
A Necromancer Noob

When a boy accidentally gets transported from his fantasy world to the modern-day, what will happen when the modern world is filled with corpses of flesh-devouring creatures, and his profession is dedicated to the dead themselves?

BrokenHope39 · 歴史
1 Chs

Failed Expirement

In a cobblestone-lined room brightly lit with floating blue crystals, wooden shelves filled with books giving off ancient auras lined the walls. In the center of the room, a boy with better than average features was looking at a corpse lying still on a wooden table in front of him.

The boy was about 14 in modern human standards, with curly dark brown hair reaching his shoulder blades, eyebrows in a naturally relaxed position yet still sharp, murky green eyes, a pointy nose, and semi-thin lips with small curves at the corners giving him a default happy face.

He has a height tall for his human age, around 5'8, with an athletic build, his slightly defined muscles being hidden under simple commoner clothes from the medieval times.

"I'm telling you, just because the last 3 people exploded into a wet and chunky paste, it does NOT mean that you will! Just imagine, Urik the revived, brandishing his greatsword while riding a bone horse into battle! You will be famous!"

The boy said in a semi loud voice, raising his hands into the air for effects, and smiling as his eyes sparkled.

The corpse didn't respond, but the boy's grin widened as he hummed a happy tune to himself and stared at the corpse while whispering seemingly gibberish to a modern human, but the demon lord's words would be recognized by all inhabitants of this world.

The energy in the room seemed to respond, as faint cries echoed in the background, coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. The wind blew slightly, ruffling the boy's hair slightly as he continued his whispers.

The corpse twitched, the fingers on its hands clenched barely visible, and the boy started chanting faster. The screams in the background grew, sounds of agony banged against the walls as the wind grew rampant, loose pages from books flew, the boy's hair danced in the air.

Just when the boy was about to stop chanting, the corpse started to gurgle.

He clenched his teeth as he dived under the table, making sure to grab any pages near him as well.

The corpse started to convulse, shaking the table as the gurgling sound increased. The screams of agony turned to demonic laughter, the wind flew straight at the boy, making the pages he was holding fly out of his hands and around the room.

He grabbed the legs of the table nailed into the ground to make sure he didn't slide away, before noticing a trail of thick, reddish-black smoke, trailing along the legs of the table and onto his hands.

His previous grimace turned into an extremely surprised and happy expression, as he cupped the smoke and brought it to his face.

He opened his mouth as the smoke, with a mind of its own, floated into his orifices, and he absorbed all the smoke from the trail before jumping out from under the table.

"Haha, the essence of the demon lord actually appeared from such a crude experiment! This will at least triple my power!"

He laughed as he saw the cloud of smoke on the table, unable to see the corpse he was talking to moments ago.

He touched a simple golden ring on his finger and a tube with a wide end and a small end appeared in his hands. He put his mouth on the small end and literally sucked up all the smoke he calls the 'essence of the demon lord'.

When he felt the heat in his lungs and stomach, he quickly grabbed the arm of the now visible corpse, and ripped it off with a small struggle, before biting into the bone of the forearm, and shutting his eyes as he clenches his teeth.

The extreme pain he expected never happened though, and as he opens his eyes, he sees he's in a strange world he has never imagined existed before.


He says aloud, looking at the tall metal rectangles touching the sky, and the colorful metal rectangles dented and destroyed on the hard black ground with a yellow line in the middle and 2 white lines on the sides stretching for as far as he can see.

After a few seconds of digesting what just happened, he was bombarded with a vast amount of energy.

"How is there so much essence of the dead here? Did I just teleport to an undiscovered land full of dead corpses!?"

He questioned aloud in excitement as he imagined an army of powerful creatures at his bidding. After getting out of his daydream, he went to where the smallest amount of the 'essence of the dead' was to test the waters before he kills himself.

He curiously checked everything he saw as he walked, and noted that the tall metal structure was actually buildings made of metal, wood, and glass, with all things very technologically ahead of his homelands. He hasn't quite figured out what the metal boxes are though, but that they are some type of enclosed structure with legless chairs.

He takes two of almost anything he sees, that alone filling a quarter of his spatial ring.

He has noted he understands the writing and numbers of this land, something he has yet to figure out, but suspects are some type of undetectable learning magic.

When he finally gets close to where the small amount of death essence is, he is wearing a red t-shirt with a black guitar on it and cargo shorts, with knee-high white socks and expensive neon green tennis shoes.

It wasn't hard for him to figure out how the shoelaces worked, as he already what shoelaces are.

He looks at the area where he senses the death essence and almost cries at how surprised he was.

"Why is the energy signaling that it's dead? It's clearly been resurrected as a Demon fodder."

A generic zombie was stumbling about, pale skin, major sags around its eyes, bloody mouth and hands, with lifeless grey eyes.

He gets excited at the prospect of writing down an unknown situation in the books of necromancy and skips over to the literal flesh-devouring creature while humming the same tune from before.

And so, the journey of a Necromancer noob begins.