
A Natural Magician

In a fantasy world of magic and swords, I, an ordinary person, soar freely, taming powerful magical beasts, conquering top-tier beauties, and leaving behind the name "Demon God King" that resonates throughout the ages.

llllliumuyan · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 7: A Rage for a Beauty

In the streets of the capital city "Airexion" of the Babunika Kingdom, a man and a woman arrived.

The man, around twenty years old, wore a robe of a magician, but his handsome face was filled with a roguish air, lacking the composure and solemnity expected of a mage.

The woman, however, was a rare beauty, with golden hair that shone like the sun cascading down her back. Her graceful figure was adorned in exquisite silver armor, and she carried a long sword on her back, exuding a heroic elegance.

Yes, that was me and Livia.

After a chaotic battle in the forest, the two elders had tasked Livia to accompany me to "Airexion" to save Princess Olena with Phoenix Blood, while they focused on studying ways to send me back to my original world.

I didn't bother verifying their sincerity; having Livia, such a stunning beauty, as my companion was more than enough motivation for me, even if it meant descending into hell.

After that embrace, Livia's attitude towards me had changed completely. Though she still wasn't very talkative, she often looked at me with a strange gaze, and whenever my eyes met hers, she would blush and lower her head, exuding an alluring charm.

Livia had visited "Airexion" with her father before, so she was familiar with the way. Once inside the city, she led me straight to the royal palace.

I grasped her delicate hand and said, "ya , let's grab a meal at a restaurant first before going to the palace, alright? We don't know what's going to happen there."

Since arriving in the Holy Magic Continent, I had been fascinated by the local cuisine. Though I couldn't find apple, there were many dishes and varieties I had never seen before, most of which were delicious, making me salivate just thinking about them.

Livia didn't mind my nickname "ya" and gave me a look filled with seven parts of helplessness and three parts of coquettish reproach. "You scoundrel, I really don't know what to do with you."

We entered a restaurant, and Livia's stunning beauty immediately drew the attention of everyone. She frowned, and a chill aura emanated from her graceful body, making those with any sense immediately avert their gazes.

A man sitting in the farthest corner caught my attention. He was a young man not much older than me, tall and muscular, clad in silver-white knight's armor. Next to him was a large sword and a shield. He was looking at Livia with a smile.

My heart immediately soured, and I was about to teach this guy a lesson, but then I heard Livia exclaim with surprise, "Parker? What are you doing here?"

That guy—Parker—looked at me with interest and said, "I'm here for business, of course. Strangely, the usually icy 'Phantom Swordswoman' Livia is appearing with a man. Who is he?"

Livia glanced back at me, and a faint blush appeared on her delicate face, making her even more beautiful.

Parker exclaimed, "Ah, you're blushing? No, you can't be Livia. Say, why are you pretending to be her?"

Seeing Livia talking and laughing with him, I was consumed by jealousy and could no longer contain myself. Though I often flirted with her, I had truly been captivated by her and genuinely liked her.

With a surge of magical power, I dispersed it outward, causing the tableware and glasses in the restaurant to explode, sending the diners into chaos.

Though I didn't intentionally target Parker, most of the magical energy flowed towards him with my gaze, even affecting Livia, who exclaimed, "Scoundrel, don't..."

Hmm, she's really protective of that guy.

My jealousy surged, and all my energy immediately focused on Park.

Park's expression tightened, and he said to Livia, "Is he the teacher's new student?"

Livia nodded, and Park laughed loudly, drawing his large sword from the table beside him and slashing at me with a void cut. The magical energy flow was divided in two by the supersonic airflow emanating from his sword, passing by him.

My fighting spirit surged, and this was the first time I had longed for a battle so much, apart from the last time with the Chattering Bird.

I shouted to the people in the restaurant, "You guys get out, or you'll be responsible for the consequences." Then I prepared to attack by forming hand seals.

Livia was greatly alarmed and was about to say something, but Park stopped her. "Don't worry, I won't hurt him. I just want to see how much he's learned from the teacher."

He didn't know that Livia wasn't worried about me, but afraid that I, who was still unable to fully control my magic power, might do something irreparable.

Pointing my hand, more than ten "wind arrows" with a blue aura shot straight at Park, their piercing whistle deafening.

Park exclaimed with approval, and his body flashed with incredible agility, dodging through the gaps between the "wind arrows." He swung his sword straight at me, using the most effective close-quarters combat against magicians.

Because magicians devote themselves to studying magic, they lack exercise and have weaker physiques. Additionally, chanting spells takes time, so they fear close-quarters attacks the most and usually have warriors to protect them.

However, I am an exception. Looking at Park charging at me, I smiled coldly and struck out horizontally at him with my hand like a knife.