
A Naruto Novel, Maybe

Hiro is a middle aged man. After cuckolded by his wife, he had a accident and died. Then he reborned to Naruto World. INO X OC NO HAREM BECAUSE I HATE IT.

TheVeteranReader · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter Two: The Hidden Things (EDITED)

Author Note:

English is not my first leanguage.

Sorry for misspelling.

Don't forget to comment. Your comments so important for me.

Give me your soulstones heheheheeh


A young child was running between trees in the forest behind the orphanage. He was constantly forcing himself to break his limits. He was sweaty and tired, but he had a smile of satisfaction.

"This feeling... It has been so long. I nearly forgot how good the feeling of powering up and burning muscles. Hufh...

Okay. This is enough. Now push-ups."

Hanging on a thick tree branch, he pushed himself upwards. He did it till his arms couldn't push himself up. After he did exercises, he fell on his ass. He felt so fucking hungry now.

"Oh boy. I feel like I can eat a whole cow. Well, It is time to eat!"

He goes in front of a tree. The tree has a hole in the middle. He put his hands in after searching for some time, he took a bag from

inside of tree. He opened the bag and took a dried beef from inside. Then he went to under a shadowed tree and crouched there. He took a bite from dried beef.

"How many years have been I here? Umm. Four, probably. Yeah, four. I am now four years old. I have been doing exercises for 1 year. Furthermore, I started to read all the good books in the orphanage. I have enough knowledge for now, but the most important thing, I still didn't go into chakra control. I don't remember how they do it, and I don't want to risk myself.

Maybe I should ask Aki-nee about how to do it. Yeah. I observed her for a while. She didn't seem to a suspect me. Also, from what I learned about her: She is an ex-jounin or something. She has knowledge about this shit... My relationship with her is also good. She will certainly accept this. Hehehe. Doing chores are paying up."

After he dusted his ass, he went to the head caretaker's room. When he went there, Aki-nee was sitting in her chair. While sitting, she was reading a document. Before he entered, he clicked the door.

"Aki-nee, are you available? I want to ask something from you."

Aki-nee lifted her eyes from the document which she was reading. She smiled when she saw me. "Hi there, Hiro. Yeah, I am available. What do you want to ask from me? Is it about your little hidden training? Kuku... I was waiting for you to ask me."

Hiro asked while fidgeting with his hands. "Ummm... Yeah. Sorry for not saying. I want to ask you about how to train my chakra. Again, sorry for not saying..." He played with his fingers while saying this, embarrassed.

Aki-nee leaned over her desk. 'Huge! Luckily, I am in a child's body...' She took my cheek between her fingers and started to play with them.

"No problem, my little pervert. I can help you with your problem. Meet with me after the lunch in here."

'Ughh... I must find a blonde, busty woman like her. Sigh.' After his little pervert panic attack, he said thank you to Aki-nee and went out of the room.

*After the lunch*

'I have been waiting here for more than half a hour. This busty blonde has an inner Kakashi?' He was waiting in Aki-nee's room.

"Ohohoo. Sort for waiting you, my little pervert. Now, come with me." She said while standing in front of the bookshelf. She grabbed a book from the shelf and pulled it. Then the entire bookshelf slides back and a new room appears.

Hiro was looking confused. "What about is this room?" ' She knows about Danzo and she certainly doesn't like him, probably.

"Just a precaution, Hiro. Nothing to be worried about. Ah. Come inside. This place is a secret practice place. I made it. When you were practicing something, you can come here. This place is also soundproof."

Hiro lifted his one brow above. 'Oh boi, is she a sugar-mama? So fucking rich. She is certainly not a normal jonnin.' As he went inside, the bookshelf disguised hidden door closed from behind him.

"Sit in front of me. Cross your legs like this. Yeah, like that." He sat in front of her and crossed his legs as she instructed. "Umu. Now close your eyes and start to make your mind blank. When you made your mind blank, you had to look deep in your body. You must feel a string. Grab that string and pull it. It will naturally go in your chakra veins. After you done what I said, relax yourself and ta-da~! You unlocked your chakra."

He suddenly awoke from his meditation. He felt a new weight in his body, a new source. It didn't feel like his blood. Instead of it, It felt like playable water. He can move it in his body like strings. "Is this chakra? It felt strange and my body aching lightly. I am also sensing it outside my body." He said as he looked up. When he looked up, he sensed additional things from Aki-nee. "Congratulations, Hiro. You are a sensor! That's why you are sensing my chakra. Now let's scale your chakra. Do you sense your chakra in your body? Let it out simply." He did what Aki-nee instructed. When he finally let go chakra out, he felt something broke inside of him. He heard a dragon roar and his chakra went outside his body like a river.

'Crack! Crack!'

The ground cracked as he let his chakra out. He was in a trans, then he remembered that he was in a room. He took back his chakra to his body. "What was that?" He asked to Aki-nee.

Aki-nee must feel shocked too that her mouth was open. She broke from her stupor swiftly. She hugged him. "Oh, my little genius pervert! You have near jonnin level chakra in this age!"

'Eh... I fucked up this time hugely... Hugely! I hope that she won't say other something about this. I don't want to be brainwashed in my little age.'

"Hehe. I can picture myself. Hidden Leaf's genius's teacher. Huhu. Such fame and glory.

But my little pervert, we should hide you until you had enough backing. I don't want you to become someone's brainwashed little soldier.

Okay. I will give you some basic chakra exercise." She grabbed a leaf from one of her pockets and placed it on her forehead. "You are a sensor. Look with care." Then she takes her hand from leaf, but the leaf still stands where she placed it. 'I remember. Is this leaf practice?' He then took the leaf from her and do it. The leaf sticks like that for one moment, then falls from his forehead.

Aki-nee pats his little head. "Okay. Do you understand now?" He nodded. "Before you sleep, you can practice. Don't do it in daylight. Okay? Our lesson ends here. You must come here tomorrow too." He nodded his little head again. After he said 'Thank you' to Aki-nee, he went outside.

*Bedtime 🌙*

Hiro takes a deep sigh, and he takes the leaf from his forehead. Doing some exercise before going to bed and then lies on his bed.

'Alright. I had a good goal ahead. I must reach gennin level power before academy. This means that I must learn taijutsu and shurikenjutsu. Huh. This day was tiring.

Umu. What was that sound when I unlocked my chakra? It is not normal. Did I have a bloodline? I hope, I had one. My future will be easier with it. Umu. Whatever... I am going to sleep now... Sleep...'


Aki looked back of little brown child. After he closed the door, "You can appear, bodyguard-kun."

Beside her, a dark shadow appeared. "Young master's bloodline so pure and powerful, my lady. He will take the mantle of the clan head perfectly."

"Yeah, bodyguard-kun. He is such a fine boy. He is even better than his dad. Huhu. You can't find such a good shota in Hidden Leaf. He will take our revenge from that snake, certainly."

"Yeah, my lady. He will take. When should I expose myself? I hope that he will take news of our clan good when the time comes."

"Umu. We had an agreement with Senju clan back then. When the time comes, we will take our chances and revive our clan. We should wait patiently and nurture our young master."

"Yeah, young lady. For the clan."

"For the clan."


Hi there. Suprise chapter for you! Now give your money to me! Muhahahahahaha

Whatever. Don't forget to comment and give stones to me.


A)Ino Yamanaka(pls select this)
