
The Truth Is Out There

Author's note: Thanks for hanging in there readers, as for the results of the poles it seems like a large majority of you want me to include Suits, TBBT, and the OG Charmed and to keep up the R18 scenes. So that's what I'm gonna do, I will not be making those the priority just fyi so don't worry about loosing the Arrowvese aspects. Those will still be the focus, hope you enjoy the new chapter.


<Last week on Arrow Isaac got gave an interview with Cat Grant, took her home to give it to her and got Kara's number. So far so good, lets continue.>

Isaac spent the rest of the night and part of the early morning forcing screams and moans from Cat, it got so bad that the concierge had been called to check on them. It turned out that Cat was quite the screamer once she got some good man meat in her. Isaac finally got finished with her a little after 6am, he pulled his dick out from the depths of her thoroughly used pussy. He left her sprawled out on his ruined bed unconscious, with her tongue out as drool leaked from her open mouth and went to take a shower. After finishing his morning routine, Isaac wrote a note for the ruined sleeping beauty and left to go pick up his bike from the club they were at last night.

Isaac went into an abandoned alley by his hotel, his destination clear in mind and whispered, "Lanuae Me. (Teleport Me)" Isaac faded away and was suddenly in a different alley entirely, it was one right by the club. He turned in his ticket to the valet and drove his bike back to the hotel, but not before he picked up some breakfast for sleeping beauty and himself. By the time he made it back to his hotel room Cat was still asleep, so Isaac decided to get a bit more proactive about it.

"Lenire Dolorem Et Sana. (Sooth the pain and heal.)" Isaac chanted, his hands glowing as they hovered over Cat's comatose figure. While the spell eased the soreness, achiness, and the overall exhaustion Cat had from the previous night's activities, Isaac made sure to keep the hickeys he gave her. Not even 15 minutes later Cat's body began to stir, Isaac left the room to set up their breakfast and then went back to rouse her from her sleep completely.

"Isaac! What the hell did you do to me last night, Jesus Christ!" She moaned as her naked body contorted into a stretch while she yawned, looking so much like a namesake of hers. Isaac chuckled to himself at her complaints while thoroughly enjoying the view she unintendedly gave him. After a thorough shower, Cat sat down for breakfast dressed and ready to take on the day. Isaac did notice that while she put on a good front, Cat looked a little fatigued, mentally, and walked with a bit of a limp.

After they ate, Isaac offered to drop Cat off at work, to which she happily said yes to, but not before telling him off for what he did to her.

"How do you have such a handsome face but then fuck like such an animal, it's misleading! Plus, that damn thing between your legs shouldn't be legal, you practically split me open with it. And in the future, you are not supposed to just strip a girl of her dignity when you sleep with them Isaac, it's not fair. How am I supposed to look you in the face now?!" Cat complained, her hand on her hip as she thrusted her finger in his direction. Isaac laughed aloud at her tirade, he thought she looked adorable trying to act all authoritative with him after last night. Instead of arguing with her Isaac decided to just show her who was really in charge, he stepped right into her space, claimed her lips, and shoved his tongue into its depths.

Cat beat her hands against his chest lightly in mock protest, but Isaac just pulled her in closer to his body and deepened the kiss. Cat let out a guttural moan as Isaac used both his hands to grab her ass and lifted her up like she was a child in his arms. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, when Isaac suddenly stopped and pulled away from Cat, though a thin line of saliva still connected them. Isaac looked into Cat's half lidded eyes and spoke in a clear, firm, tone, "That was just to remind you who's really in control here, don't forget what I did to you last night, my little Kitty Cat." Cat's face went nuclear when she heard him call her that, Isaac had said it to remind her that she had called herself his little pet.

It happened sometime after Isaac had brought her to double digit climaxes, she was so out of it from the pleasure that she said a lot of crazy stuff that night. Isaac smiled remembering all the things she said and quite a few of the things they did, she was quite a bit of fun in bed, even if she couldn't really keep up. Cat just nodded her head as she looked down in shame, Isaac saw her defeated posture, lifted her head up and gave her a light, gentle kiss.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of Kitty Cat, what happened last night was just for us and no one else needs to know. Outside, you can be Cat Grant Queen of Media and with me you can let your guard down and just be my Kitty Cat. I happen to be a fan of them both." Isaac added as they got ready and left the hotel, headed to CatCo. Isaac dropped Cat off at her office and then headed to look at a few businesses he was considering investing in. He enjoyed the peaceful drive, it was a beautiful day, the sun was out, with not a single cloud in the sky. Isaac couldn't help but admire the view of the city as the sunlight reflected off the surrounding buildings and created quite a sight. Suddenly Isaac's senses went haywire, warning him of some kind of impending danger, he glanced around himself as he drove but didn't see anything but other drivers.

"BOOM!" Isaac bike veered off unsteadily for a moment as an explosion went off no further that three feet from him. He looked around wildly, searching for the source of the blast, cars screeched to a halt around him, some even crashed into each other. Isaac stopped his bike in the middle of the chaotic street and got off, his eyes searched through the growing crowd of people and looked for anything out of place. He still could not spot whatever caused the explosion, there didn't seem to be anyone around that looked suspicious either and yet still his senses screamed at him.

"BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!" Almost simultaneously, explosions rang out all around the street, hitting several cars, killing a few people immediately with more than a few injured. Isaac felt the wave of heat that ensued the blasts and destroyed cars, he rushed into the fray to help a family that was trapped in their car as fire grew around them.

"Yahjub Mazhari (Obscure my appearance)." Isaac whispered, the spell concealed his face and body build from anyone's eyes, including cameras. He looked at the damage to the family's car and the surrounding area for any downed powerlines that would stop him from using a water spell, he didn't find any. Isaac did his best to calm the family, especially the children and told them to bend down and cover their faces, in case the glass windows broke.

"Aquainspire! ('Water Blast!' Latin but with my twist)" Isaac yelled with his hands spread wide. Water flew from them and spread over, not just the family's car, but the surrounding area as well, putting out several fires. Once the fire was out, Isaac ripped off the car doors and let the family out, the kids ran and gave him a hug, tears in their eyes, as the parents shook his hand. Isaac quickly sent them on their way and got back to finding out where the attack was coming from.

"Quaerere Aream (search the area)." A pulse of magic surged out from Isaac as he touched the ground and casted the searching spell. He filtered through everything he found with the full speed of his enhanced mind and looked for anything suspicious.

"There!" He thought aloud, finally finding something useful. Isaac kept the location in his mind and thought, 'Lanuae Me (teleport me).' Isaac vanished instantly and reappeared on a not too far away roof that overlooked the street he was just on. Right on the edge of the roof, Isaac saw the back of a figure wearing some kind of armor that looked unlike anything he had ever seen before. The figure held some sort of weapon in his hand that looked to be aimed at the street he just left, that was enough evidence for him to act.

"Now this doesn't look suspicious at all." Isaac pointed out to the figure, a spell already on the tip of his tongue if things got violent. The figure jerked around and gave Isaac his first real look at his potential enemy and Isaac was surprised at what he saw, or rather what he didn't see. The armor the figure wore was a mix of a dark gold like color and a black so dark it seemed to suck him in, it covered his or her entire body, including their face. The face part had some kind of light surrounding it that glowed, the suit made it impossible to see who, or what, he was dealing with. Without saying a single word, the figure raised its hand towards Isaac, the other rested a large weapon on its shoulder, the hand lit up and fired some sort of plasma blast.

"Boom!" The spot where Isaac had just been turned into a small crater, luckily Isaac had already been on the move, his senses warned him in time.

"Crepitus (Explosion)!" Isaac bellowed. The space the being stood was engulfed in an explosion, but Isaac knew better than to think it would be over so quickly, he moved to another spot quietly. A thick plume of smoke covered the area, Isaac strained his ears to pick up any movement his eyes would not catch, he gave up soon after. Isaac whispered out a weak wind spell and saw the armored figure standing there with no obvious damage from his earlier attack.

"What manner of weaponry was that? My systems registered no weapons on your person. Explain!" The voice came out distorted and somewhat robotic, as if it was put through some kind of voice modulator. Isaac looked at the creature and though about what to do next, he had not expected that being's armor to withstand his spell so easily, he had to get serious. Before Isaac answered it, or attacked, he wanted to know more about that armor and what it could handle and if possible, what weapons it held. Isaac kept his eyes on the armored being and thought, 'Quaerere Rem (search the object)' within moments a stream of information bombarded his mind.

Isaac shifted through the different information until he found the specifications of the armor, unfortunately it was not complete, but it was still more than enough. 'So, it is an alien.' Isaac thought, he had been concerned that maybe there was some kind of secret super genius villain out there that was just testing their new tech. The armor itself was made up of some unknown alloy and was extremely durable, however Isaac noticed that it did have a few key weaknesses. It looked like the armor was vulnerable to extremely cold temperature and concentrated electrical blasts, both seemed to have serious negative effects for the armor.

"I'll answer your question if you answer mine, weird Armor guy." Isaac responded.

"Acceptable, what is your query?" The being asked flatly. Isaac thought about that for a moment, when he had his answer, he faced the armored figure.

"Why were you attacking just now, you killed quite a few people you know?" Isaac asked, his whole demeanor changed when he brought up those that died in the alien's assault. The aliens armored head tilted to the side, almost questioningly, before he answered.

"Sacrifices in the pursuit of justice are to be expected, in fact those that do die in its pursuit, die for something greater than themselves and should give up their lives happily. Now I have answered your question, it is your turn human." Isaac shook his head at the alien's justification, it truly was from another planet if that's how it thought.

"You did not in fact answer my question, I asked you why you did it, not your justification for it! So, once more why did you attack us?!" Isaac's hands lit up with black colored electricity as his frustration got the better of him, he took a deep breath, paused for a moment, and calmed himself.

"Ah, it seems that you are indeed correct, my apologies human. To answer your question, I am hunting a very devious and dangerous quarry that escaped its prison and has been hiding here on your planet. It was that creature that I was 'attacking', as you call it, the rest were just in the way." The creature answered matter-of-factly. Isaac's head shook in disbelief at the alien's reply, he was struck by the simplicity with which the alien spoke of the collateral damage it had caused.

"Now it is your turn human. What was that weapon you used before? It was surprisingly powerful." Isaac thought about how to answer that carefully for a moment before he spoke. He kept his eyes on the alien though in case it decided to make a move while he was distracted, so far, he hadn't moved a muscle.

"It's simple really, I used an ability I have that allows me to create explosions. Now it's my turn again. What gives you the right to come to a foreign world and kill its people in search for this 'criminal'!" Isaac demanded. The alien's armor changed at that; some sort of symbols appeared over the armor's face, almost like a holographic image. Isaac couldn't read the information that was displayed so he casted a quick translation spell and hoped it would work on alien languages.

Right before his eyes the symbols started to change into words Isaac could understand. While not everything could be properly translated Isaac got enough and understood what the alien tried to show him.

"So, you're some kind of agent of your planet's government, and this is your identification and the arrest warrant for your so-called criminal. I get that you think you're within you rights to go after this creature, but the thing is you're not. You killed innocent people, needlessly and without thought, you didn't even try to capture whatever alien this is quietly, and that says a lot about you." Isaac said pointedly.

"No life matters when in the pursuit of justice and I will not apologize for it, I'd kill a million of your species if it helped me capture my prey! You all mean nothing in comparison to that sacred goal. I don't need your permission or approval to do anything you insect!" That was the first time Isaac had heard anything other than the armored being's usual flat robotic voice.

"Well, this insect is about to beat your alien ass! Crepitus Maximus!" Isaac bellowed; his hands thrusted towards the armored creature.

"BOOOOM!!" The alien went flying in a hail of fire and concrete, the explosion tore up the roof, it threw him straight off and hurled him toward the ground. Isaac ran to the edge of the roof and jumped off after the creature. As he fell to the ground Isaac silently cast 'Effingo Mens (copy the mind)' and downloaded all the contents of the alien's mind. Before it could get off the parking lot floor Isaac had everything he needed, from where the armored alien kept its ship and how to operate it to what its planet was like. Isaac landed in a crouch, the ground cratered beneath his feet, as he summoned a sword into his hand.

(Pic Here)

This was his favorite creation, so far, the sword was made of a mix of metals that combined with carbon created the strongest, and lightest alloy in earth's history. Isaac took it even further; he combined his alloy with magic during the smelting process as he created the sword. The combination of Isaac's alloy and magic made a truly special weapon, so special that not even Isaac himself knew everything this sword was capable of. It wasn't only the metallurgy of the sword or Isaac's magic during its forging that made it special, though it did help.

What made it special were the enchantments and seals Isaac put on it, using his own blood to power them. Isaac's sword had seals like supernatural strength and sharpness, to aid him in fights, there was even a seal of ownership on it. That meant no one could steal it and if he threw it, it would return to him, from anywhere, all he had to do was summon it. Isaac got the idea from Thor's hammer; he always liked the idea of it, so he recreated it.

The alien sprung up from the ground, its armor only showed some slight damage, and fired three quick energy blasts. They sped towards Isaac at breathtaking speed, he dodged the first two thanks to his superhuman reflexes. As the third on closed in Isaac did a quick upward slash with his sword and sliced the blast in half.

"Boom, Boom!" The two blasts detonated behind Isaac on each side of him as they hit the concrete ground of the parking lot. Isaac capitalized on the Alien's shock and sprung toward it, his hands lit up with black lightning, trails of it ran up to his forearm and down to his sword, sparks flew every which way. Isaac closed the distance in an instant and threw a lightning-fast left jab toward the alien's armored face.

"Thud!" The alien staggered back, its arms a second too late to block the blow, Isaac moved back in while the alien's own hands blocked its view. Before the creature could do anything, Isaac whipped his right arm, sword in hand, down towards the alien. Isaac cried out as he summoned as much lightning as he could into his hand and sent it surging through his sword. Isaac watched as his sword, covered in black lightning, sliced clean through the alien's armored arm and dug into its shoulder and traveled down to its hip.

An eruption of green blood flew from the alien's body as it was blasted back by a surge of black electricity from Isaac's sword. The alien tore through multiple cars and at least three buildings that he could see, Isaac was shocked at how much power his sword channeled, but knew he had to put it aside. He shook his head and then teleported after the alien; Isaac found it almost buried in the concrete foundation of a parking lot.

Isaac just stared at the deep hole the alien's body made for a moment before he reached his lightning covered left hand out and casted a summoning spell. The ground shook slightly as the concrete rubble was shifted and fell as the alien's body was forcibly pulled into Isaac's waiting hand. The first thing he noticed as he held the alien by its throat was the lack of lighting on its face mask. Then as his eyes observed the rest of it, Isaac noticed the alien's stub of an arm, cauterized by the heat of his lightning covered sword and smirked.

However, what really caught his caught was massive wound across what was left of the alien's armored chest. Isaac's sword hadn't left a basic slash no, the alien's wound looked like a deep trench was dug across its chest and then cooked. Isaac was truly shocked that the alien was still alive, although badly wounded, it hadn't even lost consciousness yet. Isaac held the alien up by its throat as it struggled and gasped for air and ripped the armor off its head.

"Hello insect." Isaac taunted cheekily. The alien struggled to keep its eyes open, he had four of them surprisingly. Isaac thought the creature looked a little bit like a humanoid praying mantis, not what he expected at all.

"Now don't you feel stupid for acting all superior earlier? I feel a little embarrassed for you honestly. However, because I feel like you've embarrassed yourself enough, I'm willing to show you some mercy. All you have to do is to think about what the alien criminal looks like, in your mind, and what exactly it did, I'll do the rest. Do you agree, just nod your head to say yes." The alien looked at Isaac for about a minute before it nodded yes. Isaac dove into the creature's mind quickly and pulled out what he needed. The familiar sirens of cops and ambulances wailed in the background, growing closer by the minute, Isaac had to finish fast.

"I thank you for your cooperation Yyreok of Tritius prime, unfortunately you have nothing left of value for me so goodbye." Isaac finished. Yyreok's eyes went wide, all four of them as Isaac put its head in between his hands and squeezed. He watched as the insectoid struggled impotently against his strength as his head was slowly crushed. Afterwards, Isaac striped the alien of his armor and left him there laid out, naked and dead before teleporting back to his bike and then to his hotel.
