a boy with blue hair, who wore square glasses, of an athletic build, who wore the typical uniform of the academy, his name is Iida Tenya, said.

—L-L-They usually do it to check one's physical condition after the entrance exam. In addition to knowing that Quirk owns each one—I comment on a girl with straight green hair and long green eyes, thin in appearance but who at the same time looked toned, and with freckles on her cheeks. Her name is Izumi Midoriya.

"But that doesn't take away the fact of scaring us by saying that he was going to expel us," said a fourth person, this time a girl with black hair, with a lock on the right side and a ponytail, black eyes, white complexion and a heart attack figure that left more than one boy stunned. Her name is Momo Yaoyorozu.

"Yes, but we must admit that it was fun, that is, so we can know each other better by knowing what our powers are— I confess with a smile from ear to ear, a girl with pink hair who peculiarly, had a pink skin, yellow eyes with black sclera, in addition to having two small horns that protruded between her rebellious hair, She, like her other classmates, wore the Academy costume. Her name is Mina Ashido.

"Yes, but that didn't seem to work," commented a girl with a rocker appearance, fair skin and thin build. It has triangular, lazy-looking onyx eyes with noticeably long lower eyelashes and rather small eyebrows. Her hair is short, only around her chin and is dark purple with an asymmetrical stripe, and two soundwave-like highlights on either side of her head. Its most prominent features are plug-like flexible headphone jacks that hang from each of your earlobes at the end of two thin wires, which act as additional limbs. Her name is Kyoka Jiro.

Everyone at the table looked to different sides, where they watched as some of their companions were away from them, some with their new companions, and others alone. Although it was clear that, after all, it was only the first day that everyone lived together, and almost no one in the class spoke, except for them, who had already had a small talk before entering the entrance exam.

"Yes, don't you intend to say anything, Uzumaki-kun?" - Mina asked, looking at one of her many classmates, and at the only boy, well, apart from Iida, who was sitting next to them.

"I have nothing to say really," replied a boy with unruly blonde hair, dull blue eyes, and who had 3 peculiar marks on each cheek shaped like cat whiskers, who wore the uniform of the academy, this was Uzumaki Naruto.

"Come on, don't be the quiet, serious and sexy boy in the room, that position is held by Todoroki-san," said Ashido with a smile, stitching the ribs of the blue eye with her elbow.

"Hehehe... I don't think I'm that kind of boy," Uzumaki replied with an awkward smile. —And if you want to know, it is normal that not everyone gets along from the first moment. Forging a friendship on the first day is difficult, not everyone is as cheerful as you, some prefer to keep their distance—I clarify to the hairlady who only smiled at that.

"If so, how is it possible that you are here?" — I question with a smile from ear to ear.

"Well, I guess that has to do with you kidnapping me when I was going to sit at another table," he said, making the locals laugh quietly at that answer. Which was true, since from one moment to another, Mina had brought the Uzumaki with her, and she sat him down without any problem.

"Well, from now on we'll be classmates, it's good to start on the right foot— just patted him on the back, causing him to throw some of his food on the tray, while laughing about it.

"By the way, Uzumaki-san, what's your Quirk?" - I ask the pelinegra interestedly.

"Well, my Quirk is "Hahanaru shizen (Mother Nature)," which allows me to control the elements of nature to my liking. These would be fire, water, air, earth, and lightning—he answered as briefly as he could.

"Wow, I've never heard of a Quirk with that ability," Izumi said with a twinkle in her eye imagining that, like everyone else, it sounded great to be able to control nature to your liking.

"And tell us, do you have brothers or sisters?" - I ask this time the hairy.

"No, I'm an only child," everyone nodded at that, almost all of them were equal only children in their families.

"And Uzumaki-kun, are your parents heroes?" Is that why you want to be one? - this time it was Uraraka's turn to ask the blondo something.

"My father... I never knew my father, he died in an accident before I was born. For as long as I can remember, it's just been me and my mother, she's just an office worker, and as far as I know, my father was too—everyone at the table was uncomfortable about that, it was delicate and personal.

"Sorry to ask something like that, I didn't know," the chestnut apologized.

"No, don't worry, you didn't know," he said with a fake smile on his face, everyone saw how something seemed to catch his attention, to see that he took out his mobile. "I'm sorry, if you'll excuse me, I have to go. It was a pleasure to accompany them, see you in class—and just like that, the blondo got up to leave with the little food left.

Everyone lost sight of him when he left the cafeteria, leaving them all uncomfortable at what happened. They had asked something delicate to a person they were barely knowing, that was breach of trust.

"I wish I could go back in time and not ask him that," Uraraka said discouragedly.

"You didn't know, it's a mistake anyone can make," Jiro tried to comfort.

"That's right, it's not Uraraka-san's fault— I support the peliverde trying to cheer up her new friend, but she couldn't help but feel a little bad for her partner, after all, she understood that well.

Meanwhile, in one of the many halls of the academy, Naruto was sitting while waiting for her to answer his call, he only heard the sound of leaving, and after a few seconds, he finally answered.

—"How are you doing?" — was the question that was heard behind the horn.

"Well, it's all right, sorry for not answering, I was in the cafeteria," replied the blue eye.

—"Did you eat then? Did you eat well?" —

"Yes, I ate well, don't worry, how is it going for you?" — I ask, looking at the ground.

—"Tired, my shoulders hurt as always"—

"When you get home I'll give you a massage, tell me what you'd like to have for dinner today?" - I question the blondo.

—"Curry would be fine."

"Well, then curry will be tonight," said the boy as the bell rang over the recess time. "I have to go, see you at night, take care of yourself," said goodbye to the blue eye that was going to hang already.

—"You too, take care of yourself when you return home, learn a lot, I love you"—

"Thank you, anyway, I love you too— he just hung up the call to sigh, he stayed like that for a few seconds, to get up and walk to his classroom.

As he walked back to his classroom, he could only begin to remember how it all ended like this. Since they ended up in this world full of people with powers, a world that was no different from the shinobi world, in fact, he could even say that it was worse than his previous life.

The only thing he remembered was seeing Kaguya for the last time, after that, everything had become dark, he didn't feel anything, he couldn't hear, see or even smell anything. Everything was simple darkness. That meant he was dead, it was finally over.

Or that's what he thought happened. But no, now he was here in this new world, living in an apartment full of things that never had in his world. A world full of technology and a lot of people with powers, a strange place, although he couldn't speak, as he came from a different world.

Anyway, when he could speak he asked the goddess what had happened, and she explained everything that had happened after his "death". Apparently the bijuus gave him all their power to save him, to give him a second chance to live, and to have what he could not at first.

But I was never going to get it in the shinobi world, and I admitted it. In that world she would not be happy, she felt bad for having left her friends and family, but Kaguya explained that before leaving, she erased her existence from everyone's memory, and not only that, she also ended up eliminating the chakra from her world.

That's right, she had eliminated the chakra completely, she still didn't understand that, but something told her it was the best. It was better that they were mere humans nothing more. Anyway, but of course, that had a price, and that was that Kaguya herself had to sacrifice all her power to do that, now she was also nothing more than a human, although she still had her features as a goddess, for example her horns, she still had them but now they were small at least 10 cm. Well, that alone was the only trait, as despite seeming to have the byakugan still, I couldn't activate it at all.

Although that at first brought her doubts, since it was possible that she managed to get money to pay for this, along with papers for her to walk without problems through the streets. The answer, she managed to steal some chakra to make a guy from the underworld accomplish all that. Which caused more doubts, but if I asked him, maybe he would end up with more doubts than answers.

In short, over the years he got a relatively normal life. But not everything was good, with the passage of time in this world, I see how there were conflicts, the main theme of them were the Quirks. Every morning he woke up to watch the news, or even read the newspaper, or even look at his phone, there was always news about the Quirks, about people who lost control, about bank attacks and murders, about massacres, about proxy wars, about cops fighting villains, about heroes and villains fighting in the streets causing disasters.

This world was not cleaned as expected. But it was stupid to think that there is a world of peace. Anyway, I never really expect to follow this path, I did not want to be a hero, perhaps with being a simple office worker I settled. But certain things happened to be here, and not to say that they threatened him, it was either the academy or the prison. And of course, Kaguya had opted for the first option.

Without realizing it, I arrive at his class, I simply enter to continue with his school activities.

And so I pass the time until the departure time. It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and the Uzumaki was walking outside the premises, he needed to go to the supermarket to buy the things to prepare dinner.

- Uzumaki-kun! - he could only curse when he heard someone calling him, he tried to walk ignoring that they called him, but that was in vain, since someone took him by the shoulder, this being Mina who only smiled at him. "Hey, didn't you hear me call you?" - I ask trying to sound angry the girl, something that did not work thanks to that little smile on her lips.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I'm lost in thought," he excused himself with a subtle smile.

"Well, it doesn't matter, tell me, would you like us to go home together?" — Mina proposed with a big smile.

"This... Ashido-san... Don't take it wrong, but I have other things to do, I have to stop by the supermarket to buy things to make dinner. I'm sorry, maybe another day with pleasure—and with that said, the ninja went back on his way to leave, leaving the hairhead sighing at that.

"No doubt it will be difficult to be her friend, but I will not give up, that word is not in my vocabulary— With a big smile from ear to ear, the girl also continued on her way home, to rest after this busy first day.

— ! Welcome! —

The Uzumaki only entered the supermarket, took a basket to take everything necessary for dinner. As he walked from corridor to corridor, looking at which item was better, he noticed how there were some people who seemed to move away from him. And it's not because it stinked, or looked bad, although the latter wasn't, as it didn't show horns, tails or even wings or some intimidating mutation.

No, those few people were moving away because they were wearing the uniform of the U.A. And those people weren't fans of pro-heroes at all. Not everyone loved heroes, some detested them with all their being. But they didn't say it, since Japan had 95% of the population that Quirk had. Anyway, I just ignore them, but I look at the TV that was in a corner of the place, to get closer and look at what I call their interest.

"Today, the U.S. government launched its new Guardian models on the streets, following recent protests in the state of Iowa following the double homicide of a 6-year-old boy at the hands of a superpowered teenager. Which when he was going to be arrested by the police, lost control and ended up causing serious damage and almost killing police and civilians. The police had to eliminate it before it went any further, but by doing so, it created a complete chaos in the place, dividing the state into two parts. So far the number of injured is 500 people, and more than 2000 people arrested. The president and her cabinet hope that with the new Guardians, things will be controlled."

At what he had just heard, and what he saw on TV. He only denied all that, I look at those machines created by humans to be able to fight against superhumans, although they also had heroes to fight against bad guys. They couldn't always be saved, so they had created technology that would protect them and help them fight. And those machines were no exception to all that. I leave that, it was not of his importance. He simply dedicated himself to continuing to buy everything for dinner.

The whole way home was boring, although hey, what did I really expect, any giants fight? A foreign invasion? The appearance of a great villain? No, I didn't expect any of that, as I was saying, the whole way was boring, that's why I was grateful to have come home. The two of them lived in a somewhat luxurious apartment complex so to speak, thanks to Kaguya's work, of course. He just put his right hand on the palm scanner that was on the side of the door, took the doorknob to enter.

"I'm coming," he said, despite knowing that no one was home, and took off his shoes and hung up his jacket next to his backpack.

On the way to the kitchen as the lights came on, he took a red apron hanging on the wall, and a handkerchief to put on his forehead. I look at the clock that was on the wall, just to start making dinner.

"I arrived," was the statement given by a beautiful woman with short white hair, with two small bodies protruding from her head, with beautiful pearly white eyes, and skin as white as that of a porcelain doll, who wore a black office worker's suit altogether, and under her a white shirt. This was Kaguya Otsutsuki, the former matriarch of all shinobi, and of the chakra.

"I'm in the kitchen," she simply took off her heels to sigh with relief, to put her bag and jacket on the coat rack at the entrance. He slowly walks to the kitchen to find his partner serving the food. "Sit down, the food is here— the whitehair only walks to her chair, to be accommodated by the Uzumaki.

"Thank you very much, it looks delicious," commented the pearly eye that received a cold beer.

"Eat as much as you want, I made enough even for you to wear tomorrow— Naruto musito who also served himself, and get in front of his female partner.

"Thank you, you really know how to save my day," the ninja just snorted at that, to thank you for the food. I just watch that the white film touched a button on the table, to make a screen appear on one of the walls, showing the news.

- And how did it go today? Something interesting? - I question the white hair.

"Well, it went well, our master guide gave us some tests when we entered, threatening to expel us if we failed in them. Although in the end he said it was all a joke, but I think he almost did but since everyone showed his talent, he replied as if nothing to his comrade's question.

—Wow, if they start like this on the first day, I don't want to know what can come later— the Uzumaki only gave him the reason for that, something told him that from now on, everything would become more complicated.

- How did it go for you? - This time it was the turn of the blondo to ask something.

"As always boring and tired, it's really annoying to do all that paperwork, especially when some of them are so useless," he said as he took a big sip of his beer.

"Just like always, I'm sorry for you— the white hair just denied that.

"It doesn't matter, anyway work is work," Kaguya said eating while watching TV, most of the news talked about fights between heroes and villains.

After dinner, both decided to take a bath, of course separated. It was already 10 o'clock in the evening, and Naruto and Kaguya were preparing to sleep, the two shared the same room, the place where they were was somewhat luxurious, it had all the amenities they expected and more, but the rooms were counted. And there was only one room to sleep in.

The bed they both shared was a Victorian style matrimonial one. He was wearing black pants next to a red shirt, while the white hair was wearing blue shorts, and a loose white button-down shirt. The two looked into each other's eyes, to get into the bed and turn off the lights, both watched the ceiling in silenced for a couple of seconds. The blondo turned his back to his partner, but only felt how a few hands took him from the waist, and feel a weight on his back.

"Good night," I whisper the Otsutsuki to fall into the arms of Morpheus.

"Good night— also the blue-eye was closing his eyes, and the last thing he saw was nothing.

Thus began his first day of school at the largest academy of heroes in all of Japan. Without knowing everything that awaited him from now on.

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