
A New World to Conquer

THIS IS NOT MY FANFIC. This work belongs to LordOfTheGrey, if the author wishes, I shall delete it. Reborn after my embarrassing fall at Godric's Hollow as the Potter brat was an interesting experience. Getting sorted into Hufflepuff, even more so. But reborn as the Lord of Winterfell in Westeros as my playground? Now that was new, even to a retired Dark Lord.

Dark_B3rry · 書籍·文学
25 Chs

Chapter 8

Winterfell, The North

"Nephew, I heard the news just as I was about to leave for my expedition." Uncle Benjen frowned, "Lannisport and The Cape of Eagles burnt at the same time? Do the Ironborn not know that it's not even our military fleet they burned?"

"It matters not, Uncle Benjen. Regardless of the whole rebellion thingy, this was a direct attack on the North and I will retaliate."

Benjen wore a silly grin and then his face fell almost immediately, "I must remain here, right?"

"Wh-What, why?" I asked baffled.

He frowned and said, "There must always be a Stark at Winterfell."

"Or what, it'll fall?" I asked sarcastically, "Don't be ridiculous Uncle Benjen, your expedition will still go on time. Winterfell will still be standing by the time you return."

He sputtered and shouted, "But there must be a Stark at Winterfell!"

"Who told you that?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.


"And when did Uncle Ned tell you that?"

"When he was off to war…" He trailed off softly as his eyes widened in recognition, "That bastard tricked me!"

"Most likely," I said sympathetically and pointed out, "And you were his heir if anything happened to him during the war."

Benjen muttered obscenities and walked out of my solar and he stopped back suddenly and asked, "Are you going to meet with the throne's troops? How many ships are you taking? Are you sure I shouldn't go instead? You're still young; no one would say a thing."

I sighed, "No, I won't. 5. No, you've delayed your expedition enough. I want to watch the Iron Islands fall myself. Here, in order, now can you please just go!"

"FIVE!" He yelled. "The Iron fleet has 300 ships. What are you going to do with 5 fucking ships?"

"Leave that to me." I answered with a shit eating grin.

Cape Kraken

Unlike what most lords would do in case of an attack. I didn't, in fact, raise any levies or send ravens to any lords to answer the call. I went alone.

I should really start professional troops and a standing army like the Westerlands. We had enough money for it but it has slipped my attention so far. I knew that the Iron Bank was keeping eye on me to see how I would deal with the threat of the Iron Born so I was adamant to impress them.

5 Ships loaded with ballista and scorpios, ridiculously large cannons armed with explosive and enchanted shots that were a Northern secret that were going to wreak havoc and utterly scare the Ironborn for the next 8,000 years.

With the Great Wolf leading them, I set sail from Cape Kraken and our way to Pyke.

I was utterly enamored with the idea of immortalizing myself in a song and was determined to do so. The Rains of Castamere comes to mind, Tywin Lannister was utterly ruthless and 30 years later people sung his song and still feared him for it. The Iron Islands were an annoyance that my fleet had to deal with repeatedly. Their attack on our harbor and fleet was just the push I needed to conquer these Islands. The Royal fleet was luckily engaged with the Iron fleet at the coat of Fair Isle. So I would face no annoyance. My honor was at stake here.

A raven from Moat Cailin almost made me turn back and change all my plans.

6 Year Old Sansa Stark, my cousin, was kidnapped by the Ironborn while she was playing around Moat Cailin and held hostage at Pyke. The sheer audacity of that man surprised me. We had a ridiculously large trading fleet and could arrange transportation for 150,000 levies to storm the Iron Island at a moment noticed, coupled with our military fleet, the Royal Fleet and the Reach Fleet. We were outnumbering him ridiculously. Did he really believe he was going to win this? I was determined more than ever to make an example of Greyjoy.

As soon as Pyke was in sight, I disullisoned myself and apparated to shore. The Castle of Pyke was originally built on a cliff jutting out into the sea, but now its towers stood on small barren rock stacks, surrounded by water. The towers are connected by swaying rope bridges. The keep, its towers, walls and bridges are made of the same grey-black stone of which the rest of the island is composed. "Utterly disgusting" I thought disdainfully. I hit the rocks on which the castle rested upon with weakening and decaying charms and set on to my original task, rescuing my cousin.

"Point me Sansa Stark" I intoned. The arrow rolled for a while until it rested pointing towards a massive building on an equally big isle. 'Must be the Great Keep'

I walked through the Great Keep confidently following the arrow as it changed directions as I neared my target, periodically placing greek fire or wildfire as it's called here in hidden places.

I entered through a small door at the left where I found a small redhead girl weeping softly in the corner. I dropped the disulliosment charm and gently closed the door with a click as her face whipped fearfully towards my direction.

"Shhh, Sansa Stark?" I asked.

She nodded, furiously wiping her tears as I replied with the kindest face I could muster," I'm your big cousin Brandon, have you heard of me?"

"Yes," She whispered softly with hope now in her eyes.

I held my hand out to her and whispered, "Come on, I'm taking you back home."

She jumped into my arms suddenly and started crying while I desperately tried to soothe her, whispering kind words. "I'm going to need you to be quiet now if we want to get out of here. Can you do that for me?" I asked her.

She nodded and I carried her on my back.

I couldn't use my magic so blatantly in sight and as I have tried, and failed, to harm or cast magic directly for some reason on uncle Benjen. I assumed she would be the same. I hit us with a notice-me-not and began walking in the shadows of the castle. Stopping every once in a while to calm the girl each time the storm got particularly fierce. We reached the gates without any problems and were almost going to slip by the guards when Sansa screamed.

Of fucking course the Notice-me-not wouldn't hold with her screaming. There were a couple of Ironborn scums raping a thrall while another lay dead on the floor with his insides spilling all over the floor.

The Ironborn quickly looked towards our direction and began brandishing their swords as I swore and put her down and took out my own.

I threw a dagger directly through the first's throat and he fell down quickly. The second hesitated for a moment to look to his fallen comrade and by then I was within striking distance and pushed my sword through his guts. The last one, enraged ran raising a club towards me which I promptly sidestepped and slashed through his boiled leather with ease.

I wiped the blood of my sword and looked towards the location where I left Sansa to find her in a state of shock. Good, the less crying the faster I could get out of this god-forsaken place.

I carried her on my back and quickly climbed down the rocky isle with a rope where a conjured boat was waiting for us.

I hit the boat with a notice-me-not charm and made my way back to the Great Wolf.

I was going to make those bastards truly regret it.

We reached the ship among cheering from my crew and climbed the ship with the help of the sailors.

I was still carrying Sansa so I rushed quickly and placed her in my cabin and once she was settled, I went outside.

"Milord, ships approaching," He said looking through his spy glass, "Flying House Greyjoy, Harlaw and Hoare."

"Arm the cannons," I yelled and the command was repeated throughout the ships.

I waited until the 30 ships were within shooting distance and yelled, "FIRE"

I stood gloriously as our ships rained fire upon the Ironborn as they jumped panicking from their ships to their precious Drowned God. In just one round the thirty ships were sinking and the survivors thrashing in the sea.

"Now, get us near the Islands boy." I said with a grin as the burning ships illuminated the sky.

Banefort, The Royal Army.

"The North sends five fucking ships?" Robert Baratheon yelled to no one in particular as he threw his cup of whiskey to the wall.

"It seems they are going to be five ships in the bottom of the sea, your grace." Tywin Lannister said, pointing towards the 30 ships that were approaching the Northern 'fleet'.

"Ned's nephew is on that vassal." He said suddenly panicked.

"Aye, Let us hope the young wolf can run them out." One of the lords said.

"Unlikely, do you see the size of that thing?" Kevan Lannister snorted, but quickly whimpered under the sharp gaze of the king.

"Such a shame," Tywin said without a hint of sympathy.

The Lords muttering was suddenly interrupted by thunderous booms that echoed over the roaring of the storm. The Stark ships were firing weird round shots from their sides that seemed to wreck every ship it hit. They watched as 5 ships drowned 6 times their number without even approaching them, all of them amazed and taken aback.

"Seven Hells," Robert muttered. Even Tywin Lannister, the Old Lion of the Rock himself, stood with a gaping mouth at the destruction. Such weapons would change naval warfare and sieges forever if he could get his hands on it.

"Where are they going?" One of the lords yelled as the Northern ships changed direction and sailed towards Pyke.

All of them stood with a baited breath waiting to see what the boy lord would do next.

"Give me that bloody thing." Robert said, snatching a spyglass from a nearby lord.

He looked towards the ships and saw large cylinderical metal thing raised on the deck and aimed upwards, straight towards the Castle of Pyke. One, two, three more booms were heard and what he saw almost made him piss in fear. The fearsome Castle of Pyke was falling of its rock while other parts were ablaze with green fire eating through whatever part managed to stay on the rock. The ships, without even waiting to see what destruction they caused turned towards Harlaw and did the same as the Ten Towers as it followed suit to the Drowned God.

20 large ships following from the distance landed troops on Pyke and Harlaw consecutively to take control on whatever resistance that would be remaining on the Islands.

As the Young Wolf continued to systematically tear down every castle on the Iron Islands, all the lords and knights could only stand in horror watching with the horrible echo of firing overlapping the storm as a noise.

One week later, Tywin Lannister.

In only 7 days, the Iron Islands were conquered by the North fleet. In what he thought would be the wolf's downfall; instead it was the reaffirming of the Wolf's danger as an enemy.

Stannis and the Redwyne fleet and their lords arrived on the 4th day and watched with horror at the destruction the 5 vassals wrecked on the iron islands. The only reinforcement ships that were sent, were trading vassals that transported troops to take over and control the islands and slaughter whatever resistance was left. Already, some of the bards were making songs about the destruction. And they think I am ruthless?

As the boy of nine climbed down from his now docked ship and made his way towards Robert. He couldn't help but feel disappointed in his children. Why couldn't Jaime be as smart as that boy was? All he knew was swinging that sword of his and taking honor in being a glorified bodyguard. The imp was smart but was a disgrace and stain to the Lannister name. The gods liked to mock the great Tywin Lannister. The boy's gall to marry a commoner girl… a story for another day perhaps…

The lords parted away from the boy'spath with looks of awe, fear and respect. The 9 year old walked with a serpentine grace into the Royal tent and Tywin quickly followed.

"Your grace, Lord Brandon Stark at your service" The boy nodded respectfully with a tight face at Robert as entered the tent.

"You look just like your father. A good man, Brandon Stark was. He didn't deserve that horrible death at the hands of Aerys." Robert said, his eyes filled with rage at the memory of anything Targeryan.

"Thank you, your grace."

"Sit, sit. Would you like a cup of whiskey? Bloody great things your northerner drinks are." The man said joyfully as he poured himself almost a tankard.

The boy said with a smile, "Thank you, I'm not sure Uncle Ned would approve of me drinking at such a young age."

Robert boomed with laughter, "Always was uptight back in our days at the Vale."

"Perhaps we should take care of the matter in hand, your grace." I interjected softly before Robert could regal the boy of tales of his days back at the Vale.

"What matter?" At my sharp gaze towards the Iron Islands he amended, "Ahh, yes of course. Now, what the hell were those thundering things?"

"These were cannons, your grace." The boy answered softly, "A fairly new invention of the North. Untested, but the Ironborn volunteered for its testing."

"Isn't exterminating every rebelling house a tad bit overzealous though?" He chuckled nervously.

"Oh, that wasn't for rebelling."

"Why the fuck did you destroy each and every castle on the Iron Islands then?" Robert asked incredulously.

The boy replied, "It seems the Ironborn forgot what last happened when a Stark was kidnapped." So that's your play. Clever, I must admit. Reminding Robert that Lyanna was a Stark and his following destruction of the Targeryans.

And just like he thought, Robert eyes darkened with rage and growled, "Kidnapped?"

"Sansa, Uncle Ned's daughter was kidnapped by the Iron scum but luckily, we managed to retrieve her before attacking." The boy nodded with a fake solemn face that I had no trouble spotting. I would bet on the Rock itself that the kidnapping was only a nuisance that served to irritate him and give him one more reason to destroy the Iron Islands.

"Fucking bastards deserved it. Good, no more bloody trouble from the Ironborn anymore."

"There's still a matter of whom would rule the Iron Islands though," I reminded Robert.

"The North would hold four of them for the Iron throne, the Lannisters one and the Royal fleet two. We would make sure that no Ironborn would ever raid the coasts again, and Northern presence would deter any from doing so."

By now Robert had gotten to his 5th drink and his eyes were gleaming with the thought of being the first king that has forever curbed the Iron Islands completely the matter at hand.. The amount of power he was giving the boy with handing over most of the Iron Islands. He answered with slightly glazed eyes. "Yes, Excellent. Make sure those scum never raid, reave or rape again, little Stark."

"Of course, your grace." The boy said looking at me directly and excused himself. Just what were you getting at?

"Lord Lannister, A word if you may?"

I nodded and followed the boy outside as he opened, "I heard you were looking for a Valyrian Steel blade for your family."

"Indeed," I said, barely holding my excitement. Was the boy going to finally give me my greatest desire?

"And what would you offer if someone perchance, offered you the ancestral sword of the Lannisters itself?" the boy asked

"Anything." I almost growled.

The boy smiled and nodded towards one of his men carrying a chest. The men placed it on the table in front of us and opened it and here it was in all its glory, Brightroar. I gazed with astonishment and resisted the urge to snatch it from the chest and approached softly, looking over the ripples that were the trademark Valyrian Steel sign of authenticity. I carried it and held it in my grip. It was comfortable, perfectly balanced, as if it was made for me in mind.

"Thank you, my lord." I said softly as I straightened up, "A Lannister always pays his debts. Ask anything of me and I will grant it."

"Trabeck Hall." The boy said almost immediately.

I frowned confused, "You are already a Lord Paramount, what use would that ruin be for you?"

"I don't want the accompanying title." He waved his hand dismissively. "I just want to re-build the grounds and castle to the first Northern trading post in the Westerlands. The lands upon the castle would be considered Northern territory and would be solely for providing goods and as a base for northern trade in the west."

I wrecked my mind for any hidden intention the boy could have with asking for that. I could've given him 2 million dragons with no hesitation and he asks for that piece of crap?

"I assume the trading post would pay taxes to Casterly Rock?"

"Of course," the boy answered with a grin.

I nodded and said, "Very well then, from this day forth Tarbeck Hall is yours to do as you wish."

"My builders would arrive within a month. Thank you, Lord Tywin." The boy said, walking off.

"No. Thank you for returning this." I whispered to myself, unwilling to take my eyes of Brightroar lest it disappears.

Moat Cailin.

The Greyjoy Rebellion- If you can call that a rebellion, has proven extremely rewarding. In a single move I had control over 4 of the most important Islands in the Sunset Sea, took care of the Ironborn problem, and earned the gratitude of the Warden of the West and numerous other lords that suffered from raiding. I of course had to cast a weak confundus on the king to make sure he doesn't reprimand me for destroying over 30 noble houses in a week.

Now some of you might wonder why I don't just imperio the King and a couple select lords and just rule the Seven Kingdoms in one sweep. The answer was quite simple. I was a Hufflepuff. The euphoria from building a standing power base and taking over with no assistance of magic was glorious and made a lasting legacy. All in all, hard work was enticing and arousing for us puffs.

I had heard from numerous sources that Tywin Lannister was searching under every rock in Westeros for a Valyrian Steel sword, offering outrageous rewards and prices. A simple accio, had Brightroar flying in my way and a new military post disguised as a trading post in the heart of the Westerlands, with a direct view of Casterly Rock and Lannisport.

Giving the other 3 islands away wasn't just a spur of generosity. I wanted the Royal fleet and Lannister fleet to relocate some of their ships to the Iron Islands so that I could pick them off and burn them if I ever had a reason to. Now I had the western and eastern coast of Westeros in grasp. With two of the most important fleets –excluding The Reach in westeros just waiting to be burned in case they twitched unnecessarily.

Sansa has been glued to my side ever since saving her with a reverent look in her eyes. I had prior experience of course with being considered a savior a multitude of times but this has been getting a bit irritating to be frank, no wonder I was more comfortable as an orphan. Having family was so… confusing. All my actions had to be considered carefully, along with any consequences they would have on my extended family. It was irritating. I would usually do about anything and everything with no fear of retribution. Who could actually harm me?

We planned to drop her off at Moat Cailin and stay there for a couple of days to check on uncle Eddard and continue to Winterfell.

Moat Cailin is an effective natural choke point which has protected the North from southern invasion for thousands of years. In the past, the only way for an invader to effectively bypass Moat Cailin is to win the allegiance of House Reed and the crannogmen who know of other routes through the swamps. These routes, such as narrow trails between the bogs and wet roads through the reeds that only boats can follow, are not on any map. Given House Reed's strong ancestral ties to House Stark and Howland's personal friendship with uncle Ned, they were unlikely to aid southerners anytime soon. Given the new Grand Canal that completely separated the north from the south, it was impossible to invade the North.

With the builders, concrete and blueprints I sent uncle Ned the Castle has been completely refurbished from the rotten wooden, green keep that it was into a new intimidating structure made completely of stone and concrete. The twenty towers have been completely rebuilt. We had to transport food every month though if we didn't want them to eat food from the swamps. I had half a mind to just vanish the swamps from the smell we suffered on our way but refrained; the swampy terrain was enough to prevent Moat Cailin from falling in the Andal invasion. It was a key defence of the north against which the filthy Andal armies threw themselves time after time with no success.

I have made sure to provide a multitude of weapons to arm the northern side of Moat Cailin to make sure that there were no surprises from the northern flank. The shore of the canal was rocky and no army could ever hope to land on it to take Moat Cailin, that and the inspection of every ship passing through either sides of the Canal. I had the builders build the first retractable double bridge in the North. It was normally lifted to allow ships to pass through the canal and was only brought down to let armies or large caravans to pass through the Kingsroad. In the case of small parties however, a couple of large ferries to allow easy and fast transportation.

Our rather small party arrived at Winterfell whereas all the spoils of war were being transported to Cape Kraken until the new harbor and fleet is rebuilt at Cape of Eagles. The entire habitants of Moat Cailin were standing to greet us.

Catelyn Stark wasted no time in greeting us and just ran to claim her lost daughter and check over her for any superficial wounds or injuries where uncle Eddard stood with his usual grimness with a fond smile on his face and waited for his turn.

"Sansa," she scereamed, "Are you okay sweetling?"

The girl nodded with a watery smile at being reunited with her family and said, "Yes mommy, Brandon saved me."

At the mention of my name Lady Stark looked at me and claimed me in a hug while muttering thanks over and over again. I had no idea how to react to hugs so I just stood awkwardly patting her back. "It was my duty as Lord Stark, my lady."

She backed away quickly and furiously wiped her eyes and curtsied, "I apologize for my lack of decorum, Lord Stark. Welcome to Moat Cailin."

I waved her off, "We're family, please call me Brandon."

"Then call me aunt Cat if you wish," She said with a smile.

Yea that wasn't going to happen. I was already pushing it.

I nodded and was once again claimed by a manly hug that belonged to my uncle that was thankfully brief and silent.

"Thank you Brandon. I would've gone myself, but I had to make sure the rest of the North was protected. "Ned said with a strong voice.

"And the rest of the north definitely appreciates it Uncle Ned." I said with an easy grin.

He smiled back and introduced me to a boy around my age, "This is Robb, my eldest son."

"Named after our beloved King Robert?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You've met him then?" He asked with an amused smile.

I nodded, "He was quite put out that he missed out all the fight after our victory at the Iron Islands. That and he were impressed in our weapons."

He bristled at the reminder and looked as if he was about to say something but held himself back and continued, "And you've met Sansa, of course."

"And this little one," he said as he took a bundle from a wetnurse on the sidelines, "is little Bran."

I looked at my namesake or at least I assumed they named him after me, He could've been named after my father or our famous ancestor. "He looks a bit like you, doesn't he?" Uncle Ned asked with a grin.

He's barely a few months old, he looks like a potato. I thought but refrained from answering and just nodded with a smile.

He handed the bundle to his wife and motioned me inside, "We've prepared a feast for you. I'm sure you would rather get some rest of course."

I nodded. I really missed my comfortable feather bed that didn't continuously rock back and forth.

I went to my room and fell asleep with all my clothes on.

"Milord," a timid voice called from at the door.

I looked towards the window. The sun was barely up. I was surprised that girl managed to wake me up so fast and early. Back in my days as a dark lord, I could sleep through a death eater raid. It caused a huge amount of problems back then, Aurors could storm our headquarters and I wouldn't have woken up. Nagini had to bite me with her impressive jaw to even make me stir a bit from my sleep. Speaking of Nagini, I really ought to find a new familiar. And where the fuck was Fawkes?

I turned towards the girl with a grin that had her blushing. Really? I was nine you perverted sick girl, an impressive nine year old but nine never less. "Set me up a bath, please."

She looked surprised for that last please but even dark lords back on earth had manners. When she didn't move, I looked inquisitively and she pointed out beside me. I found a small redheaded girl snuggling softly besides me. Oh gods, not again. Was I cursed with redheaded fan girls in both lives? I was going to get the hell out of here as soon as possible so that the girl could hopefully limit her hero worship towards me. I extracted myself as softly as I could form her surprisingly strong grip and carried her to the maid.

I turned back stretching and looking out of the window. It was a filthy hovel. I felt sorry for Uncle Ned staying here, but I couldn't trust anyone other than a Stark with holding Moat Cailin. That and he asked specifically for Moat Cailin, it wasn't like I forced him to take it. I was adamant to send some ice from the far North to help preserve some of the food sent here and perhaps plant rice in the flooded ground. Huh? Ice. Perhaps I could market it here. People never really realized the need of ice until they had it. It would revolutionize meat, vegetable and fishing industry all over the world. With the proper ice houses all over the Seven Kingdoms, I could sell it for outrageous prices down South. I was going to do just that as soon I go back to Winterfell. Perhaps even make some ice cream. I thought excitedly. We weren't going to make any Helga Hufflepuff flavored ice cream anytime soon but I missed ice cream dearly.

I stripped from my fine robes and climbed the medieval bath with a sigh. It was okay for Moat Cailin but back in Winterfell, the hotsprings were expanded and provided clean hot water for everyone, even the peasants. I absolutely abhorred the smell and sight of dirt covered smallfolk and with the new large bathhouses all over Winterfell, everyone was bathing for free almost every day.

I finished bathing and found out furs lain out on my bed. Furs, Really? I knew I wore light clothes for the chilly weather of the north but all my clothes had warming charms applied on them. I discarded the furs and picked out a grey shirt with black pants instead of the disgusting breeches that smallfolk wore and a plain silk black robe with grey lining with our sigil on the left breast.

I walked out the castle and was surprised with the sight of a rather small party carrying fish banners. A stout broad man, with blue eyes and greying red hair wearing silver plate and mail with the signature red and blue Tully cloak on his back was leading the party. So that was Hoster Tully.

Catelyn was standing with a frown besides Uncle Ned and looking inquisitively at her father's arrival. I held back a grin, being the only one who knew why he was here as I eyed the bundle she was carrying.

Hoster got down off his horse and hugged his daughter briefly and met all his grandchildren with a fond smile.

"Father, why are you here though?" Catelyn asked.

"I can't come and meet my daughter and grandchildren?" He asked with a playful frown.

I choose that moment to make an appearance and strode imperiously towards the gathering, "No but it's generally polite to announce your arrival before you come."

Hoster looked angrily around to spot the voice who spoke until his eyes landed on me and widened, "I uh- we sent a raven, must have been lost on the way." He said awkwardly.

"I didn't have the pleasure of meeting you back at the Banefort, Lord Hoster. I am Lord Brandon Stark," I said extending my hand.

He flinched slightly as he remembered the massacre of the Iron Islands and Uncle Ned frowned as well. Just what was wrong with him? "Uh yes, a most impressive victory lord stark," He stumbled.

I nodded in thanks and we stood in silence for a while until I asked again, "And the reason for gracing us with your presence here at the North, Lord Tully?"

"Perhaps we could discuss this at the feast tonight?" Catelyn suggested.

"Ah, yes of course." He replied moving inside with a last nod in my direction as I held back a grin. I loved making people uncomfortable.\

Uncle Ned stood back and said, "Nephew, a word if you may?"

I nodded and followed him as we walked in a companionable silence until he finally opened, "Don't you think destroying every castle and hold on the Iron Islands was wrong?"

I raised my eyebrow, "They kidnapped my cousin, your daughter." I remarked, "Last time a Stark was kidnapped you rose in a rebellion with half the continent and hundreds of thousands died."

"That was different."

"Different… how exactly?"

"There were innocent children and people in those castles." He almost yelled.

I was getting annoyed, "So were Elia Martell and her children, and the thousands of children that died because of your rebellion."

His eyes flashed in rage, "That was Tywin Lannister and his mad dogs, not me."

I shrugged and said, "The point stands. Innocent people die in wars. Every Ironborn is a stain on humanity; they take pride in reaving, raping and raiding other innocent people."

"So you're just going to exterminate everyone in your way?" He said angrily, "Looking for your own Rains of Castamere?"

"Take it as you will but as long as I live and am the Lord of the North, no slight will be left unanswered," I said as I walked off towards the feast.

We arrived before Hoster Tully. The entire hall was cleaned and filled with food for our arrival. On the head table Catelyn, Robb and Sansa were already seated. I took my place at the head of the table and Uncle Ned sat beside me, stiff from our past argument.

"Is everything okay?" Catelyn asked looking between us.

I looked at Uncle Ned pointedly and he nodded.

I chatted a bit with Catelyn and Robb and suddenly frowned, "Don't you have another son, Uncle Ned? Jon was his name."

Catelyn went stiff and a sudden uncomfortable silence gripped the table. She answered, "He's down there eating with the others."

I ignored her and asked Uncle Ned with a raised eyebrow, "And why is he down not up here with the rest of his family?"

"A bastard has no place on the head table," Catelyn sniffed.

I narrowed my eyes and enjoyed her flinch, "He's a Stark regardless of his last name. Please invite him up here Uncle Ned."

Uncle Ned nodded with a soft smile, his previous anger forgotten as he motioned for Jon to come up.

Jon went to the head table looking confused. He looked like a bit like me- like a Stark, while the others looked like their Tully mother.

"Aye, you look like a Stark. Have a seat Jon." I motioned to the empty seat beside me.

"Thank you, my lord." He bowed, still rigid.

I smiled, "Call me Brandon, we're family."

I tried to diffuse the tension, including Jon in the conversation a lot and chattering incessantly until he flowed with the conversation pointedly ignoring Lady Stark's cold glare.

I could feel the gratefulness in his eyes when I treated him like his brothers. Was the kid being treated like dirt because of his father's mistake? No wonder he was so stiff and grim.

Hoster Tully entered the Hall and took his seat on the head table besides his daughter and frowned at Jon, "And who are you?"

Jon went rigid once again as he answered softly, "Jon, my lord. Jon Snow."

Hoster's eye narrowed as he spat sarcastically, "Ahh, the honorable lord Stark huge mistake."

I banged the table enough to make it shake and you could hear a needle drop in the silence that gripped the hall. "Bastard or not, he's still a Stark." I whispered softly with a dark undertone, "Watch your tongue Tully or the next time you insult my kin, Riverrun would suffer the same fate as Pyke."

I cherished his face that changed between pale white with horror to purple red with anger. I stood up and wiped my face with a cloth and thanked Uncle Ned, "Thank you for the feast, Uncle Ned. I fear we must get going though. Jon, follow me please."

Jon followed me his face still full of wonder, "Do you enjoy it here at Moat Cailin, Jon?"

He collected himself and nodded, "My father and brothers and sister are here, my Lord."

"I told you to call me Brandon, Jon." I shook my head, "Is that how Lady Stark treats you normally?"

He looked torn and nodded with a grim face.

"She's quite the petty bitch, isn't she?" I said with a grin.

His eyes widened and said in horror, "She's my lord father's wife."

I rolled my eyes, "Still a bitch. Go on, admit it. I bet you've wanted to call her that your entire life."

He shuffled nervously and nodded with a small smile, "A little bit, yeah."

I laughed and said, "What do you want to be when you grow up, Jon?"

He straightened up, "I want to become a sworn brother of the Night's Watch."

"That rapists and thieves dumpster?" I asked incredulously.

He answered indignantly, "Starks have manned the Night's Watch honorably for the past 8,000 years."

"It is a dumpster that the south sends their prisoners to when their cells are full." I said plainly.

His eyes were downcast and said, "I am a bastard, my lord. Where else could I go? At least there I would be doing something honorable and even bastards are treated respectfully."

What was it with Starks and throwing away their lives at that ridiculous Ice Wall? First Benjen and then Jon?

"That's not going to happen." I said as a matter of fact. "You're coming back with me to Winterfell. Keep Benjen and I company and see the world. I'm sure I could pressure Robert in the future to legitimize you and build you a castle somewhere."

His eyes widened and he stumbled, "I-I… Thank you. But why do all that for me?"

"You're a Stark boy." I said strongly. "You'll be treated as such and deserve more. Now enough self-pitying, the next time I hear you bemoaning that you're a bastard I'm going to hit you over the head. You're going to Winterfell with me and they will all respect you because you're a Stark and you better start acting like one."

A voice interjected angrily from behind, "And you're just going to take him to Winterfell without my permission?"

I turned around to see Uncle Ned striding towards us, "Please leave us, Jon."

"He's my son." He said angrily.

"And your wife is treating him like trash and he blames himself for your mistake." I said, "He considers himself the stain on your honor. Did you know he plans to throw it all and join the Night's Watch when he grows up?"

His eyes darken slightly and he says sadly, "I try to get Catelyn to treat him like she treats the others to no avail."

"Well, back at Winterfell he would get an actual life and lose those ridiculous notions of giving away his life for manning the Wall."

He nodded and asked suspiciously, "I appreciate it, nephew. But why are you doing this?"

"Well, Ben and I travel quite frequently and there must always be a Stark at Winterfell, right?" I said amusedly.

He smiled sheepishly, "He was still young and I didn't want him running off to war, I had to make up something."

I smiled back, "I figured as much. A word of warning though, he's been promising vengeance the next time he sees you." We shared a laugh, "The real reason though is because I'd like to have a friend my age. Uncle Benjen told me that we arrived to Winterfell together. By taking him back to Winterfell, I'd have a trusted advisor that I know would never betray me."

He said sadly, "Take care of him there."

I waved him off, "The north is always loyal to the Starks, and he's going to be treated like a king there."

He nodded and called for Jon, "You're going to join your cousin and uncle at Winterfell. Is that what you want?"

He made an imitation of a house elf nodding. "Go pack your things then, the party moves at first light."

He threw himself at his father and thanked him over and over and took off to his room running as Uncle Ned chuckled

Jon couldn't believe it. He was finally on his way to Winterfell, free from Lady Stark's scathing remarks and cold glares to a place where he is accepted. The farewell was suffocating. Lady Stark was torn from being glad that Jon was leaving and being angry for the threat aimed at her father, coupled with the Sept being hit with a thunder bolt in the night and then the earth proceeded to crack and the whole bloody thing crumbled into rocks.

"Wrath of the Old Gods." Some of them whispered smugly. Most of the residents of the castle objected to it being built in the first place, and he doubted his father would build any other soon if his disappearance at the Weirwood tree for a few hours was a hint. The Septa survived however and would remain there to educate Sansa as Lady Stark dictated.

Brandon had a smug face the next day, whether from the Sept destruction or Lord Tully's stiffness and ashen face the next he didn't know.

And wasn't the tongue-lashing and threats given to Lord Tully grand. A lord paramount was being threatened because he insulted a bastard? No, not a bastard. A Stark. He thought proudly.

He would miss Robb and Sansa though, but he was going to family too and it wasn't as if he was going forever right?

Even the rest of the party was treating him respectfully although some of them looked highborn themselves. When he voiced that they all laughed.

"The entire north owes its new might and wealth to Lord Stark. The North was a barren land before he was born. He gave us new means of farming for ourselves that we produce as much as food as the Reach. The new mines are pouring as much gold as the westerlands and our fleet is the most powerful fleet in the Known World. Our steel is the best quality in the world and as cheap as bread. No smallfolk sleeps hungry or cold and they adore him for it. The lords are filling their coffers because of him and they almost worship him, and you're his nephew." One of the men said.

"And I'm sure that whoever disrespects you would suffer in a way that would make a Bolton cringe," another remarked as the rest nodded fearfully.

Just what kind of person was his cousin? He was almost the same age as him and he hasn't done anything worth mentioning while his cousin had numerous accomplishments. That resolved him to

As soon as he passed another cliff his eyes fell on a grand white castle that looked nothing like Moat Cailin, more like a castle fit for a king. It was absolutely huge and held a powerful presence that shook him slightly. He couldn't take his eyes off it until someone nudged him.

"Welcome to Winterfell, lad." Jory said from beside him.