
Wake Up to Reality

So it's finally spring break and I am kinda excited since I can take a break from high school and my college classes for a bit, which also means that you the lovely intelligent reader will be getting chapters daily as long as I don't have plans or something.

Anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter




James' body twitched as his eyes opened wide




He panted like a dog trying to get as much air as possible into his lungs. He lifted his head to get his bearing when he noticed he was in a vast space, the ground beneath his feet appeared to be a shifting grey expanse and the sky above him was pitch black and unforgiving.

He stood on shaky legs and looked around at the strange place he had found himself in, he walked around for a few minutes before he heard faint grunting and groans.

He hunched himself crouching low to the ground ready to fight if he had to. He inched closer and closer to the source of the sound only to find an imposing and large door that was so black that it looked as though it absorbed the color around it into an infinite dark expanse. He approached the door and pushed on it slightly but the door didn't budge, James pushes a little harder and the door still doesn't budge. He grits his teeth and pushes the door with all the strength he had.

As he exerts all the strength in his body his muscles budge and protrude, and his veins distended pulsing and throbbing as James puts everything he had into one push.


He lets out an uncontrollable grunt as he as desperately tries to move the door. After 2 minutes of James putting everything he has into moving the door, he pushes it just enough that he could slip in through the crack in the door which he hopes can lead him home.

The moment he makes it through the crack the door closes with a soft thud. And James collapses behind the door sucking in deep laborious breaths his body trembled as he tried to calm down.

A neutral voice that sounded slightly amused said "That took you forever man". The sound of the unknown being's voice scared James as the voice sound so calm and nonchalant even though they were both in a pitch-black room.

"Who are you and where are we"


The slightly manic laughter permeated the entire room; then in a burst the room filled with light. James took in the odd scenery, the room was like a regular bedroom with a king-sized mattress with a small tv that have a game system hooked up to it, and an old desk in the corner of the room where the young man who was significantly shorter than James sat playing on his phone with a smirk on his face.

James was shocked, the guy he was afraid of was nothing more than some kid. The strange kid in the room was about 5'8 with a slim build short black hair and brown skin. He was wearing an oversized black hoodie and blue and black checkered pajama pants.

"So can you tell me how I ended up here instead of in real life"

"That's quite simple, I decided we should have a chat"

James was annoyed by his arrogant body language but decided it was best to hold off and listen or else he would face some sort of consequence.

"This has got to be some record for meeting strange and cryptic god-like beings in one day right?"

"The record is four thousand three hundred and 12 gods met consecutively and it was set by a girl about 13 cycles ago".

Before James could even open his mouth the being beat him to it once again nonchalantly saying "James you're boring me right now bro, I gave you the 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 lifetimes and you are squandering it, I mean I wanted some action and chaos but you're doing relationship drama and kiddie soap opera crap.

I am not amused and frankly, I feel that I let you down by not giving you more context in choosing your abilities which lead you to pick overlapping abilities that only slightly complement each other I had an epiphany I can make you stronger so that you can make me and a few hundred thousand lesser deities laugh and enjoy what you're going to do in the Marvel multiverse cluster".

James felt like his head was spinning, this guy say so much that he could barely wrap his head around everything. 'This guy was the reason for my transmigration, he seems so cavalier about the fact that I'm entertainment for him and his fellow gods'. James clenched his fist even harder as he thought more and more about the fact that this guy had Truman show'd him and was blaming him for things being 'boring'.The more and more he thought about it the harder he felt it was to control his anger until he punched at the being full force with no hesitation. The being's head snapped to the side gruesomely with a loud snap and crack before the body goes completely limp.

James stands in front of the corpse still and a statue and a bead of cold sweat slide down his back as the 'corpse' of the being starts to crack snap and shift in unholy and inhuman ways until it snaps back into place.

"That was fun but we need to get on with this I have ping pong with Azathoth in like 15 minutes"

In an instant, a large muscular man with no discernable features stands in front of James.

"Defeat him to prove that you deserve this gift or else". He spoke with a bored neutral voice but James could tell that he wasn't playing around anymore.

In an instant, the room shifted from a bedroom to a coliseum filled to the brim with spectators.

James looked up at the hulking humanoid figure towering above him, its muscles bulging under its gray skin as it bellowed a challenge. The crowd in the coliseum roared with excitement, eager to see the outcome of this epic battle.

James felt a shiver of fear run down his spine, but he quickly shook it off. He had faced tough opponents before, and he wasn't about to back down now. He crouched low, ready to spring into action.

The hulking figure charged towards James with incredible speed, its fists clenched and ready to strike. James dodged to the side and delivered a powerful kick to the creature's thigh. It barely flinched, and swung its massive arm at James with a force that could shatter bones.

James narrowly avoided the blow and darted behind the creature. He unleashed a series of lightning-fast punches to its back, but they seemed to have no effect. The creature turned around and grabbed James by the collar, lifting him up off the ground with ease.

James struggled against the creature's grip, but it was like trying to move a mountain. He summoned all of his strength and focused his mind on his spider powers. Suddenly, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins.

With a burst of speed, James broke free from the creature's grasp and flipped backward. He landed on his feet and felt his muscles bulging with newfound power. He looked up at the creature and saw a glint of fear in its eyes.

The creature charged at James again, but this time he was ready. He leaped high into the air and delivered a crushing blow to the creature's face with his enhanced strength. The creature stumbled backward, stunned.

James followed up with a flurry of punches and kicks, each one striking with the force of a sledgehammer. The creature tried to fight back, but it was no match for James' newfound power. With a final blow, James sent the creature crashing to the ground, defeated.

The crowd in the coliseum erupted into cheers as James stood victorious. He looked down at the defeated creature and smiled at the hard-earned triumph over such a monster. He basked in the wild cheers of the spectators that he didn't notice that the being had reappeared before him

"Well done, James," he said. "You have proven your strength and your worthiness. Your spider powers have been amplified, and you are now capable of feats beyond your wildest dreams just do me a favor and do something fun before I get bored and smite you"

James' face contorted in an uneasy smile as he knew that this being was 100 percent serious. The being's eyes glowed for a second before he felt an energizing surge of energy flows through his body. James opened and closed his hands grasping at the new power flowing through his veins.

"Oh one last thing"

"Huh, what last thing?"



The being punched James in his face and sent him back home.

James jolted awake with a flaring pain in his nose and a bruise being the only tangible sign that he had met an omniverse being.


So I hope this chapter didn't suck too badly I spent three days writing this and this is like my 4th draft.

To be honest I got sick on the second day of writing so I'm sorry that It may not be on the level that you readers expect of me.

Anyway, which power do you prefer?

Electrokinesis(At the level of the Goro Goro no mi aka Enel's devil fruit obviously there's no weakness to water besides in the obvious sense and it's going to be a bit stronger)

True telekinesis (Telekinesis, Tactile telekenisis and Telepathy in one bundle)

Voting for this ends tomorrow at 6 am so vote for your favorite ability for James.