
A new Commander Battlestar Galactica 2003

Woke up as the commander of the Battlestar Daedalus. There will be a few sex scenes so if you can’t stand them don’t read. Also I’m in no way good at writing such things so if you don’t like simply skip them.

Westley86 · テレビ
7 Chs


Which way do people want the colonies to go? Dead and gone and go the original route, running with a fleet just with more firepower and Cylon Allie's?

Or keep the colonies mostly intact but with a prolonged war between them? While the six's and eights keep themselves distanced from the war while helping in the background?

Or something different? Lemme know :)

Also MC description. And in case anyone is wondering this is basically an OC-SI that simply comes from our world. Not me or my personality because I can guarantee I can’t do anything this character will be doing :P

Short cropped dark brown hair, grey blue eyes, about 6’1 and fit as a fiddle as should be being in military.

Westley86creators' thoughts