
A New Hero in DC?

a man reincarnated in the DC universe, in a universe that was destined to disappear, but at the last moment he had another chance. ....................... I don't own any DC comic characters. I only own my character English is not my native language, and instead of saying that I know a little, I will say that I use the translator and with some luck it will make sense

nan0xzer0x · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 1 " My name is Galor Yat"

"I guess at least this is a good view"

Now I can finally rest, so it's a good time to think about when everything went to hell.

At this time it was a reality that was the only conscious being that was still alive, and all I could do was try to enjoy my final moments before this whole universe collapsed.

But not everything was bad, I had a pretty crazy week, I don't think anyone can boast an adventure bigger than mine.

Maybe he would make the worst decisions one had made, and the worst part was that maybe he would make those decisions again if he were in that same situation.

"I really should have asked Arisia for a date" that could be my biggest regret, and maybe having built a much more comfortable suit.

I had many wounds that did not stop dripping blood, as my suit lost all its energy, as well as there is no longer any yellow sun in this universe, as well as time, I will have to endure it a little more.

I can only try to make my last moments feel more comfortable, but it was difficult since the entire surface of the place where I am is painted with the blood of infinite species.

"If only this stupid ring still works," I said as I looked at the green ring that was split into two parts.

The last war that happened really took everything from me, some friends, and most acquaintances who really didn't care that it happened to them.

But I guess it was a good time to look back, and see the legacy I left.

And if I found a way to start, I would have to say that I was reborn after having died in another world.

I have to admit that at the beginning it was really amazing, although I would have liked to meet the being who brought me here.

But I have no complaints, I was reborn fifteen years ago, it was quite strange at the beginning, since I did not understand much at the beginning, since the language of the people I assumed were my parents was not something I heard in my past life.

But with some patience I managed to understand the language in just a few months, but this only brought me more questions than answers.

Since soon after I noticed that I was not on planet earth, but in one completely oblivious to this one, I do not care at the beginning since most of my past memories were quite blurry, ignoring some things.

But things got worse when I knew the names of my parents, Diro Yat, and Cara Yat, and I also discovered that I had an older brother, Sodam Yat, since they were names I knew in my other life.

After hearing my name, I didn't really know if it was a good or bad name, but in the end I got used to it.

Galor Yat, a Daxamite of Kriptonian descent, this was really good news, if I took away my terrible weakness to lead, but with my knowledge there were some measures for this.

Life was peaceful, the Daxamites were quite humble, and if they took away the xenophobic and ultra-conservative tendencies , it was a good place to live.

But everything changed when the 5-year-old self with the help of my older brother found a spaceship, which brought an extraterrestrial named Tessog, obviously I only knew his name long after I met him, since the language barrier was something really upset .

I didn't know much about the history of my planet, but it was clear that if they found out about Tessog, they would kill him without hesitation, so I tried to take additional measures to prevent that from happening.

But in the end a child without any kind of power would have it difficult, I was quite intelligent, to the level of being able to understand Tessog's explanations to be able to repair his ship, my brother was also quite intelligent, so I could attribute it to my species.

A year passed, and after a little carelessness on the part of my brother, everyone heard about Tessog, it was the first time I felt a little sad since I was born again, but I handled it much better than my older brother, since he tried to stop his execution, and obviously failed, but that was not the worst, our parents modified the memories of Sodam, so that he believes that Tessog was an invader of our planet, the only good thing about this was that they did not discover the spaceship as I take some precautions

I kept calm while continuing to repair the ship in secret, I never mentioned anything to my brother, since I could risk trying to change my mind too, so continue.

But this exploded in my face, since after a few months, my brother was really furious after remembering everything, he really beat me up, and since he was 7 years older than me, I couldn't do much, but I pushed that Little grudge for the future, while between the two we finished repairing the ship, it was quite uncomfortable, since our relationship became quite tense after that.

Our trip began when I was 10 years old, goodbyes were unnecessary, although I loved my family, their xenophobic and extremist customs made it easy for me, and after seeing what they did to my brother, he helped me not to doubt when I fastened my belt.

My brother had no idea where he wanted to go, but I did go to the galaxy with the nearest yellow sun.

Now that I remember it, that was a bad idea, since we almost died after almost destroying our spaceship, by the powers that we really had no idea how to control.

To our luck we arrived at a fairly advanced planet, where many civilizations congregated, so it was not uncommon for two new aliens to arrive.

That's where I and my brother separated, there was no dramatic farewell, or melancholic moment, neither he nor I turned when we separated.

I didn't know about him after a few years, that bastard had turned into a green lantern, and from what I heard, he was the most powerful of the Lanterns.

I didn't have many thoughts , but the only thing that had my mind was to fix our marker, so I continued on my way.

I became a bounty hunter, to be able to study the most advanced technologies in the universe, as well to refine my fighting style.

I crossed my brother more than once, even if it hurt to admit, that damn ring really put him at an advantage.

But unlike him, I became a warrior, I always sought to overcome and break my limits, in all my travels I always learned new battle styles and new methods of murder.

Our feet never ended with a winner , and after a few days, Sodam had duties to fulfill, so he was leaving.

5 years went by pretty quickly, when we met again, my brother gave me a great beating, his strength and speed had a monstrous increase, and if it wasn't because his partner who helped me with my wounds, I'm sure my stupid brother would have left me to my fate.

It was the first time that I met Arisia, a blonde with green eyes, although that was because of her ring, I would have really liked to see her true eye color.

It really seemed strange to me that she didn't wear armor, but her light white dress with a green skirt was quite interesting.

We didn't talk too much, but she told me that a cosmic entity entered to my brother's body, and for that reason it was so powerful.

For a moment I thought my brother was lucky to get things great, but that made it more fun when he broke his nose in the future.

So after telling some embarrassing stories about my brother to Arisia, I continued my journey.

After so I had casual encounters with Arisia, who feron slightly planned for me, since I got into some problems within the quadrant she watched, but since I was still 15 years old, and Arisia was older than me, I decided to let things continue its course

But all the problems that this universe could produce happened one after another.

Our home planet was enslaved, at the beginning I went to verify, but my father's idiot was planning a massive suicide, which I respected so I stayed out, because it really seemed like a nuisance, all I did was talk a little with my mother To give her the option of leaving that planet, she obviously refused, so after a slight farewell I continued my journey.

The arrival of superboy prime brought a lot of mess since he was completely crazy.

Brainiac made his move while the balance between New Genesis and Darkseid was broke when Orion betrayed New Genesis.

Endless wars began to happen in every corner of the universe.

It was when I met the heroes of the earth, I had planned to go in the future, but it seems that there is no land to go, since Anti-Monitor wreaked havoc on the earth.

I really don't know what happened, but I only heard that he was defeated in some way.

Mongul appeared with the Warword to join the fun .

The Green Lanterns were fighting the other Lanterns Corps, so when a guy arrived who wanted to absorb emotional entities , it was a disaster.

It was not a joke to say that the entire universe was collapsing, and as it seemed that everything would end badly, I joined this war with everything I had.

First I helped the JL to stop Superboy Prime, many died, but Superman and I managed to stop Superboy a little, enough to be able to scan his suit, after that I left leaving them to their fate.

My second objective was Brainiac, I had some dirty deals, but it helped me create my suit, as well as the anti-lead serum, I had to help him conquer some planets, but everything was going to shit, so I don't care.

When it was time to fight Darkside , I let them weaken, I still had some goals.

Becoming a Green Lantern was quite easy, if you knew the right place, you could see many rings suspended in the universe.

All kinds of gods joined the war, causing the balance of the world to begin to collapse.

The size of the universe began to shrink, and everything went to The Sourge.

I had already heard stories of that place, but seeing it for the first time was really amazing.

When I arrived for the fun, everything had already started, I went in and started beating anyone who wasn't green.

It was all crazy, there were millions of individuals fighting in that place, but the closest to The Sourge were the Lanterns, and my brother was up front fighting Superboy.

I also saw a white lantern stripping against a super giant being, as well as a lot of gods.

When I got to the other Lanterns, I saw that behind them were the 7 batteries of each Corps.

It was all a disaster, so I chose the team at a disadvantage so that at least this is the best battle.

I don't know if it was good or bad luck, that the first one I found was Darkside, he looked quite annoying, but that made it more fun.

He was a pretty tough guy, but he was already prepared for this, his were very fast, but he was more than skillful, so I stood firm, I was lucky that none of Darkside's henchmen entered during our fight, and he didn't must show off, but the collateral damage of our fight kills many people, I really don't remember how much time passed, but I could swear that we fought nonstop for hours, and after having a full battle, with my suit that gave me With high concentrations of energy, I managed to keep the rite dominating the battle, I also had to admit that having a power ring helped me overcome this situation, so when Darkside had an oversight, I took my strength to the limit by tearing Darkside's head while hanging his spine , and to my surprise, when I did that, the war stopped a few seconds when I did it. that.

Perhaps in another situation, my name would have appeared in the history books for my victory, but the war continued within a few seconds.

What followed was quite confusing , hordes and hordes of monsters pounced on me , but I stood firm while still fighting.

After several hours I was covered in the blood of infinite species of the universe, the guy with the white ring had been able to defeat the giant guy and in the process several gods died.

Most of the Lanters had died when I regrouped, unfortunately Arisia was one of them, this really pissed me off, but I couldn't let my emotions control me right now, it wasn't time to feel sad, I could only honor Arisia by ending all this, so I cooled my head as I returned to battle.

Continue forward while killing without discriminating against anyone, so it was possible that he killed some Lantern by mistake, but at this point no one could say much.

The conditions of the place began to worsen as several black holes began to appear, the majority of weaklings were absorbed, leaving heavy weights.

My next victim was Mongul, he was one of the last to arrive, but the Warworld was quite remarkable, so he call attention .

Sneaking into that ship of mass destruction was easy, as it seemed that I endured many battles, so it was no surprise when I arrived at the control room and found too many inert bodies to count them, but above all was Mongul with a smile.

I was sure he was ready to give a villain speech, but the time was short, so I lashed out with everything I had .

With a suit that gave me almost unlimited energy and with the help of the power ring, it was a unilateral battle telling that Mongul was not at its best, so to make it my personal brand, I took Mongul's head.

It was really tiring, and I really didn't have the confidence of being able to survive this war, so I sat on the throne, and used the power of Warworld to the fullest, the fireworks were really incredible, but I had to leave immediately since The Warworld was about to explode.

I almost died from that explosion, and I wouldn't be surprised if everyone was already dead, but that would be boring.

When I left I was surprised that there were only two people left, my dear brother had obtained the white ring, and he could match the battle against Superboy.

Superboy really was a tough guy, so I made an exception, and I helped my brother in battle, but the cost was quite hard, my suit broke slowly, while my ring lost power every second that passed , it was impossible to return to charge, since all the emotional entities were dead, and the only thing that fed our rings was the last spark of power in the universe.

Between the two we defeated Superboy forever, when I managed to tear off his head, obviously my brother saw me with disgust, but at this point I didn't care anymore.

The only thing that mattered to me was to have my final battle against Sodam, but it seems that God really was cruel, since when I approached, I noticed his condition.

With a quick inspection, I noticed that almost Sodam's entire body was contaminated with lethal doses of lead, and he was only fighting with pure will.

The last thing I saw was Sodam collapsing on the floor with his ring broken into pieces.

My state was also terrible, but I will live to see the end of the universe.

So back to the beginning, everything happened too fast, only had 15 years and not had a girlfriend, the memories of my past life were not accurate so I could not say, but as it seemed someone who had knowledge of the DC universe, was likely to I didn't have much luck in my other life either.

As I continued with my thoughts, I could see how the universe lost its color, and it was increasingly difficult not to be absorbed by the innumerable black holes that roam around this place.

The end was approaching , and the only thing that remained intact was the strange wall behind me, which was drawn as a silhouette of the fools who lost to curiosity.

In a normal situation I would never do something so stupid, but all I could think about was what the hell.

My ears caught the sound of how the universe was fragmented, so I said goodbye to my stupid older brother, while testing whether Mrs. Luck is not a daughter of a bitch.

"If I survive, I swear I'll become a farmer"