
A New Mission for my Women? (18+ NSFW)

I awoke from my meditation to the sound of a mild argument between Shuna and Milim. Blinking my eyes, I slowly dragged my body up from its slumped position on the couch. No limbs or muscles were sore per se, but stiffness was omnipresent throughout. The volume of their argument increased, drawing my attention to the utter mess they had made with a cake.

Milim was covered in flour, while Shuna held the bag that the said flour came from.

"You sprayed ME! Not the other way around! Why are you angry!?"

"Because you are the one that flipped the cake and made me spray you with the flour!"

When looking at Shuna, I noted that there was a copious amount of frosting strewn along the front of her dress, her cheeks also stained by the yellow-ish flavoring. I was personally liking the whole look as she was lifting her dress up to inspect the damage every now and then, trying to maintain frustration with Milim.

I knew deep down that they wouldn't come to hate each other, our bonds way too strong to be crumbled by such a weak reason as 'ruining a cake'. Shuna wore rather bodacious frilly panties, a pink lace lightly frolicking down the front as a cute little splash of blue adorned the band that was tightly secured around her waist. This view ended rather abruptly, however, as she began to cast one of my spells, gained through our soul corridor. Prestidigitation was a very handy spell and apparently my paradoxical nature had spread to her as well.

"LOOK. It's fine! Let's just continue before we wake up Silviana..."

In that exact moment, I felt dread fill my soul. I needed to hide; otherwise, they would be utterly devastated that they couldn't surprise me. To use my speed, I would instantly burn the entire room into embers due to friction... I could use teleportation, but that would have an afterglow that they could see. Shadow movement was a good option but had a chance of being seen through by them.

'That's it, the only option I have is to banish myself to another dimension for a second and position myself whilst there to reappear in a laying down position.'

|Why is this such an issue again...?|

'It just is, okay?'


A second went by as Shuna slowly began to turn her head, my mind comprehending their movements long before they took them. Milim wasn't using her special eyes or power currently, so it was doable. A powerful illusion took my place for a split second on the couch as I targeted myself with the banish spell from DND. A flash of light hit me as I was floating in an inky void of shadow. Howls and screams shuddered the very fabric of space here as a distant red moon blanketed the space in crimson tides of ominous energy.

Spending a second here was too long already, so I snapped my fingers and re-emerged on the couch, my Illusion only 1cm above my skin. Both of my women finally looked over, acting skills being pulled from my Ultimate Skills as I 'thespianed' my way out of admitting that they had woken me. A flash from Milim's eyes told me all I needed to know about how little they trusted their normal sight with me.

Sweat pooled a little on my forehead as she watched me, soft snores slipping from my mouth and nose as I rolled over in an attempt to seem like I was uncomfortable in my sleep. She instantly stopped, her face becoming slightly worried before it stabilized.

"We didn't wake her... But she is getting hot. Should we cast a spell?"

Milim whispered in her cheeky way, her eyes sparkling with the opportunity to prank me or do something that would please her. Shuna smiled sultrily as she gave my other wife a thumbs up. It didn't take long for me to feel my dress being lifted and my underwear being taken off.

Resisting a blush, I continued my act, Milim sliding her hands along my thighs as Shuna watched on whilst licking her lips like some street hooligan who got a woman served on a platter to him. Milim's hands soon began to cool as her soft voice resounded.

"It's very beautiful...!"

She was whispering rather loudly towards Shuna, who slapped her shoulder in worry, pointing at me with haste after the action. My cute little wife that was getting dangerously close to my privates winced and held still on my thighs for a moment. The wait was killing me, but the coolness of her hands was making me feel better, oddly. Seconds faded as she stayed still, her eyes scanning my every movement for signs that I was awake. Fortunately, she gave up quickly, though, her relatively small hands snaking upwards before reaching my garden.

One finger, two, three... I 'awoke' with a gasp as I arched my back a little. My Oni-princess quickly skidded over to me, her knees dropping to the floor as she took my lips in a kiss. Cake was still mixed within her mouth, making the sensation a truly sweet and pleasurable experience as Milim slowly started to arch her fingers within me, pulling outwards and hooking my pussy at the same time. Gasps moaned into Shuna's mouth as Milim then moved her head forwards, my ability to know this coming from the fleshy and wet sensation of her tongue sliding into me.

My legs stretched out and grappled Milim's head, plunging her elongating tongue deeper into my depths. At the same time, my Oni-princess began to pinch my nipples, the rosy buds making me flinch in shock as my breath was almost sucked away. She soon ripped my old dress to smithereens as she unclasped her lips from mine, sucking on buds but a moment later. At the same time, Milim sunk her index finger into my asshole, the sensation driving me into my first orgasm.


A stream of lewd juice sprayed all over Milim's face as she continued to lap up my pussy, her fervor almost the same as when she ate honey. Hooking finger movements began within my asshole at the same time that she began to elongate her tongue once more. I knew she had the ability to change forms; never did I expect this...

"Ahhhn! Milim! MORE...!"

A silver aura of pure power flooded out before turning completely pink, a singular tail emerging from the 9 on my back. Within a moment, both women were trying their hardest, even more intensely than before they began to fuck me. Milim not only elongated her tongue to the point that it was licking to my womb, she also began to create a certain member on her body. I ignored this currently as Shuna slipped over my face, lining her perfectly shaved cunny with my mouth.

"Suck me off Silvi..."

I didn't even question as I slurped on her perfectly pink folds, the wetness sliding down my face and throat as her cunny leaked cum every now and then. No doubt it was an effect of my abilities, but I couldn't care less at this moment.

Slurping on my wife's tight ass pussy, I began to feel a rather rubbery texture touching the edges of my anus, Milim's fingers removed already. Then I felt it, a moderately sized cock sliding into my tight ass. A spray of white cum squirted out from me all over Milim, the creamy material matting into her hair and slithering all the way over her perfectly naked body.


Her movements began immediately as Shuna slowly began to move her cunny over my face, using it as a masturbation tool despite my tongue burying itself into her rather deeply.

"Ohohoho! Your ass is so tight, honey!" Milim was acting haughtily as she softly slid in and out, her 'tool' getting harder and harder despite her best attempts to mask it.

"Silvi...! Hah! HAh! HAH! Drink it all...!"

It felt as if Shuna was pissing down my throat, but it was cum, her cum... And I drank every drop, just like she asked. I didn't cease my ministrations of her orgasmic enjoyment, my tongue poking in at her G-Spot with the equivalent of Longinus's power. Let's just say that we would need a new couch with the amount she was spraying out into me. This was when I decided to squeeze down onto Milim's 'toy'. Her reaction was instant as she moaned and leaked liquid from her tightly-pubed pussy. Then a liquid that was closer to water spilled out into me as the actual substance was something that she couldn't replicate, or didn't want to at least.

"F-fuuck... Honey!"

Her body dropped down onto me as she continued to pump her 'toy', the movements driving me to another orgasm... We continued for three hours more before we called it, all of us lathered in each other's cum and bodily fluids. Shuna was out cold whilst Milim was huffing heartily. The only downside was that I felt barely satisfied, my libido firing at a million miles per hour.

I looked down at Milim once more, her pussy twitching as liquid still dripped from it. Yeah, she was out, she couldn't continue... I didn't want her to, this was meant to be fun, not hurting. If she wanted to continue, I would, but her consciousness was slowly fading as sleep beckoned for her. Although lacking a full-blown release, I decided to be a good wife and kiss her on the lips, sending her off to sleep with a deeply emotion-filled smooch. Usually, I'd do the same for Shuna, but she was already out cold. She slowly slipped into sleep, her arms reaching for Shuna instinctively as I slowly got up and began to clean.

'Fuck we made a mess...'

(Author: You can imagine what it'd look like... You don't need me for this one.)


I spent half an hour cleaning the lounge room before I slowly picked up my women and brought them to bed, washing them off with my spells and clothing them delicately. Stealth wasn't even needed as they were so tired or trusting of me that their subconscious told them nothing of my actions.

It was a good thing too, or I wouldn't have been able to get a few more licks in... Anyway, with them put to sleep peacefully, I went downstairs to the kitchen, finding their attempts to make a cake from scratch. Rolling pins and various utensils were splayed about in a chaotic mess, as if they didn't know entirely how to make the cake they were attempting to produce. Shaking my head, I put them all away into the dishwasher, the robots organizing them for me and scrubbing things that would not be able to fully get washed off.

This was when I discovered a somewhat ruined piece of paper that had some ink stains embedded into its fibrous material. Delicate and soft writing conveyed the ingredients of the cake and the icing. I read through it all, the recipe being very complex and hard to make, even for a usual bakery chef. Almost throwing it down, my eyes caught a small detail through the paper, ink showing through the other side, calling for me to flip the paper.

And there it was... What their intention behind learning how to bake was.

"For our wedding!"

'Aww man, they hit me in the fucking feels...'

Small tears gathered at the edges of my eyes, my love for them increasing more than it was before, if that was possible. I would make sure that I was the best wife I could ever be for them!

|I will help you... First of all, we need to get in contact with Rimuru and discuss the wedding. Then...|

For the next hour or two, I listened to Morgan speak on wedding planning and contributing to the styles and things. He did state that we would need my wives' opinions and choices, but as of this moment, that was impossible, so he compiled my likes and dislikes. There weren't a lot.

|Great. Now, get me their choice for the same question I gave you, then give me a day and I'll plan something out.|

'Why do you care?'

|If I have to be stuck inside your mind watching this lovey-dovey shit, I may as well make a blowout of a party!|


I couldn't fault his logic...


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