
A New One Hundred

Read to find out...

LoserIam · テレビ
15 Chs

Chapter 2 [Edited]

Five years later

Preston's new biological father wasn't exactly as loving as your typical dad. The adult male constantly blamed the poor man-turned-child for the death of his mother.

As time went on, the man always tried to forget the pain by drinking moonshine: the only alcoholic beverage on the spaceship.

But to get any important amount of it, you must be willing to exchange valuables like food and clothes. And unfortunately for Preston, the hate the man had for his child and his steadily growing addiction would make Mr. Terry forcefully take away Preston's clothes and reduce the already meager meals to which his son had access to nearly non-existent leaving only the bare minimum needed to survive.

Since there was an adult mind in the child's body, Preston fought back momentarily forgetting that he was a skinny toddler and as a result was beaten very severely.

Through this experience though, he discovered his regenerative capabilities. He could heal small cuts in less than a second and broken bones in only a few hours. That and also the ability to actually control the speed of healing. He wouldn't want anyone to start thinking he was a monster or perfect test subject right?

Today, while not seeming different from previous days, was going to be the turning point for the reincarnated child. "Come here Preston," came the hoarse voice of Mr. Terry.

But there was no reply.

"Preston get out of your bed and come here now!!" The man roared but there was no answer.

"You asked for it, kid, don't blame me for what happens next," growled the enraged man.

After taking a few steps, Mr. Terry found himself in front of his son's bed.

Preston's mattress was under his father's since the lack of space forced the Ark's residents to create bunk beds.

In one swoop, he pulled the blankets off his son


Suddenly feeling intense pain, the adult looked down in disbelief at the knife that had been lodged into his chest. He then looked at the wielder of the knife and saw his son.

However, the boy's eyes were different from before, seeming to radiate happiness, most likely due to killing his tormentor, and a strange coldness that one would think impossible for a toddler to show off.

"Bye-bye, father" Preston announced sinisterly, the cute and rather high-pitched tone of his voice making the farewell all the more disturbing.

(A day later)

Some members of the guard, an organization made to ensure the security of the people on the space station, came to investigate due to Mr. Terry being absent from work.

The door of the compartment opened to reveal the toddler that had come to greet them.

"Hello kid, where is your dad?" asked one of the guard members in a soft tone.

Preston did not respond and instead opened the door wide enough

to let the guard members in.

As they went in, they saw the man they were looking for laying in his dried blood.

The men and the woman looked at the horrifying scene in shock, pitying the child that had to witness the death of his father.


(Preston's P.O.V)

The next few days were troublesome, to say the least. If I had known about the fact that there were cameras in every housing compartment, I wouldn't have dared to kill the man.

But many things happened, and now I'm in a cell.

Since there were cameras, they checked on who the murderer might be and saw me plunge the knife into my father.

And suffice to say, I was in a lot of trouble. Even if the guards were confused as to how a 5-year-old could understand and want to kill, they couldn't show favoritism.

Well, now I'm in a cell, at least the food I'm eating is enough as opposed to the small amounts I've been getting when I was 'free'.

I have around twelve years to prepare for canon events, but it would be unwise to work out before being fifteen years old to avoid damaging my body. Or at least it would be stupid to do something too stressful that would limit its growth.

Oh yeah, I forgot I can heal can't I.

I guess I should try to discover what abilities God has given me.

It could be something useless like causing plants to grow faster... Well not really that useless is it?

Then again, it could be something unpredictable like infinite Rizz.

.... That would be weird but cool at the same time.

I guess I should wait and see what God has gifted me.