
A new life in the city

Mimiri2345 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

chapter 7

As class started, people kept looking at Rei.

"And thats the history of Napoleon, any questions??"

Rei teached the class in a unique style , the core opposite of Kuro .

☆ applause ☆

" Hmmn ?? Why is everyone clapping??"

Even the students who didn't pay attention understood what Rei was teaching.

Sadly the bell rang and it was break .

" You sure know your ways around words ."

Kuro taunted.

" It's my hobby . "

As living in a abandoned city for 10 years made him read alot , he even knew the best way to communicate with people .

Suddenly a teacher came up to them , he was angry for no reason.

" Why is a kid here ?!? Ku- "

Rei walked towards him and whispered:

" I know what you and Cassandra did ."

The teacher stepped back in shock .

" So you did do something huh ??"

The teacher got played, really bad.

" Unless you want everyone to know you better leave in 10 ."

The teacher was now furious.


The teacher began yelling , saying sl○rs and much worse.

" I'm a grown adult , you have no reason to disrespect me !!!!"


Everyone who was still at school looked at the teacher with disgust.

Kuro was recording their conversation al along and he just uploaded it on YouTube.

" pffft Bahahahaha !!!"

Rei was laughing hard and clear as the teacher got a call.

" Here in Xxz University we don't accept teachers like you , your fired. "

" And I'm not even a kid !! Hahaha!!"

Rei's laughing made things worse as the teacher ran to punch him but Kuro grabs his arm.

" Oh... First you offend my little brother and now your trying to hit him ??"

The teacher yelled out an insult at Rei

☆ Crack ☆

The teacher screams in pain as Kuro let go of his arm.

" I'm reporting you to the police!!"

Rei's laughing stops as he hears him in pain

" You're so provoked. If that punch you sended towards me landed I would've been In the hospital, and now you're playing victim ? He clearly acted in self-defense .

Let's replay it , shall we ?"

The video showed that the teacher was in the wrong and his arm only got twisted .

" See ??"

Not soon after the teacher got arrested harassment and public disturbance.

" You got an unique way of dealing with people my Rei, you could've easily beat him but didn't.... I wonder why ...."