
A New Life In The Arrowverse

A man dies in our world and is reborn, with improvements, in the arrowverse. What will he do now? Mature content Mc will sleep around Harem? I do not own anything but my Mc and any OC's I created!!

Ezzy_E · テレビ
26 Chs

There's No Place Like Home

Isaac had developed a bit of a pattern since he'd been home. He usually woke up at 5am and spent that time going over his Constantine library looking over any new knowledge that he had gained access to. Next, he worked out and practiced with his weapons, which prevented his abilities from rusting. That was usually followed by a nice shower and some breakfast before he headed to Queen Consolidated to work on a few of his projects. Afterwards, he split his time between picking Thea up from school and hanging out with her or spending time with his brother, usually by guilt tripping him, but not always. While Isaac was home he had insisted that they made time to eat dinner as a family at least three times a week. 

Of course, Oliver pushed back on that, saying he was in the middle of opening a club and that his schedule was crazy, but Isaac knew the truth. He told his older brother that he understood but that he still had to do it, he did not have to stay for long, but he had to sit down and eat with his family. Isaac even reminded him that the whole point of making it back home was to be able to do exactly that, spend time with the family he was separated from for so long. Oliver relented after that, especially when he told Oliver that he had already insisted on his bodyguard joining them. With his driver and chaperone already joining, Oliver just agreed to it, getting a knowing smile from both his sister and mother. Surprisingly, Oliver had not missed a single, family dinner since, not that Moira would let him go anywhere without his protection.

Isaac had noticed over the course of those dinners that while his brother was still very single-minded in his crusade, he was a lot more open with his family. It seemed to Isaac that the Queen woman had given Oliver his space like he had asked. As a result, Oliver had not kept his distance from them like he had in the show, it explained why Oliver had not fought harder against the family dinners. In a small way that had showed Isaac that he had, on some level, changed canon, it proved that their future was not set, something he had been afraid of. Unfortunately, Isaac had also found out that while he had been gone, many of the canon events from his past life had happened. 

The Arrow had been active, taking down criminals from the list and fleecing them. Laurel had apparently, already been targeted by the Triad, which she had not told Isaac about. So far those were the only canon events Isaac recognized, thankfully, he was pissed that he had been so reckless, just leaving as he had. He hadn't even considered the consequences of not being in the city, watching out for events he knew were coming, and those he didn't. As he thought that he heard something on the TV that shook him from his thoughts.

"Carl Rasmussen was found, shot to death in his home earlier this evening. The police will not comment if there's a connection between Mr. Rasmussen's death and the murder of James Holder a few nights ago…" Isaac knew what that news report meant, Deadshot was in town, he went after the potential bidders of Unidac Industries (U.I.), which might also include Isaac's own mother. With everything he has changed so far, especially with Walter and Moira not being married and Moira being CEO instead of Walter, Isaac was not even sure if Moira planned on bidding. What he was sure of was who hired Deadshot, Waren Patel. The first thing Isaac had planned was to find out if Moira was even bidding on U.I., which considering their importance in Malcolm's plan, was a sure bet. 

Isaac also kept in mind that Oliver had his own plan for after, something he hoped delt with the suspicious timing of both his and the Arrow's appearance. Oliver was right to be concerned about being found out, he was simply wrong in how he went about fixing it. So, Isaac prepared some last-minute adjustments to Oliver's plan without his knowledge, he'd thank him for it later. With that decided, Isaac put Claire to work, her priority was Moira's safety. She was looking through every camera in the city, for any signs of Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot. Claire had standing orders to alert Isaac the moment Floyd came anywhere near the sniping range of his mother. Her secondary assignment was tracking the auction date, Isaac wanted to be prepared for when the day came.

For over a week Isaac impatiently waited before anything happened, when Moira made a sudden announcement at their family dinner.

"I have to go to a work event Friday night, and since I don't want to be alone the whole time, we are going to make it into a family outing." Before any of her children could interrupt, Moira continued. "There will be no discussion of the matter, you are all coming, especially you Oliver, we have not been seen together as a family since before we lost your Father, it's time." Oliver looked like he wanted to protest but Isaac put his hand on his knee and stopped him, he gave him a look Isaac hoped he understood. 

Oliver relaxed in his seat but gave Isaac his 'you better have a good reason' look but sharper than what Isaac remembered, not surprising considering. Moira went on to explain a bit about what was to be expected, Isaac had already tuned her out, he was focused on the important part of what she had said. The auction was taking place in 4 days, plenty of time. After dinner Oliver confronted Isaac, asking him why he had stopped him from protesting.

"Oliver, has mom not given you your space, has she not been understanding of how difficult being back home has been and still is for you?" When Oliver nodded he continued. "Then don't you think you can give her something in return, it's only one night man. I know you've got something going on, and it's not that dumb club excuse you use with Mom. To be honest, I don't care what it is as long as you're being careful, but you have used it to cancel on them several times, consider this your apology to them. Don't be late either Olli." Isaac added as he patted Oliver on the shoulder and walked away.

Over the following days Isaac had Claire keeping an even closer eye on Moira, Deadshot never came near her. Isaac figured that the assassin would take his shot at the auction, when everyone he wanted dead would be gathered in one spot. The night before the auction, Isaac placed protection spells on both Moira and Thea, just in case a lucky shot got near them, he was not taking any chances. 

The night went almost how he expected, Deadshot had tried to add quite a few more names to his body than Isaac had expected. It did not matter, since he was there Isaac used a few spells to discreetly protect the would-be victims from their assassin, including Walter. That had been a surprise, Isaac had not expected to see Walter at the auction since Moira had been there. What had really thrown Isaac was that Moira wasn't targeted that night, but Walter was, hell he'd have been killed if Isaac had not tackled him out of the way. Isaac wondered if Patel was a bit of a sexist and thought Walter was the real power at Queen Consolidated, it explained why only he had been targeted. 

After all the excitement died down, Isaac took Thea and Moira home and stayed the night, neither felt very safe after what happened. As Isaac slept in his childhood room he felt some movement in his bed, when he opened his eyes he saw it was Thea. She had not noticed he was awake as she slid into his bed and cuddled up against him, seeing no issue Isaac just closed his eyes and passed out. When he woke the next morning Thea's leg was in between his, her thighs brushed up against his covered balls while her hand rested on his morning wood. 

Isaac slowly extricated himself from her grasp and took care of his morning hygiene routine before he left for Queen Consolidated. A few of his projects were finally being released to the public after being tested exhaustively, Isaac was very excited. 

Felicity greeted him as he stepped into his private office and handed him a stack of documents that held the data for his most recent projects. He looked them over until the press briefing, preparing himself for any questions he'd be asked. When it was time, Isaac headed to the Q.C. media room, his comments in hand. When he entered the room he was almost blinded by all the camera flashes and practically assaulted by the press grabbing for him as they shouted their questions.

It took a moment, but Isaac finally calmed them, promising to answer a few questions after his statement. He spent some time describing how he had come up with some of the inventions and what they did, he also told them to expect more from Queen Consolidated. The first device he displayed was the MedBed, which he held the patent to. He explained to the press that his device made almost all of the medical diagnostic devices obsolete, his MedBed did it all, the only thing the patient had to do was lie down. The best part was it was 100% accurate, no more fuzzy pictures or dark unexplained spots, it was crystal clear and had 0 radiation.

The press conference went on for some time, Isaac had unveiled all his creations, focusing on his many medical advances, a vaccine he called Extremis, and lastly his Arch Reactor. It was his answer to the clean energy issue, just like it was for Tony Stark, except his was much more advanced. When everything was revealed the press went crazy, they threw question after question at him, when he was done he was exhausted. His family were shocked of course, even Moira, she had not looked that closely into his work, trusting him. Overnight Queen Consolidated was the talk of the country, eclipsing Luther Corp and Wayne Enterprises, to name a few, and Isaac was at the center of it. 

He had been fielding calls from the news stations and reporters for days after the press conference when he got a surprise call from Quinten Lance. He wanted to meet in private, said it was important, Isaac had an idea what it was about, so he met with him at once.

"I could get in big trouble for telling you this Isaac, but after everything you did to help me, and Laurel I felt I at least owed you a heads up. The SCPD (Starling City Police Department) are going to issue an arrest warrant for your brother on the charge of murder. We believe him to be the vigilante know as 'The Arrow', I'm sorry son, it would be best if he turned himself in, I don't want to arrest him in front of your family, or any cameras." Quinten added, pleadingly. Isaac just shook his head, he guessed it was time to enact his plan, he thanked Quinten and left the detective at the table, it was time he had a talk with his brother.

"Olli, where are you? I need to see you now." Isaac said, plainly. Oliver told him where he was, and Isaac told him he was on his way. After his driver dropped him off, Isaac walked into the abandoned Queen Consolidated building and saw his brother waiting for him.

"So, Isaac, what was so important that you had to see me right away?" Oliver asked, guarded.

"What, can't a guy just want to see his brother?" Isaac joked. Oliver's face tightened and his eyes got cold.

"What's is wrong Isaac, is it Thea?" Oliver practically growled out.

"Easy their brother, your mask is slipping, besides, Thea's fine. This is about you, either you got sloppy, and the police have you or you have some kind of plan up your sleeve. Either way, brother, the police are issuing an arrest warrant for you today, they believe that you're the Arrow. Quinten gave me a heads up he didn't want to do it in front of any cameras or, God forbid, Mom and Thea." Isaac watched as his brother switch to his playboy persona when he heard what Isaac said.

"Huh they think I'm some lunatic who shoots people with arrows, I want some of whatever they're smoking." Oliver laughed. Isaac understood how people always fell for his brother's playboy routine, he was actually very good at it, but Isaac already knew the truth.

"Whatever you say Olli, are you ready to turn yourself in today or do you need more time?" 

"Today's fine." Oliver said flatly.

"Good, then let's go and from here on out I'm your lawyer, don't say a word unless I say it's ok. I mean it Olli, this is gonna crush Mom and Thea as is, do not make it harder for them." As they got into Isaac's car he turned to Oliver and said one last thing. "Hypothetically if there was a plan in place tell me privately when we get close to it, and I'll make adjustments. Otherwise do what I tell you too. We clear?" 

"Yea." Oliver agreed. The drive to the Detective Lance's precinct was filled with uncomfortable silence between the two brothers but thankfully it was a short one. Isaac had called Quinten to tell him they were on the way and then called their mother, that was a fun call. Moira Queen was not what Isaac would call happy after their phone call, even after Isaac insisted he had it handled she was still a nervous wreck. He only managed to mollify her by promising to call her as soon as he was done, something he was already planning to do.

"So, Mr. Queen thank you for coming down to help clear some things up." Detective Lucas Hilton said, pleasantly before continuing. "I'll be recording this interview, for the record here with me is Detective 3rd grade Quinten Lance and I am Detective 2nd grade Lucas Hilton. We are here with Oliver Jonas Queen and his lawyer Isaac Queen." The interview took over an hour, during that time Isaac made sure his brother said as little as possible, only answering questions he had an absolute answer to. Eventually, Detective Hilton grew frustrated with the lack of answers and booked Oliver under suspicion of multiple counts of murder. 

Things moved very quickly after that, Isaac did not want things to go as they went in canon, his plan was centered around getting his brother's case dismissed with prejudice. That way Oliver could never be charged as the Arrow again. To help with that, Isaac fabricated some evidence, with the help of his magic, for the police to find that strengthened their case against Oliver. 

When the matter of bail was addressed in court Isaac did the same thing as Laurel during the TV show, he got Oliver out on house arrest. Afterwards he told the judge they wanted a speedy trial and that they were ready to proceed, putting pressure on the prosecution. Things worked as Isaac had expected, the prosecution felt their case was airtight and they filled their charges, which included the charge of vigilantism as the Arrow. 

The Queen ladies were wrecks, they were terrified they were going to lose Oliver again, it didn't matter how many times Isaac told them it was going to be ok. They weren't the only one's afraid, the Lances relationship with Oliver was not as contentious this time, thanks to Isaac. They did not want to see the Queen family ripped apart; they did not know that Oliver was not going anywhere.

Before Isaac knew it the court date was upon him, he was not concerned though, he was more than prepared. As the proceedings began Isaac released his spelled evidence and wiped the false memories he had placed in the prosecution's phony witnesses. It did not take long for the District Attorney to start scrambling, but almost all of his case had just gone up in metaphorical smoke. Eventually, they were forced to call Oliver to the stand, Isaac saw him look at the gallery where their friends and family were and paused. 

Isaac knew what was going through his brother's mind and he had to deal with it quickly before Oliver did something stupid.

"Your Honor, may I have a moment with my client?" Isaac asked Judge Carmichael.

"Yes, but be quick Dr. Queen, court is in session." Isaac quickly pulled Oliver close to him and whispered in his ear.

"I know you don't want them to hear anything about what happened to you, I know you had your own plan, but if you do this right they will never be able to come after you for being the Arrow or anything they've charged you with. You will be free, letting them in is a small fucking price for that Ollie. Now get your head out of your ass and let's ruin this prosecutor's day. As Oliver walked away, Isaac sent a calming and slight honesty spell at him, not enough to get him to blab unnecessarily but enough to tell the truth where it mattered.

The prosecutor used Oliver's past with the police and his reputation as a spoiled rich kid to try and paint Oliver as someone who did not care about the law. Tried being the operative word, Isaac was there with objection after objection whenever the DA overstepped, and Oliver held strong. Then the DA decided to play dirty, she brought up Oliver's statement during his 'proof of life' declaration. 

"Mr. Queen during your proof of life hearing you said that everyone died on the Queen's Gambit, is that not correct?" Oliver saw what the DA was planning and looked at Isaac sharply. Isaac looked at Oliver and nodded, he had to tell them, they had rehearsed a version of the truth, for just this moment, Oliver just had to tell it.

"Yes." Oliver said flatly, as he adjusted himself in the witness box. 'Perfect' Isaac thought, his brother played it perfectly. The prosecutor jumped on what she thought was a weakness. She thought she knew what happened on the boat, and after it sank, thanks to a little magical manipulation. Isaac found someone who was in the right place at the right time and made them think they saw something that never happened. Oliver killing both is father and another man after they made it to the life raft, the DA bought it and made them the prosecution's star witness. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, was that an uncomfortable question Mr. Queen?" Isaac jumped to his feet.

"Objection your honor, the DA is clearly badgering my client." The judge sustained the objection and told DA Spencer she had to move it along. 

"Ok, where were we Mr. Queen? Ah, right, you told the court that everyone died on the boat. My question to you is, was that the truth? And before you answer that please remember you are under oath." The gallery erupted into quiet whispers, everyone was wondering where the DA was going, none more that the Queen women and the Lance family.


"Quiet! There will be quite in my courtroom!" Judge Carmichael yelled as she hammered her gavel. Quite fell over the courtroom, everyone getting the message. DA Spencer continued, a savage grin on her face, Isaac knew she thought she had his brother but boy was she would soon be surprised. 

"So, Mr. Queen I will ask you one more time, did everyone die on the boat as you claimed, or did something else happen?" Oliver went cold, not Arrow cold, he looked like he was remembering something awful and trying to keep it off his face. Isaac knew it was time, he stood up and addressed the judge.

"Sidebar Honor?" The judge nodded and waived both sides over.

"What is this about Dr. Queen? We are right in the middle of testimony!" She said sternly.

"I beg the courts pardon your Honor, but I have reason to suspect that this line of questioning with not be suitable for of the gallery I ask that we clear all minors from the courtroom. Judge Carmichal looked shocked at that, she turned to the DA and asked if he was right, the DA nodded that it might be best. She shooed the two lawyers away and addressed the court.

"I have been informed that the testimony we are about to hear may not be suitable for minors, so I am ordering this court clear of any persons under the age of 18, unless permitted by a parent or guardian." Isaac turned around and found Moira's eyes, ignoring Thea's own questioning gaze, and shook his head, making it clear that he did not think Thea should be there. 

When the bailiff came around to Thea, Moira told her to go with him, she looked shell shocked and made her displeasure known.

"I'm not going anywhere! That is my brother, I have a right to be here! You can't make me leave!" Thea looked around wildly as the bailiffs closed in on her, finally she caught Isaac's eyes. He looked at her and shook his head again, he silently mouthed for her to trust him.

"I will talk to you after, I promise." He told her. He watched as her heart broke; he knew how much she wanted to understand what happened to her brother, and Isaac was taking that away from her. The bailiffs took her away, head down as tears flowed freely down her face, he was going to pay for that, he knew it.

"You may continue." The Judge said.

"I'll repeat my question Mr. Queen. Did everyone die on that boat or did something else happen?" 

"Your honor I have a motion that I'd like to submit before my client answers." Isaac interrupted.

"Approach!" The Judge demanded.

"What is the meaning of this Mr. Queen, I was under the impression you were a lawyer of good standing, but you have not shown that yet. Explain, now." Carmichael ordered. So, Isaac did, he told her that he would not be doing his duty if he risked his client perjuring himself to answer the DA's question. He offered a reasonable solution, if the DA waived any perjury charges, in writing, Oliver would answer her questions. Though Isaac stated, for the record, that he did not know what the DA was playing at asking about the crash when they were here for an entirely different reason. 

The DA signed and court continued. 

"Please answer the question Mr. Queen." The judge instructed and he sure as hell answered, though not in the way the DA had expected. He told the court, including Moira, how Robert Queen and one other man made it onto the life raft. He told the court how his father had pulled him out of the ice-cold ocean and onto their raft. Oliver told them how there was not enough food or water for the three of them and that Dave Hackett, delirious from the lack of food and water tried to kill him. Oliver told them how his father had killed Hackett to save his life but then killed himself. How Robert's last words to Oliver were to survive before he shot himself in front of him. Moira gasped audibly at that, Isaac reached his hand back over the partition and grasped her hand, she just squeezed it, unable to speak.

Oliver's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he retold the events of that painful day. The DA looked shocked, but she recovered and tried to poke holes in Oliver's story pointing out how he lied and asking why the court should trust him now. Oliver responded perfectly, asking the jury what they would do in his shoes. He asked them if it was their family that was destroyed by what happened would they add to that trauma by telling the truth or would they protect them as he had. Even the DA knew Oliver had her there, so she pivoted and brought up his list of injuries.

She showed the court pictures the police had taken at the hospital his first night back and asked if he was alone on the island than were his injuries self-inflicted. Oliver told her and the court the truth, he had not been alone and that many of his injuries were a result of torture. Understandably, the courtroom was abuzz, Moira could not stay and walked out in tears, Oliver's eyes never left her back until she was gone. Isaac walked over to his brother and held his head and whispered they were almost done. It was all downhill after that for the DA as each piece of testimony she thought she had recanted or said something that corroborated Oliver's story. 

With each mishap the judge got increasingly irritated with DA Spencer until finally her star witness's testimony went up in smoke. The DA looked to be on the verge of a panic attack when Judge Carmichael called for a 5-minute recess. When the court was cleared the judge tore the DA a new one, calling her a disgrace and an embarrassment to her office. She also told the DA in no uncertain terms to rest her case and pray that the Queen's did not sue the city for what she put the whole family through. Judge Carmichael did not stop there. She also informed the DA that she would be filing a complaint with the Bar Association and would be lucky to keep her license.

When the court came back in session the prosecution rested their case, they looked so depressed Isaac could practically see the dark cloud hovering over their heads. Before the judge could speak Isaac asked to be heard, the judge agreed.

"Your Honor I ask that this case be dismissed with prejudice, the state not only failed, miserably I might add, to make their case, they dragged a traumatized family through the mud and made them relive the single worst day of their lives. That doesn't even cover what they did to Mr. Queen, making him recount the things he went through was cruel and I want to make sure it never happens again." Isaac said passionately. 

"Your Honor! You can't…" DA Spencer interrupted, sensing, maybe, what the judge had planned.

"I damn well can, Ms. Spencer! After what you put Mr. Queen and his family through you should not even be opening your mouth right now. You brought Mr. Queen to trial with nothing! You had no case and yet you decided to not only arrest this young man, but you also paraded him through the press, making a mockery of everything he survived. You did this, not me. I hereby dismiss the state's case against Oliver Queen, with prejudice."


"Court dismissed. Thank you jurors for your service, allow me to extend the court's apologies for wasting your valuable time." The gallery went crazy, luckily there had not been any press inside during court so Isaac grabbed his family and had Mr. Diggle escort them out the back while he delt with the press. 

A few weeks had passed since the DA's very public embarrassment and Isaac had hired a top-notch Law firm from New York to sue the City and the DA's office. Unfortunately, while that had been going exceedingly well, Isaac's family life had not been going nearly as well. Thea was still furious with him, though thankfully she had not been acting out, Oliver well he has not talked to him since the trial. He still went to family dinner, he just ate and talked to Moira and Thea and grunted towards him. The only time Oliver had spoken to him was to say thank you right after the judge's ruling, since then not a peep. They had not even spoken to him at the groundbreaking ceremony for Q.C.'s new Applied Sciences building, which was being named after their father. Although Olli gave Isaac the silent treatment, he did not in fact pretend to be drunk and make a scene, like he did in the show, small wins.

"RING, RING" Isaac looked at his phone and saw it was his lawyer calling.

"Ah, hello Mr. Specter, how are you?" Isaac asked. He had been shocked when he saw that the Law office of Pearson-Hardmen existed in this world, all the people even looked like the actors who played them. When Isaac saw that he knew he had to hire them, not only were they great lawyers there were also a few ladies there that Isaac really wanted to sample.