
A Naruto Novel, Maybe

Hiro is a middle aged man. After cuckolded by his wife, he had a accident and died. Then he reborned to Naruto World. INO X OC NO HAREM BECAUSE I HATE IT.

TheVeteranReader · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter Twelve: Dragon Blood (EDITED)

don't forget to leave stone, comment and review.

There was a young man who was swimming in a sea of snakes. The world around the young man was borderless. Only pure black.

The young man's eyes were moving like crazy under his eyelids. It was giving vibes of a nightmare.

"Wake up." A deep voice from darkness requested the young man that he should wake up, but the young man still continued to sleep. "What a weak hatchling. He can't even beat a worm. Fine, I will wake up you myself then. *Loud scary roar*"When the voice finished its speech, a scary echoed in the darkness. Snakes stopped their crawling. They were like a prey paralyzed by fear of the predator.

Hiro opened his eyes in shock when he heard the roar. He felt that dread was filling his stomach. He feels something move inside his clothes. When he looked his around, he could see that little white snakes were wrapped around him. He felt that chills were going down his body. He tried to exit the snake mass, but he couldn't because they were wrapped around his body so much.

"So, you woke up hatchling. You are so weak. You need to be strong. The weak will be eliminated, strong ones will be the only remaining ones. Try to be alive after this." Hiro heard a dark, echoing voice from space. When the voice finished its speech, Hiro felt a pain like every bone in his body breaking, his flesh was eating by ants. He couldn't scream because his body was so stiffened that he couldn't use its normal functions. He could feel his soul was breaking apart, his mind was shattering at a fast pace.

Soon, memories started to pour into his mind. Hiro could see his memories, 12 years one and 30 years one. He could see them in a bird's-eye view. He watched them silently.

Likewise, he could see an abandoned child's rise to his greatness. He could see a faithful man doing good things for people. He could see a man finding his love and his love's betrayal to him. Finally, his death.

Next, he saw man's rebirth. He was born as an abandoned child again, but at the same time, he wasn't the same abandoned child from his past life. He was a child with memories of a 30 years old grown up man. Furthermore, he wasn't the same person. The memories were just a side additional for him. He did not live them.

Soon, he felt his memories were clashing. He felt a mental disorder in himself. He couldn't say who he was. Was he a child with a memory? Or was he a grown up man? "I... I... Who am I?" Hiro asked himself uncertainly. He felt his mind was falling into further mental disorder.

But at that moment, he remembered a voice saying to him something. "Accept yourself for who you are. In the end, everything will end. It is time to leave your past and become someone you wanted to be. You wanted to be free from every trouble, but you can't. Because you didn't leave your past where it belongs. As long as you live, there will always a hope for you, boy."

Hiro's eyes were tearing. "Godfather... I... I... Not only that, but I will leave it where it belongs then..." Hiro said as his uncertainty left him. He felt at peace. "I feel so good... It feels like home..." He felt power inside of him.

"Bring the power inside you out, kid. Roar like a beast! Break your shackles! " He heard his godfather's voice again. He felt something stuck in his throat. He roared to free it.


The surrounding space shook. Hiro felt the pain gone. Instead of pain, the feeling of being free and wild spread to his body. He felt his body was transforming. Spikes and scales were growing on his arms, legs and face. He felt his eyes were changing as well. He felt a unbearable heat inside of him.

"Release it, hatchling. Release your heat to you're around! Destroy everything! Feel the taste of a dragon's power!" He heard the voice in space again. Hiro listened to it and released the heat inside of him.

As he started the release, he felt a great pleasure inside of him. Fire was destroying everything. Soon he felt the cracking sound of thunder around him. He could feel it from inside his body. This was his power! Wild and free!

The surrounding snakes destroyed totally. He saw the soul part of Orochimaru disappeared into the jaws of a monster. Hiro saw the first time in his life such a thing, a Dragon. He saw the dragon was pitch black except his back. It has a red line on his back and red snake eyes.

The magnificent creature looked down at him. Hiro could feel pride from its eyes. "Hatchling. You are better than what I thought. You deserve this. Take it. It is yours." The magnificent creature said majestically. When it finished its speech, a dark flame and a red thunder surrounded the Hiro. Hiro felt the pleasure of power again. He could feel he was getting stronger by second.

"Now, get out." The dragon swung its wings sharply. Hiro repelled by force of swing. Soon, he disappeared completely.

The magnificent creature also disappeared into of space. "This will be interesting." Its voice echoed.


Kimi and Mura looked the scene in front of them. It was a familiar scene for Kimi. Hiro was laying beside a big crater. Mura also looked battlefield in front of him, stayed silent.

Kimi immediately ran to Hiro. She looked his pulse and started to cry. His pulse was still there, but she can see an unceasingly spinning half black, half white seal. She erased her tears and embraced Hiro gently. She looked at the Mura with a determined glance. "We need to run fast and inform the village. Orochimaru is so dangerous. " She said seriously. Mura also nodded seriously. "We should also bring Hiro to the medics, just to be sure."

Kimi nodded. They started to run towards the middle of the jungle again. They hoped that they won't encounter with anyone. While they were going, they sensed a group of people ahead of them. Kimi signed Mura to investigate it from far away. If they deem it dangerous, they would run away from there. Mura nodded and did a genjutsu on where they stood. "Genjutsu: False Surroundings." If someone looked at them far away, they would only see tree branches where they stood.

When they started the watch, they recognized one of the people. The person was Sakura. She was fighting against the 3 people alone." Should we help them?" Mura asked as he saw wounded Naruto and Sasuke. Kimi shook her head. "No need. That Lee brat and other brat would her? Ah. Look. Lee helped her." Kimi looked at them silently. Mura also falls silent. He looked at Hiro with a frown. "So weak. We are so weak. We would lose our friend to a snake if we weren't lucky enough..." He felt downcast. Kimi patted his shoulder and she smiled at him. " We will grow stronger together." Mura was about to smile too, but he felt a movement from Hiro. When he looked at Hiro, who was laying on a branch, he saw a dark fire covered up the seal on Hiro's neck. They watched in awe as dark flame eating seal away.

Soon a big white snake tried to escape from seal but dark flame transformed to a dragon head and teared snake to pieces in one bite. When seal erased completely, a new purple, dragon head like seal appeared on Hiro's neck.

"What is this?" Kimi tried to touch the seal, but took back her hand swiftly. Her hand burned by heat on skin of Hiro. She looked in fear to Mura. "What is happening to him? Why does he have so much heat on his skin?" She felt afraid something bad will happen to her friend. Mura also attempted to touch, but strangely, he didn't take back his hand. "It is cooling down. Probably a momentary increase. Let's go. We shouldn't lose time. Sakura will be safe." Mura said seriously. Kimi nodded and embraced Hiro again.

They started to run towards the tower. Soon, they arrived to the tower. Kimi took out scrolls and looked at the writing on the walls. "It is basically some bullshit. We should open the scrolls same time. Let's open!" Kimi said. She and Mura opened scrolls at the same time. When they opened, Iruka appeared in front of them. Iruka looked to Hiro with worry and celebrated them swiftly. They thanked him and immediately took Hiro to med bay.

They informed the Aki-nee after that, and they started to explain to her what happened. Aki-nee was listening quietly at first, but they heard her teeth crack by the pressure she was applying them. She looked so furious, she can kill people with her punch.

They left from there after paying a last visit to Hiro. They also informed their teacher about the situation and reported Homage about incidents.

"Are you certain, kids?" The Hokage looked seriously to them. They nodded. Hokage also nodded back to them. "You can go. I will handle the situation." Kimi and Mura bowed and get out outside the room. "Anbu. Inform the authorized ninjas. We will hold a meeting about security of exams. Danger grade is above what we expected."

Hokage calmly stared to space in front of him. He was about to continue to plan what to do, he heard knocking of the door. "You can come."

He saw Aki. He smiled and greeted her. "Aki. Come and sit in a chair." Aki wasn't smiling like him. She took a chair and sat down. "Hokage-sama, I wish to speak about a secret agreement. We will do it now. Let's speak." She took out a scroll and dropped her blood on it by slashing her hand with a kunai. The scroll opened by itself. There was a complicated seal on it. She pressed her hand on it. Then she looked at him.

The Hokage was silently watching her for the whole time. "So, your clan destroyed for real, huh. Our spies couldn't find its traces because it was destroyed by someone. Say to me, girl. Why are you doing this now?"

"Because our future clan head matured enough. I am not going against the agreement by hiding our clan head. It is a thing I can do according to our agreement."

The Hokage nodded. There will be no harm to taking a new clan to inside. He was watching a little girl from her childhood. She wasn't the first one from her clan to do this secret job. There will be a new one after Hokage changed. They weren't enemy of Leaf. They were a secret ally of Leaf.

He also dropped his blood. "You are a new clan of Leaf from this moment. Let's get along to each other. What will be named of your clan?"

"Pendragon. The chief of dragons."

Hokage nodded his head. "A good name. You need to join a meeting, to announce your clan, and it's clan members."

She nodded and went outside. Hokage sighed. "I am so old for this shit."