
A New Challenger Approaches

No way home? Maybe so. But one Uzumaki Naruto doesn't believe that. This world is strange, filled with interesting people and things, but no matter where you are one thing never changes; with a strong will anything is possible. A few clones never hurt either...

X3nr0x_Starfield · ゲーム
41 Chs


Chapter 16 - Unlimited...

Outside of the Shadaloo base's limits, Ryu, Sakura, Ken, Charlie, and Guile were picking up the pieces of the latter two injured servicemen and had managed to make it well within the base while fending off the Shadaloo soldiers that were still sticking around to fight them.

"Fucking cockroach!" Guile shouted, taking cover behind a jeep as gunfire burst into the sides of the vehicle alongside Sakura who had been hiding there first, "He ran away? He survived Ryu's strongest attack and he got away?"

Sakura nodded, taking a minute to peer out and see if it was safe. It in fact wasn't. She let out an 'eep' as she narrowly avoided getting a bullet put through her pretty little forehead, "It was impossible. He took the whole thing, stayed standing, and then he just teleported away. Who can do things like that?" Bison was barely a human being, but was he really immortal?

From the blindsides of the soldiers firing at Guile and Sakura's place of cover, a bombardment of Sonic Boom attacks blasted off of them from Charlie who had recovered enough to do the lion's share of the fighting once more. Behind him, Ken had a thoroughly exhausted Ryu over one shoulder, walking for his white gi clad best friend as they moved into the base, "I can still feel his presence saturating this place though." Ken said as Charlie's swift ranged attacks decimated the troops coming their way.

"Where's Chun-Li?" Charlie asked after ending his barrage of Sonic Booms, "She and the two blonde kids were supposed to be planting the explosives. Are you telling me they're not done yet?" His question was drowned out and replaced curiosity in his heart with alarm when he heard the sounds of a large vehicle's engine roaring, "Oh damn it!"

And right on cue, a large military truck sped into view around the main base building. Instead of beginning to stop in order to let off more troops to start firing at the lot of them the way that they had all anticipated it would, the truck started running down the Shadaloo soldiers, terrorizing them away from the area before turning around and sliding to a stop in front of the interlopers.

The driver's side door flew open to reveal a smiling and cheerful Chun-Li behind the wheel, "Hello, hello, hello. You all look like hell." She then noticed Ryu, Ken, and Sakura. She had not met the former two, and only knew slightly of Sakura by extension of Naruto, "What are they all doing here?"

"Long story." Guile said in relief at seeing the large vehicle being driven by the young Chinese woman, "Now move over, I'm driving." Chun-Li rolled her eyes and hopped out of the cabin of the truck and looked in the direction of the soldiers that seemed to be rethinking their situation.

"Where are the kids?" Charlie asked Chun-Li as she hopped out of the truck. She turned and looked at him owlishly at his question, "What happened?"

Chun-Li's head whipped back towards the main building of the base fearfully, "They didn't make it out yet? All they were supposed to do was plant explosives at one other important room and then leave. They should have beaten me out because I had to find something for all of us to get out of here in."

Sakura placed a hand on the woman's shoulder, "Well that's okay. I'm sure they're fine. They'll be out in a bit." It wasn't like Naruto and Cammy were inadequate or daft. Well… Naruto wasn't too daft. Not about things like fighting and working anyway. Her words did little to soothe Chun-Li though.

"No, no… the explosives are set with a timer." She dreadfully said in return, "We had to get away from here in a hurry because of all of the soldiers and weapons they've got. I spared twenty minutes to grab a vehicle and get everyone out of here."

And they were still inside?

From his place on Ken's shoulder, Ryu's eyes widened. If he were a military leader that had just gotten maimed and nearly obliterated just outside of his base where would he teleport to after that? Well first he'd teleport to the other side of the world, but he knew for a fact that Bison's warp range was incredibly limited. Thus he would have left to go his inner sanctum to heal.

Tensing up noticeably, Ryu let out a tired grunt, "If they're inside… then Bison is with them. He has to be. He didn't escape in any vehicle yet, I can still sense him somewhere around here." That thought alarmed Chun-Li, but not the others so much as they had seen Ryu nearly blow Bison to kingdom come. Even if he was inside, Naruto and Cammy could deal with someone knocking on death's door the way that he was.

If they ran into him it would only take a second to end it.



(Naruto/Cammy vs. M. Bison – Inside the Shadaloo Base – Psycho Drive Chamber)

Going straight to his creepy red firepower? Bison liked that. His body still felt the aches and pains of his miscalculation against Ryu a few minutes earlier, but thanks to the regeneration abilities of his Psycho Drive he felt that he still had more than enough within him to toy with Naruto for a bit and break Cammy and the other unconscious Dolls.

Naruto realized that he was standing in front of someone staggeringly strong. It had been a very, very long time since he had stood before someone that he could just feel was stronger than him… and that was with his chakra cloak going. But he had help after all, even though Cammy looked just as nervous as he was as she stood at his side.

Well being nervous wouldn't do her any good. Maybe some brazen straightforward action could get some swagger beneath her. Aside from that he'd be damned if he'd let someone as strong as Bison make the first move on him.

Thus Naruto attacked.

Bombarding him with clones would do no good. He had seen as much already when the Dolls had been easily repelled in one move, so he had to be smarter about how he fought. And that meant that he needed to see just what the man was capable of.

Okay… he could use a few clones for that.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu)!" Five clones popped into existence in front of the original Naruto and Cammy before two charged forward with three backing them up.

Bison merely crossed his arms over his chest and chuckled before flickering purple and disappearing from sight. Naruto's eyes widened before he found himself tackled out of the way of what would have been a stomp that would have cracked some bones, as Bison dropped from the sky and narrowly missed him. Bison found the confused look that Naruto's misdirected clones gave him condescendingly adorable, "I've seen this technique of yours already. Killer Bee reported to me on it and I watched it firsthand when you fought Vega."

Cammy pulled Naruto up from the ground as the young man dispelled his clones. If they were useless for now in a direct attack he'd just have to find a way to work them in later for a sneak assault. That teleport move though, it didn't have much warning to it before it made him switch places. And it wasn't like the Shunshin no Jutsu that Naruto had seen strong ninja use and had tried to reverse-engineer the method to. He was really jumping from place to place.

But he noticed that there was a subtle warning that would occur before it happened. Thus he would be ready for it the very next time that it occurred.

"Thanks." Naruto said to Cammy as the two stood off against Bison once more, "I didn't think he'd go straight to me with my clones still up and around."

Cammy nodded in acknowledgment of his thanks, "Why would he waste time defeating your clones when he could just kill you directly and end it there?" Naruto didn't have an answer to that question, but it wasn't like Cammy stuck around to get one anyway as she chose to try her hand with attacking Bison after watching Naruto try.

Apparently Cammy had trained and had gotten faster since their last fight, because her short-range speed was even better than the last time. A blue and blond blur streaked towards Bison before punching at him with her wicked looking red gauntleted fist.

Bison casually caught the punch in the palm of his hand and grinned at the petite teenage girl as he squeezed down on it. Cammy gasped and pulled her hand away when she heard her gauntlet begin to groan and crack under the pressure of his grip. Not choosing to end her endeavor with a retreat, Cammy jumped back and then leapt at Bison, curled and spinning through the air to disorient.

She ghosted over him when he had been expecting an aerial attack and landed behind him, instantly sliding towards the back of his legs with a kicking tackle. Despite this effort, Bison merely hovered off of the ground just over her attempt to knock him down. A fancy little trick, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

His overconfidence would bite him as while he knew how Cammy fought, she also knew more than a few things about him. When she slid underneath the hovering Bison, Cammy grabbed onto his feet and pulled him down to the ground before handspringing into the air for a straight-legged diving kick, "Cannon Strike!"

Bison grit his teeth angrily and teleported, making Cammy miss and crack the ground with the force of her pointed kick. She let out an irritated 'tch' before looking to where Naruto seemed to be standing around waiting, "Don't stand still when Master Bison teleports!"

The reason why became clear when Bison reappeared directly behind Naruto where he chopped at Naruto's neck, intending on decapitating him. The contact made and the give of Naruto's neck breaking was satisfying to the evil man, but when he disappeared in smoke, Bison realized that he had been hoodwinked.

It was even clearer when he turned and had to contort his body out of the way of a barrage of shuriken thrown his way from Naruto. He seemed almost offended that he had been fooled by the sleight of hand.

But Naruto was no combat dummy. Bison had already teleported in front of his sight multiple times. Whenever he was about to vanish, his entire body flickered purple for one complete second. It took him a second to build the power he needed to teleport. Well hell, a second was all he needed to bring his fingers up for a Kage Bunshin and prepare a Kawarimi simultaneously.

He used those techniques almost religiously at this point in his life, in conjunction a lot of the time, and practice made perfect.

Yeah, let his clone take the attack meant for him, especially since there was nothing in the room to switch with otherwise. Meanwhile the real Naruto would see Bison reappear from elsewhere and would counterattack accordingly.

This time he wasn't given the opportunity to do so when Bison teleported again, reappearing in the air. Naruto instantly created two clones and threw them both at Bison who punched them both out of the air before they could body-tackle him. He looked back down at Naruto and for some reason saw Cammy confusedly standing in place where he had been just a moment before. Looking at where he thought Cammy was, he saw Naruto cock his head back with his mouth open as he inhaled deeply.

"Chakura Tanki-sha (Chakra Spitfire)!"

Naruto licked off a shot of pure chakra at Bison who extended one had to block it just as it exploded off of him. The smoke from the blast cleared to reveal that Naruto had dealt burns and cuts to Bison's arm with his attack, also burning off the sleeve of his uniform up past the elbow with the Kyuubi's chakra intensifying his move. The man did not look pained though. More annoyed, "Is that the best you can do? I saw more power than this against Vega. If this is the best you're willing to try against me then I'll kill you now for such insolence."

In his hand he formed a basketball-sized orb of sick, rippling purple energy that felt as dangerous as it looked. But instead of Naruto, he threw it at Cammy. His anger at her for her little tricky maneuver that had actually put his back to the ground far outweighed how he felt about Naruto sandbagging his power thus far. All he needed to fix the latter was to show Naruto how helpless he was in the face of his might, and killing Cammy would accomplish just that.

"Psycho Shot!" With nothing but bad intentions behind it, the purple energy ball flew at Cammy who was finally aware of her surroundings once more though still confused as to how Naruto got her there the way he did. She jumped out of the way of the blast, but it slammed into the wall and blew it apart, knocking her away with the concussive force and dealing her cuts from the tile debris that flew away in her direction.

Cammy slid across the smooth floor on her side before coming to a stop when Naruto caught her and scooped her up, but perhaps the attempt at chivalry should have just been allowed to die as Bison leapt into the air and landed perfectly, seemingly gliding over to double-stomp on top of the standing Naruto's head.

The sudden pressure on Naruto's neck that was just as quickly gone from Bison's stomp snapped Naruto's head down and back up as he staggered momentarily, almost dropping the recovering Cammy back to the hard, unforgiving ground had he not found his equilibrium once more. And find it he did, only to see a darkly grinning Bison standing right in front of him before punching him hard enough to knock him through the air, slamming his back against another wall.

Naruto suddenly exhaled with the wind rushing out of his body along with some blood at the impact, though he still held onto Cammy, keeping her from taking any damage before he fell and slumped against the wall on the ground, "Ugh…" He let go of Cammy once she made to stand up and started getting up himself. If he had been punched any harder his ability to heal might not have mattered because he could have been killed.

"Thanks." Cammy said stiffly, angry at herself for getting hit and requiring saving. It wound up in Naruto getting injured, as the intensity of Bison's Psycho Power enhanced punch had burned a fist-shaped hole through the chest of Naruto's fighting gear. Through the mesh shirt underneath, a deep bloody bruise sat beneath it that was healing as fast as it could, 'He really is durable.'

Bison blew on his fist as if it were a smoking gun and chuckled as he could see the wound on Naruto's body heal. Very impressive. It made the recovery that Vega showed look like it had been going at a snail's pace, "I wonder… I'm curious. If I severed a limb, could you grow it back?"

"Fuck no!" Naruto shouted angrily. He wasn't some goddamned guinea pig to sate Bison's curiosity on him powers. This man just kept doing more and more to upset him, and it showed when his chakra cloak turned red and somewhat solidified into a bubbling, complete outline with a long tail at the end of it and ears to resemble a fox profile.

'This is what beat Vega.' Bison thought as he observed the intense nature of Naruto's raging chakra. Even Cammy took an involuntary step away from him. Naruto's entire overall presence jumped up well past beyond that of a normal human's. While she felt fear that she couldn't identify at it, Bison was getting more excited at getting to face him, 'So there are levels. Is there a level beyond this one?'

His thoughts didn't have much time to percolate within his head because Naruto was officially on the warpath as his chakra tail lashed out at Bison. The rangy maneuver didn't hit him directly as Bison got his arms up and dug his feet in, taking the hit only to slide back a few feet in a trench his feet carved in the tile floor. Naruto's chakra tail wrapped around one of his arms though and used him as an anchor to pull Naruto forward towards him with intent to maim.

"Psycho Shot!" Bison quickly used his free hand to fire another surging purple ball of energy at Naruto, watching it explode off of the advancing boy's body. But it did nothing to stop him from being propelled forward, and Bison fell prey to a skull-spinning shot to the face courtesy of Naruto.

And another Naruto.

And another.

As over a dozen of Naruto's started pummeling Bison with body rattling punches that would have rendered a normal human being to tenderized hamburger, "Uzumaki Naruto Mugen Rendan (Naruto Uzumaki Infinite Combo)!"

A cacophonous symphony of fists smacking off of Bison's frame rang out in the empty room. Punch after punch from the Kage Bunshin brigade kept Bison airborne as they kept taking shots at him, and they weren't giving him a single second to teleport away from the danger of being surrounded.

Eventually though, the attack ran out of steam and Naruto's clones dispelled, leaving the original alone as Bison's body fell to the ground, "How's that for a super combo? Did you count all of those hits?" As if watching someone rise from the dead, at that moment, Bison immediately rose back to his feet, "No way! I just beat you like a piñata! Stay down!" He had to have hurt him badly. There was no way he could just stand up to that kind of a beatdown. Naruto began forming a Rasengan to finish Bison the way he had finished Vega.

At the same time Bison began radiating more and more Psycho Power and began drawing large amounts of power from his Psycho Drive that was within easy sight of him. The telltale sign of this was the glowing of Bison's metal shoulder pads that began generating black electricity from them, "You've got guts! Let's see what they look like! Psycho Crusher!" A spinning purple drilling torpedo sped towards Naruto before he could put the finishing touches of the Kyuubi's chakra to the Vermillion Rasengan.

A direct hit landed against Naruto who was protected enough by the chakra shroud to keep from being ripped apart, akin to a suit of armor. But the Psycho Crusher still put him clean through the thick and durable wall meant to handle any Psycho Drive backlash.

Bison's driving of Naruto's entire body straight through the wall, creating a massive hole to the hall outside got Cammy's jaw to drop in horror. It looked like he had killed him, "Naruto! Oh God…" The sounds of debris falling and clattering through the holes that had been knocked three extra walls further than just out into the hall outside of the Psycho Drive sanctum rumbled as seconds had passed and not another disturbance could be heard.

It was getting scary. Cammy rushed towards the hole in the wall to find out just what was going on, only for Naruto to be hurled back into the room through another hole in the wall like a ragdoll. A ragdoll with two chakra tails now instead of one.

Striding back into the room of black tile, pipes, and wires that lay just outside of his precious Psycho Drive room, Bison was smirking at the destruction he had wrought even if it was on his own base. On his face lay several new deep slashes from Naruto's elongated nails as there were on his body that had shredded his uniform to bloody tatters. He didn't seem to mind it at all though, "I was right… he can get even stronger. Not that it's enough though. But it's still very intriguing."

He saw Naruto beginning to get back up and teleported into the air before dropping in a double stomp onto Naruto's back before he jumped off of him and soccer kicked him in the torso, sending him flying across the room again.

A sudden kick to his neck stopped him from stalking over to Naruto again to see just how much abuse the young man's body could take before it gave out. His eyes turned to the limb planted against the side of his neck, noticing the brown boot of Cammy as the source of the attack, "Do you think you can really hurt me with something like that Killer Bee? You know better than that."

"Shut up!" Cammy raised her other leg and planted the bottom of her foot off of Bison's face with force, pushing herself off of him so that she could backflip and land on the ground. But when she did he was standing right in front of her where he shot a nasty upward kick straight into her body that lifted her up into the air on the end of his foot. She let out a cough even as she was posted up in the air by her stomach, "Y-You're a monster. Do you know that?"

Bison sneered at his former loyal little femme fatale. He was not going to have his creation talk to him in such a manner. Thus he wheeled around and slammed his leg to the ground with Cammy still on the end of it, bringing her right down with it brutally. Her small blue military cap floated to the ground from where it was cast off of her head.

She let out a pained cry and writhed on the ground accordingly, "If I'm a monster then what does that make you? Just a piece of a monster." Bison pressed his hand to his own chest for emphasis, "You my dear are merely an experiment, infused with a touch of my power with great care to prepare you to hold the awesome might of my soul's Psycho Power once my current form no longer is able to hold up containing it."

Cammy jumped back up to her feet and attacked Bison furiously only to be blocked at every turn. It was absolutely maddening for her. At least Naruto was able to hit him and hurt him. Gritting her teeth in a bit of anger, Cammy threw a hard kick that once again was guarded against by Bison, only it knocked him back a few feet. Apparently surprised by the strength behind it, Bison narrowed his eyes on her.

It even surprised her that she managed to budge him to that extent when he had even been fully braced for it. It was then that she realized she had been fighting foolishly. While it wouldn't be nearly enough to match, she did have her own touch of Psycho Power within her to use to try and lessen the gap.

While she was apprehensive about using it, if Naruto could feel comfortable using his own strange red energy she could stomach using the little bit of power within herself. If nothing else she had to try, "Lock on…" Cammy lunged forward with her legs outstretched straight as she spun like a screw through the air, her legs coated in the unwanted energy that lay within her.

But for right now it would be what fueled and powered her fastest technique, making it her most devastating sudden attack to use as well. Bison was no fool and knew that he had to block or else he would have been in quite a bit of trouble. He was easily able to do so, outright overpowering Cammy's Spiral Arrow with his own imposing force.

She was not done however, as she contorted her body mid-move to place her hands onto the ground where she kicked up at Bison, driving her boot directly under his chin around his guard. She rose into the air along with him with the kick and made to wrap her legs around his head where she flipped back and slammed him on the top of his head on the ground with a crash, "Gyro Drive Smasher! Finish!"

The sheer amount of oomph she had to put behind her every motion to move Bison even a foot was considerable. It was like trying to budge a granite statue. But she got him. She nailed him with the crux of her combination and he would definitely be waking up with a stiff neck once it was all said and done, if he ever woke up again.

She doubted he would.

And that left her attention to turn towards Naruto who in the few seconds it had taken her to attack Bison managed to stand back up, still with his two-tailed chakra cloak up. As she approached him she was still rather wary of him and chose not to get too close, "Are you alright Naruto?"

Every so often Naruto would twitch from the discomfort of using the Kyuubi's chakra to that extent, but he managed a stiff nod regardless. He was still the one in full control. No angry bloodlust clouding his judgment past the norm due to his self-control. That was good. All of that training by himself in the mountains outside of Aohura City's limits to be able to reach and maintain a second tail's worth of the viscous chakra was well earned. He just hoped he wouldn't have to go any further because he wasn't sure if his limit could hold up

Still, Cammy was rather freaked out. Understandable because Naruto was on all fours, hands and feet touching the floor like some kind of animal.

In a flicker of purple energy, Bison appeared directly between the two, much to Cammy's surprise as she had never even felt him stand back up and Naruto hadn't seen him. Prioritizing Naruto as the one that was more dangerous, he grabbed Cammy by the back of the neck in a crushing grip and held her up in front of Naruto.

It was just short of both of Naruto's chakra tails engulfing him to tear him asunder, but he would have been doing the same to Cammy as well. The angry look in Naruto's eyes at having yet another comrade used against him in some way by Shadaloo was seriously wearing on his nerves, and when using the Kyuubi's chakra that was the last thing anyone wanted to do to him.

Bison's eyes lit up in interest as the whites of Naruto's eyes began to turn pure red and his chakra cloak began bubbling more intensely. His chakra was beginning to get so intense that the tile on the floor started melting beneath his feet, "And yet you have even more you haven't shown me?" His grin turned positively malicious as his own body exploded with waves and waves of Psycho Power, "So do I!"

His grip intensified exponentially and left Cammy desperately clutching at his hand around her neck, trying in vain to pry it off as he brutally choked her and attempted to snap her vertebrae.

"Die!" From the floor beneath Bison, a third chakra tail erupted and grabbed him around the ankle before pulling him underneath the floor, forcing him to drop Cammy to the ground. Naruto's third chakra tail dragged Bison through the underside of the floor, ripping up a trench in it before pulling him up and whipping him around where it hurled him straight into a wall hard enough to crack it from floor-to-ceiling and corner-to-corner.

Bison coughed blood and stood still facing the three-tail using Naruto who was staring and growling at him hatefully, "All that power and no control! It's pathetic! You're like a mindless beast!"

Well he had enough control to know that Bison was the person he wanted to render to a fine red paste, and that was all Naruto needed in his mind if he were able to think straight at that point. Naruto opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar that forced his pressurized red chakra out in a horrible shockwave that tore apart the floors, the surface of the walls, started bringing down the ceiling, and started cutting into pipes and severing wires, causing sparks and steam to fly all over.

Bison found himself pressed against the ruined wall behind him with crushing force. Despite the pain and the debris flying all about he grew angrier and angrier himself at Naruto's insolence. His uniform was rendered to tatters and his hat had been long since lost, showing his short slicked back dark hair that was very disheveled at this point.

He had not been honing his abilities for decades to be outclassed by some barbarian of a brat. His full-body aura turned black and dark purple instead of its usual light purple color and began radiating stronger and stronger from him, eventually crumbling the wall and pushing him out from Naruto's roar.

But Naruto didn't stop, and it looked like he was intent on bringing the entire building down as he continued to wail and expel chakra. But that all changed in a matter of moments.

"Final Psycho Crusher!" Bison came crashing back into the entire building, his entire body streaking at Naruto like a rocket or a meteor, complete with afterburners and atmospheric resistance, "I'll kill you, Killer Bee, the Dolls, and the other intruders as well! You're nothing to me!" A Psycho Crusher five times as powerful and encompassing slammed into the shockwave generated by Naruto's ongoing roar.

The human drill of Psycho Power punched a hole straight through the red outpouring of chakra and caused a massive explosion that blew apart the vast majority of the top of the Shadaloo base's main building.


(With the Others – Outside of the Shadaloo Base Main Building)

The top of the entire building getting blown apart clearly didn't go without notice to anyone.

All of the Shadaloo soldiers posted in front of it firing their weapons at the Interpol party were distracted with the blast and with the dodging of large chunks of brick and metal that fell to the ground from above. Thus they quickly fell prey to the able-bodied fighters that took them down within seconds.

"I thought you said you had the explosives wired to blow after twenty minutes! We've still got eight minutes left!" A limping Guile said as he walked up to the young Chinese woman, flanked by the battle-weary Charlie and Sakura. Ryu was still on Ken's shoulder due to his outright exhaustion from all of the things he had been through, leaving Chun-Li as the healthiest of the lot of them.

"That wasn't from my C4 dumbass." Chun-Li said, shooting a quick glare at Guile, "There wasn't a bit of fire in that explosion and if that blew up then everything else I set around this place would have gone up too. I triggered it all for twenty minutes."

Sakura tried squinting but there was too much dust from the ruined building materials clouding the scene of the blast for her to make anything out. Not only that, but it was high enough that she couldn't see anything past the edge, "I can't see anything. I think the entire top floor is gone." That was scary. And Naruto and Cammy were in the middle of that? Not for the first time, Sakura wished she could scale a wall like Naruto could.

Ryu got in touch with his senses and cringed at the smothering atmosphere that engulfed the area. Not only was it saturated with Bison's evil energy, but another powerful one as well… one that had a signature at its core that reminded him of Naruto.

It couldn't be that he was tapping into that supply that lay within him could he?

And just like that it was gone. The air seemed clear of malevolent presence. So was whatever happening up there over?


(Destroyed Top Floor of Shadaloo Base Main Building – Naruto/Cammy vs. M. Bison)

The shock of Naruto going all-out and exuding three tails of chakra managed to snap the Dolls out of their unconscious state and let them leave the Psycho Drive sanctum just as Naruto's chakra shockwave began tearing it asunder. They had also taken the time to assist Cammy as well as she was not exactly in top condition, but they had managed to evacuate the area before Naruto and Bison's clash.

Not that it mattered too much when the entire top floor of the building was leveled. It didn't matter which room they were in when it happened if it wasn't anywhere downstairs, because every bit of it felt the sudden outburst of their combined energies.

It was all just a pile of rubble up there, with the very glaring exception of the bulky Psycho Drive machine and the frame of the annex that it had been placed in surrounding it. That damn thing was seriously well made.

Cammy stood up as did the other Dolls, dusting themselves off and wiping the smudges from their faces as they looked around for any sign of the two combatants from before, "Killer Bee, do you believe any of them survived?" Juli asked, much to Cammy's surprise.

"You aren't in a haze anymore?" That came as a pleasant surprise to Cammy. So now they were starting to think a bit. Juli's nod confirmed this much. They were probably taking things in the same manner she had. It took her a bit before she was able to start stringing things together outside of the basic ways of self-operation herself, "I… don't know."

"Do you think they killed each other?"

"Naruto Uzumaki's strength was surprising."

"Where did their energies go? I can't feel Uzumaki or Master Bison at all."

Oh, so now the Dolls were chatty. Well stake curiosity as the first thing the girls felt apparently, because they were expressing it in droves with their monotone questioning.

Amidst all of this, elsewhere on what used to be the top floor a rather large slab of rubble that used to be part of a wall was flipped over to reveal Naruto in his tattered and beaten up fighting gear. Even his mesh armor undershirt had very large holes all in it, and the necklace given to him by Tsunade back in his world was still prominently on display around his neck underneath it all.

"Ugh…" Naruto groaned as he was caked in his own blood and grime from the previous destruction. The Kyuubi's chakra had receded when he possibly knocked himself unconscious momentarily (either he knocked himself unconscious or Bison did it during the explosion, he couldn't rightly remember, not that it mattered either way), "I don't… that was…" He didn't know quite what to say, not that there was anyone to speak to.

But from not too far away he saw Bison slinking towards the Psycho Drive. He had a noticeable limp and didn't quite look like the imposing, regal military megalomaniac that he had come off as when Naruto had first seen him.

All Naruto knew though, was that he and Cammy had discovered Bison when he had exited the Psycho Drive chamber, and now he was limping towards it like his life depended on it. Not today he wasn't. Naruto still had weapons on him and brandished a kunai that he let fly with enough accuracy to bury it in Bison's upper back.

The man howled in pain before pulling the knife out of his back and turning around to hatefully glare at Naruto, "You… can just die already!" He shouted as he started limping towards Naruto, but that limp turned into a berserk charge as his right hand flickered with what seemed to be his last dregs of Psycho Power, "Die!"

"You die!" Naruto shouted as he charged right at Bison as well. Though there wasn't much pep in his own step, unlike Bison he wasn't limping. And while he was just a touch short of running on an empty tank of gas so to speak, he still had all he needed to form a legitimate attack, "Rasengan (Spiraling Sphere)!"

The spinning blue orb held by the faster Naruto smashed right into Bison's chest, digging in for a moment before propelling him head over heels through the air. His body bounced off of the frame of the Psycho Drive chamber like a super-ball, the sound of his impact against the metal sounding off like a gong. His battered body flew back, falling to an uneasy rest on the ground.

Naruto walked over to Bison's motionless body as the previously observing Dolls and Cammy did the same. Naruto kept a wary eye on them, but Cammy gave him a look that told him that it was okay. Apparently with them being self-aware and with Bison's threat and follow-up attempt to kill them they knew well enough to let it be and refrained from attacking Naruto again. He wasn't their enemy.

That was good because he didn't know what he had left to give if he had to fight again.

A single kunai was drawn from Naruto's pouch as he drew nearer and heard Bison's labored breathing. All of the battles of the day were catching up to him. He had thoroughly exerted himself against Naruto and Cammy, and he had just recently repaired his body after having it decimated by Ryu earlier. If he could have just reached the platform of the Psycho Drive, then he could have began restoring himself again and replenishing his energy, something that Naruto couldn't do on the spot.

That was irrelevant though. Now he was unable to move from the devastation that Naruto's Rasengan dealt him, and said boy was stalking towards him with one of his black ninja knives intent on ending it all right then and there. But did he have the will to really go through with it.

From what he had seen during the battle, Naruto was unwilling to strike down an enemy at the cost of an ally. That was just perfect. He still had a chance yet.

A bloody cough came from Bison's lips as he grinned at the sight of Naruto standing over him with his kunai poised to finish the job as he grabbed a hand full of Bison's hair to hold his throat back. Oddly though, Bison didn't show any fear, as if he had another card up his sleeve, "Go ahead and kill me. I suppose you'll be digging thirteen other graves as well for the ladies with you."

"What?" Naruto stayed his blade just short of drawing its edge right across from ear to ear, "You didn't kill any of us. And when I kill you, you won't hurt anyone else ever again."

Bison's cackle was weak but was still mocking in its tone as he turned his solid white eyes to Cammy, "Killer Bee… you are a partial genetic clone of me as I've said already. Not only that, but the Dolls were also infused with a bit of my Psycho Power during the brainwashing process. I invested in a little failsafe in case my beloved bodyguards ever turned against me." His red-stained teeth shone through as he grinned, "If I die, due to my psychic meddling you'll die as well. We're connected you see."

Upon hearing that, Naruto abruptly let go of Bison's head and backed away from him. He let his kunai fall from his hand as he looked at all of the Dolls and their impassive stares. One man's death that needed to die in exchange for thirteen girls that never had a choice in the matter of how they lived.

'I… I can't kill him.' From Bison's victorious laughter, he obviously knew what Naruto was thinking. After all that. It wasn't like he could hand him over to be arrested either, because he'd be out in no time. He was strong enough to do so easily even without having an entire criminal organization at his back, 'But I have to. If I don't… who knows what'll happen?'

Naruto started looking from one of his hands to the other as if he were weighing the consequences of his possible actions next, but the abrupt collective cries of pain from the Dolls got him to turn around defensively only to see them all on the ground holding their heads in pain.

His gaze moved a bit further only to see Cammy on the ground in similar straits. Bison lay in the same place as before only with his lifeblood draining from his chest where his kunai was buried.

She did it?

Naruto walked over to Cammy and kneeled down by her as she was barely on her hands and knees, in obvious pain as she held her head and whimpered helplessly, "Cammy why? He said you were going to die if he-."

"I did things… terrible things." Cammy struggled to say in explanation, "We all did. It doesn't matter if we knew it at the time or not." Her strength finally gave out and she sank facedown onto the ground, "We killed so many people. Ruined so many lives. As long as he's dead… it doesn't matter if we are too."

"That's bullshit! One life isn't worth thirteen even if it is Bison's!" Naruto shouted angrily. Why was he powerless like this? In his rage he kicked repeatedly at Bison's lifeless body before picking him up by his collar and shaking him, "Goddamn you!" Naruto slammed his head forward into Bison's face with a vicious headbutt, "Wake up! Wake up so I can kill you again myself!"

He openly raged, but eventually stopped and started calming himself down as he threw Bison's body away like garbage. Not caring if his head and neck snapped violently off of the metal monster of the Psycho Drive. He wasn't going to respect that son of a bitch's corpse. He'd piss on it if it were the time or the place for it.

It just wasn't fair.

"…-cho Drive…"

Naruto could hear Cammy's voice and looked at her again to find her arm outstretched towards what was left of the Psycho Drive chamber and the large machine within it. He frowned in confusion, but realized that she wanted something with the Psycho Drive machine.

Scooping her up on his back, Naruto walked her into the frame of the machine and stood on top of a platform that seemed to be where Bison would place himself whenever he used the machine, "Why here?"

"This is what he uses when he brainwashes people." Cammy explained with her face twisted in pain, "I'm his clone and I have some Psycho Power, so maybe…" Biting back a pained cry, Cammy began trying to focus her energy the way she did whenever she utilized her Spiral Arrow attack. It was the only time she ever drew upon it.

It was a total long-shot of an approach. If Naruto were to take the realist approach he would say that he was horrified that he was about to watch thirteen sixteen year old girls die right in front of his eyes.

But then the Psycho Drive kickstarted.

Due to the damage that the room with the pipes and wires that held the task of stabilizing the machine had endured, mostly centered around the fact that the rood didn't exist anymore, sparks and dangerous bolts of electricity ripped and crackled from it all around them as Cammy's entire body glowed purple.

All of a sudden Cammy's body stopped involuntarily convulsing in pain and she went silent much to Naruto's alarm. He set her down and checked her over only to find her breathing evenly. Upon an observation of the other girls scattered around the ruined top floor it showed that they too were resting easily.

Naruto looked down at Cammy in surprise as he understood that she had merely chosen to wing it. She had been banking on the hopes that her composition as a clone made from part of Bison's genetic makeup and her installation of Psycho Power made her compatible with the machine, thus allowing her to will the mental connection between Bison and the Dolls away.

An astonished laugh left Naruto's throat before he stood back up and scratched his head, "She really did it…" He couldn't think of a time when he had formed the hand-seal for Kage Bunshin with any more relief in his system, "Alright, let's set the explosives for this stupid thing and get them all out of here."


The others had busied themselves with handily dispatching every last hapless Shadaloo soldier that had tried to put them down, managing to take out well over two hundred between all of them with the exception of Ryu and Guile as they were injured and exhausted.

Down at the front door of the base, the able-bodied members of the party took turns trying to blast the door open or to break open a wall, but it wasn't made of easily breakable material as they would come to find out, "What the hell is this base made of?" Ken mused. Breaking bricks was no sweat for him, but he was barely busting these at all, and he didn't even want to get started on that door, "Come on. We've got two minutes! We've got to-."


An even dozen Naruto clones came clamoring down the wall of the building, each one holding an unconscious Doll in their arms with huge victorious grins on their faces. They all looked like hell warmed over, but that didn't seem to matter too much to them.

The original descended a moment later with Cammy, still completely out of it on his back, "Killed him." He said plainly as if that explained everything.

Charlie's eyes widened in pure shock at what he had just heard, "You killed him? Him as in Bison?" Naruto nodded, only shocking him more, "All by yourself?"

The fellow blonde blinked in confusion before shrugging, "Well, Cammy and the Dolls helped. Oh, and Cammy's the one that actually killed him. It's a long story. Can we leave now?"

"Hell yes we can leave!" Chun-Li shouted from the military supply truck she had gotten behind the wheel of the moment that Naruto had shown himself to be alive. She pounded the metal door of the truck through the open window and hit the horn, "We've got two minutes left before we all die so load those girls up, hop in the back, and let's go!"


From the air, a figure leapt down and crushed the entire hood of the truck, engine and all underneath their boots.

Everyone looked absolutely horrified at the sight, but Naruto was the first person to voice his own thoughts on the matter, "Stay dead like a normal person!" He shouted, feeling his fatigue come back ten-fold at the mere sight of a seemingly alive M. Bison, "You were dead! I felt it! You were bleeding out, you didn't have a pulse, you weren't breathing! Nothing, 'tebayo!"

He looked like he needed to be no place but in the hospital, but he was still standing and more importantly his body was producing Psycho Power again. Before he was killed he definitely didn't have anything left, and now he looked ready to fight yet again.

Chun-Li crawled out of the driver's side of the truck and fell to the ground, clutching an injured arm from where Bison had nearly crushed the cab, "Ah… I thought you said Cammy killed him."

Bison jumped down from where he had been on the hood of the truck and started stalking towards the others, "You can't kill me. It's simply impossible." He laughed loudly and looked at the unconscious Dolls, "When Killer Bee activated the Psycho Drive I was leaning against the outside of it. Thanks for that boy." He said to Naruto, "It's not much, but it gave me a jumpstart by mere contact."

He was dead. He was dead and Naruto basically enabled him to be defibrillated back to life when he chose to abuse the corpse of the wicked man. And they only had two minutes to get away, "I'll make sure you stay dead this time." Naruto said, though his shaky legs were telling another story. Just making the twelve clones to move the Dolls from the roof forced him to split his already pitiful last ditch reserves between them.

"You're first then!" Bison lunged towards Naruto to begin a Psycho Crusher but wound up getting blocked when Charlie got in his way, "Psycho Cru-!"

"Somersault Justice!" Charlie lashed out with an untraceable number of Flash Kicks that clashed with Bison's Psycho Crusher and knocked him back in something of a stalemate, "All of you go. He isn't stopping anyone today. Adults should be the ones to deal with things like this. Not kids." He said, shooting a reassuring smile to Naruto and Sakura who seemed extremely uneasy.

The first to dispute this was Guile, "No way! Why you?"

It wasn't a joking situation, but Charlie had to laugh at that question, "Between all of you, Ken has a concussion, the Sakura girl is hurt and just a kid, Chun-Li's arm is broken, Guile you can't walk a straight line right now with your leg and your arms are dead, Ryu's out of ki, and Naruto looks like he'll fall out any second." He then turned gravely serious and turned his attention back to Bison, "Now go! I'll be fine! Sonic Boom!" He let loose the brutal wave of ki at Bison before leaping at him and delivering a kick that the Shadaloo boss blocked.

"Come on!" Ken urged Guile on, dragging him by the arm to try and get him to leave along with the others who were willing to respect Charlie's choice to remain back and fight, "Go or you'll die here!"

"No! Let go!" Guile snarled, trying to fight himself from Ken's authoritative grip in vain despite his best efforts, "Charlie! Charlie we can beat him toge-!" He was then rendered unconscious by a precise shot to the neck from Ken.


The blades of a gunship helicopter cut through the high canopy of the deep jungle that had been concealing Shadaloo's base from sight. The force of the whirring propellers carried the vehicle as high and as far away as it could fast before a massive explosion erupted up and engulfed the entire area in flames, felling trees that lay within the base from the force of the blast.

Within the helicopter everyone remained deathly silent as they flew away.

While not proud of what he had done, Ken figured it was the best course of action given the circumstances. Guile would only have unnecessarily increased the day's body count if he had tried to stay back to fight Bison with Charlie. The two of them were easily outclassed when they had at first been healthy. And even if they had managed to defeat him, within less than two minutes to boot, there would have been no time to escape whatsoever.

It was lucky that another method of escape was nearby or they all could have kissed their asses goodbye.

Chun-Li piloted the gunship as best she could with one arm, using Ryu to help her when she was unable to do certain methods. Neither of them were speaking as well. There was nothing to be said. They would reach the village that Naruto's group had been using as a base camp of sorts within two hours before the sun would set.

In the very back, the twelve Dolls and Cammy lay still unconscious with Naruto and Sakura watching over them all, trying to keep their minds from straying too much towards the sacrificial actions of Charlie. They barely knew him and he put himself on the line like that so they could all get away.

Quite clearly Sakura was visibly shaken. She had never seen such a thing, someone giving up their life for others. Sakura had never seen anyone die in front of her before, let alone someone dying that tried to protect her.

And Naruto… well he thoroughly blamed himself for the way things turned out. Were it not for something he couldn't have accounted for, they would have all been going home right then. But now they were missing one. When Guile woke up and started freaking out the way they knew he would, he was very tempted to let Guile take out his frustrations on him. It was his fault.

Him and his damn temper.


(Four Days Later – Rural Village by the Deep Thailand Village)

Guile didn't say a word to anyone upon awakening. He barely waited a day for his injuries to patch up before he set out on his own to return to his home in America. He would have a long trip ahead of him only to report on his friend's death to his superiors. He hardly even said goodbye, but everyone understood.

Chun-Li's current responsibility as the only remaining figure of any sort of authority amongst them was to find out the origins of the Dolls, to find out if there was any family that she could return the girls to once they awoke. Ken and Ryu were still around if only for the fact that Ryu didn't really have a home and because Ken wanted to hang around at least until the Aohura City crew went back to their city.

In the meantime the small village continued to play host to them for a short time longer. Just a few more days. It was almost time to head home very soon.

Inside of the local medical clinic, Naruto sat in a chair wearing a set of recreational clothes now that the fighting was over; a navy blue t-shirt with a black leaf insignia on the front and a snug pair of jeans with white shoes on his feet.

The sound of crutches tapping against the floor let him know that someone else had just entered. He didn't bother looking, instead choosing to stare at the Konoha headband in his hand. Yeah he was a real hero. He certainly was the best ninja in the world wasn't he?

And Dan Hibiki wasn't a total jackass.

A tanned-skinned hand swatted him over the top of the head, "Stop sulking. You're not even mourning over Charlie-san anymore. You're just pouting about how you fucked up." Pulling up a chair next to Naruto, Batsu took a load off and sat down next to Naruto, "I fucked up too. Look at me. I didn't even get to fight in the end… I got taken out before then." He tapped on the cast that sat around his entire leg, "You wanna sign it?"

"I got a man killed Batsu." Naruto said, busying himself at that time with watching the doctor walk around to check in on the girls that remained there, "We all could have gotten out of there. We could be laughing and partying right now…" He shook his head and clicked his teeth, "I screwed up."

"You got them out." Batsu gestured towards the beds housing the remaining Dolls that were still with them. There were still eight from the original set, not counting Cammy of course, "If they were awake I don't think they'd say you screwed up." He chuckled a bit and put a small lecherous smirk on his face, "They're all hot too. I knew they would be. Even the Decapre girl in the mask that had burn on her face is pretty cute. I wish one of them lived near Aohura City… this is an automatic in for me."

Naruto rolled his eyes. Only Batsu would see this as a potential opening to take one of them out, "They're not normal girls man. What part of 'brainwashed assassin' don't you get?" He asked, "They're cool now, but they're totally brutal. If you try to mess around with one of them I bet they'll rip your junk off."

"I can think of worse ways to lose my junk." Idiotic comment aside, the two of them continued to just chill out in the only place in that part of the country by their guess that had A.C. "I'm glad that some of their families aren't dead… that's really good for them."

One of the Dolls called Noembelu got returned to her home; the Thunderfoot Indian tribe in Mexico. Apparently a man named T. Hawk had been looking for her for quite some time since her disappearance. Likewise went for the girls Aprile, Santamu, and Xiayu. Their families were very easy to reach out to as a matter of fact, as they had been the most recently taken out of the group.

"Speaking of women…" Batsu segued towards another point of conversation, "You haven't said anything to Sakura or Karin in days. Sakura's still pretty shaken up over the whole thing you know."

Naruto turned towards Batsu and raised an eyebrow, "Ryu isn't doing anything?" He figured that the hero worship thing would be reciprocated at least a little bit, but Batsu's shaking head gave him his answer on that front. Ryu was a bit unsocial even though he was a good guy and meant well, "…Goddamn it. Do I really have to talk to her about people dying?" That's not a particular conversation one endeavors to have with a teenage girl, "Why me?"

"Chun-Li's busy trying to get all of the Dolls situated with people to take care of them, and you're the only other person that's killed anyone before Mr. Ninja." But hearing Naruto whine again about something he didn't want to do was a good sign that he was starting to get back to normal. Yes… it was the job of the best friend to maintain his buddy's mental well-being.

Also his attempt at a laissez faire approach when it came to letting Naruto deal with the whisker-faced young man's own issues didn't work. Karin threatened him with even more bodily harm if he didn't do something positive because Naruto seemed to be intentionally avoiding everyone. Scary little rich girl…

Before they could continue to converse any further, the doctor spoke excitedly in Thai before motioning for both boys to come over to him quickly. Batsu grabbed his crutches and Naruto simply stood up and elbowed the sleep out of his legs before walking over.

A great bit of good news awaited them when they made it over. The first of the formerly comatose girls happened to be awake, and it was Cammy herself. Confused blue eyes looked around, eventually settling on another pair of blue eyes that seemed to be happy to see her, "Cammy you're awake! That's great!" Naruto said with a huge grin on his face. This was the first good news he had gotten in almost a week, "I can't believe you pulled off what you did back at the base, it was awesome!"

He didn't get an immediate response at first, only getting a bit of a blank look out of her. It wasn't the same blank look he had received back when she was soulless. This one was different. It was the kind of look that said that she didn't know what the hell he was talking about. Something that thoroughly threw him off because it had been the last time he had seen her or any of the Dolls conscious.

"I'm sorry…" Cammy said evenly in her British accent, feeling a bit uncomfortable because of how happy this exuberant boy seemed to be at her mere awakening, "…But I don't know who you are. Have we met before?"

Naruto's grin dropped and he just gave her a deer-in-the-headlights look at her very unexpected response while Batsu just palmed his face and muttered 'oh crap' under his breath, "Uh…what?" He asked Cammy a bit cluelessly, "Are you feeling alright?" She just raised an eyebrow at him as he pressed a hand to her forehead to feel her out for a fever or something. As far as he knew there was a chance she caught a nasty bug while skulking through the jungle, and he didn't know Thai that well so who knew what that doctor was saying?

Batsu on the other hand just shook his head and started hobbling out of the clinic on his crutches to go and tell someone about their rather startling discovery. He didn't need to be able to understand the doctor to know what was going on. Unlike Naruto who only owned a set for the novelty of it, Batsu actually watched copious amounts of TV, and he'd seen this scenario unfold enough times to know what was up.

"We can't ever just win can we? Noooo, that'd be too easy wouldn't it?" He griped on the way out, "The whole fucking world's against us dude, I swear to God."


(Undisclosed Location)

"Welcome to our base of operations master. We are of course at your service."

In response to the simpering underling that was sucking up to avoid a violent death from the very angry person, the door slammed directly in his bowing face with authority. The sound of heels clicking rang out through the room as the person walked into the bathroom and cast off the yellow scarf that until then had been draped around their arms.

The light flicked on and in front of the mirror stood Rose, looking at herself with a very hard gaze, seemingly judging and scrutinizing every single facet of her physical appearance with solid white soulless eyes, "It's so lucky her body was still unresponsive from running out of her 'Soul Power' while trying to destroy me. And it's so lucky that she was still within Thailand in a village near the temple I defeated her at as well." A sinister grin came over her face at that point, "It seems casting all of the good out of my soul into this created form was useful for more than just letting me master my Psycho Power."

Her body then began radiating sheer energy in the form of a sick purple aura around herself, as if to test it out in that form. The same energy of one M. Bison; Psycho Power. It was considerably weaker, but it was still more than present.

"She's so weak… but compatible enough with my soul for her to remain my temporary body until my scientists form me a new one to inhabit…"

It would take time. But then again time was something that Bison's 'immortal' soul had plenty of. He would always have a new trick right around the corner.

The sounds of the uncharacteristic cackles of an Italian female chilled many a Shadaloo employee in the same safehouse that managed to hear it. But then again… that was their M. Bison doing it from within her body after all.